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Anika Adler

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Anika Adler Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:38 pm



Name: Anika Adler

Age: 23 (X773)

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Bifurious!

Ethnicity, Father: Boscosi

Ethnicity, Mother: Minstreli

Class: Sentinel

Race: Human

Rank: B-Rank

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: Shoulder, Blue

Face: Kalifa – One Piece


Height: 178cm

Build: Athletic

Hair: Flax

Eyes: Lilac


A pretty, tall and athletic young woman who habitually stands out from the crowd for one reason or another, Anika is an attractive young woman with rather unusual but refined looks, which perhaps make her look a little older than she is. A combination of an active lifestyle and gym work to give the girl a noticeably well-toned body like a top athlete or bodybuilder, she shows an especially fullness around her hips and thighs that only stands to make her waist look slimmer, and is one of her favourite ‘points’ to highlight in the way she dresses. The musculature of this minx very well defined, she maintains features like highly accentuated shoulders, biceps, abdominals and leg muscles that truly add to her amazon appearance, and add awe and allure in equal measure, and while her fair features make her always look more delicate than intimidating.

Facially looking somewhat slender and refined in her image, Miss Adler has a high set of cheekbones that provides her with a sharp angle of her jaw, and with the slight narrowness of her gaze gives a mildly ‘fox-like’ look to her visage. Seeming to have a high and defined set of cheekbones, this slim definition of her facial features is contrasted in the full lips that she possesses, which are plump enough to give her a natural pout by default which she can only further accentuate with the right choice of colour. The irises of the girl a pale and purple tone like lilac or lavender, her eyes are framed with a long set of lashes that she further tends to emphasize with cats eye style makeup, and possess an innate sense of keenness that can make them look sharp like those of a bird of prey.

Sporting long locks that reflect her fair complexion, Anika‘s hair has a natural blonde tone and is rather fine and silky, and while largely flat has just a little bit of wavy character to make it cascade over her face and shoulders like strands of sunlight when given the chance . Long and lacking anything in terms of bangs, her flowing tresses are a perfect frame for the pretty face and seem silky and with a noticeable sheen which shows that her mane has received a reasonable level of care and attention. Most commonly Miss Adler likes to leave her hair loose and has found that she loves to feel it whipping around as the wind runs through it when she moves at speed, though that being said she isn’t afraid to tie it up in a ponytail or bun if she needs to, and usually does so when attempting to look a little more elegant or professional. Also happy to take on particular styles to suit her occasion, it wouldn’t be unheard of for this young vixen to put curls or waviness into her hair to add a sense of wildness and texture to it, or wear it in a more traditional style replete with pins and other accessories if she wished to really wow a crowd.

Definitely seeming to have blossomed into a woman with a natural depth to her femininity, habit has made Miss Adler tend to favour items which are a little conservative on the whole, though that does not mean she will not show daring if her occasion calls for it. Most commonly seeming to highlight her long legs with skirts with stockings or the right choice of pants, she seems more modest with her upper portion and wears blouses or tight sweaters and turtlenecks. That model-like frame making her look good in almost anything however, when the situation calls for a plunging neckline, she isn't afraid to show off her bust, and sometimes enjoys baring her midriff and even has her naval pierced for that purpose as well. However, that's usually more for evening activities than anything else.

Usually also wearing a simple set of earrings, she tends not to be a fan of any jewellery that hangs loosely since it can be a distraction and even a hazard when she moves at speed, and she also seems to have a distaste for overly gaudy items as well. In her own mind any form of jewellery more like 'garnish' and the woman wearing it the real show piece, quality and class is paramount in her wardrobe, and costume-wear would be done more for brief windows of irony than an enduring habit.




Bossy, boorish and somewhat bratty at times, Anika Adler is someone who can come across as somewhat abrasive at times due to her often critical manner and how it seems to contrast her belief in prim and proper manners, she can be highly demanding and doesn't seem to make herself easy to like either. Perhaps not a bad person at heart but a domineering manner and tendency to maintain rather lofty standards and judge that which fails them scathingly, she can be dismissive of those who are meek or inattentive and arrogant in her own achievement, which can make it hard for many to connect with her or see the good intentions behind her rigid outlook.

A perfectionist who is often somewhat obsessed with matters of presentation, she can demonstrate an inclination toward obsessive compulsion when it comes to things like cleanliness and dress and would invoke images of a wicked mother-in-law with how she might don a white glove and check for dust and the like. Rarely seeming to reveal that such habits are ones born of anxiety and a more sensitive disposition than she might like to let on, though one might see her as rather hard on those over whom she holds authority, at the same time she is no hypocrite and instead holds herself to the same degree of expectation as she might any other, or perhaps even more so.

Tending to think of things in a highly logical and at times literal manner, law and proper order are something which provide her with a great sense of comfort and security, and though can make her something of a stickler for rules can also make her fair of mind and more decent than one might guess. Perhaps considered something of a 'square' to some people, Anika has a strong sense of right and wrong and adheres to the principles put in place to ensure fairness and proper treatment as a matter of duty, though that doesn’t mean she isn't without more of a 'fun' side of course.

Very much the sort of person who has learned to present a different face in public and private, while the former sees her acting in a manner that is strict and deferential to the standards of society, those who see the other side of her person might be surprised by what they find. Gentler and more nurturing toward those she has grown close to, while an austere upbringing has made Miss Adler present a tougher side to the majority of the world, she tends to be softer with those who have earned a place in her good graces, and perhaps even playful.

Such duality something which seems to only make her relish those chances she has to let her hair down, underneath that acerbic wit and icy veneer she can prove excitable and enthusiastic, and the people who she trusts might garner quite the treat. Misguided at times as she might try to 'support' someone through crisis by better organizing their cupboards or alphabetizing their books, Anika is giving and would deliver anything that a friend asked for, whilst also turning a cold wrath against any and all who wreak harm upon the people she cares about.

Direct in her manner when it comes to romance and rather dauntless as well, the blonde has little issue asking others out when she feels an attraction to them though with she seems to be slower in developing this than the average person, and typically prefers to plan her own dates rather than let someone else do so. A lover unlikely to be disappointed however, Miss Adler's can prove passionate and giving while her fondness for approval can make her more versatile than one might guess, and the type who relishes the satisfaction of a companion just as much as her own.

Perhaps some feeling surprised to learn that she is somewhat shy or perhaps more accurately lacking for social experience given how outspoken she can be, Anika tends to be direct and to the point, and with that appears to lack the ability to discern and show the nuance needed to connect with people. Lonelier than she appears, her confrontational manner and her fiery temper have tended to separate her from her peers and leave her for a preference toward figures of authority or simply eschewing company entirely in favour of keeping her own, occupying herself with reading and spell craft and otherwise keeping herself busy.

Craving the connections which she lacks with others more than she might admit however, deep down she wishes that she was better with people and takes rejection and isolation worse than she might admit. Highly sensitive beneath that brash bearing, Miss Adler's inclination toward analysis tends to backfire as she can read a lot into little things, though is on the whole a loyal confidante and even willing to bend some of her typically rigid inclination toward rules if it were for the sake of someone she cared deeply for.

Unfortunately proving to be a little easy to manipulate due to her up front manner and adherence to duty and rules, Anika tends not to prove all too difficult a person to read and can sometimes seem blind her to the intention of those who may wish to make use of her. Highly deferent toward authority and not the type to immediately challenge orders she is given by her betters, the dutiful manner which she possesses can be used against her, as can her want for acknowledgement and admiration. That being said the girl seeming to loathe those who would trade in deception, and though she would feel betrayed by any who sought to take advantage of her would prioritize righting wrongs and perhaps retribution first and foremost.


  • Order
  • Horses
  • Efficiency
  • Long Baths
  • Spicy or Sappy Novels


  • Untidiness
  • Liars
  • Pranks
  • Wasting Time
  • Bad Hygiene


  • Accomplishment: Driven to prove herself, while it might be an overstatement to say that Anika craves glory she does seem to take pride in her achievements, and enjoys rank and renown.
  • Duty: Highly responsible, Anika typically carries out both her work and private life with a high focus on rules and a conscientious attitude, and would call out another for being lazy or slipshod.
  • Loyalty: Often having trouble connecting with the people around her, Anika shows great fidelity toward those she does grow close to, and seems to soften her attitude around those she cares for.


  • Powerlessness: Still haunted by her childhood abduction, Anika has honed herself to take care of herself no matter the situation and would be extremely discomforted if she felt weak or helpless, to the point of panic.
  • Creepy Crawlies: Seeming to be unnerved by small, swarming insects, while one or two might be a mere annoyance for Anika she becomes increasingly discomforted by groups, to the point that it makes her skin crawl and itch, and would likely be terrified by the idea of them climbing all over her and even worse laying eggs in her skin. Gross.


Strength: 31

Speed: 31

Constitution: 31

Endurance: 31

Intelligence: 31


Magic Name: Archive Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement:

Magic Description: A magic based in information as much as anything, it is mainly used by flat-screens which are projected into the air, appearing in all manner of shapes and sizes near or around the user’s vicinity, functioning as the main hub for them to accesses whatever information they are attempting to access. Additionally, by simply materializing the screens in a more tangible state, the screens produced become durable enough to be used as a shield, shielding the caster from incoming attacks. In contrast, the screens themselves, without the user’s intervention, are mostly intangible for most of the time, simply reforming or phasing through when assaulted or touched by others that aren’t the user.



Anika’s young life a very comfortable one, she was born into wealth and lived out in the countryside, being raised in a privileged if somewhat isolated manner. The family patriarch somewhat pompous and his wife demanding, they were very much the type to stand upon ceremony and demanded good behaviour and obedience from their children. Offering the best in exchange for this, the children of the Adler family were spoiled, provided they live up to the expectations which their children set for them.

Their little girl as such raised as a dutiful if naïve and sheltered child, she aspired to be like her parents when she was youngest and often mimicked their behaviour, since it felt important to impress her parents and abide by their rulings and decisions. Starved a little of a social circle because of the isolation inherent to her situation, in terms of social development she was a little stunted and tended to behave brusquely when she met other children or with the staff which served them, speaking her mind frankly and in many cases driving away prospective friends with her bluntness and tendency to tell the wrong things to the wrong people.

Not feeling like she was missing out much however given the uncommonness of having those outside her family and staff in her life, perhaps in part as a means of transference the girl tended to be closer to her pets than she was people, and her pony especially so. Raising the beautiful chestnut and white mare from a foal, the young lady of the house doted upon her in every way she could, giving treats and combing the lovely long mane the horse possessed and learning to tie it into a lovely series of plaits.

In many ways considering the pretty and gentle spirited creature to be her best and only real friend in her youngest years, the girl would take her pet out of the stables practically every day and would keep her by her side as much as she could, even sometimes getting in trouble for bringing her into the kitchen to feed her and sometimes even the house. The relationship between Anika and Mirabelle much more resembling that which might be shared by a dog than a steed, tending to march around the grounds together even when they weren’t riding and relax on the grass, they had a strong bond of loyalty and trust because of this.

Growing increasingly adventurous and a capable horse master, the talent which Anika showed for riding and command was something which her parents seemed to support, and as a hobby she began to take up dressage. Initially just wanting to show off the wonderful and skilled friend she had and how well they worked together in tandem, the little lassie wanted to be the best not for the trophies on her mantle but rather because she viewed her friend as such and wanted the world to know it.

Taken under the wing of a strict horse mistress because of this spirit who taught her the importance of things like presentation and discipline, perhaps many of the traits she continues to show to this day were something which started in this sport, and with growing confidence and feeling of competition with it came a sense of adventure too. Wanting to push the pair of them to be their best, the young blonde would go riding with her horse for exercise and practiced by hopping hedges and walls, and in her desire to challenge herself seemed to meet with an unfortunate tragedy.

Roving too far from her home and the nearby town as she grew increasingly audacious, when she was nine years old the girl came a cropper as she was spotted by a bunch of bandits. Attempting to outrun them, their arrows wounded Mirabelle and she was thrown off the horse, breaking her arm and leaving her in agony, but worse was to come. First watching as they callously slaughtered her pony after the wounded animal kicked one of them to protect her, she was then dragged off to some den in a cave when they realized she was a rich girl, the brutes aiming to ransom her off.

Locked in a dingy hole for days afterward like some kind of animal, Anika might have liked to say that the worst thing about it was the way in which her arm throbbed, but it wasn't. Her 'cell' so dirty and horrid that she had no chance of respite or rest, the blanket she was given to keep her warm smelled like hounds and she even ended up with fleas in her hair because of it, and though the pain and itching drove her mad she knew that she had to focus upon her escape.

Fortunately for the femme the girl talented in the magical arts and managing to find enough focus to use this to her advantage, she managed to break free of her confinement and scurry away, and managed to find the help of a part of Rune Knights who had been searching for her in the interim. Never forgetting the sense of relief she felt when their captain wrapped her in his cloak and lifted her onto his own horse, though Anika was exhausted by her experience and longing for the comfort and cleanliness of her home the whinnying of the beast reminded her of her loss, and so she stuck things out and led the guards back to where she had been captured.

Feeling no small degree in the response to the brutes which had hurt and humiliated her, and worse killed her best friend, Anika did not flinch as her foes were rounded up and routed by the knights, and felt happy when father said that they would be locked away for a long time for what they had done. It felt like justice to think that they would be cast into some dark and dirty hole, like they had her.

Returned to her home but the recovery from the ordeal a slow one, it was bittersweet when it was revealed to her that the patrols had been sent out after finding Mirabelle's remains, and the girl insisted on giving her pet a proper ceremony. Relaying the loyalty and protective defiance that the pony had shown when the bandits tried to catch her, she convinced her parents to have the animal's remains interred properly in the family estate, which she would visit often in the years to come.

Changed by her experience in many ways both physically and otherwise, she cried when mother had her head shorn in order to banish the bugs which clung to her, and felt sad whenever she saw her hair short for some time to come. Never forgetting the experience she had in that dirty cell and even having nightmares because of it, she needed no urging to take a bath after this because it became a necessity to soothe her when she became anxious from the memories, as if she wanted to wash away the experience even if she never could.

Slowly coming to terms with the situation even if she did seem to adopt some unusual habits and paranoias from it, though the spoiled girl had been broken down in several ways by her capture and captivity, with a chance she rebuilt herself as something stronger. Heartbroken at the loss of her cherished companion in Mirabelle and abandoning her pursuit of dressage because of that, while in time she learned to accept new mounts and the like, she seemed to pursue other practices in order to promote a greater feeling of security in herself.

Focusing more on her magic and skills in self defence once her arm was healed as well, she remembered all too well the feeling of powerlessness which had pervaded her unfortunate experience, and taught herself to become self-sufficient. Learning to hunt and the like, the lessons which the ordeal had given her were cruel, though also a flame to forge her as well.

Dedicating herself not only to a desire to grow strong but also put her abilities to more beneficent use as well, though the memories were full of nastiness they weren’t wholly consumed by it, especially when it came to their rescuers. Inviting the knights who had rescued her to a lavish dinner soon after as thanks, their captain was someone who Anika insisted be a regular guest at banquets and events, and while her parents didn't particularly approve of the habit she gained a strong interest in stories of their exploits.

Garnering quite the romantic impression of the soldiers who guarded the realm and wanting to give back however she could, Anika spearheaded gala's and benefits to aid them with improving their equipment or barracks, and with growing familiarity proved precocious in their company. Seeming to make these plans with almost the specific intention of seeing her saviours in their best dress, she would trot up to talk with them and brag of her progress with spell craft and the like, and knew that her destiny seemed to lay with these righteous protectors of the land.

Proving defiant for this fact since her parents had wanted to find her a match for marriage and the like, Anika instead insisted upon pursuing a career with the Rune Knights, and was stubborn in this desire. Insisting that good service would bring honour to them like countless famed sers and such of the past, while women were uncommon in the service it wasn't unheard of, and so she wished to serve with honour and distinction. Which she did, aside from one rather noticeable blemish upon her career.

Enjoying the path of a knight in her homeland and proving an effective and diligent officer of the law, many might be surprised to learn that one so dedicated to the letter of the law nearly threw her career away for defiance of one of its oldest precepts. Unfortunately taking a rather strong shine to her commanding officer and the feeling mutual, while Anika was an excellent member in of herself she seemed to struggle with the more social aspect of her chosen path, and grew very close to the one in charge of her. Too close, in fact.

Embarking upon an affair which would cause controversy enough and no doubt reassignment, it was far from proper to indulge such connections between their ranks, and ever more so when said party was married. Discovered in this deviancy of dalliance and their romance ended by it, a heartbroken Anika found herself facing dismissal in addition to the rumour and disapproval she was shown by her fellows and her family alike, and forced into transfer in order to salvage some semblance of her career.

Agreeing to reassignment in Fiore in order to gain a fresh start and escape the recrimination she received for her deed, the blonde Boscosi took up the position somewhat begrudgingly, but also optimistically as well. Hoping that the distance she had moved and feeling of opportunity in a new frontier would be just the shot in the arm she needed, while there is naturally some intimidation in the prospect she hopes to tackle it boldly, and with any luck wipe away the one blemish she has on an otherwise spotless career…

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa

Last edited by Anika on Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


Anika Adler Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:40 pm

Creating this character from @sasha, using the death's coin in her inventory~


Anika Adler Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:21 pm

@Anika is approved! Welcome to the Knights. :)

Anika Adler GPIjkMz

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