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Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn]

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Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:53 pm


WORDS: ### | Sun's Out, Buns Out

It is nice to have a little hideaway to enjoy the sand and surf when Fiore is stuck in cooler climbs~? The warmth of a sun which had not quite been so blighted by the absence of summer seeming to bring a sense of relief to Sofia Serena as she strolled down one of those pristine beaches of the southern ocean's marvel, in one hand she carried a spade and bucket while the other was connected to a shape much smaller than herself, who herself was linked as well. Making up a three woman chain in fact which toddled along the seafront to find their own perfect spot, in many ways this seemed like the perfect time of year for her to bring her darling daughter's since the worries of the strength of the burning orb overhead were significantly diminished, and without losing too much of the enjoyment which could be garnered from it as well.

“Teeheehee, now… Who wants to build a sandcastle~? ” This intrepid trio arriving with only the most ardent purpose as well for that matter and this the reason that they had brought such an impressive collection of tools, the intention here was for no mere stroll along the edge of the tide but rather the sizeable business related to fortification, and the erection of impressive if transient structures to impress the smaller souls. After all, the little madams who ran the show had been asking for this all week, and who was their mother to deny them, hm~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:27 am

Saturn had been spending much of his time in the island of Luluhawa, there had been quite a few people that he had met here. Ranging from his first time friend to various drinking buddies or people that he genuinely just happened across. The song of this place was gentle and caring; the people here were friendly and sweet. It left a deep impact on this loving individual that made it hard to want to leave. But knowing that he would have to eventually also made him somewhat sad.

He decided to spend the last few days here taking in the scenery and interacting with the various folks that he had come to like and respect. Today was one such day where he sat amidst the sand nearest the water. The gentle waves lapping against his feet and tenderly letting him enjoy the warmth and cold both in sets of their own. The reaction as just about as to what you could expect from someone that was young and innocent. Letting out a soft rumble as he could hear some folks join him on the beach.

His head turned slightly; the shadows near him drawing closer to their masters tug. During his time here and spending so much of it in the light let him understand the tug of darkness. The friendships he made only served to deepen his connection to the polar opposite and the brightness of his smile practically multiplied when he saw some younglings with no doubt their mother. He’d raise one of his hands in a gentle wave, one such motion mimicked physically by the shadow underneath his form. A gentle sort of duo if there ever was one.

Hello you three~

He’d cock his head to one side; eyes slightly parting as that question hung in the air. Slowly starting to stand he’d brush off some of the sand from his trousers and he couldn’t help but chuckle. A sandcastle did sound like fun after all! But he’d have to introduce himself first no? That was a very human thing to do. Turning he’d speak, his smile warm and his heart even warmer. When it came to younglings, saturn had a soft spot. He might not have met many but… there was an innocence there that he could relate to. An infinite kindness and understanding that only one that held the same could.

Perhaps after we exchange names? Mines Saturn. What’s yours?


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:33 am


WORDS: 290 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

"Mama! Mama! Look!

The brunette busy with the task of creating their first sand empire as a large shape approached them, instead it seemed to be the ever energetic Jessica who spied the unusual figure first, and made some presumptions which were only natural given the age she was and well, the overall appearance of the subject in question. I mean, semantics never were the strong point of a three year old, right~?

“No, no, he's not… Not a pet?” The girl with the green gaze pointing out the fact that this was no mere stray who had approached them even if this was perhaps obvious from a great many factors, she couldn't help but feel a moment of tension as she looked toward a figure who was so very large and strange looking, though given the relaxed and friendly manner which he seemed to be showing them she tried to ignore that only too natural worry that a mother would feel.
“Sorry, my name's Sofia, and these are Marina and Jessica~?” Instead electing to return the instruction upon the request she was given, by now it seemed that not only her but both her daughters seemed to be eyeing him with curiosity, even if one of them seemed to be more quiet in her study than the other.

"You wanna play, Mista Doggy?"

Said other seeming to be rather more venturesome thanks to the blend of her mother's confidence and her mama's thrill for the unknown, only too quickly did little Jess seem to beckon this towering figure to join them and offer out the spade she had in hand, encouraging him to join them in their fun with a big grin and an almost quivering degree of enthusiasm…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:44 am

The two kids were precious to say the least; he hadn’t met many children outside of the towns and various instances of markets he had been to. They were an innocent bunch and even more so that meant they were protected by the many that were around them. Given that he had no proper interactions with children before it was interesting to see how they viewed the world. The idea he was a dog wasn’t the first time this got mussed up or missguessed. Either way it was pretty amusing to him. Demi-humans were common enough and friendly enough to where he didn’t mind.

Maybe not quite a dog…

Saturn chuckled warmly; openly not minding the comparison but also wondering what parts of him were dog like. The ears maybe? The snout shape? He’d have to go and take a look later. Understanding what others saw was kind of important no? He’d tilt his head to the side as the older woman introduced the three of them. He’d give a small bob of the head at the introduction.

It’s all right, pleasure to meet you Sofia, Marina and Jessica.

The tall demi-god tilted his head to one side; he could feel the curiosity of the other two quite deeply. It was something akin to his own to the world around him and he could relate to that. He knew that children were precious and were protected quite fiercely by their parents; something he’d never actual experience himself unless he had children of his own. At the question he’d chuckle softly.

Only if it’s okay with your mother?

There was a curious glint in his eye and he’d adjust slightly; not wishing to broach the physical ‘barrier’ of a new encounter. Though if allowed he would happily join the trio. Even more so would be willing to talk a little more. Well. Much more given that he was a bit of a chatter box and a very friendly fella.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:46 pm


WORDS: ### | Sun's Out, Buns Out

Sounds… Kind of familiar? Saturn…? The sandy siren found pausing at the unusual name she was given by a soul who looked even more unique than his apparent name was, this combination seemed to spark something vague from within her memory, and led the lass to frown just a little as she tried to recall exactly what she had heard and who from? Alisa seemed the most likely source.
“Welllll, that might depend on you, mister~?” Certainly not about to wave away any eager helper as she considered the matter however, and especially so with the excitement which loomed only too clearly in her daughters gaze, Miss Serena narrowed her own emerald eyes and smirked mischievously at his offer to join them before resting her hands upon her hips and arching her brow at this furry behemoth in reply.

“Do you have much experience with construction of fortification~?” The tone of the temptress turning more teasing as she accepted his company in everything but the little routine of an 'interview' she pushed him through, Sofia casted a hand over the meagre mounds which she and her dynamic duo of daughters had created thus far, before she folded her arms over one another and laid out her lofty expectation for this would be entrant to their crew.
“The White Sand Empire won't be accepting any second rate workmanship~?” Leaving no illusion over how she wasn't going to accept anyone who was going to provide anything less than the entirety of their behind to the job which followed, the fair femme seemed to chuckle internally as she decided that the magnificent moniker of her mate was the perfect means through which they might craft a name for their creations today, and then looked to their new intern as she waited on his decision. Would he commit to this lofty cause? Only time would tell…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:33 pm

Saturn cocked his head to one side as the other said something he wasn’t sure how to follow through with. His confusion was evident and he wasn’t sure what to say until she asked about if he had any experience with construction of fortification. The demi-god would have blinked but his confusion escalated into a nervous moment of actually needing that sort of thing. He wasn’t exactly king of reading tone or intent yet; still being awfully young when it came to conversations or implications.

I would say that I’m not exactly the most well read on the subject… been more focusing on history and the employ of musical use. Or… well. Magical use for I guess most.

To demonstrate he’d wiggle one of his fingers and the shadow next to him would pop off the ground, copying the motion with a playful wiggle of its own. He looked a little surprised however when the other said something about white sand empire? Wait was he in the midst of maybe a princess and their daughters? Or something like that, that’s when he’d rub his neck and the actual confusion set in.

...I’m not entirely familiar with the various empires of Fiore. Is this one more recent?

Yeah he was not following the implications at all; he was just a ten foot tall demi-god that was more clueless than a spider at a glove convention.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:27 pm


WORDS: 280 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

“Well then, looks like you're going to be getting some on the job training, right girls~?” In some ways appreciating the honesty which their new recruit showed when he confessed to the fact that he was more adept with matters of intellect and art than he was 'labour' like this, without much frame of reference the fair femme couldn't tell if the serious with which he answered was sincere or merely an act of well played sarcasm, but either way she was happy to have him in her employ and so too were the girls either side of her as well.
“Step one, fill the bucket~” Moving into a crouching position and encouraging him to do so as well as each of Marina and Jessica seemed to offer the tools of their current trade, Miss Serena hummed as she gave him instruction on how to complete the task while her darling daughters looked up to him with eyes filled with expectation, and a grin to go with it as well.

“Quite new, in fact. You might say you're getting in on this at the ground level~?” Both of them seeming to relish the mischief of their mother to no end even if one was more vocal and prone to emulation than the other, Sofia smiled at the duo and then the new member of their party as she wrapped her arms beneath her knees and winked at him when he questioned the reign their 'empire' had seen, and waited for him to set to work and join them. Though, given the warmth above them and the fur he wore, she wouldn't begrudge him taking a more sedate pace than they did of course…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:41 pm

Saturn tilted his head to one side; he had never actually dealt with building anything before. So the fact that they were willing to teach him a bit was nice; even if it was just sand on a beach building it into a little castle. He’d flick his ears slightly as he watched the others. He had to practically travel a mile to the floor even if he crouched so it was better that he did so as Sofia did.

Seems so! The thought never crossed me to use sand as construction material…

His grin brightened a bit and his face seemed to be less confused as they offered him the tools. He’d accept them with a bob of the head and would follow suit. He was a pretty relaxed individual to say the least and with his friendly nature it wasn’t a surprise that he was good with people or kids.

He wasn’t the sarcastic type at all either; so every word out of his mouth was honest if not a little confused here or there. With the bucket now getting filled with sand he’d ponder a few things. He couldn’t help but feel as though that he was probably putting in a little too much too quickly.

When it came to their empire hearing that it was quite new and then seeing that wink he couldn’t help but scrunch his brows slightly and stroke his chin. Was this what they called a play on words? Or were they being… coy? Was Coy the word? He wasn’t sure.

Never saw one from the ground up, mostly ones that were already built. Especially ones that were made out of sand.

Honesty was his best feature, but here he just seemed largely innocent and didn’t know any better. He’d let out a soft hum and scratched at his ears. There was a few questions he had but he’d likely extend them later. Like the strange sense of familiarity he had with her and her kids. Was it maybe because he had run into someone similar before?


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:17 am


WORDS: 260 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

He seems almost as innocent as the children? I suppose looks really can be deceiving, can't they…? The emerald eyed enchantress feeling intrigued as she watched a figure who seemed as odd in his understanding as he was in appearance seem to take the event far more seriously than it really should have been, there was something almost naïve about him which seemed to remind the lass of a youngster, and as such she couldn’t help but start to wonder whether his size meant he was an adult or he too was merely a child who was just bigger than most. Stranger things, and all that?
“This should be quite the learning experience then~?” Feeling all the better for setting him to task or more accurately involving him in their fun for this fact, though he showed familiarity with the concept of a sandcastle from the way he behaved this would be his first experience building one himself, and so Miss Serena was happy to play mother to him too in this regard if he needed it as well.

"Mistaa! Mistaaa Doggy!
Put one here!"

The girls as well seeming to be welcoming and accepting of him as well even if Jessica still hadn't fully grasped the idea that there was a difference between him and the pet pooches one walked on a leash, all the same both seemed to shuffle nearer to him as their intrepid lass began to act as their cute little foreman, directing their efforts toward the design with the tip of her finger and a look of eagerness in her eyes…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:27 am

Saturn scratched his head with a single finger, getting near the ear with a slight thoughtful breath. He might have been taking things a little too seriously; but honestly he wasn’t very good at reading situations even if they were playful like this. His understanding of social cues was like that of a child. Given that the two kids here were likely older than he was by.. A few years? Probably?

I would think so? I would hope so.

He’d rumble softly and ponder what he could even do here. They seemed to know what was going on more than he did. Though the idea of him being a dog crossed his mind at one point; he wasn’t sure if he was one either. Though he’d adjust slightly and use their shovel and bucket to help them build the first part of this little castle. Though he didn’t quite pack the sand in enough so who knows how much shape it’d actually hold?

I’m not sure if I am actually a dog… do I look that much like one?

Some people had called him a fox before, some called him a bear. There was even one that was like a rodent of some kind. Capybara? Or however you spelled or pronounced it. There was a thoughtful expression on his face as his brows scrunched together. This entire time he hadn’t opened his eyes so it was difficult to tell just how he was seeing or looking but his attention did seem to be very focused on what was in front of him. He was pretty happy though that they were being so welcoming even though that he was stunningly big.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:35 am


WORDS: 300 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

"Dogs are hairy and have long noses and are nice…
So yeah, you doggy."

Little Jessica certainly seeming to feel that their newest recruit seemed to meet the rather limited criteria which she set on the humble canis familiaris, perhaps there was some measure of compliment in the immediate acceptance which she and her sister seemed to show to the strange soul who had joined them, even if they were a little too clumsy to convey it properly of course. At the very least, from where the girl seemed to be standing, being a doggy was a good thing, right?

“Ehehehe… The girls have grown up with a few talking pets so… I don't think their definitions are as strict as most might be…?” Not that their matriarch didn't feel a note of embarrassment for the potential for more unpleasant implication in such assumption of course, the girl with the green gaze chuckled with a gentle sense of awkwardness as she tried to explain the fact that they held no ill will or intent to degrade this friendly figure with the presumption, and assured him that it was a matter of untaken education and experience instead.
“He isn't a doggy though, so don't get ideas about making him come home with us, like you did Michael? Even though… Well he wasn't a doggy either but…” As much keen on impressing the fact that this was no mere stray for their home situation of course and doing that because the last time they had met a man they had gotten along with her had ended up living with them, she wagged her finger a little as she made sure they were aware that no matter how fun he was they weren't to assume they could take him home, even if she had proven something of an indulgent parent in the past…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:40 pm

The little ones weren’t the only ones that were clumsy when it came to social cues and the like. Saturn seemed to be earnestly befuddled by the way things were going here. It was clear on his face and posture but it didn’t stop him from being friendly or kind. The idea that he was a doggy was kind of funny to him since he never really compared himself to any local animals. Given he wasn’t even sure if he was from a concept of one. It was hard to tell.

I’ll admit I’ve never met a talking animal before, plenty of… demi humans I think they’re called?

The capital was home to many a different type of person, ranging from folks you’d expect to those that you didn’t. The demi-god wasn’t even sure how many of his kind were there either. He didn’t seem to mind being compared to a dog; given that he wasn’t aware of the implications or even if he was maybe he didn’t consider them.

Saturn would cock his head as the mother told their younglings not to try to bring him home; was that something they didn’t with folks frequently? He found that kind of cute and the rune knight let out a soft chuckle.

Unfortunately I don’t think I’d be able to come along even if they wanted me to. Stuck here till the headquarters tells me otherwise…

The demi-god adjusted a little bit, he had packed in some sand into the bucket and had turned it over after a little bit. Making almighty tower out of sand for the little girls. He was getting the hang of it by seeing what they were doing and following suit.

The views here are amazing though… Hope they let me stay longer.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:55 am


WORDS: 320 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

“Teehee, growing up with Lisa and I hasn't exactly given them a typical upbringing~? Rather liberal with the Navani leaves~?” Perhaps only considering the strangeness of how she and her wife lived their life when she was confronted by those who pointed out such facts, with Carla and even Lumen as companions to them it seemed that their odd little row of ducks had come to broaden their definition of what one might deem a person, and with that also never really considered how odd it was to have a strange something which one doted on and chatted with as well.

“Headquarters…?” Not that there weren't certain factors about their new friend which rose one's brow and intrigue with it, the mention of the man of some establishment which held authority over him was enough to raise the brow of the brunette as she crouched and guided her little ones in their efforts, and caused her to question the statement curiously.

“The view~?” Not that she wasn’t rather quickly distracted however by the comment which he next made about enjoying what he saw here, the mischievous mermaid couldn't help but not only absorb a portion of the responsibility for such a fact but perhaps in this case the majority as well, and as such batted those long lashes as she teased him on the topic playfully.
“My, Mister Saturn, are you flirting with a married mother on the beach, hm~?” Straightening up as she decided to balance out the kiddie feel of this meeting with just that note of adult charm to go with it, the emerald eyed enchantress pulled her arms behind herself and tipped toward their guest from the waist slightly as she drew attention to her assumption, and though her tone was one which carried a healthy dose of jest she was curious what he might make of it. After all, it would be quite something to see a face this unusual blush a bit, no~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:47 am

Ohhh… what do Navani leaves do?

Saturn had only heard the general basis of some items and this was one that he hadn’t heard anything about. Since sofia had been pretty free with information thus far he felt there wasn’t a reason that she’d keep this to herself. The demi-god cocked his head to one side; looking much like how a dog would when they were confused or intrigued about something. Did it make more sense at a sixty or seventy degree angle there bud? His ears flicked once, twice and then a third time as that single word took a curious tone. He felt he owed an answer.

Oh, I’m a rune knight. So rune knight headquarters. The tattoo is on my back under my lil neck thing if you wanna see.

The demi-god adjusted slightly and motioned to his back with a thumb; he wasn’t about to make a full effort unless she wanted to call him out on that but he felt like she was going to take his word on it. It was something fairly trivial to him since he had been in the group since the second week of his existence. The demi-god blinked a bit and nodded his head, he was going to elaborate on the idea of the view being the ocean and the various instances of where you could find a place to be entranced by nature but sofia took a different direction.

He’d tilt his head to one side; confusion plainly evident on his face. Was that something that was deemed flirtatious without a focus? There was a certain level of innoncnece that saturn seemed to posses in regards to this sort of thing; he didn’t really flirt nor did he really understand romance or the like. Scratching his head a few times the demi god eventually spoke.

Was that flirtatious? I was talking about the ocean? Wouldn’t that be improper to flirt with someone that’s married?

General tone conveyed confusion and uncertainty; he wasn’t bothered by the jest or the information here or her assumption. Just merely confused; the lack of blush and actual curiosity evident in his posture meant that he was still learning social norms… but there was a lot here to unpack.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:18 pm


WORDS: 410 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

“Oh, Navani help animals to speak our language~?” The brunette feeling a note of surprise that a figure such as this had never heard of the tool used to improve the lines of communication with many a pet both for his appearance and the reveal of his job as well, had she not been convinced of otherwise given how he looked she might have thought he had been munching upon them himself, though one might have to note a rather significant admiration for whomever had claimed him as their companion in that case.
“I see, I see. Strangely, I don't find myself meeting many of your brothers and sisters in service? A cruel fate, when one loves a man or woman in uniform~?” Not that she minded him looking rather different to most or at the very least not enough to curb her typical impulses, when Saturn told her that he was a member of the Rune Knights she seemed to grin with an ounce of wickedness, and admitted the fact that she didn't dislike that one little bit. In fact, as the niece of an admiral, she had a special place in her heart for all who put their lives on the line for king and country. Well, the last one moreso.

“Uffuffuffu, damn… Even mothers like to feel a little interest shown now and then~?” The leggy lass left to chuckle however when her new friend showed a definite sense of surprise at her presumption of his flirtation, while a woman who had the magic to control the oceans certainly saw some flattery in any praise given to her medium she was amused by his bewilderment more than anything, and confessed that she was certainly open to compliments on a personal level as well.
“Most may not, but I suppose I'm a wife unlike many~? A little bawdy banter is right up my alley, so long as you know it's probably not going to lead anywhere~?” Revealing that she was far from the typical example of a bride and a matriarch really and admitting with that that she prized the feeling of frisky fun in that manner of back and forth more than anything, she flashed the fellow a wink as she told him to try his hand if he wished, though made sure as she did so that the band upon her finger would bar most from taking it further. Though, like any rule, there had been exceptions, of course…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:48 am

Odd I’ve never run into them before. Then again most animals have a habit of napping around me rather than being active.

Saturn mused as he adjusted in the sand; many animals felt safe around him and when he sang they’d frequently enjoy it to the point of either joining in, listening or well… snoozing a little faster. He had never considered using the leaves for that purpose; never had any animals that he felt like he needed to give them to. Echo already knew how to talk and the little mindrache was… well he was pretty easy to understand even outside of it. The huge demi-god hadn’t the faintest idea of what they could do for people if they ate them either.

They’re more common the closer you go to central I’ve found. Not that many come here it seems. Or if they do I haven’t run into them. Uniform? There’s a rune knight uniform?

Saturn didn’t seem to understand the saying there either. Though he seemed baffled but the fact they had something they were supposed to be wearing. What with his baggy pants, lack of a proper shirt and paws out to feel the sand. He’d tilt his head to one side as he noted the smile. Was it something that he said that made her smile so? Or perhaps she had a thought of some sort?

Oh okay. That makes sense I suppose. I’m not entirely familiar with most cultures.

The demi god flicked his ears a few times; unsure of what to make of his comment to the ocean landing directly on her. Though he had to wonder what the connection there would be. He was still somewhat bewildered, even more so as she explained further. A wife unlike many, banter didn’t matter too much as long as he understood it wouldn’t go anywhere. Go where? He didn’t understand that either and it was written on his face as his confusion was evident. Head tilting like so many animals did to one side. The wink, the smile, the wedding band; so many things he didn’t understand. What was the point of the ring? He’d have to take a moment to think it over, many of the people that worked at shops were married and… wore something similar. It clicked and he realized that it was a meaning of marriage. That made more sense to him now.

Most of the people I’ve met that are married are folks that have settled down in places. Shop owners and the like. So that begs the question is there anything that you’ve… done that would be like that? Or…

He’d pause again, brows furrowing together and then nodded a few times to himself as bawdy clicked. It was a word he was familiar with albeit barely. He’d rub at his chin after filling another bucket with sand, packing it down enough to where it might get a little too packed.

I admit I’m not the best at that sort of thing. I’m just honest. If you're a wife to someone, who is it that you're partnered with? They must be very understanding and kind to be okay with that sort of thing.


Do you wanna build a... Sandcastle? [Saturn] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:42 am


WORDS: 310 | Sun's Out, Buns Out

“Me and the wife certainly haven't done much toward settling down~?” The beryl eyed belle seeming to find her smile curling that little bit more when her odd looking new friend mentioned how many of the couples he knew had seemed to abandon the more vicarious elements of their relationship post marriage, Miss Serena felt an odd sense of pride in bragging of how she and her lovely Lisa had yet to settle much into that kind of retirement, and still regularly enjoyed moments of raucousness which would likely make those enjoying puppy love blush.
“We still have our adventures, as our darlings allow, of course~?” Certainly noting that their occurrences were far from as frequent now that they had their delightful daughters but that sacrifice seeming something worth making, the fair femme guessed that eventually they might settle in for a quieter lifestyle one day, but for now was rather happy to retain what liveliness she could as a mother.

“Heeheehee, you might have heard of her, actually~?” The girl with the green gaze giggling all the more when she realised she wasn't quite done bragging yet either, when the tall figure asked about her bride the brunette couldn't resist the urge to beam a bit in response, and arched her brow as she hinted that the woman whom she called her wife was known far and wide.
“She's the White Empress of Blue Pegasus~?” Not that she herself didn't carry her own level of renown these days but the minx more than aware of both the esteem in which her beloved was held and the prize she had won with her love as well, though the fame of her fox was far from what had attracted her to the woman Sofia could only grin as she revealed the truth of their union and the motherhood of the children before her to boot…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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