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Thinking About the Future

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 3:00 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been on his own for some time. His guild master had ordered him to come to Guardia Compagnia as a protector of sort. Still, the rumors had been simple, Yuurei was no longer the Guild Master of Paradise Dawn. It seemed like he had relinquished the title, giving it to Lumikki. It was interesting to hear, and he was wondering if he should come back, if she wanted him back. Of course, he wasn’t sure, and he might have gone elsewhere. His need to cause destruction was uncontrollable. If he was in Paradise Dawn, he would have to control himself, which is not what he wanted to do.

Luci, on his shoulder, looked around. The demon couldn’t be seen by anybody and was ready to chat Drakkon’s ear off.

“Are you going back to the guild Drake?” He asked as he pulled his imaginary cigarette.

Drakkon would be on the edge of a cliff as he was thinking about everything that had transpired. It was then a white horse would move toward Drakkon.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 3:04 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The horse moved toward him as if he was waiting for something from Drakkon. The son of Chaos looked at the horse wondering what he wanted.

“I have no idea what I’m going to do. What I do know is that I’m going to continue to cause chaos wherever I go. It’s exciting to do, and that much I want to do.” He said looking at the horse.

The horse would make a noise and Drakkon looked at him.

“Why have you been following me? I don’t want to ride you today, so leave me alone.” He said to the horse

The horse heard him and it would snort as he didn’t care for that. Instead, it was as if he wanted something from him.

“It looks like it wants to show you something.” Luci said to Drakkon.

The Dragon Slayer sighed as he got up from his seat as he looked at the horse.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 3:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon and Bai Long stared at each other for quite some time. The two of them having a staring contest with each other. Drakkon being the one to break the silence because he didn’t know what the horse was.

“What do you want from me? Is there something I can do for you?” He asked looking at the horse.

The dragon would move around and then he moved away from Drakkon. When he got far enough, he figured it was a time to reveal himself to Drakkon. His form started to change, which actually surprised Drakkon. He didn’t think the horse was anything more than just a horse. He had bought this from that merchant to get it out of his hand. He thought nothing of the creature.

Still, it seemed like it was more than a horse, and he was about to find out.

“Is this what it wanted to show me?” He asked it and Luci.

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 7:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Bai Long had transformed into what looked like a human. When Drakkon looked closely, he could tell that he had a draconic-like tail and his horns were red. It would seem like he didn’t buy a horse, but a dragon-human? He tilted his head looking at him and thought about him being a Dragon Slayer. This was confusing and honestly, he didn’t know how to approach this.

“Are you a Dragon Slayer?” He asked confused about this.

Luci would look at what was transpiring and he would blow smoke into the air as he had laughed a bit.

“It looks like he isn’t friendly I wonder why he revealed himself now.” He said to Drakkon.

“You’re supposed to be my master? Well, I will show you that you are nothing but an easy target I can snap.” He said to Drakkon as he rushed to the mage.

The Swordsman saw him pushing forward, and he was surprised that he was being attacked right now.

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 7:52 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon saw this as he removed his Yamato out of his sheathe and swung more than a few times into the air. He would release his Dimensional Dragon Slash at first and then he would bring forth his Judgement Cut End afterwards.

Bai Long saw this, and he would dodge the first one; he wasn’t sure, but he felt that attack was a dangerous one. He, however, couldn’t dodge the second wave. His eyes widened when he saw that there was nothing he could do.

He felt the slashes impact him at full force, and not even his draconic skin was able to protect him from this. He grunted with pain and roar as he pushed through it toward Drakkon.

“Take this!” He shouted as he opened his mouth and a blast of draconic energy made its way toward him.

Drakkon saw this and he would cover himself from the attack as he didn’t see it coming. He just thought he would attack from up close.

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 7:58 pm

Go D. Drakkon
When the energy dispersed he noticed that Bai Long was in front of him. That was what he wanted to do from the beginning. He was fine with that as he stared into his face. His lips brought forth the smile he tried to contain. He had indeed purchased something great. This was perfect and he loved it.

“Show me more! This is beautiful! You will submit to me!” He shouted with excitement.

Bai Long would laugh a bit as he would thrust his talons at Drakkon. The Devourer Dragon Slayer saw this and he stepped forward and a bunch of feathers would gather and become wings before protecting himself from the attack. The son of Chaos would reveal his face and snap his fingers. This would bring out another magical circle under him and Bai Long. It was then a Raven from above would fly down and it would hit them both causing an explosion to occur.

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:03 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Bai Long saw this and he would take the hit without a problem, this one wasn’t as strong as the other attack from before, but it was still scary. He noticed something from this attack as he looked at Drakkon. The Demi-God moved away from Bai Long as the two of them stared at each other. Bai Long couldn’t move from where he stood.

“What did you do to me?! I can’t move, how dare you do this to Bai Long the Dragon?! Answer me?!” He was confused, but he was dealing with a monster as well.

Drakkon cracked his neck as he stared him down for a bit. This was sad and annoying. He couldn’t beat him with pure strength, that much he noticed when the Dragon landed that hit, but that wasn’t what he was about.

“I’m the Devourer of Dragons. My powers come from the Dragons that are around me. You cannot move due to the Thunder Dragon Slayer’s abilities to stun those who they hit.” He said to him as he shook his head.

#8Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:08 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would smile as Bai Long would kneel to the ground from the second effect that he was feeling. He looked at the man with the green hair as he showed his fangs.

“What you feeling now, is the effects of the Inferno Dragon Slayer. It has a lingering damaging effect burning people. You should knock out soon, which is fine, but do not show yourself next time until you can pledge your undying loyalty to me.” He said to Bai Long.

The Dragon was upset with this turn of events, but this man, no this monster was in a different league than he was. Bai Long couldn’t use his Dragon Roar again, which he didn’t like but it seemed like this man had more than just one attack up his sleeve. His eyes would roll back from the remainder of the pain, and he fell to the ground. There he reverted back to a horse and lost a quick and decisive fight.

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon sighed when he saw this fight was over, and he sheathed Yamato. He would look over to Luci who was on his shoulder and he shook his head. Luci saw this and he laughed at him. That was not something he thought he would see.

“It looks like you bought yourself a feisty Dragon, Drakkon. So, what are you going to do? Is this going to be a show on how to train your dragon? He laughed when he said this as he would continue to smoke.

Drakkon heard this and shook his head, he couldn’t believe this just happened. He needed a drink and he had one with him.

“I didn’t think that would happen, but here we are. All I wanted to do was think about our next moves. Are we going to go to a different guild, stay in this one, and take over, or just go back to Paradise Dawn, now that Lumikki is in charge?” He said to Luci, but he was talking to himself.

#10Go D. Drakkon 

Thinking About the Future  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:19 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The two of them would think about the matter, but there wouldn’t be a conclusion on where they were going to go. Drakkon would open his bottle and he would drink more to numb the pain. He shook his head at the situation that was happening right now. He gulped repeatedly chugging the jug that he carried with him. He would sigh with relief as he couldn’t find an answer right now.

“I guess soon I will find a solution, but for now, I will move around and find out what to do or where to go next. Yuurei isn’t the guild master to pushed me to stay here. So, for now, we seek something better.” He said to Luci as he pushed away from where he was.

He looked at the unconscious horse and shook his head as he kept walking leaving it behind.

“If he wants to he can follow me, but for now, I don’t care for it.” He said as he left the area.

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