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A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi]

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A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:34 am

A warm zephyr danced through Tōga's pink hair, the grains of sand shifting beneath his bare toes as he surveyed the endless expanse of the cerulean sea. The sun, a radiant orb suspended in the cloudless sky, cast a golden glow upon the shoreline, its warmth a soothing balm on his skin.

Much had transpired during his absence. General Kon, a stoic enigma shrouded in mystery, had been unexpectedly relieved of his command, a seismic shift that sent tremors through the ranks of the Rune Knights. In a surprising turn of events, Saturn, a towering figure of bovine strength and unwavering resolve, had ascended to the mantle of leadership.

The transition was swift, a whirlwind of political maneuvering and hushed whispers as the world held its breath, fearing the repercussions of a power vacuum within the esteemed organization. Tōga, one of the few who had shared a fleeting encounter with Kon, felt a pang of gratitude for the former general's enigmatic guidance.

Yet, Saturn was no mere substitute. He was a familiar face, a comrade whose unwavering loyalty and unwavering spirit had earned Tōga's respect and admiration. The Dragon Slayer, now a decorated Colonel, harbored no resentment towards the new General, only a renewed sense of duty to serve the Rune Knights with the same fervor he had displayed under Kon's command.

Saturn had already made his mark, conjuring a new base of operations seemingly out of thin air, christened the Vander Outpost. Tōga, among the first to receive the summons, had swiftly traversed the distance from Era, eager to witness the General's handiwork.

Now, as he stood at the edge of the world, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore a soothing symphony, he allowed himself a moment of respite. The intricate dance of politics and power struggles could wait. For now, he would bask in the embrace of the sun and the salty kiss of the sea breeze, a lone warrior finding solace in the embrace of nature's grandeur.

In the distance, the Vander Outpost stood as a testament to Saturn's vision, a beacon of hope and strength in an ever-changing world. Tōga knew that challenges lay ahead, trials that would test his mettle and push him to his limits. But as he inhaled the invigorating scent of the ocean, he felt a quiet confidence welling within him.

He was a Dragon Slayer, a warrior forged in the crucible of adversity. He had faced down monsters and emerged victorious, his spirit unbroken and his resolve unwavering. With Saturn at the helm, the Rune Knights would continue to be a force for good, a shield against the encroaching darkness.

And Tōga, with his mismatched eyes gleaming like twin stars, would be there every step of the way, ready to face whatever the future held, armed with nothing but his courage, his loyalty, and the unwavering belief that together, they could overcome any obstacle that dared to cross their path.

wc: 504


A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 4:38 pm

Ikanbi of the sands was out and about once more. For sure she had traveled now from shore to shore, but it was never such a bore. What then was there to be done for Ikanbi had not won and her quest for knowledge and magic had, well, so far been tragic. She knew what to do, truly, but things just never quite went smoothly. She thought of Kon, her great mentor, as she soared through the air without a care. Then she thought of Knuckles, a formidable and dangerous man, and perhaps at that moment through clashing had become her greatest friend. Someone for her to aspire to be like, someone that she could learn from, grow from, evolve from. Ikanbis mechanical eyes saw a new figure, a signature she didn't yet recognize and she swooped down from the skies off the back of her Wyvern.

She eyed him suspiciously, but then she did recognize his guild crest as the same as her own. Ah, a fellow Rune Knight, she had thought to herself. She hadn't expected to bump into anyone out here in the vast sea, then again, Rune Knights were everywhere these days, it was quite the large guild as guilds went. Still, she couldn't help as though she really just didn't belong. It was a sad song, really, the loss of The Collective. Assimilating into the Rune Knights was not something she had been such a fan of, no, not at all. She had done so hesitantly and with much disdain, for it was a great pain. She much preferred the old guild hall for starters, it's massive floating structure being quite lovely for all her research. She would have to visit it again soon she supposed and ah, she proposed that it would be good to be back in her lab she'd set up there.

"Hello fellow Rune Knight! Can't say I recognize you." Ikanbi had began as she approached Toga after dismounting from her dragon. "I'm Captain Ikanbi". She stook out her right arm for a warriors handshake.


A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:51 am

Lost in the rhythmic lullaby of the waves, Tōga's gaze traced the moon's ethereal waltz across the sky, a celestial counterpoint to the sun's lingering warmth. The tranquil solitude of the beach resonated with a rare serenity within him, a beauty that pierced his soul. Yet, this moment of peaceful introspection was fleetingly interrupted by the arrival of a captivating presence.

Her scent, a unique blend of exotic spices and metallic notes, reached him first, piquing his curiosity before his eyes could identify its source. As she gracefully descended from her dragon's back, a momentary flicker of confusion danced in Tōga's mismatched eyes, quickly replaced by a warm, inviting smile.

Her single eye, a mesmerizing sapphire orb, and the subtle glint of machinery woven into her form hinted at an extraordinary lineage. She was more than just a woman; she was an enigma, a tapestry of the familiar and the unknown. The questions swirled in Tōga's mind: what secrets lay hidden beneath her enigmatic exterior?

Her introduction as a Knight struck a chord of novelty and intrigue. It was refreshing to encounter someone who didn't immediately recognize his rank and reputation.

"A pleasure to meet you, Captain," Tōga responded with an easygoing charm, his tone a harmonious blend of respect and warmth. He'd shake her hand enthusiastically before continuing. "I’m Tōga,” he paused. “Colonel of the Knights,” While not one to dwell on titles, he felt it fitting to reciprocate her formal introduction, acknowledging their shared allegiance to the same noble cause.

"Are you here visiting Vander Tower like everyone else? General Saturn was raving about this place,” he inquired, his curiosity piqued. His smile remained unwavering, a beacon of friendliness in the soft light of dusk, inviting her to share her story. As the sea whispered its secrets to the shore, Tōga eagerly awaited her response, ready to weave her tale into the fabric of his day by the water.

wc: 350 [854]


A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:25 pm

The young merchant from Desierto breathed in the salt air, which, she assumed was not the greatest fir her newly mechanical lungs and yet she couldn't help it, she so loved the sea. Truly one of her favorite places to be was anywhere with both sand and water to speak of. She sighed when he asked why exactly she was here. "Ya know, I don't actually know. I was just sort of scouting the area out while I've been on the search for a new mentor. I need to sharpen my skills, my...change to this new form has come with the drawback of being rather frail I am afraid, so I must train and become much stronger."

She shrugged.

"Such is life." Though the words were spoken somewhat sadly, her face however portrayed a fierce confidence, as though she knew she were merely on the beginning of what was to be a long journey, a climb to power. She would get there eventually, she knew, but her change to being a machia had left some unintended side effects. She was much more frail now than before the transition, that was true, but it wasn't without its perks.

"What about you? What brings you out here?"

A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] BgYy4ZU

A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:59 pm

The breeze carried a subtle hint of intrigue as Tōga turned to fully face the woman before him, her unique aura teasing his senses. His eyes, always perceptive, picked up the slight shift in her demeanor at the mention of a mentor.

"Oh? A new mentor?" he repeated, his voice tinged with genuine interest. The air around them seemed to hold a breath, waiting for her story to unfold. "What happened to your old one?" he asked, his inquiry not just polite small talk but a genuine probe into the layers of her experience.

Tōga's curiosity was not mere nosiness; it was driven by an innate desire to understand and connect with those around him. His journey as a dragon slayer had honed not just his magical abilities but also his emotional insights. He understood the nuances of mentorship—the profound impact a guide could have on one's path—and the void their absence could leave.

"If you're in need of a new mentor, perhaps I could lend a hand?" he offered, the suggestion hanging between them like an extended hand. His stance was open, inviting, the soft pink of his hair fluttering slightly in the gentle wind, softening the intensity of his proposal.

"You're a member of the Knights, as am I. It seems fitting, doesn't it?" His smile was warm, encouraging. Despite the briefness of their acquaintance, Tōga sensed a unique potential in Ikanbi, a spark that was familiar yet distinctly her own. The idea of aiding in her growth, of being a part of her journey in the Rune Knights, appealed to him not just as a fellow knight but as a fellow seeker of strength.

His offer was genuine, a reflection of his belief in the power of connection and support within their ranks. It was an extension of his own aspirations—to grow, to strengthen, and to forge paths not just for himself but for others as well.

"I came here to check our what General Saturn-chan made, but also to train so if you need someone to spar with, I'm here!"

wc: 362 [1,216]


A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:21 am

The newly reborn machine was not entirely sure what to make of it, really. Dearly she wondered just how sweetly she might find the thing she was looking form could she find a mentor here, in this stranger? Of course, perhaps she could. Yet still she didn't know for certain, of course, but why close the curtains?

"No, no, I haven't had one yet." She chuckled. "I'm searching for the right one." It was true though that for now she was a Rune Knight, but, it was not without its blight for it was not what she'd signed up for, no, not at all. With gall Ikanbi had so reluctantly stayed when The Collective had rebranded and assimilated into the order. She wanted no part of it, really, and looked to the stars for where she might belong.

"A Rune Knight I may be for now, but only because of circumstance. I have no intention of being a Rune Knight, no, I was a member of the Collective Mind, now that was a guild I could get behind."

That being said, a bit of training would likely do her some good. "I could always go for a little spar though, I'm still getting used to my new body."

A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] BgYy4ZU

A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:38 pm

As Tōga listened to Ikanbi express her intentions to leave the Rune Knights, a wave of mixed emotions washed over him. “It’s always a bit melancholy to hear that one of our own plans to move on,” he admitted softly, his voice tinged with the weight of his position as a Colonel. Ikanbi’s reasons for departing were clear, underscoring the inevitable changes within the Knights that not everyone could adapt to or embrace fully.

His initial sigh, a reflex of his concern for the cohesion and morale of the Knights, quickly morphed into an understanding smile. “We’re not about keeping anyone against their will, you know? If stepping away feels right for you, then it’s the right choice,” he continued, his tone lightening. Tōga was a fervent believer in following one’s path without regrets, a sentiment that guided his leadership style. To him, life was too fleeting to not pursue what felt genuinely fulfilling, and he respected that same desire in others.

Shifting gears, Tōga's enthusiasm sparkled through as the topic changed to a lighter, more immediate concern. “And about that new body of yours—I’m still wrapping my head around it, but it’s great to hear you’re up for sparring!” His gaze briefly swept over Ikanbi, noting the mechanical precision and uniqueness of her form, curiosity piqued by the integration of technology and human spirit.

Got any preferred weapons? I’m thinking we stick to traditional combat today, keep the magic on the backburner.” His hand gestured towards his beloved swords, Zangetsu and Rengoku’s Kimetsu, both resting securely by his side. “I’ve got these two beauties here. You’re welcome to borrow one if you like. It might make for a more balanced session,” he offered with a grin, always ready to facilitate a good challenge and ensure both participants could engage fully.

wc: 339 [1,555]


A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:45 pm

The merchant from Desierto nodded along in agreement with his sentiment, for everything he had said was fine. She gazed upon the man with her mechanical eyes and knew that she was about to get absolutely wrecked by his hand. There would be no contest, really, especially if her were to use magic. On the other hand, she had a feeling she could at least hold her own for a little while, despite her current limitations and frail form.

Ikanbi looked back and forth between the two blades the man had suggested. If magic was out of the question, she knew then she much preferred the longer one, for she needed all the advantage she could get.

"My eyes are special you know, and they tell me that you are much, much stronger than I am. So, I would prefer the larger blade, if you wouldn't mind." Ikanbi said politely, though she was grinning none the less. This would surely be an interesting skirmish. "I have at the moment no weapon to speak of."

A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] BgYy4ZU

A New Day Arrives [Ikanbi] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:48 pm


Tōga's eyebrows raised in amusement as Ikanbi explained her pre-match downfall with an almost clinical precision. "Oh, so your eye can size me up just like that?" he chuckled, impressed yet playful. Her capabilities, rooted deeply in her mechanized nature, offered her a unique perspective—one that Tōga found both fascinating and slightly unnerving. How did one embrace the thrill of uncertainty when calculations defined their worldview?

"I've got a special eye too," Tōga added with a grin, tapping the side of his head near his Kamui eye. "Though it’s more about bending space than sizing up challengers. Still, instant tactical data sounds incredibly handy!" He watched Ikanbi's reaction closely, intrigued by her methodical approach to combat. Her honesty and straightforwardness were refreshing, albeit wrapped in the guise of resignation. Tōga wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge, nor did he want to diminish the spirit of their spar with the weight of inevitability.

"Here, catch!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm as he gently tossed Zangetsu towards Ikanbi. The blade, his pride and a true extension of his warrior spirit, spun end over end, glinting in the light as it traveled through the air towards her. As Ikanbi grasped Zangetsu, Tōga retreated a few steps, setting the stage in the clearing they had chosen amidst the forest’s serene backdrop. His remaining sword, Rengoku’s Kimetsu, felt right in his grip, a perfect counterbalance to the cleaver now in Ikanbi's hands.

"Ladies first!" Tōga called out, gesturing grandly for her to take the initiative. His voice carried a mix of respect and challenge, stirring the air with anticipation.

wc: 291 [ 1,846]
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