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Healing Chill (Trade Deal)

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:59 pm


Lumikki was tending to Geri in the stalls. Brushing out the canine’s fur as it has been a while. Geri was very visibly grateful, leaning into the girl as she worked. He could hardly stay still as she tried to comb through the more knotted parts. Constantly making her take breaks as he would lick her affectionately. She giggled each time his excitement got the best of him. The kisses tickled and his affection was what made this all worth it to her.

After some time of working through it, she finally got his worse knots out. At this point, she kept brushing his fur to bring out the shine. He was more calm by then, laying on the ground panting and still. She sat beside him leaning on Geri as she would brush away.

A raven from what she figured was from the Worth Woodsea. She sighed to herself as she was going to let go of her peaceful day.


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:26 pm


’What’s it looking like love?” She would say as the raven would meet with her. Landing to the ground right next her and nuzzling her leg affectionately. Lumikki would meet it back with her own affection. ”How cute of ye sweetheart.”

Finally the little raven brought herself to speak.”Hi, hi, hi miss Lumi. I’m Rana. I come after being asked nicely. A Druid man wanted your help. Says he’s got wares to sell. Medicine it was. Yes, yes it was. He says he cannot find clients. Figures the Raven Queen could help him scout some. Yes, could help scout some. Could you?” Lumikki caressed the little ones head as she spoke. Finding her energy charming.

”I suppose I have the time for it Rana. I don’t figure I need to armor up for this.” She gave Geri a nice kiss on the snout. ”I love ye boy. See ye again later.”


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:36 pm


Lumikki got up and put the tools away to the side. Trygve flew in by this time, curious from the sight of another raven. ”Well now, who are you?” He asked as he made his way to perch on Luumikki’s shoulder. Looking down the the raven on the still on the floor. The sweet girl jumped in place before introducing herself. ”Hi, hi, hi, Trygve yes? I heard of you. Heard you were prideful and annoying. I am Rana. Nice to meet you.”

He ruffled his feathers in annoyance. He didn’t care for the insult. And he sure didn’t know her well enough to want to take it from her. ”Excuse me? Did you not think that rude?” He was dead set on getting his apology. But Rana didn’t seemed to be bothered or notice his annoyance.

”You’re excused! And it can’t be rude if it is true.” Trygve scoffed and looked away. Too annoyed to entertain her anymore. All could be heard was a laugh nearby. Trygve already annoyed snapped his head the direction of the laugh.


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:50 pm


Lonu must of flew in on time to see what transpired for the raven didn’t miss a beat. He was sprawled on the floor laughing at the exchange, finding it quite the interesting sight.

”Haaahaahaha….She really has the grasp on you, ya know that. Though I wouldn’t take it to heart Trygve friend. It’s just the popular rumor and view point of you is all.Haahaaha perhaps you could take this as a wake up call to reinvent yourself. It did wonders for me. Haahaaha. Lonu didn’t mean to be rude himself but he understood the reason for the misconception. Trygve wasn’t good at garnering the respect from other ravens and it was only becoming common knowledge among them.

Trygve was only becoming more and more hurt by this all. When it shown enough that Lonu could notice, he did show his remorse. He flew up to nuzzle the bird in his apologies. ”I didn’t mean to wound your feelings friend. Only hammer the point that your would do best to become self aware. It is all well and good to become Lumikki’s most trusted adviser among the ravens but it would serve you well to be respected and beloved by out kin as well. They would better assist you on that dream of yours if you did.”

Trygve never honestly giving it all the much thought, took to thinking hard about what Lonu had just told him. Contemplating the validity of his words. ”Yes I think I need some time to myself. Go without me today.” Trygve flew off to Lumikki’s room leaving the three behind.


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:57 pm


”Not very vocal today are you miss Lumi? Nothing to add in that exchange?” The raven said as he watched the other one fly off. ”It’s just, I agree with ye. There are things he needs to know, think about, and understand. How he’s seen by the other ravens is important to his dream but I feel he’s too stubborn to listen and there is only so much I wanna crush his heart….”

”Aye…regretfully so..” The raven said mournfully.

”Yes, yes, yes. Shall we go now?” Rana brought the attention back on her. Reminding Lumi again she had a task to attend today. The Daemon sighed but a las she got ready to set out. Shifting to a raven herself before the trio set off to look into this druids quest. Stopping along the way to speak to other ravens in advance if they knew of any clients in need of medicine.


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:07 pm


On their way to Hollyhock village within the Erwyr Settlement known for house druids. The group encountered five other ravens along the way. Lumikki would inquire with them if they by chance knew of any villages nearby that housed a lot of sick at the moment. Most of the ravens did not, and so the set out to ask around noting that they would find her if there was word to bring back. The Daemon was quite thankful and pleased about this.

The was as well one other raven they did encounter along their flight that indeed heard a village that was not to far off with some trouble. Reporting many had fell ill as of late and they were all resigning in the medicine hut until further treated. If the people needed more medicine though, well that, the raven didn’t know. But the Daemon took the information as a chance to start there after they met with the Druid first.


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:18 pm


Finally the trio would meet with the Druid in question. With Rana leading the charge and helping them there. Lumikki spoke out before shifting as not to scare the man.

“Wow so it really does work. Speak to a raven and there’s a chance the Raven queen would answer to your quest. Good to know there are more options now.”

”If i had a choice in it, i would say I rather the quest board. This is somewhat annoying at times. But as I am still getting paid for my services, I’ll accept the quests for mow. So, Rana tells me you called me over to aid ye in finding clients for yer medical wares aye?”

“Yes, that would be my quest. I have a lot on hand at the moment that threaten to go bad soon. I don’t like to waste medicine of all things so I was hoping there were some folk in need not too far off to supply too so I could be rid of it in a way I prefer.” The man was packing up his massive backpack as he spoke. Making sure that nothing was left behind as he was sorting his stock. Just about when he was done he looked over to the Daemon once more.

“Oh yea, before I forget again, I’m David.” He held his hand out to Lumi as a form of greeting. Lumikki answered back by grabbing his hand back herself. ”Aye, nice meeting ye mate.”


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:35 pm


”So by chance i flew past some ravens along the way. Most are scouting on word on your clients, and one told me of some in need right now. The plan is to head their way now and get ye started there. Though i must insist on part of the profit for me efforts. Looking for buyers of yer wares should fall to ya after all.”

The man laughed. “Well ya certainly work fast, I’ll I’ve you that Raven Queen. And of course the title only gives away your clever nature. Though it didn’t prepare me for how bold you would be. Only fair as you said to pass you a cut, I agree. perhaps we could even become partners. It would only serve to aid the Worth Woodsea and do it wonders anyways. You can point me to the clients using your ravens and I could get them the medicine they need. I make my stock myself so replenishing it on the spot isn’t a problem. And I myself should manage well enough in meeting the demand. It’s just not easy moving around and hunting buyers. That is where I find myself struggling the most see.”

Lumikki would listen along to what he says, he seemed sincere enough. I would also be an easy way to grow her jewels and gather the things she needs. She wasn’t oppose to the idea or offer, so she shrugged. ”Can’t say I hate the idea and it would do me wonders I’m sure. I’m already getting popular as is so why not. Might as well continue to grow in favor I suppose.”

The merchant looked elated, and put even more pep in his step after hearing the acceptance of his offer.


Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:48 pm


In just a bit of time they made it to Hydrangea village. Lumikki spent the way getting to know David and Rana more. It seems she knew him for longer than Lumikki would of thought, the man nursing her back to health after finding her dropped form her nest. She finds that she visits him often and the both could agree they’re good friends. Though the man never thought he would ever get this close to understanding and talking to her since he doesn’t talk raven and never thought about encountering one that could.

With that he would also speak of some of the flowers he would seek for his medicines and wares and some of the processes to make them. The batch he had now were the excess of a trickier batch he made. Not realizing he made too much but he also didn’t want it to go to waste. Starting these trade routes he figure could really elevate his work though. And enlisting Rana’s help would give him a way into the raven system Lumikki established.

When they entered the village, David explained why they were there. Lumikki explained how they knew, most of the Worth Woodsea coming to know of her made that easy. The villagers were ecstatic and David got to work. Heading over to see what of his goods the people needed the most. He worked along side the doctors to sort it out, they ended up buying almost more than half of his stock. By the time the man was done and unloaded his bag was majorly light. He walked out with a goofy grin on his face and an eagerness to do more. Passing Lumikki a pouch of her fairly earned cut form the trade.


Curtain Call

Healing Chill (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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