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The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily)

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The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:45 am

Yes there he was, the oddity of a Fae known as Harrison. He merely just often was outside walking about to himself and pondering over many things. He was doing his eventually typical thing, A thing his future guild members would know he was doing and some of the people who picked up who he was would also have him be known before. Not paying attention to things around him.

Even as he was talking around he had made a desk from arcane magic that just floated there next to him of various compiled notes and thories, Possible theories to explore, Things to test, flaws, possible failures, conditions to consider.

Eventually if some one was curious enough there was things like a schedule for when he should have his meals, when he should sleep everything down to the minute, Harrison seemed to be key on making everything this way. But Harrison wasn't anti's social. He just sucked at it. The logical and smart he was, But he was horrible with social queues and understanding, he was not a bad person just a bit clueless, He was still easy to talk too. Even now while he was walking around and pondering over his notes. If you tried to talk to him it would talk to you with out a problems.

#2Lily Knight 

The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:05 pm

Lily Knight
Lily laughed a little too loudly as she ran, watching the ball fly overhead. She tried to match its speed, not paying attention to anything or anyone else. She was in a high-spirited game of catch with a few new friends, all of them throwing the ball around, sometimes too hard and too far for fun. With her eyes fixed on the ball, she didn’t notice the man and his table full of things. She barely realized how fast she was running or that her shoelaces had come undone. As a result, she tripped over her loose laces, fell right into the table, and then slid off it.

Lily's body felt a shock of pain, but her eyes never left the sky as she watched the ball soar far beyond her reach, a wave of disappointment washing over her.

Sitting up slowly from the ground, she let her body rest in an upright position. For a moment, she didn’t notice the man near her as she made sure nothing in her body was broken, carefully running her hands across herself, noting the spots that hurt more than others. Once she was sure no bones were broken, she turned her attention to the mess she had made and to the man, her face saddened because she knew she was responsible.

Oh man, I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going. I'll help clean up.

Nodding, Lily moved to get up, but a jolt of pain quickly sat her back down. She had hurt something pretty badly, she just couldn’t pinpoint it. “Uh, sorry, I think..I mean, I can’t really move. It hurts..somewhere.” She wanted to try to move again to locate the pain, but she figured it was a bad idea to keep testing that.


The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:21 am

Harrison seemed like a serious name, a brain so stuck and in depth with the many things he ponders over. But when it came to the situation that unfolded before him now. While some one was saying sorry and seeming had fallen over, He then looked over to all of his notes being everywhere.

This did not seem to actually bug Harrison, He could easily recreate these notes they where already in his head. He just needed to write them again. Harrison walked over and upon looking at Lily he viewed other things as more important. For now the various notes he made were not important, Harrison then seemingly upon looking at Lily in the eyes, seemed peacefully smiled for a moment."I suppose, I could listen to things around me more as well."Harrison making it almost sound like it was his fault he was walking around with a magically made desk slightly floating about the ground so he could walk.

But then rather then collect his notes, He seemed just had the desk go away, sure papers just flew everywhere and he was not rushing to collect them. But  the fun part of maker magic was how it had many uses, So he made a bench. Then offered his hand."Here, let's just move you to this bnech. It will won't be as comfortable as an actual chair, But it is something."Now his mind was not on his work or anything else it seemed to lend a hand to Lily.

Then he had to ask to just to make sure."How hurt are you? Should I consider finding any medical professionals?"He assumed there were doctors somewhere here, After all Seven had a monster and beast problem and people where fighting all of the time, These matters where only temporary People and their bonds where in some manner quite possibly forever.

#4Lily Knight 

The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:32 pm

Lily Knight
Lily didn't hesitate to take the man's hand, using most of her strength to move from the floor to the bench. He was kind not to get upset, she felt really guilty about the mess. Lily hadn't even noticed the table had turned into a bench, or rather, she hadn't been paying much attention. Now that she was slightly elevated from the ground, the pain lessened a bit. It was certainly much more comfortable being off the ground.

"Oh man, I took a hard tumble. I think the pain is starting to dull, no need for a healer though. I probably just need to rest for a moment, let my body shake off the shock or something. I should be right as rain soon." Looking over at the man with a smile on her face, it quickly turned into surprise, as if she had been caught doing something. "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lily Knight, it's nice to meet you, and thank you for helping me off the ground."

As she spoke, a group of men and women jogged over with the ball that caused her fall. They had come to check if she was alright, and Lily assured them she was, though she would be sitting out for a while to avoid straining herself further. The group understood and waved goodbye as they ran off to continue playing.

"Nice people, really strong throws." A light laugh filled the space around her after she said that, it was funny and true.


The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:51 am

All seemed to be well and Harrison seemed like he was relieved about how this turned out for her and in some manner for him. "Good, Then you and I can sit here until you feel better." Harrison smiled about it because he just felt when one was ready to walk again, Harrison considered it a duty in some manner to make sure these things where done right. But that was just him it was a benefit to his mind set of solving problems. "I am glad i is not a serious injury...I didn't have the desk too high."Even if the desk is gone now and it was another thing entirely.

But her name was Lily and since it was mentioned. He figured as always it was one he would do in return as well."I am Harrison Spellford II"Did he really need to put his full name? no but he did anyway because he did not mind at all. But he would ask because he was curious, After all his work was not entirely making him numb to the means and work of other people or what happens with them.

His response would be different."You held such things better than I do, I am not really the exercise and running type."Harrison laughed about it, Because it was just how he figured people laughed about these things."But I suppose I would ask Lily, Do you need anything? water?"It seemed it was him still making sure over all things where okay even if he knew she was fine.

#6Lily Knight 

The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:43 am

Lily Knight
As she continued to sit, her body gradually regained its strength, the pain fading away until she felt completely recovered. Glancing down at the floor, she still felt guilty about the mess she had created, but her attention was drawn back to Harrison as he spoke. As she listened, it was clear he cared about her well-being since most of his comments, questions, and responses were focused on how she was feeling and if she needed anything. His kindness brought a smile to her face. She felt he should be the one receiving help, considering she had interrupted his work. What was he working on anyway? That question lingered in her mind.

"Oh no, I... Well, I mean, I am kinda hungry, but let me take you for food. You've helped me enough already, and all I did was make a mess," she said.

Standing up, Lily swiftly and carefully gathered the scattered papers, even chasing after a few that the wind had picked up. Once she had collected them all, she handed them back to Harrison.

"I know a place that serves amazing chili dogs and probably the best nachos and blueberry lemonade ever. They have a pretty extensive menu if those aren't your thing. My treat," Lily exclaimed with enthusiasm in her voice, sounding energetic as if she wasn't just struggling to get up from the ground a few moments ago.


The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:50 am

So far Harrison was starting to note that everyone he met from Stella that doesn't speak Seven have been wonderful to him. While he did start to wonder what people from Seven where actually like, within their own lands. Most of them had been busy seemingly preparing to deal with whatever creatures tried to walk into the land, A side from the heat. They did at least try to be happy.

But he was merely observing, As he always was. It was just how Harrison was."Oh?..."It seemed to interest him. where people always this manner of nice towards him? Or was this just happen stance? After all it was not a trick by others fae's Harrison was the only other Fae around as far as he knew.

As she handed him back various notes, Harrison seemed confused by something. It wasn't something she said at all. That was all perfectly clear to him. But what he was confused by."I mean this in the most polite way possible,but what is a chilidog??"Now Harrison was smart, But he was not wise. He had merely just gone places and ate what he knew, he did seem to explore options all that much if it sounded too different. Or he entirely forget already what they where.

But at least it seemed he was willing to go along anyway."I will agree to your offer, Mind you do not fuss about my notes, I am sure they aren't too bad."Harrison even most likely mentioned before he could just write then again.

But if that was the plan and they gather up all of the notes Harrison would just have everything else he made with magic disappear then just made a folder out of arcane magic and piled them later.

#8Lily Knight 

The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:46 pm

Lily Knight
"Oh my gosh, ya in for a treat!" Lily practically squealed the words out, bouncing on her toes. "A chili dog is just a hot dog smothered in savory chili, its usually got like cheese, onions, and sometimes even jalapeños on top. It's messy, it's delicious, and trust me, it tastes way better than I can explain. You just have to try it!"

Lily grabbed harrison's hand, leading him down the bustling street to their food destination. The bar was really not that far away from where they were, and once they got there Lily led them inside. The lively atmosphere hit the duo, it was well-lit and clean, with a welcoming vibe. The chatter of patrons and clinking of glasses filled the air, but it wasn't too loud. A band played in the corner, their music providing a pleasant backdrop without overpowering conversations. The scent of mouth-watering food mixed with a hint of musk, not unpleasant, just the lived-in smell of a popular place.

Lily guided Harrison to a cozy booth near a window. Sliding in, she smiled at him, eager for him to experience his first chili dog. "This place is great, right? Just wait until you try the food." As she settled in,  a waitress with curly red hair and amber eyes strolled over to them. " Hello and welcome to the Manticore's Den my name is Lyra, can I get ya some drinks while you look at the menu? " Lyra's voice was as clear and sweet as she spoke, Lily being the first to order a pitcher of blueberry lemonade and two chilli dogs for the table just so Harrison could try out the thing she's been hyping up.


The Bundle of Joy's Ponderings of the Man Who Studies, Possibly Too Much.(Social/Lily) Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:45 pm

At least with Harrison, his commitment to what he got himself into was admirable, after all he seemingly was not going to back down. This was not challenge or trial of combat it was merely him seemingly getting a dinner date with a woman while he figured they would just have gone both different ways on their own after he did a stupid or not paying attention and move a desk around to make sure he didn't have that happen to start with. Seems a good in depth amount of notes did him good in other ways.

While she took his hand Harrison almost seemed to be unsure of why it was needed but did not resist as it was most likely not going to lead him to any harm to start with. Harrison hoped he would be forgiven if him not speaking much while being lead around became a problem.

But looking at the place he seemed impressed."Yes this place does look nice."Harrison started to ponder if he needed to buy more clothing rather then just seemingly wearing this coat all of the time, yes it was always clean because he made sure it was. But he sometimes felt over dressed.

But they where here for something but he was really looking at the menu,Then almost like time almost seemed to pass entirely around him and he did not realize Harrison did speak."Yes can I get water?"Harrison did not seem to make it anything fancy at the moment. He at least remember to drink some water too before getting to the chilldog but he was looking at so many other things.

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