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Only You~! [Moderate]

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Only You~! [Moderate] Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:06 pm

Name: Only You~!

Difficulty: Moderate

Participants: Nikki Marcello & Kanna Kusanagi

Story: Having gotten engaged last year, Nikki and Kanna finally tie the knot to become wedded officially, and then embark upon a whirlwind tour honeymoon which sees them plunged into problems and excitements which they might never have expected, but ultimately only strengthens the bond between the new brides. Ultimately set to test the two and what is important to them, the story should prove that despite their deviancy this daring duo is far from beyond decency, and while their methods and attitudes might at times be questionable they are also far from irredeemable either.

Rewards: Unique Custom

  • Make it to the end of the aisle, and say their vows in church.
  • Set out into the world on their honeymoon.
  • Have some memorable adventures.
  • Grow a little as morally grey people.

Required Progress: At least 10,000 words each or 5x A-rank quests together.


Only You~! [Moderate] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:13 am

@Nikki Storyline approved! Love is love~

Only You~! [Moderate] GPIjkMz

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