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No Peeping (D Rank/Solo)

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No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:43 pm

The Mag Drug Magic Shop closed its doors, and a chill wind swirled through Magnolia Town as Mielle ventured to the Magnolia Bathhouse. The subtle scent of herbs and the gentle hum of the bathhouse greeted her as she entered, finding herself in the elegant presence of Bella Missandra. Bella, though bearing the visage of youth through magical means, exuded an air of authority that demanded respect.

"Ah, Mielle," Bella greeted with a nod, her eyes betraying a hint of concern. "Thank you for coming promptly. I trust you're well."

Mielle, her usual doll-like appearance adorned in frills and bows, nodded politely. "Of course, Miss Bella. What seems to be the problem?" Her words flowed with a sweet, melodic tone, concealing the keenness in her eyes.

Bella sighed, her perfectly manicured nails tapping lightly against the bathhouse's elegant counter. "There's an issue that has been plaguing my establishment, and it's causing quite a stir among my patrons. A Peeping Tom has been lurking around the women's bath, causing distress and driving away customers. This cannot be tolerated."

WC: 183


No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:44 pm

Mielle's porcelain expression shifted, the delicate features reflecting a mixture of curiosity and subtle disdain. "A Peeping Tom? How utterly distasteful. I assume you want him dealt with promptly?"

Bella nodded, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Exactly, Mielle. We need to ensure the sanctity of this bathhouse. I've closed the women's bath for the evening, giving you the opportunity to set up an ambush. Wait until evening, when most of the reported cases have taken place, and apprehend this intruder."

Mielle listened attentively, her doll-like gaze fixated on Bella. "Ambushing a Peeping Tom. Quite the departure from my usual magical pursuits, but I'll handle it with discretion."

Bella's lips curled into a wry smile. "I have faith in your abilities, Mielle. The women's bath is at your disposal for this endeavor. We need to put an end to this scandalous behavior promptly."

WC: 150


No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:46 pm

Bella nodded approvingly, her expression hinting at the relief she felt. "Very well, Mielle. I await good news. Remember, discretion is of the utmost importance. We don't want to cause unnecessary alarm among the patrons."

With a determined nod, Mielle left the bathhouse, ready to confront the lurking Peeping Tom and restore the tranquility of the elegant establishment.

The day waned into evening, casting a soft glow over Magnolia Town as Mielle prepared for her task at the Magnolia Bathhouse. The usual buzz of patrons and the comforting warmth of the bathwater were replaced by an air of anticipation. She discreetly made her way into the women's bath, the atmosphere thick with the promise of an impending confrontation.

Mielle, perched near a strategically chosen spot, observed the bathhouse with a watchful eye. The echoes of her doll-like footsteps on the polished tiles were a whisper amid the hushed ambience. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange hue across the sky, Mielle felt the stillness settling in, the calm before the storm.

WC: 178


No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:47 pm

The minutes passed like delicate droplets, each resonating with a silent promise. Mielle's patience held steady, her vigilant gaze scanning the surroundings. Then, an unexpected voice shattered the quietude, a voice that seemed perplexed and strangely innocent.

"Huh? Where are they?" The Peeping Tom's voice murmured in bewilderment.

Mielle's eyes widened ever so slightly, recognizing the confusion in the intruder's tone. She remained concealed, a silhouette in the dimly lit bathhouse, keenly observing the unfolding scenario.

The Peeping Tom, expecting a clandestine view, instead found himself greeted by an empty women's bath. The tantalizing mystery he anticipated turned into a puzzling absence. His surprise manifested in a few mumbled words of confusion, adding a layer of unexpected comedy to the situation.

"This can't be right. I heard they come here in the evening," he muttered, scratching his head.

Seizing the opportune moment, Mielle gracefully stepped forward, revealing herself from the shadows. "Looking for something?" she inquired, her voice soft but laced with a subtle edge.

WC: 171


No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:02 pm

The Peeping Tom, caught off guard, stumbled backward, his eyes widening in shock. "Who the heck are you? What are you doing here?" he stammered.

Mielle, maintaining an air of composed authority, responded, "I'm Mielle, and this is the Magnolia Bathhouse. Trespassing isn't tolerated here, especially not for dubious intentions."

The Peeping Tom, his initial bewilderment transforming into defensiveness, clenched his fists. "What do you care? There's no one here anyway. What's the harm?"

Mielle's eyes glinted with a hint of irritation. "The harm lies in the invasion of privacy and the discomfort you've caused the patrons. Your actions are unacceptable, and I won't allow it to continue."

But the perv just glowered at her, then lunged forward, fists raised. Mielle was taken so off guard that the man would be so quick to attack someone with an appearance so young as hers (even if she was very much an adult, be he didn't know that, now did he?) that she was knocked to the ground from a punch she just barely managed to not dodge. After landing Mielle yelled out "Puppet Hand" and strings appeared out of her hand, the ends forming right where a floating wooden puppet hand appeared.

WC: 201



Character Profile ~~~ Sheet ~~~ Spells ~~~ Text Colour: #ffccff

No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:10 pm

The man scrambles back the show of magic, and the floating hand before him, before his foolish rage takes him over and he lunges again. Fortunately Mielle and Puttet Hand dodge in time, before the summon swirls around and backhands the perve, knocking him out instantly. "That's what you get for being a creep." Mielle sniffs at the man. Then orders her summon to pick him up and carry him to the lady of the bath house.

With the Peeping Tom subdued and escorted out by Mielle's Puppet Hand, the serene atmosphere of the Magnolia Bathhouse began to reclaim its space. Mielle, having upheld the sanctity of the establishment, made her way towards the bathhouse's entrance where Bella Missandra awaited. The Puppet Hand floated gracefully by her side, an ever-faithful companion in both mundane and more eventful moments.

Bella, stationed near the entrance with an air of impatience, scrutinized the scene as Mielle approached. Her vibrant gaze flickered between Mielle and the subdued intruder, her expectations for a swift resolution evident in her pursed lips.

WC: 179



No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:13 pm

"Ah, Mielle, my dear," Bella greeted, her tone a mix of relief and acknowledgment. "Is our little intruder taken care of?"

Mielle nodded a flicker of satisfaction in her eyes. "Yes, Bella. The bathhouse is once again secure. I've handled the situation." With that Mielle hands the eppe over to a security guard and unsummons Puppet Hand.

Bella's stern expression softened into a rare smile. "Good, good. You've done a service to my establishment, and for that, you deserve a reward." She gestured towards the bathhouse interior. "I'll prepare a special bath for you. Magical herbs to invigorate your senses and replenish your mana."

As they entered the bathhouse, the atmosphere shifted from the remnants of tension to the soothing ambiance that characterized the establishment. The boss lady gracefully leads Mielle into the heart of the bathhouse. Bella led the way to a secluded area, adorned with ornate tiles and enveloped in the warm embrace of the bathhouse's enchanting magic.

WC: 165


No Peeping (D Rank/Solo) Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:16 pm

"I appreciate your swift action, Mielle. This place is a haven for relaxation, and your efforts ensure it remains so," Bella remarked as she prepared the magical herbs with practiced finesse.

Mielle, though not particularly fond of the confrontation, acknowledged the significance of preserving the bathhouse's tranquility. "It's important to maintain the sanctity of places like these. People come here seeking refuge and peace."

Bella nodded, a rare glimpse of gratitude in her eyes. "Indeed, my dear. And now, for your reward." She handed Mielle a small vial containing a shimmering liquid. "This potion is infused with magical herbs. It'll rejuvenate your mana and leave you feeling refreshed."

Taking the vial with a gracious nod, Mielle expressed her thanks. "I appreciate it, Bella. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask."

Bella waved off the offer with a regal flourish. "No need for now, Mielle. Enjoy your bath, and may the magical waters invigorate both body and spirit."

As Mielle immersed herself in the enchanting bath, the Helping Hand stood by, a silent witness to the unfolding moments of tranquility. Bella, content with the resolution, resumed her vigilant watch over the bathhouse, knowing that its sanctity had been preserved, thanks to the capable intervention of a dedicated mage.

WC: 215
WCT: 1442

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