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Hello Spooky

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Hello Spooky Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:09 pm

Yeah? She heard about a city made of dreams. Oh really That's cute, please, show me another. Oh, yeah? How about that. It was a good one at least, she had seen it herself and thought out that it was quite gorgeous if given the chance and probably a little bit productive probably and she darted forwards with a surge of green, then thought it was sillier even then, now for the expensive armor and the funny hunny bunny ears and she kept trying to go for it even though it was sorta blue. She thought to herself that it would be really easy with the right little set of shenanigans and found herself not really paying that much attention to it as much and then looked at their chest.

It didn't take very long at all to get through to them but then it was fun. She grabbed the flaming one's hammer from out of his right, rugged black armored hand out of the wall, "Yeah?" And she dash spelled the glyph out of her right hand, which ate a bit of blue from her mana pool and it vaporized out of her core with a bit of heat and a higher voltage. "Yeah." She ate it and swallowed it to try it out and thought nothing more of it cause she was a dog and it was kinda funny to try it.

Hello Spooky BgYy4ZU

Hello Spooky Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:09 pm

She could make the dash spell work, it wasn't really that much of a problem she could tell but yet when she ran it it was hard to see if it was worth dumping the effort into too. Too, how had it come to be that even now there was a cat that tried to jump back and forth and scratch then hiss then purr then headbutt then what why? Ouch, so what? It could hurt sometimes and then yeah, oh wow it's pink.

She sent the green mana to her legs and the ground lurched as she drifted, skating about twelve meters high into the air then came crashing down on her opponent from a right good distance above them. She threw the fat one a wallop of the green and pink stuff and it stiffened them right up and he found it nice and please. Yes sir. He bought a few things and kept going.

Hello Spooky BgYy4ZU

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