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A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank)

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A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:51 pm


Kaito received a request asking him to come and deal with a problem that they were having with werewolves attacking people and Kaito figures that it was the vampires again and he would deal with it as he had done before. He called on Revy who joined him and they headed for the area that they would have to deal with the werewolves and with a swing of his arm his gear appeared on himself and he held the sword out to Revy who transformed and took the sword in her hand ready ass she would ever be to go in and do this thing and Kaito warns her that the request said that there was at least one elder wolf among the werewolves and that will take more damage so not to let her guard down around them as they will have a higher intellect but will still see red and assume they were there to kill his kin.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:51 pm


Revy nodded as she understood that she needed to stay on guard and not risk her life Kaito after a moment also have the woman his chest plate to keep her safe and help her to stay quick on her feet and he walked forward as she followed him and Kaito can sense the werewolves were close and he reached out and made a sword out of his own arcane mana and his pointed hand to help him be able to parry the claws of the werewolves as they came running out at him. Kaito wasn't worried about his skin being pierced because of his belt but that didn't mean that he was going to be able to take many hits from them even if he is a strong monster he is still in some forms mortal and can die. Revy moved in and helped as the first wave had come in to fight them and she didn't even flinch as the blade met with the claws of a werewolf.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:51 pm


Kaito is not aiming to kill only injure while he waits for the real puppet masters show themselves and Kaito knows that he can't just rely on his eyes as these vampires might be hiding in a spell so they can not be seen and Kaito used his free hand and used his mana vision spell that allowed him to see the very mana around him as well as the mana of those hidden in the shadows watching and he sees the vampires that were watching him and Revy fighting the werewolves and then Kaito hears it the elder werewolf on his way the heavy strong foot steps of it and the spike in his danger sense lets him know where the werewolf would be coming from and Kaito turned and grabbed the very large elder werewolf by the wrist and flips him making the large creature land flat on his back.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm


The elder werewolf howled in pain and anger as they were slammed to the ground and wanting to get at Kaito's throat put Kaito stopped the strike with his bare open hand and the elder looks like he is now scared showing that the elder was not under mind control like the others he was only defending the kin that were here and had lost their minds and control which he hoped that he could get back for them once the vampires were killed though he knows that the werewolf elder would not understand him but the elder had smelled him and smelled his own advanced werewolf team mate that he had visited on him and the elder backed down from fighting Kaito and fled back into the tree line. Kaito moved to help Revy who was getting out numbered and the armor she was wearing battered from their pack tactic attacks.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm


Kaito appeared and blocked for Revy, then hit the werewolf with a quick yet stern punch that dropped the werewolf it was still alive just winded and knocked out for the moment but that was only one of the five. Revy finally over comes one her self so that leaves three more and then going after the vampire and Kaito and Revy ran side by side to try and catch another one that was close to them as the werewolf jumped another come from Revy's blind spot and Kaito warped her into his dimension and the ducked and the werewolves hit head to head as they had planned for one's momentum to be stopped by hitting the woman that was with him but as she was gone there was no stopping it and the two fell to the ground and Kaito let Revy out of his dimension and she looked at him with a smile.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm


Kaito looked to her and gave her the nod to handle the last one on her own as he headed for the way that the vampires had been and he jumped at them and they didn't move as they didn't think he could see them. Kaito hits them both with a ball of arcane mana and they both drop to the ground their invisibility spell ending and Kaito remakes the mana blade from his pointed hand and he pushes off a tree branch so he was flying down toward them and he transform the blade gaining light element mana as well and he slashed through one and the other tried to fly away, but Kaito was swiftly on the chase and that is when Kaito saw it a blast of dark element magic and it was strong. It came from an elder vampire that had stayed hidden farther back, the spell phased through Kaito to his luck that he was able to do that.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm


Kaito sped up and finished off the regular vampire and the elder moved in to fight Kaito and Kaito started trading blows with the elder vampire, the elder was healing from the damage he was doing but he was not doing enough damage to heal above what Kaito was doing to it. Kaito then made a swift motion and flew around and attack and slashed the stronger vampire that sank oddly to one side as the attack had hurt it badly. Revy was finishing her fight with the werewolf and she like her master stopped from using a killing blow and because Kaito was beating the high vampire it's control had broken on the werewolves that it had, had a hold on and they fled as they woke up. Kaito was once again swapping blows with the other man, the dragon slayer's scales looking almost like they are shimmering in the light that peeked through the trees.


A hunt What a time! (NQ S Rank) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:53 pm


The high vampire tried to surrender raising his arms in a away that he could still cast a spell to attempt to kill off his opponent if he were to let his guard down and trust him, but Kaito wasn't going to spare him and he finished the high vampire off watching his body drop to the ground and Kaito landed makings sure that it was dead before he went to his companion that was a bit beaten up looking and she handed his sword back to him and the armor with a smile as this seemed to be the end of this fight. The elder werewolf came out from the trees in his more human form and he spoke one simple line before he took back off into the trees with his kin. "Thank you human." Kaito smiled as that seemed to mean that this was a job that was well done and he went to go collect his reward with Revy in tow on his shoulder in her exceed form.
(174) (Exit) (1,284/1250) 50% Wc (20%ring,10%guild, 30% Relic.)

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