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The light in the night

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The light in the night Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:29 am


Lumikki was wandering the streets of Orchidia during the night. The bar she just left lost her interest, but the drinks should hold her down as she found the next one. Yet even so, she did not know where she wanted to stumble into next. If anything, she was quite bored of all the ones she’s known but at the same time she wasn’t in quite the right mood to discover another one all together.

She was in her human for as she didn’t care to bring more attention her way than she already has. Her hair was in two pigtails with small black wing accessories , lips and eyes painted back and she wore a short black dress with what looked like thigh high black socks.

And so there she was just walking aimlessly until she figured a new perspective would do her better. The boundless night would pull toward her, fastening wings along her back. She’d look around for a moment to find the most tall place nearby to perch for a moment, until finding the next place she would waste her time in and funny enough for her it was the structure of one of the minor churches within the markets. A place she herself would find no solace in, but the leverage was welcomed.

Once she got to the top of its highest tower, she’d take the moment to sit and watch. Looking down below in hopes she could find the motivation to stay.

The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:50 am


Of course, nighttime was the scene, and for Yuurei and Renji it meant one thing, relaxing. The two of them had gone around the city and had navigated throughout the place to see if the locals needed help. Still, now with that all out of the way, what was there to do? Well, the Seraphim and the Exceed had noticed that there was a nice scenery in the sky tonight. The moon was in its full state, but it was as beautiful as ever.

The man figured that it was best to take the beauty of it all like he usually did in the first place. He already knew where to go, and he would take Renji with him as well. Of course, he waited for his friend to turn into his cat form before he made his way to the highest tower of Orchidia. This was the perfect opportunity to avoid working at the guild office, and he wasn’t planning on returning. His eyes wandered up to the sky above him, as he wasn’t looking around his surroundings.

Renji would return to his human form, and Yuurei wasn’t in his true form. The two of them would lay on their backs as if they were just relaxing. It would be like that for a few hours, and it was only until two things happened. Yuurei’s necklace had warned him there was someone nearby them, and two the slight tap of someone landing on the roof they were on. It would bring him to snap himself up to a sitting position as he would look over to his right.

It was then he would see a person he was familiar with not too far from him. He would chuckle as he would have a smile on his face.

“Oh look it seems like the rising star of Paradise Dawn seems to have joined me on a moon watching.” He said to get her attention.

Renji would hear this and he would look over to see who he was talking about. It was then he would see Lumikki was on the same roof.

“Do all of Paradise Dawn, just get on rooftops or something?” He questioned it.



The light in the night Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:26 pm


” If they have the wings for it, I suppose. But iiiiiin meeee drunken night, I didn’t expect to run into ya’ll here. Ye’ve been illusive Angel, I feel like I’ve haven’t spent time with ya in ages.” She slid forward to allow her body to drop from her seat, only to let herself fly back to the top and occupy a more favorable position.

Her nearly bare feet would hardly make a sound on the roof, but she was sure he felt every movement she made all the same. And when she got close to him, she crouched before him with a goofy smile on her face. ” Rising star? Is Uncle saying that now?” She took a pause to look up at the moon, hardly paying it any mind until this moment. He was right, it was worth gazing at and with her earthly desires she almost forgot to enjoy the celestial heavens above. She took a moment to take it in before returned her gaze back to the company before her.

That was when she finally registered that Yuurei had company as well. ” Are ye a new member I haven’t seen before?” Though her ravens updated her on matters around the guild often, they had no need to tell her about Renji’s human form. And though she’s heard of him from stories passed around, in her drunken stupor, none of such details were connecting. This would be their first formal meeting as far as she was aware.

” Hmmm, are ye from Joya too?”


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The light in the night Empty Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:01 pm


Yuurei would hear her out and he would laugh. His eyes were rubbed as he yawned soon after. He had been on his own path, but it was something he was trying to step out of. He would see where she had positioned herself, and he had a smile on his face. It would seem like she felt that Brone had been calling her the rising star, but that was just something he had observed.

“Nah, he didn’t say that. I haven’t been interacting with you guys, but I have been keeping watch. You guys are part of my family of course.” He said to Lumi.

Renji would look at her as she had asked him if he was a new member. It made him smile and laugh a bit, and Migi would yawn as he heard her, and he chuckled a bit. Yuurei would see his arm had awoken and he would shake his head.

“Hey new guy fetch us some water.” Migi said to Renji.

Renji would shake his head as he looked at Lumikki.

“No, I’m older than you are in terms of being with the guild. I’m Renji” He said to her as he smiled at her.

“It seems like everybody is awake now.” He said out loud.

Migi would rub his eyes from Yuurei’s arm and he would look at Lumikki.


The light in the night Empty Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:51 pm


Lumikki would look Renji over and take his appearance in. Standing back up to walk over to him." Oy, now that's a nice trick Renji. I didn't know ye had magic in ya." She poked at his cheek and gently tugged at his hair. Until she looked over at Yuurei's talking hand.

" So the stretching arm also speaks, huh. Yer the one to extend on the slash his. The Angel doesn't need yer help all the time ya know." She plops to sit down by Renji, but she's turned toward Yuurei. Taking in the missmoss that was her company.

" Do ya eat too?" She'd ask Migi curious. She was leaning over to see him a little closer, but she refrained from touching him. She would reach into her void and pull out some chips and cookies. She had no real food, but she did keep snacks. One by one she would pull them out and place them in between them.

" Still, it's nice to see ya. Looks lot has changed since the time in the library. And ye've been piling tales and stories."


The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:43 am


Renji looked at Lumikki as she touched his cheek and his hair. He would have enjoyed it if she had rubbed his chin, because you know he was still a talking cat. Still, it would seem like she was trying to see how authentic everything was.

“I’ve gotten stronger too, but that is mainly due to Yuurei. I sap his energy when he goes into battle, so I become stronger than him.” He said to Lumikki.

Yuurei didn’t mind if she knew their secrets. The ribbon they had was something he had tied around his neck. It was something that even if it broke, the powers gifted to Renji wouldn’t be taken away.

“Yeah, it’s weird, but I’m not complaining about it.” He said.

When she spoke to Migi the hand would look at her and he would laugh a bit at her comment, followed by the request to give him food.

“I do eat, but I usually get food whenever Yuu is asleep.” He said as he detached himself, the moment Lumikki had reached out to give him food.

Yuurei would see Migi on the ground as he was eating, which would leave Yuurei with one arm.

“I know he doesn’t need my help, but I figured since I’m his arm, I might as well do what an arm would do you know.” He said to Lumikki.

Yuurei would look at Migi and he would glare at him. He never told him he could separate from him. They never knew when danger could be lurking. Still, he would disregard it as he looked over to Lumikki.

“Yeah a lot does usually happen around me, but it’s not like I don’t enjoy myself.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

“Still, the same could be said of you, Lumi.” He smiled at her as he was impressed with her growth as a person, a mage, and a fighter.


The light in the night Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:38 pm


” Sap as much as ye like Renji, he’s practically a god.” She opened a back of cheddar chips and began tossing the chips into her mouth in quick succession. She was eyeing Migi as she are, looking him over in fascination.” I understand the desire not to be useless, I really do. But ye should spare me with yer efforts and aim for the baddies that try to climb North. Oh….but hmmm. Now that I’m speaking to ya. What are ye mate? A prosthetic with the qualities of a Homunculi? The things of Talaz lack anything “organic” in ‘em to say ye derive there. Are there stories of yer creation to make note of? Are ye cobbled from the Abyss? Or some stray god?” Lumikki was quite curious, this moment didn’t come often so she took full advantage to ask. Meanwhile she was finishing her bag of chips and reaching for another.

Finally, as she was opening the new bag, she would look at Yuurei once more. He was down an arm, but didn’t look an ounce weaker for it. Yet this was still an odd sight to behold.

” Suppose ye could say that. It’s odd talking about it with ye. Considering I met ye when it felt like I was a baby. Too small to ever amount to yer shadow and ye were already legends then.” With all the darkness that surrounded, Lumikki allowed it to be pulled toward her. Warping all around her as it layered over her skin and hair. She continued to snack as it did so, even as the excess would dissipate like black petals falling in the wind. Leaving her true form behind as her hair shown white and her skin was like the night around her. Blue tattoos would shimmer on her skin and with her hands were stained black, they now looked as those they were formed of ice. Shadows would move and creep along her skin as those they alive, and a pair of wings were tucked into her hair.

” That’s much more comfortable.” She sighed, now more relaxed than before.” I don’t know how ye manage hiding away most of the time.” She crumbled the empty bad and placed it to the side along with the other. ” Ye were right, it was possible. And I don’t hate me choice. But why must everything be such a pain to obtain. At least I didn’t have to die like ye and be reborn I suppose….” She grabbed a can of pineapple soda and cracked it open. Gulping half the can down in one go.

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The light in the night Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:25 am


Renji would hear her and he would nod. He wanted to get stronger so that Yuurei didn’t have to do all the work himself. It would seem like he would continue that path for as long as he could. Migi would look at her as if he was not on Yuurei. She had asked him a question and he would rub his chin.

“I’m not from that wretched island, but I do come from the Abyss I guess. I’m not from this world, but I’m not a Homunculi.” He paused for a second.

“You can say I’m a prosthetic, but at the same time, I’m not. This is Yuurei’s arm, but at the same time, I am Yuurei’s arm. I’m a parasite, and what I did was when he lost the bandaged arm that day, I used his cells to regrow his arm into what it is now. I think me in it gives it such a nice modification.” Migi explained and laughed at the end.

Yuurei looked at Migi and he never really asked him any of this. When he became his new arm, he used him as best as he could because of what he was fighting. After that day, he made sure that he took advantage of this arm due to the loss of his old arm.

Yuurei would hear her and he would see her transform. Well, she was a demon, so she was revealing her true self to him. He would smile at her new appearance, and he would brush his hair back as he could see the new beauty that was Lumikki. He heard her words and he would chuckle. His body faded to what it was, and the pure white wings revealed itself. They were as pure as they could be, so white, they could blind a regular man by looking at them. His hair still white, somehow became brighter. His eyes were shiny both blue and red. Still, in the midst of it all, his scariest form had not been revealed.

The epitome of his Seraphim form was something he did not use. It was a form that nobody would see unless he had no other choice. A form of nature that was more demonic than a demon themselves.

“To be fair, I’m used to it. Having my wings around kind of gets in the way a lot. Then I have people gazing at me as if they want to take a bite out of me.” He said to her as he laughed a bit.

He heard the last thing she had said and he would laugh again at her comment.

“Power seems not to be able to be obtained without pain. I’m glad you didn’t have to die to obtain yours though. Still, it seems even your uncle has obtained powers much different than a dwarf.” He said as he looked at her.

“So, I don’t think I have asked you, but are you happy with the guild Lumi? You are strong and growing fast, not as fast as I did, but you will be one of the strongest, from what I have seen in your potential. So, I’m asking for your opinion.” He said as he there was a comment there, that showed he was still a cocky little half-elf that had to be blunt about things.


The light in the night Empty Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:20 pm


Lumikki would pause from chewing her chips as Migi spoke so that the crunch would not crackle in her ears. She found his response quite fascinating, making note of the information this brought to light for her. Lumi would delve toward becoming an expert in magic. Things like “science” or the medical as far removed from her preferred interests. Though she wouldn’t mind looking into the creations of Homunculi, Lumi knew she had little interest in the study of such things like parasites. She liked the prospect of the creature being a machination of the abyss but he was more complicated than a cobbled spell.

As she relaxed her form, Yuurei would meet her with his own. It was a nice contrast to the first time they had revealed themselves. She was still sloppy shadows strewn together back then. They barely made a decent imitation of wings. And it would be his words that even brought her a focus, onto a new sense of self. It changed her life….

And here they are now, two beings far from the norm. It was not common for a Demon to walk these lands as much for a Seraphim to be warding them.

” The wings do get snagged sometimes don’t they.” She looked over to his near blinding form, if she wasn’t protected from bright things obscuring her sight then she’d be squinting by now.

” And that’s yer fault for being too pretty ye know. Yer too well known in these parts not to be stalked by the lasses that fancy ya.” She started to laugh at the idea of him getting swarmed.

” Huh? Uncle? Ye the bloke ascended ages ago during our family affair. Isn’t it such an odd sight? I like the color of his skin tho, far removed from the norm, but then again I could just be biased.” Skin like cool stone wasn’t that far from skin of night. ” Oh! Ye’ve seen Benimaru, aye? He has an interesting form himself too.”

Lumikki took a sip of her soda again with a deep pleased sigh as Yuurei asked her about how she liked the guild.” Like it? It’s me home mate! Forever, long as its walls stand and I have a place among it, being in the Dawn brings. Hel, I wanna be a pillar among ya. Carve me way to being a legend like ye and Uncle.”

The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:14 pm


Yuurei would hear and he would chuckle a bit. He had to maneuver them around, which wasn’t a problem for him.

“A little bit, yeah, but I’m used to it.” He paused for a second.

“I blame my mother for the good looks. But all I did was play my part in this world, and now everybody wants me to do something for them.” He said to Lumikki.

When she mentioned Benimaru and when Brone had ascended, Yuurei figured this happened not too long ago. Benimaru broke out of his seal with him in the mountain, so Brone had yet to become an ascended dwarf.

“Yeah, he basically got out of the shield and sword due to my family seals on Onis being broken.” He said to Lumikki.

When she said the last thing, he would smile at her. He was happy to hear her words and he would move over to her to pat the small one.

“I’m sure you will one day. It just takes time, and honestly becoming a Demon, and Seraphim, time is all we have now.” He said to her as he laughed a bit.

There was someone watching over the two of them. It would seem like there was someone keeping an eye on Yuurei. The half-elf had been targeted for quite some time now, and it would seem like today was just another day.


The light in the night Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:49 pm


The mention of blaming his mother brought out a soft chuckle in her that settled down into a snicker. What a funny and braggadocio thing to say but it ended up being charming. Comments like these reminded her of how grounded he really was. Not entirely of the celestial beings he derives. She liked it, humor and arrogance was fun to bond over.

” Oh right, they made ye their lap dog too! I’m hardly better off.” Lumikki sighed as she placed her can of Fizz-spin soda on the ground, pushing it to the side as she spoke on. Fuckers befriend me birds and sic ‘em on me with messages and requests! Theres hardly an escape to all their complaining. I don’t know how ye do it, being the Warden of all things. But suppose that’s why ye disappear without a trace sometimes…..” She looked at him with a deep pout, her frustrations were very clear on her face.

Lumikki gasped, ” It’s broke? Does that mean all the onis are free?” She mulled over the prospect of meeting more of Benimaru’s kind before answering Yuurei’s inquiry, of her feelings toward Paradise Dawn. The Angel, who seemed pleased, treated her with a patting that she welcomed contently. Enjoying the give and take of the moment, as it’s felt like it’s been so long since the two were afforded this.

” Yea……time. We got a lot of that don’t we….what will ye do with all of yers?” Lumikki felt something was slightly off, but she didn’t think much of it. Being around Yuurei tend to make her loosen her guard. If she wasn’t sparring with him at least.

” What is it like being a Seraphim? I figure it’s as far away as I’ll ever know. I don’t even know what grace could even feel like. Were ye ever grazed by the abyss?” She let the Obscura dance along her fingers. ” It quite the odd sensation. Is yer light the same?”

The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:42 am


Yuurei would hear what she had said and he would laugh at what she said. He was Fiore’s lapdog for sure. The thing is he didn’t care, he was sculpted to help others without a problem. It was something he had done to be accepted by the elves he had lived with. It took him to be strong for them to like him, but he was fine with that. They were his people and he knew Kailani would have wanted him to keep them safe.

“When I disappear without a trace, I’m just checking on the North or going to another country to take care of something, or find something that might help me in my future journey.” He said to Lumikki

When he heard what she said, he would rub the back of his head and he would look away and into the sky. He would chuckle nervously as something like that did happen.

“Yeah, that’s basically what happened.” He paused for a second as he looked over to her.

“I also made a home for an Oni within me. It seems like it tried to take over my body as a last-second ditch, but it failed.” He said as he looked at his right hand and he hoped that was the case.

Yuurei would rub his chin and he would think about the answer to that question.

“I was thinking about making children. I need to leave my offspring within this world, so they can carry on the future when I’m gone. I still have some Seraphim I need to go visit, so there’s that.” He said to her.

“What about you Lumi?” He asked curious to hear what she had to say.

He was asked another question and he had to think about it.

“I don’t know actually. I think it’s a relaxing sensation, but on top of that, I’m always going through a lot. There are three other beings trying to occupy my body, so I’m usually bothered by them at times.” He said to Lumi.


The light in the night Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:48 pm


: Ye really spoil 'em all too much. Must be the Seraphim in ya." She rolled her eyes as she spoke, pondering how drastic her disposition would be if she fell into grace instead. She leaned back using the darkness just behind her like a rest, but hearing his recent addition, she shot forward in complete disbelief.

" Ah!" Lumi meeped before her brain settled on the proper words. " Ye have one in ya?! Oh Yuurei, there's a wee bit of demonic in ya. Now isn't that an interesting turnout for a tried and true Angel, such as yerself? And now look at ya, keeping another Demon in check. If only the people knew of the hero ye are." Her words were quite cheeky and playful, she was brimming with excitement for the entertaining news. " Did ye name yer new pet? Does he know that he is one? I wonder if he's tasty? Can't be fun like brother if he's locked in ya, right?" So many thoughts would cycle through her mind as she brought a finger to her lips. She spotted him looking at his hands, not understanding what for. Is the oni contained in his palm? She wondered, not entirely sure.

Lumi, already leaning back on the dark once more after her cascade of inquires would now let out a sigh. She didn't figure he had those thoughts too. " Aye, I've considered hell spawn of me own. Mostly for the company, figured they should outlive most of the crew we know. But if I have some, I want them to pave their own desires, even if they are far removed from mine....Well! I got decades, maybe even centuries before I really need to start thinking about it, and a Daemon to entertain me in the meantime."

She waited as he gave her question thought. She didn't know what it felt like to have such a contradictory being inside, well, actually she might. Her father would bogg down her thoughts and it was annoying." It's getting quite astonishing to how many of us have voices or beings in their head. But three mate? How are ya sure who ye are?" Her eyes lowered to where Migi was, studying his features for a moment before looking back over to Yuurei." Does he count as one?" She pointed to Migi as she spoke so her question was clearer. " I wonder if I could eat the oni...." Lumi, mostly speaking to herself, would somewhat whisper as she thought about him again.

The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:20 am


Yuurei would laugh when he heard the first thing she said. It wasn’t that, he was that way because of how he was raised and nothing more. Still, Kailani had a big part in how he turned out. If she didn’t exist he wasn’t sure how things would have gone in this world. His laughter continued as he nodded to the next thing she said. The people in Fiore didn’t know what he had been keeping within himself. He had made sure that these creatures couldn’t run loose. If they did then he wouldn’t know what would happen to the people in Fiore. As long as he continued to win his mental and inner battle they had nothing to worry about.

His eyes looked at her when she asked him what the Oni’s name was. If he remembered correctly, his name was Shuten-dōji, and he was said to be one of the strongest Oni. As the Devil that was in him, his name was Leviathan. These two had battled with Yuurei time and time again but failed to take over the body of the young man. It made things easier though as the two of them would battle each other to see who would be able to control his body. He wasn’t sure how long it would take for the two of them to decide to work together, but he hoped that never happened.

He looked at her and it would seem like she wanted kids of her own, but not any time soon. The thing is he didn’t know when he would perish. Yuurei was always fighting and doing things, so things could always turn for the worst at any point in his life.

She would ask him about Migi and he would look at his arm again and then he would look at her after she was finished speaking.

“He does count as one, but I think he can’t occupy any part of my body anymore. I stopped him right at the arm, so that’s a good thing and he has learned to cooperate.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

“Well, I don’t know, but these guys were no joke when the group fought him. He kept jumping into bodies, until he went into mine. The Oni’s name is Shuten-dōji and from what he said, he was the most powerful Oni known to man. The Devil or Demon, his name is Leviathan; he had been trapped because of his envy of the people in a fort. When he went to assault them, they had planned this and trapped him with a powerful curse.” He paused for a second.

“He keeps saying he is or was a prince of Hell. I tend to ignore him, but he is always angry. Shuten-dōji is the scarier one because he’s always calm on what he does next.” He said as he sighed explaining what bullshit he was going through.

“I’m pretty sure I’m me, or Yuurei. I don’t think Fiore would be safe if I wasn’t.” He laughed when he said that, but he wasn’t lying that was for sure.


The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:10 am


” Ye know, there aren’t a lot of text on those decrepit Demons in the library. Granted there’s only so many books our guild would venture to collect. Still! I hardly know much about those buggers and I’d like to. Much like how ya wanted to learn more about the Seraphim the first time we had met.” She was puffing her cheeks in agitation as she flailed about in her excitement. Disturbing her comfort in the process to display just how much passion she felt toward all this. But finally she’d calm back down as she leaned over to Yuurei to continue making her point.

” Aye, and much like ye I wanna disrupt the Abyss a bit. Bring them a fresh batch of chaos to their front door. But unlike yer desire to kill the Seraphim off, I kinda wanna consume the Demons along the way. Playing catch would take too long, but taking their power as me own would be much more fun.” A smirk would spread along her face as her eyes narrowed. She truly savored the idea of desires, hopping this benefit in time.

” Nooooow, if ye ever figure out how to let me eat Leviathan and settle that battle for ye. I’d be moooore than happy to take the prince off yer hands. But hmmmm, maybe I first need to be assured I could handle him….. She was trying to plot out all the decades it would take to know, and the more she wondered about the proper time or tried to gauge the amount of strength needed, the more she got annoyed. She practically forgot all about the oni, only hearing him in passing throughout some stories she’s read.

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The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:44 am


Yuurei would hear her attempt for more knowledge. He would nod as he understood where she was coming from. Still, he wasn’t sure if he could do anything about it. This type of information was hard as it is to obtain. Leviathan’s appearance to him was by accident. It was something that only happened when he and Kaito had been looking for Lost Civilization pages that would help them in the future battle with the other world.

His eyes widened a bit when he heard her plans. He understood where she was coming from. He felt that the Devil, and Oni that was within him had given him powers that he couldn’t imagine. He was already strong as it was, but he felt those two made him something to be feared throughout Earthland.

Yuurei would hear, but he wasn’t sure how he would get something that had possessed him out of him. This wasn’t a small Demon, so he wasn’t sure if this was something that could be possible. The Requip mage did make use of their powers, but how long would he need them?

“I don’t know, but I will keep an eye out for more, “rare” books. I do enjoy learning, and it's how I got to know all I can know about Fiore. Still, I can understand your thirst for power, so I can’t blame you for wanting more. It was something I had done when I was looking for revenge.” He paused for a second.

“If that day ever comes when I can do something of such feat, then I will let you know. As for now, I used the power Leviathan has for my own, the same as Shuten.” He said to her.

The person who would watch the two of them decided it was time to make their appearance. He would appear behind the two of them, and a man with black and white wings would appear. His iris covered his entire eyes as he had a smile on his face.

“What a beautiful sight to see a Seraphim and a Demon, talking to each other like this. I tell Demons and Seraphims all the time that we can get along, but they just always disagree. I do say though it’s better to be both so that you could just do whatever you want and take on any job from any side you want to.” He said to them leaving that very broad, but the arrival power was strong enough for Yuurei to flinch at his sudden appearance.


The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:26 pm


" Can't blame ye for that. Might as well squeeze 'em dry of all their worth. I won't begin to pretend me kind is nice, but with that being said, it makes exploiting and killing 'em that much more rewarding. Can't speak all that much for Oni, they're probably cousins at most. Can't imagine having one in me bidding their time though."

She slumped back into her cushion of shadows. Looking up at the moon as the Guild Master suggested. " Such an odd thought though, a Seraphim having a Demon and Oni in him. And those two of all the possibilities. Maybe I should figure out how to enslave one of those angels we plan on fighting and see what it's like. But the idea of it kinda makes me sick, like oil and water. Maybe I should start hunting books on me travels for us. I was planning on moving around to play with Daemons and their masters anyway. But I doubt I'll find things of note that ye'd care to read..."

She was so lost in her plans and fixations that she didn't notice the visitor until he began to speak. Lumi glanced at him and then at Yuurei as she tried to make sense of what was happening. Her eyes usually sharp, could not see through illusions. Yet how could he be anything but when he bore the wings of both their kind? Even Yuurei's face was giving way to his disbelief, but as long as he was beside her, she wouldn't feel so cornered.

" Wait?....There's an option to be both? How do ye even do that without burning the other?..." Everything about him just didn't make sense, but now her curiosity would overtake her." Huh, ye talk to Demons aaaand Seraphim often?"

Lumikki was beginning to stand up, as sitting down for all of this was making her feel too vulnerable. " Who are ye? Ya could consider me Revna."

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The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:17 pm


Yuurei tensed up; he felt the power that was coming from this man. It would seem like the
Seraphim had decided to appear once again. They didn’t understand that they needed to leave him alone for the time being. Still, what was behind them was something different. He had heard of beings that were part Seraphim and part Demon, but he didn’t think he would meet one today. It would seem like Lumikki was surprised about this. The Warden needed to protect her as this being was no joke; if he meant harm, then there would be just that.

The stranger would look at Lumikki and he would smile at her. It seemed like she was scared for a moment, and he looked over at Yuurei before looking at her. It would seem like he had given her a sense of calmness. It was as if because he was here, she felt that everything was going to be okay. His grin had malice to it. It was something they both could see and take note of.

“Ah yes, you can be both. It is a rare thing that usually doesn’t happen. As for talking to them both, of course, when you have powers like me, they want me on their side and not against them.” He said this as he saw that she was getting up and he didn’t like that.

“I’m just an abomination for hire. It seems like the Seraphim wants Yuurei dead. They don’t want outsider with their powers anymore. It seems like they got tired of Uriel since they had him in prison for quite some time. Is it because he turned you into what you are today?” He asked Yuurei.

“You’re getting up just makes me feel so threatened. I think you should take a rest.” He said to Lumikki as he would swipe at her.

He was attempting to get her away from him, and he wasn’t sure how much damage she would take from the beginning, but he did try using all his force on that quick swing. When Yuurei saw this, his eyes widened and something within him snapped. The Seraphim instantly stretched his right arm toward the man and slammed him on the rooftop.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! You come to my home and you attack my family?!” He was angry as more wings would appear on his back.

The Abomination was on the ground with the elongated arm pressing on him. He would laugh a bit as he could see why they didn’t want this man alive. He was a problem to their society and one that could ruin them if left unchecked.


The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:38 pm


The agitated beast before him, feigning any kind of civility, would lash at Lumi’s sudden movement. The bewildered Demoness would feel the terror in the short moment before dipping into a frenzy herself. Her internal self freezing over like a tundra, much like how she usually would frost over when mustering the will to face Yuurei.

But it was not just from within that tasted the nipping winter’s bite, her frigid magic would spill out of her in an instant. As Yuurei held the stranger down, she added her little touch in hope to make the pin easier for the Guild Master. A black frost would creep along the creatures skin, sprouting black flowers. Lumi appreciated the interception, there was no way of telling how much damage he would have caused her. And yet, not matter how much the heartless Angel could agitated her in their cheeky spars, she could never hold back her animosity toward his enemies. Pure hatred washed over her, mixed with disgust as she could not suffer the man living any longer than need be. She expected this of the Demons, to which she didn’t fault them nor cared much at all. But the deceptive Seraphim in their distant skies were grotesque in their grandiose, holier than thou delusions. The vultures even bothered to enlist the mix-breed’s assistance to divert and real effort off of themselves.


” Ye really are an abomination. Working with the pigeons in the sky….Yer a terror aye, but if I’m honest. Yer hardly scarier than him….” The dark of night would swallow her as she spoke while it would appear feathers and wings would sprout from her flesh. Lumi’s eyes glowed as the shift would happen and the little Demoness would slip into her next form. She quickly slipped her talon into the dark void that held her things, grasping a harp. But this would only show for a moment as the night would blend with her skin, causing her to vanish from sight. Her miss-matched fuchsia and violet eyes being the last to show before also fading into the cold night air.

Soon an eerie tune would play, a melancholy melody that would nearly bordering on harrowing. It would be woven with a song more elated, its notes offering the Seraphim to which she cared, even more strength to enact his fury. ” I wonder how a half-breed tastes….” She would speak in a near whisper, Lumi was not seeking a response. No she wanted to see the Angel of Dawn enjoy tearing another enemy to shreds.

The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:26 am


The man would laugh as it would seem like they were getting all riled up. It would seem like going after the girl had gotten him angry. That was good, it was what he wanted from Yuurei. His eyes darted toward Lumikki as it would seem like she was safe for now. Her words stung when he heard the comments that she had said to him. His eyes moved toward Yuurei as best as he could as he had a smile on his face. It would seem like this man’s power was no joke, and he understood why the Seraphims wanted him gone.

His eyes darted again to Lumikki, Yuurei was filled with anger, and it seemed like he wanted answers, but was he going to give it to him? He could see the girl disappear right before his eyes, and he would smile at her. It would seem like she was going to support the Guild Master or something. He laughed a bit as he would hear the melody playing from a specific direction and he would have a grin on his face.

“Look, I’m just here to do my job. I guess you’re doing the same thing. Still, with that strength of yours, I can understand, why they hired me, and why they want you gone. I thought I was an abomination, but here you are, Yuurei.” He said to the man.

Yuurei would hear him, and he would have Migi create sharpened appendages from his arm and stretch straight toward the man. It was then he would disburse into a bunch of black and white doves as the attack would hit the rooftop they were in. His eyes scanned around as he was looking for where he would go.

He would soon appear in the air with more wings than he had before. He would have that stupid grin as Yuurei had the anger on his face.

“It seems like the young girl is a powerful mage. Whatever item she has did some work there on me. Nonetheless, it just means I have to become stronger. The little demon should also watch out.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei would have his arm retract back to him and he would look around as he could feel Lumikki’s vibration in the air. It was then he would see the man use a spell; two magic circles would appear, but there was a third one Yuurei didn’t catch on immediately. This one was around the area Lumikki would have been around. He would suck his teeth at this; the man had shot a spell at Yuurei and another would come from above Lumikki.

The Seraphim would bring out his gauntlets and he would punch the spell, as he would disperse the spell with his nullification. Once he was done there, he would rush towards the second spell. Before he could get to it though, he would see an explosion occurring from the spell, which would cause him to move back and avoid being hit.

“Lumikki are you okay?!” He shouted hoping she was.


The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:56 am


The icy cool dark of the night glides across her skin as she shifted about in the sky. Her wings no longer silent, were still hard to discern in the air. Lumi figured she would be safe for even just a moment. Weaving into the zephyr, she prepared her next move, but the abomination played a familiar trick. Breaking into a flock of black and white birds so that he could escape the Seraphim’s grasp. Lumikki sucked her teeth in utter annoyance, the notes she plucked on the strings of her harp were coming off a little sharp.

Just as she pulled her head back to let out a shriek, the creature was fitting an attack on his own. If the Demoness didn’t throw her back to prepare her screech, she would have gotten caught in what ever this thing was. With the mana pouring into her throat, she pushed out what she had in the moment to let out her ravenous wail, and the moment his spell slipped out the circle cast, she broke into a flock of ravens herself.

All her birds would fly right by Yuurei before making it over to their new destination. Each one still hidden within the shroud of the night. ” I want to rip his wings and consume his demonic half so bad….” She’d growl softy into Yuurei’s ears. She knew he could feel her and more so that he’d at least know where she was. Hopefully he could keep the abomination attacking elsewhere as she added her support from the side.

Tenevi, Lumi’s companion was often with her, but as Lumi was settling into this battle she found relief in knowing she would not have to worry about her harpy getting ripped to spreads. Bless the lass caring very little for a drink, may the errands she left the harpy on drag out for an hour longer. And as Lumi reformed once more, ravens darting into a singular point building up until she was whole. If one could see through her veil, they would know she returned more monstrous before. Lumi hung in the air in her hybrid form, looking more like a harp than a human now.

And as she waited to see Yuurei’s next move, she plotted her next attack with itching fingers in need of pulling stings and a snarl on her hidden face.

The light in the night Img_8011

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The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:33 am


The freelancer would laugh when he saw that nobody had been by his attacks. He was right to assume that this man would be annoying to tackle. This made things even more difficult, especially with another person next to the man. Still, he heard that Yuurei traveled with someone much stronger than this, so he should count himself lucky. He would say that, but that melody that was played had gotten him weaker. He was for certain fighting Yuurei with the other guy would have been the better choice.

He did notice the girl had avoided his attack. The grin on his face made him happy to think that he couldn’t see him. The abomination would keep pretending to be oblivious to her location. She had appeared next to her Master, so pretending to attack him and accidentally hit her would be enjoyable.

Yuurei would hear her voice, and he would laugh. It would seem like she was mad, but honestly, these guys weren’t joking around. He would activate the spell from his gauntlets, and a Taijitu symbol would appear under him. It would allow him to use this spell under him without a problem. Another Taijitu symbol would appear under him as he made his move. He would step forward as he flew toward his target.

The Demon never revealed his name, and he would watch Yuurei move close to him. He was fast, that much he knew and he would have a smirk on his face. The Seraphim would throw a right jab at the abomination. He would dodge it and smack Yuurei’s arm away and countered with a punch and a kick of his own. Yuurei would dodge the punch and he would clash the man’s kick with a quick kick of his own. His eyes fierce he would see the man attacking again as he would see the other hand making his way to him. He would chuckle as he could feel it coming due to his Seikuken and he would slap his arm away as he would go in with a punch of his own.

The freelancer saw this coming, and his eyes widened. This guy was great at close combat, and he wouldn’t be able to avoid this attack. He would feel the blow landing on his chest, and the pressure of Yuurei’s attack would come out from his back and the clouds behind him would clear out and spread out from the force behind Yuurei’s attack. It was so strong that it would take out anybody within Earthland, but the fact that his powers right now were mixed with light and darkness, didn’t take this guy out.

He would move away from Yuurei though, grabbing his chest and he would cough up blood from that blow. He would also find himself laughing as he couldn’t believe this. While this was happening, Renji would appear next to him as he used Yuurei’s cape to fly. It was then he would attack the man, with full force. The man didn’t notice Renji, but he would activate his defense spell to block Exceed’s attack.

It was more that he had forgotten about Renji. He didn’t think that creature was strong, but that last attack would prove otherwise. He would move away from Renji and soon after he would activate a spell that would start to rain down a bunch of hell, and heavenly fire at the group.

“Who would have thought you were the one to ruin the lives of the Gods, and Demons, Yuurei? I can see why everyone fears you. Hell, even your people fear you, they won’t tell you.” He said this as he could tell this was a lost cost.

He would start transforming again as he would reveal his true form to the two of them. It would be the only way he could survive this encounter.


The light in the night Empty Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:02 am


Their opponent would be laced with every single diminishing spell she had. Beyond the work of her harp, his strength, wit, and swiftness were being eroded by her magic. The presence of her hybrid form would only chip away further at his capabilities. And yet the mixed creature still fought Yuurei back with just as much fervor as he would on arrival. It boiled at her blood to watch it, her frustrations were working through her jaw as she bit into her lip deeply. Lumi ignored the trickle of blue blood spilling over her neck and chest as she watched the fight in anger. Always too weak, it felt like. Never enough, it would seem. She was hardly the help that her Uncle could provide in a battle, but she would have to do.

And yet as she watched on, and her irritation was stirring the frost within, loosening it calming hold on her emotions during the heat of the battle. There was another sensation she could not shake off. The feeling of still being watched, as if she was still in danger of being perceived.

She sighed deeply as her shaking hands were forced to steady by her will. There was no way to prove if he could see her yet for sure, but Lumi didn’t throw away the possibility either. All she could do is pay mind until he told her for herself, for now this was paranoid baited by the rise of adrenaline and anxiety. And so she was extra careful to stay far away from her Guild Master for the moment. Constantly ebbing and flowing her movements to dance along the two that brawled while she prepared her offenses at last.

With a quick strum of her fingers, the patient Lumikki weaved a spell the moment Yuurei’s punch had showed brunt of its massive impact. As the stranger stepped back, she held out her harp as one would a bow, and with the quick flash of a magic circle and final tug at her strings. Her formless shadow of an arrow would materialize and quickly solidify before shooting forth toward him, it rotated rapidly as it shot through the air. Threatening to hit just as Yuurei’s companion went for the hit as well, striking him right after.

The abomination, though showing the tear of battle, would still push on. And as Lumi looked up, there would be a storm of fire above her. She sucked her teeth in annoyance, the Demoness was already moving around after the arrow was sent, but now she was seeking some cover. As she dropped to an area for shelter, she was playing a melody to send out her frigid cold in the air, hoping that it would eat some of the heat of the flames that were falling upon her.

The light in the night Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The light in the night Empty Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:26 am


Yuurei would see that they had a lot to do right now. It would seem like Lumikki was assisting in any way she could, and he appreciated that. He wasn’t going to tell her to go away because it would one, hurt her pride, and two, it could put her in more danger than she was already. He was fine with her here, and he knew she was strong enough to survive for quite some time.

The abomination would look at them and he would have a smile on his face. He didn’t remember the last time he had to reveal this form, but here he was. That woman had hit him with an arrow, but the damage had been reduced by quite a bit. He made sure of it as he looked at them Yuurei and Renji, pretending like he didn’t notice where Lumikki was.

“If I take your life today, then Uriel will be free, you do know that right?” He asked Yuurei.

The Seraphim would hear him; he was grateful to the angel who had given him these powers, but he couldn’t give his life up to save them. The half-elf had a lot to do in his life and he had to make sure that everybody that he cared for would thrive in their life, and not be harmed by those he would call their enemies.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that. If I was you guys I would have killed him already, because either way, you’re giving me a reason to come after the Seraphims.” He replied, and the man would laugh.

If he didn’t do his job today, then things would be bad for the Seraphim in the future. Honestly, he didn’t care, it would be something he would watch, but he was getting paid to finish him off. The Seraphim would create a huge ball, and he would compress it as soon as it appeared. It was then he would shoot it out toward Yuurei and Renji.

The two of them would look at each other and they would separate so they didn’t get caught in the blast together. They would move through the air, and Yuurei would wrap around, heading to the freelancer. When he got close to him he would launch an attack on him. A single punch that would be followed up by another punch. The being facing Yuurei would dodge the attacks knowing how powerful his attacks would be. Migi would see this and he figured that he would tap into Yuurei’s energy to attack.

Two sharp blades would come out from Yuurei’s right arm and they would extend to reach after their opponent. He would see this and he would barely dodge the attack, noticing that he was scratched by it. He would suck his teeth as he would notice that Renji had waited for this opportunity. He would turn to block the attack from Renji, feeling the blow behind it, but at least he was able to lessen the damage. It was then he would kick the young cat away from him, which would push Yuurei away from him as he grabbed his stomach and he was looking at this monster.

An explosion would occur soon after behind them and a big portion where a few buildings were, would be destroyed or damaged. Yuurei would see this and he would suck his teeth as he would have to defend against these attacks rather than dodge them.


The light in the night Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:57 am


Lumikki could barely overhear their conversation but she was able to make the words out as she was flying through the buildings from below. ” Bod cean pigeons….” She muttered under her breath. The gale she glided on would wash the words away. ” Just white colored Demons.” Lumi kept to the cover of below, even in her veiled form, it did not guarantee that she will avoid all the attacks. And the three above were fighting in a bit too fast for her to keep up. Even if Yuurei knew where she was, she couldn’t be sure his companion would. So if Renji drew the attention in her direction, the Demoness was not entirely sure would always get away but with the skill granted from her eyes, she could be sure that she always knew where they were.

But as she was soaring, Lumi would notice a magical circle flashing. Another attack would be settling around her. It was as she figure, he was aware of where she would be, he was just playing with her for the time being. The veil that would coat her began to melt away as it was becoming a waste of her mana. This fight over all was proving to be vexing but she could only assume this was a regular for Guild Master. Maybe this was why he was often scarce to find….

And with things continuing as they had, she was growing tired of being passive. Her fingers, itching from her apprehension, were now feverishly plucking at the strings. The Demoness was weaving a melody of sorrowful notes that echoed with the intention of her spells. Yuurei never had a problem of side stepping her spells before, she thought, almost done with her first song. Then he should not struggle with it now.

And so a lavender magical circle would flash underneath the creature, mangled in its ghastly form. It proceeded the winds kicking up into a blizzard, wrapping the visitor within. She kept strumming the cords, empty notes at first, but eventually she was settling on the melody of her other spell. Yet before she could bring herself to play it out, she needed to see first what would happen next.

The light in the night Img_8011

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