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A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo]

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A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:21 pm


WORDS: 280 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Mmmmmmn, shiiiiiiit…” A girl whose two decades or so had taught her a lot about enjoying herself but even then feeling impressed by the warmth of the waters at this particular resort, though Bella Benini had come to this little collaboration between guilds largely out of a sense of curiosity and perhaps the capacity to network a little, she was certain feeling that she could get used to the amenities here. Very used to them, in fact.
“This feels… So goooooood!” Almost wondering just what her life had been like before she could throw off the shackles of her every day life and her clothing as well to delve into something so sweet and so soothing for her skin, all that she could do was spread her arms and feel as if every inch of her which rested beneath the surface of this sublimely searing pool was being cuddled so tenderly by something which was equal parts a parent and a lover, and lose herself a little bit in spite of how she knew she wasn't alone either.

“Teeheehee, you sure you don’t wanna join me~? Water's almost as hot as the gal in it, you know~?” Not that she would forget the fact that she was currently indulging this wicked little want with another person or at least so in theory, after letting loose a sigh of satisfaction the vixen couldn't help but tip her blue gaze toward the figure who had so gallantly opted to accompany her in these trying times of peeping toms, and though she appreciated the effort and consideration found herself longing for common experience now. After all, in her mind, a pleasure shared usually meant one doubled as well, right~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:40 pm


"I'm not exactly sure what short straw I drew to have to guard the women of the guild from peeping toms, considering the master of this guild is a notorious womanizer at times." He would mumble under his breath as he had his backed turned to Bella. Not wanting to be the peeping tom he was trying to protect her from at the request of Alisa.

The way she reacted to the warm water only made him hate his fate all the more. In one fell swoop I would take a flask out of my pocket and take a quick swig of sake while he stood guard. She of course like most women in this situation would feel more comfortable if the man guarding her was in the bath with her so it didn't feel as awkward as it looked.

"If the water is that warm, I'm not sure how you still bare to be in it." He quipped back at her as he turned his head to flash her a brief smile, all while pondering her request. While tempting it certainly wasn't what the job was. Though for once in his life he would attempt to not allow a pretty face to dissuade him from his job.

Let's see how long that will last.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:53 pm


WORDS: 290 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Master…?!” The muttering of the man nearby something which Miss Benini may have missed if not for one particular part of it, the very mention of the woman who ran their enchanting ensemble was something which made those fluffy backed ears of the fox twitch and her face light up for a moment with excitement, betraying the lofty level of fondness for their common mistress which belied the way in which this lass in particular knew her. Though, one could hardly hate a girl for letting her schoolgirl crush linger, eh?

“You… Wow! You're kind of a charmer, hm~?” The minx moving on from the matter quickly enough however when she was given a moment or two to process the devilish remark which her silver haired senior made about the heat of the water, the femme frowned for a moment as she unravelled the wordplay and then grinned happily at the compliment which she presumed from it, which only seemed to serve to make her all the more keen to share a spell in this blissful bath with her new buddy, and coaxed her to shuffled that bit closer to him still.
“Come onnnnn, I feel so lonely on my own~? You don't want me to be sad, riiiiiight~?” Moving through the water with a giggle beneath her breath and then sandwiching her forearms between the hardness of the rocks and the rather noticeable softness of her bountiful bosom, the blonde batted her lashes as she found herself in her element playing the role of temptress, and offered up both a pout and a roll from her shoulders as she tried to beckon him to enjoy what they both knew he wanted. She really did love that chase, didn't she~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:01 pm


"Miss Bella I'm not sure how I am supposed to guard you if I am too focused on your ample assets." He said with a bit of a chuckle as he turned to face her now, thankfully for all she knew he didn't have eyes in the back of his head. Truthfully speaking he didn't even need to scan the area of peepers, that's what the plant life was for. He could feel the movements and energies of every living thing around him from the plants in the area.

"It is my sole duty to make sure that no one sees your angelic form without your consent." He said as he began to untuck his shirt from his trousers. Slowly lifting it above his head and dropping it off to the side of him. The scars of battle that adorned his upper body on full display for the women in front of him. His black blue pegasus guild mark shown clear as day on his defined chest.

"It's rather warm in here isn't it though? Perhaps I should apply a bit of ice to you so it will calm down." He said with a joke as he began his approach to the hot spring, closing the distance between them. His ruby reds dead set on her sapphires.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:15 pm


WORDS: 340 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Oh? Well, I don't mind too much? I mean if I guy wants to… to me? Eh.” Knowing all too well why she had the benefit of an escort here but ultimately not really seeing the official reason half as necessary as having someone to talk to, the sapphire eyed stunner shrugged her shoulders as she admitted that she had little issue personally with the topic of voyeurs, and though she performed a gesture in doing so which was better left to the imagination ultimately appeared happy to let the vices of others lie.
“Oh my god, imagine if the peeper is a girl? Man that's… Mmnn~?” In fact the very notion of certain scandalous elements of the situation seeming to bring the wicked vixen no small degree of amusement, she couldn't help but grin when she considered the idea that the person or persons responsible might be of the fairer sex, and ultimately bit into her bottom lip at the idea of getting one of her fellow femme wound up like that. Damn, everything was better with girls, eh?

“You have some ice~?” Not that she wasn't having her share of fun when it came to her companion as well and as such seeming to brighten a little when he mentioned putting ice on her skin, even in the warmth of the waters the idea of that kinda thrill sent a shiver up her spine, and Bella seemed to shuffle that bit closer still when her guard moved down to eye level.
“You strike me more as a fire guy, those red eyes… I bet you burn hot, huh~?” Exploiting the situation however to look into what had once looked to be like the dull gaze of a dead fish and instead seeing something far fiercer than frozen fluid behind it, perhaps it was wishful thinking but the fair haired fox couldn’t help but tease the idea that her chaperone would light up if given the chance, and smirked with amusement as she did so. I mean, chance would be a fine thing, right~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:27 pm


"The peeper being a woman would be an interesting situation for the both of us now wouldn't it?" He said with a small smirk as he watched her muse over all the possibilities she could get into with another lovely lady like herself in the bath. Though truthfully if that were the case he would have a hard time not being the peeper in question. Old habits die hard, as do old loves for certain situations.

"Oh no, not quite, I have a natural aversion to fire." He said with a chuckle as he began to unfasten his belt, kick off his shoes, followed by the remove of his trousers. He snapped his fingers causing a small flower to sprout forth from the ground, he picked it gently and then placed it behind her ear.

"More of a woodsman if you can believe that." He said as he kept eye contact with her, getting up from his crouched position to look upon her from the upright angle he had put himself. He was now bare, for all the world to see, even the peeper, if there was indeed one to be found here. Though perhaps there were mutually peeping on each other at this stage, seeing as they both had a hard time taking their eyes off the other.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:40 am


WORDS: 310 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“W-Whoa…! Damn, talk about a woodsman, hm~?” Those baby blues widening as she watched her chaperone take off his belt and for a second the sapphire eyed siren thought she was going to be shivering from a little bit of discomfort, but was certainly far from disappointed when all too soon did the clothing of her companion seem to follow it. Far from disappointed.
“Mmn, yeah… If I was the peeper, I’d be having a ball~?” Instead merely enjoying the up front view and insight which it offered into the rather pleasing proportions her partner had, Bella couldn't help but bite into her bottom lip as she let her gaze wash down the tightness and tone of her new friend, and found her excitement only growing at the brazenness of him flaunting parts beyond right in front of her face.

“Well come on, get in here gurrrrrl~” Such boldness only seeming to quicken her pulse and make the curl in the lips of the lass all the more mischievous, the blonde beauty pushed off the side of the spring and let herself float backward as her own more ample proportions seemed to tease a viewing, before settling right in the middle of the pool and slowly drawing her mitts backward and forward as if she were treading water or something.
“Don’t ya want a piece of all this~?” All the while feeling her heart seeming to be hammering half in the back of her throat however even if her face did not show it all that much, she couldn't help but feel the mischief of the moment growing all the more as she ogled such a presentation both shamelessly and greedily, and then twisted to one side all of a sudden to splash the soothingly searing spring water at the man to encourage him further, and hope that she might just see just how hot and wild that he might get in doing so…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:28 am


He couldn't help but be amused by her reaction to him revealing himself in the way that she revealed herself. It was only natural for him to return the favor, a show for a show. Though her temptation didn't end there, and truthfully, he was more than willing to take the bait.

He slowly and methodically would enter the water, seemingly chasing after her. Though he was more so enjoying the dance of back and forth more than anything else in this life. It reminded him of the eternal dance between the male and female dragon, a species he was so fond of, obviously.

Her playful splashes did little to make him hotter than he already was, the dragon blood coursing through his veins. It only made him hot and heavier, his pupils shifting from that of a human to a reptilian's dagger shaped eye. His lacrima and dragon blood working overtime as he entered the hot bath.

Watching her stroke back and forth, viewing her generous mounds in such a way only lead his mind to wander of what else they could when laid on her back. "Breaststroke seems to be an appropriate name for that move, especially when you do it. He chuckled as he waded over to her, the water rippling around his cut form. Steam rising from his body and only causing his muscles to grow slightly, after all, as the dragon of the forest, he loved water.

Volcanic ash infused water was marvelous for any plants growth, if his meaning could be caught.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:04 pm


WORDS: 380 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Wow, like… I'm not entirely sure that's appropriate workplace conversation, mister~?” The lass likely proving quite the liar indeed if she said that she didn't enjoy the observation which the white haired wonder made about the way in which she moved and the emphasis it placed upon certain parts of her anatomy, those baby blues remained clung to the form of her new friend rather shamelessly as he dipped into the warmth along with her, and though she arched her brow and chided him for such talk she was certainly the furthest thing from serious when doing it.
“Lucky for us we're both taking a break, hm~?” All too quickly the temptress tilting her head as she affirmed the fact that they were no longer members of a guild together but rather a man and a young woman with some nice hot wetness to share, Bella savoured the feeling of satisfaction in the way she had seemed to succeed in her little spot of temptation almost as much as she had the well-wrought form of her bushy haired bath mate, and continued to play her games for a moment by slipping clear of him every time that he neared her.

“Might as well make the most of it, eh~?” Certainly happy to have apparently seduced him into joining her but at the same time not about to waste an experience like this one too eagerly, the brow of the blonde bobbed for a second as she intended to exploit all the amenities she could to enjoy herself, and after what was a mix of a grin and a lipbite seemed to let her sapphire stare settle upon a tray which had been laid none too far away as a courtesy by the side.
“You like sake~?” Dipping back into that blissful deep once more and being swallowed up to her neck for a moment as she pushed herself through those silky soft and inviting waters, the flaxen fox emerged from the deep with her back to the blanched boy and began to pour something from a jug into cups for the both of them, before offering out one with a smile and a snicker to go along with it. Gods, she felt so naughty, sharing a bath with a man she had just met…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:16 pm


"This is the tamest a work conversation within the organization has ever been, in my experience at least." He said with a small laugh as his sharp canines shown in the refraction of light coming off the water and the moon light. She had a humor about her that he had not experienced since he shared his first evening with Sofia. A nice call back to a fond memory, one that seemed as though it would have a sibling to place beside it given how the evening was going.

"Oh I'm always working, either at the guild, or letting off some steam with a maiden of my choosing." He said with a smirk as he watched her wade around the water, certain aspects of her body breaching the water, then dipping back down below. He wasn't entirely certain if she was a fox or an otter with how well she glided through the silky wet they shared.

His ears perked up at the mention of sharing a drink, he couldn't help but admire her angelic back as she poured the sake. Her hand technique was perfect, she poured it as if she had spent some time inside of several Joyan tea houses. Which he could not deny that he found attractive given his upbringing. "I don't many Joyan men who would turn down a drink." He said as he took it from her hand gently and began to sip it, making sure to savor the flavor and complexities.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:54 pm


WORDS: 270 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Ooouuu, you wanna see my 'A' game, then~?” The temptress almost taking offence when her bath buddy mentioned how their conversation had seemed tame to him thus far, whether the man was a master of reversing psychologies and such or merely one with better luck than he knew the comment seemed to light a little fire beneath the behind of the blonde, and Bella was bobbing her brow and already considering just how much more badly behaved she could be with him. I mean, she had a reputation to consider, as a top tier trouble causer, no?

“Wait, you're Joyan?!” That being said the feisty fox feeling a note of astonishment when Manzo showed not only a preference for Sake but also with it revealed a common heritage which they hadn't expected, for a moment that glistening gaze seemed to widen and with it so too did Miss Benini's jaw hang a little at a revelation which she hadn't anticipated, and frankly found no cause to suspect until this moment.
“That's awesome! Wow! I didn't realise… You're kinda built different from any Joyan guy I've known~?” Such information nothing that she wouldn't enjoy however and if anything feeling a greater sense of excitement and enthusiasm for this new man in her life because of it, the voluptuous vixen crowed merrily on the subject soon after with a sense of approval to go along with her amazement, having assumed that his origin had been far closer to home as far as their current locale was. After all, he did seem more like what she would expect from a westerner from what she had seen, no~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:13 pm


"I tend to get that reaction when people find out that I'm not from here." He would lift his cup back up to his lips and continue to sip as she marveled in the revelation of their shared heritage. It seemed she judged a book by it's cover when it came to his appearance, then again of course he didn't exactly represent a traditional joyan appearance, but there were reasons for that.

"Well, my appearance I consider a gift from my mothers, as I am a product of their love and desire to have a child. Nothing was going to stop them." He said as he laid down his sake cup on the side of the bath for a moment.

"I do hope your A game is better than what was shown such far. As it stands I still have all of my wits about, and I'm not chomping at the bit to bend you over." He said as he rested his body against the rocks. While true everything had been playful up until now, he did wonder if she could kick it up a notch or two.

He was certainly capable of it, but he was a hunter by nature, he didn't act too soon, he waited just for the right moment to strike. Though he couldn't tell who was about to get snapped in a trap. Perhaps their next moves on the board would be more telling.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:42 pm


WORDS: 300 | TOTAL: 2170 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Looked like quite a gift, from what I saw~?” Perhaps the two of them flocking together quite so well because of old adages about common plumage, when the man mentioned how his uncommon appearance was something that had been a gift from some multitude of martriach's Bella could scarcely resist the urge to make a playful little remark, and did so with an arch in her brow and a wry smile to go with it. Though they had been rather generous, no?

“Wow, like… you really wanna make a girl work for it, huh? And saying all that even after I tempted ya into the water too~?” Meanwhile the attempt he had to turn the conversation and perhaps their dynamic about something which met with similar dry amusement from Miss Benini, she couldn't help but grin a little at the pedestal he was placing himself upon and then smirked as she noted that despite his claims thus far he had proven anything but having his wits about him, given how readily she had seemed to make him abandon the task at hand and indulge his own pleasures and all.

“You're funny, Manzy~” Ultimately seeming to feel like he just might be underestimating not only the expertise and experience of this particular young enchantress but her sense of entitlement too, from where she was standing or perhaps in this case reclining she held all the cards here on account of her being the bodacious blonde bombshell who could have any man in the place with a snap of her fingers, and so she simply shrugged and poured herself another cup of sake, before sinking back into the deep. I mean really, the back and forth was fun, but ultimately this was one situation where she was happy to call his bluff…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:53 pm


"Well they did want a virile son capable of giving them many grand children after all." He said jokingly as a devilish grin swept across his face. From ear to ear he could not help but enjoy the moment shared between the two. This exchange of word play almost as amusing as a battle between two equally matched warriors.

"I figured a woman like you didn't have to work for much when it comes to men. I on the other hand, am a bit of a tease. I can't help but be difficult." He said with a sly chuckle as he made his way over to where she reclined herself within the water.

He towered over her for a brief moment. His chest pressed against her generous bosom and the strength between his legs brushing against the warmth of hers. He wondered what could be running through her head as he did so, did she believe he was making a move so bold as to just take her right here, right now? Surely she believed he had a bit more finesse than that.

As their bodies became one with the lack of space between them, he reached over her to where she had sat down the sake. His scene squarely in her nostrils. He poured himself another cup before slowly detaching himself from her, every move methodical. He would recline himself right beside her against the rocks and take slow sips from his drink.

"I have been told a few times in my life that I am quite the party starter, with humor of course."

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:15 pm


WORDS: 400| Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Wow, how many have you given them so far~?” Once more it seeming that the two of them seemed to be of the same mind when her little hint of crassness was recognised and returned in kind, Miss Benini didn't mind the notion of picturing her new bath buddy putting those tools to good use and tilted her head as she wondered if he already had, realising suddenly that she had no idea just how much older than her he was. I mean, with hair like that, he could easily be twice her age, which only made the moment feel that bit naughtier.

“Aww, you like to get chased, little lamb~?” It seeming that she was not the only one who was acting upon a feeling of mischief and left to gasp a little bit when the blanched boy showed enough brass to press himself right up against her, Bella would be lying if she said that she didn't feel herself shiver a little at the closeness of their contact, though kept her own bravado up in response to his comment about liking to be difficult in his teasing. What a diva, hm?

“Hey, hey, hey, backing off so soon, hm~?” The blonde belle by no means the sort who hated that little back and forth either but rarely playing quite so many mind games with any potential prize, those baby blues seemed to narrow when Manzo used the situation as something of a fakeout to grab himself more of the sake and the mouth of the minx only grew more curled and mischievous for a moment as she snared his arm, and made sure that even after his deed he could not escape too far.

“You're supposed to be looking out for me, right~?” Meanwhile raising her game a little as she thrust herself forward this time and clung to that limb ardently, along with that she supressed the snickers and smirks in favour of something more innocent and earnest in both her eyes and the fluffy tipped ears atop her head to boot, the latter seeming to sink like those of a scolded dog as she looked to him with her gaze almost as big and broad as other round portions of her anatomy as she pleaded with him for a moment, though hardly sincerely. After all, this little chess game could go on all night if they let it…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:35 pm


How many times had he taken someone to bed? Too many to count at this point, but he had never asked himself if any of those escapades had sired him a single child. He doubted it of course given the fact that not white-haired babes had ever graced his doorstep with their mothers in tow. He wasn't exactly a hard man to find after all given his prominence. "To my knowledge I am no ones' father. At least to my knowledge." He quipped back at her.

"The chase is by far the best part of the hunt is it not?" He commented on her previous statement. Though he hardly considered himself a lamb in any regard, especially now. It seemed they were both carnivorous predators in this moment. But who would go for blood first was still up for discussion. How long such talks would last was anyone's guess of course. But then again, he knew she probably grew tired of their little game, at least a little bit.

Though the question of who would strike first seemed to be answered quickly. As he backed off, she pounced, not going for the kill in this moment more toying with him for the moment. This was nothing new to him, most of the women in his life loved to see him get a bit huffy every now and then, and it seemed the blond fox was to be no different. Which of course only meant one thing to him. Time to move in for the kill.

As she latched on to him, he quickly snatched her up out of the water, her silhouette cascaded down his form, covering most of his bits while leaving her angelic form open to every eye who could be peeping upon them. He looked into her baby blues with a familiar look to those who had encountered him in such a way. "Seems to me you're going to need a more hands on approach." He commented as he positioned her legs around his waist.

Sharing a moment such as this in a hot spring was purely out of a novel, but then again, he did enjoy putting his own spin on those stories.

A Steamy Proposal~ [Peeping Show/Manzo] LGnxHvk

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