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Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki]

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Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 5:30 pm

A family of squawking birds burst from the trees, scattering to the horizon. Insects sing songs of caution, sensing an anomaly in the forest. The warm rays of the descending sun shine down onto the forest, giving just enough light to see the path ahead.

Seeing the path leading to a waterfall in the distance, atop it rest massive structure. Zeno takes a deep breath as he soaks in the new landscape before channeling his magic around him, generating twin spiral green flames up from his feet to above his head. With the snap of a finger, the fire swirls around, forming a mini tornado of flames. Zeno steps out from the flames then lowers his hands down, causing the flames to shrink around the charred ground. Once the flames were the size of an ordinary campfire, he grabbed a select number of branches he broke off from surrounding trees and knelt down to stare at the flames, tossing the branches into fire.

The only sound that could be heard was the flickering crackling green flames. These flames highlighted Zeno's features, his brown skin glittered with green, yellow, and red dust particles. His amber-colored eyes swirled with a green hue along with his dark hair. The outfit he adorned was a pristine white loose long vest that was open in the middle with pants to mirror the oncoming night. none of the annoyances seem to populate this forest…that's a breath of fresh air.


Last edited by Zeno on Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:45 pm; edited 2 times in total


Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 10:14 pm


Lumikki was on her way back home to the guild, her wings full of wind as she soared high above. She was returning from a meeting with a village within Worth Woodsea as she managed them since she was a Daemon and the responsibility would only grow tremendously as the current Guild Master to Paradise Dawn. But really, with every responsibility she took on, she'd only wonder further and further the worth of power. It was becoming clear to her over time that such things seem glamorous and validating until it is you scurrying around to mend relations and doing errands.

She'd grunt her grievances and press only, only to slow down with a curious sight flickered from the corner of her sight. And with further observation, it appeared to her like a ghastly flame in the woods just before reaching the mountains of her home. " Curious and curiouser," The Demon would bite as her interest compelled her to descend from her flight. She'd drop among some trees before approaching the man with the peculiar flames.

" Is that some odd magic lad? It caught me eye so forgive the intrusion. I've just never seen such a curious flame...." She'd stare for a moment as if to make up her mind on the matter before turning her gaze to the man." Greetings, I'm Lumikki of Paradise Dawn, a guild only a short walk away. Ye seem settled in this spot, but I could extend the kindness of letting ya stay the night if yer like. Hardly any danger lurks here in the night but animals are a terror all the same. Of course yer free to turn me down as well, it's but an offer for sparking me interest with yer flames." Lumikki in her human form of brown skin and miss-matched sapphire and citrine eyes, a simple bit long back dress with a slit that ran up her leg to show her guild mark, and periwinkle hair tied in tight braids. She seemed approaching enough by appearance alone.

Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 11:07 am

The night steadily creeps in as Zeno enjoys the solitude he found in this forest. The warmth from his fire and the silence allowed him to focus on his mind and visualize what it would be like if his sister was there keeping him company.

Sensing the uneasiness of the inhabitants of the forest, he thought it would be best to show them he meant no harm by his presence. By placing his hand on the ground to feel the earth and sending out a pulse of magic deep within the soil. Using this method, he is able to communicate with the plants, trees, and flowers via their roots and provide a burst of energy to help them flourish nearly instantly. Due to the flame elemental magic infused into him, it forces him to be very mindful and gentle of how much concentrated energy to release.

Next, he used his magic to detect the roots of weeds and burned them till nothing remained. Allowing the plants to receive their water and nutrients unbothered. During that moment, a shift in landscape occurred. Thinking it was an animal, he shifted his thermal vision in to see if there were any heat signatures nearby. A human-shaped being approached from out behind the trees in front of him.

Curious about the unknown woman who approached from the lowlit forest, he tilted his head slightly to look her up and down. His gesture displayed curiosity, but the gaze he gave at the mysterious woman was one of an absent-mindedness.

Zeno took a quick blink to channel the essence of the fae magical properties residing within him into his eyes. Like a fresh coat of paint on a dry wall, his field of vision was fresh and vivid. Beginning to see the woman's aura, a blackness bleaker than night enveloping groups of iridescent fractals shimmering hues of blues. This magnitude of darkness was reminiscent of the evil beings who warred with the denizens of the shining light and tainted the sacred earth. Feeling uncomfortable from this being of darkness, Zeno stood up and rekindled his fire, letting it encircle him and the woman. Entertaining the woman's fascination with spirit magic, he summons a wall of flames circling them. Zeno decides to spawn several emerald colored butterfly wisps made of fire from the walls surrounding the woman.

“Greetings Lumikki, your kind offering is very tempting as it would be safer, but I fear not that of wilderness terrors nor that of a Demon~” Zeno spoke strongly with a dry tone of voice while keeping his eyes locked on her.

A smirk grew on his face as he paced around the dancing emerald colored fire. “I never would have expected to meet a member of your kind here... This Paradise Dawn guild is your business operation? The name of this place speaks volumes as it holds one of the highest standings in the north, I was told. A Lot of people whisper its name in the shadows, be it praise or curses… To receive a direct invitation to such a prestigious place, it would be foolish to deny such an offer” with a wave of his hand all the flames disperse, leaving a few wisps floating in the air bouncing around and float back to the man. The wisp spun in a circle and combined, forming fiery green branches, spelling out something. “My name is…Zeno...please lead the way” just as he said his name, the branches spelled his name before filling out and turning into nothing.

WC: 588

Last edited by Zeno on Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 5:23 pm


Dazzled by the magic, she finally turns to see the peculiar man who wielded them. His body seemed rigid and tense, as it was clear he was trying to make sense of her sudden appearance. Though she would never imagine or figure the sight he bore of her, what wonderful delight afforded to him of a being from this realm. Lumikki would have been jealous if she were privy, but her awareness was elsewhere, in the gestures of the man.

Her head would tilt to match his, though she'd have a playful smile where he did not; and when she awaited the response to her invitation, he'd dazzle her with his magic instead. Lumikki took a few steps forward while the flames circled them, twirling around to follow the wonder with her eyes. But the butterfly ember stole her breath away as they ignited all of her childlike wonder. Her hands reach out toward any that are near despite being the literal inverse of magic and begin.

" I'd agree that a Demon isn't always deserving of yer fear, but of yer caution. I'd rarely encourage one to believe me kind, but it seems to me that those from Earthrealm aren't like our Abyssal forefathers." With her composure lost, she'd have a smirk on her face but to make up for her overbearing presence, she'd allow herself to be vulnerable to maintain a lack of ill will.

The man, too, would become more animated as he began to pace the ring of his creation, attracting her eyes and attention to him as he continued his show. Meanwhile, black frostflowers sprouted up from the ground to add to the overall wonder and Lumikki would make the night air resemble ravens flying around them, streaks of dark trailing them as they got entangled with the butterflies.

" The only decree the Dawn offers more than any other is to protect the innocents within the North. It's clear to me yer not from here, but there is no reason not to be hospitable to our guests. Especially with the wonder ye bring, color me favored lad." The dazzling display he offered still mesmerized her eyes, all while finally gifting her his name. " Greetings Zeno, it's an honor. The guild is hardly a ways from here, a brisk walk at most if ye'd like to join me."

Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:10 pm

Seeing the demon lower her guard and explain the purpose of her guild gave Zeno a feeling of ease. He double-checked her aura to see if her soul matched the same display she was giving. This time around, her aura was more blue than before and the darkness surrounding her was akin to a calm flame. The constructs she made after his were a sweet gesture of respect, and he found this to be wholesome. Thinking to himself ~that not all demons may be so bad, but l must never drop my guard. For now, I will continue playing along as it just may be fun~. "The honor is all mine, Lumikki."

He raises his hand into the air, willing the flame butterflies into the night sky with the darkness-infused ravens, landing on the backs of every other construct and growing their wings bigger and brighter before engulfing them with their emerald color. The ravens swirl around the sky in a beautiful black and emerald checkered pattern for moments before the butterflies' emerald color fades away one at a time till only the night remains.

"A dazzling duet performance I must say" Zeno sweetly said to Lumikki as he picked up one of her black frost flowers and ran his nature flame magic through its stem. The light from the nature fire magic can be seen swirling in the darkness inside the frost flower. The details of the sculpture come to life from the emerald light emitting from the edges of the petals. The black frost flower now has an emerald green hue at its center that gets reflected in various areas of the flower. Splinters of wood cover the inside of the structure, forming a skeleton in the shape of a flower, deepening the glow. Zeno then walks up to Lumikki and places the flower in her hair. The flower has a gentle balance of coolness and warmth to it.

"Hmm, instead of going to the guild right away, how about taking a detour, and showing me what's beyond this beautiful forest? With night upon us, I am sure there must be more fantastic sights to behold here." Zeno suggested warmly.

WC: 362

Last edited by Zeno on Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:39 pm


I’d agree, tis not often someone plays along with me magic, let alone so beautifully or with the use of fire. And for once….a flame that’s neither infernally annoying or dastardly obnoxious. That’s interesting magic ye got there lad. Some I think I could begin to appreciate…soft and warm but ghastly and spectral like Will o’ wisps in a summer’s bog. I didn’t know fire could ever be interesting.”

Lumikki would continue to watch him work wonders in ways she’d never predict. Picking up one of many of her frost flowers to weave in some magic of his own. The spectacle left her in awe as the beautiful emerald and bright greens fed life to her frigid creation. He’d place it in her hair in a smooth gesture, and she’d will her blossom to last forever. Holding what ever flame he poured inside like it’d be made eternal.

”Yer right, it would be boring to leave now wouldn’t it. Let’s get to know the other instead?” She stepped back from him with a very cheeky and playful smile. Tilting her head in a slight jest and leaning into him before quickly spinning around and walking among the trees. There was a slight skip to herself, and her dress shifted in a way that allowed it to become shorter and more freeing. And as she passed by the trees, they’d catch bits of her frost. ”What brings ye to the North stranger? What could possibly find interesting here?”

Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:31 pm

Smiling witnessing her playful demeanor, Zeno felt tempted to give chase. Shortly after Lumikki skips off into the forest, Zeno manifests the power of the sidhe from within, causing his eyes to turn into a bright, vibrant hazel color with a rich honey hue radiating a visible aura. A set of stained-glass patterned insect wings infused with mana sprouted from his back. The patterns are filled with an array of warm colors ranging from reds, yellows, oranges, and magentas radiating across his wings.

Zeno leaped towards the direction of Lumikki frost trail and took flight after her. Mana dust particles sprinkle across the forest grounds, helping the flowers and plants grow. His big flexible wings allow him to perform quick aerial maneuvers to avoid trees and their branches while keeping up with Lumikki. "I am primarily here to complete a mission, but I am in no rush, the objective has been put on hold for now. Until further notice, I shall do as I please." Zeno picked up speed and flew circles around Lumikki, gently taking her hand and twirling her around with him before lifting and carrying her above the trees, letting the moon shine down directly upon us. The sparkling particles that spread that trickle out every time his wings flap shine even brighter as they reflect off the moonlight. Gazing upon the demon's face in the moon's light, giving her an endearing smile. "I can teach you many things about the wonders of the flame,  but tonight is just a taste" Zeno cast his gaze away from Lumikki and looked off into the forest with a look of wonder.  "This enchanted forest gives off quite an alluring aura, so I am curious about its secrets and charm. Hopefully, I will find something interesting...what's your story, my icy demon friend"

WC: 302

Last edited by Zeno on Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:19 pm


”A mission ye say, sounds ominous but I won’t pry. We all have our work to do.” Four black wing would unfurl and take her off the ground as he did. His fingers tangled in her own. If he danced among the branches, so would she. And the two could soar and dance together. To match is fairy and the beauty that came of it, she’d shed snow in her flight so that there was a small flurry in her wake. Dusting the flowers the bloomed below. It was like spring and winter coming to life.

”Such a curious thing the flame is aye, I’d love to see what ye have to offer. I could show ya the frost for yer troubles.” Lumikk looked off to match his gaze, looking down at the forest below them. ”Ye’d enjoy the Worth Woodsea. There are spirits and Druids among those trees. Company I’m sure one like ye would prefer as this pales to their beauty. We are close to the mountains ye see. Hmmmmm, my story ye say?” Lumikki gave it thought while she let him lead her. Her wings now opening full in her absent mindedness and they looked more like raven wings than before. “It’s been a long one. I don’t know where to start. I suppose for simplicity ye could say me story is Paradise Dawn. But I have a feeling in me bones as of late….that maybe it won’t be like that for much longer. Could be paranoia on me part, but I figure ye’ll play a blessing won’t ya Zeno. Like those great fairies of time past. Do ya have stories, I think yer the first I’ve ever met through the whispers of could be’s. I was almost too lost in our fun to remember how rare ye are.”

Curtain Call

Two sets of wings, one destination [Lumikki] Nerili11

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