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A little snip

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A little snip Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:29 pm


The sun hung overhead in an overbearing fashion, with the heat it sent down scorching all it touched below. Lumikki, who was in her raven form among the flock, did not appreciate it. It was always with dissatisfaction that she couldn’t use her magic like this. And so she’d have to suffer the dreadful tempers while sticking to the shade and observing. For she wasn’t here for the arena or to visit her lover.

No a message, tucked away in the talon of one of her birds was sent her way to the guild with hop to reach her. The person who sent it didn’t bother to add their name and though it was through a raven in which it was passed, it was hard to say if the was the true sender or a middle man. To Lumikki, it hardly mattered much. The jewels mentioned in the note were where they were said to be within the letter and the Demoness had already collected what’s hers. So now it was time to prove the job done and focus on the fool needed to be tucked away.


A little snip Img_0811

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A little snip Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:40 pm


The target his time was a champion who had risen to the top. The humor was not lost on her. This was both the path her beloved and her former Guild Master chose for themselves, their goals were to reach great heights. And yet such a dream didn’t come without its dangers and enemies. For it was not just the glory and valor one could receive but political influence as well. And it would be this factor that brought doom to her target today. As it was common place for polarizing heads of powers to meet swift ends.

Though Lumikki’s magic was not a poison, a weapon favored here for the task, it would still be like a swift death into the night. But for now she only waited and stalked her prey. Holding off until it was dark to finally spirit him away at last. Her ravens joined her in that endeavor, stalking everywhere he’s gone. But sure enough, he would have to eventually put his head to rest and that was the plan for the moment on.


A little snip Img_0811

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A little snip Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:48 pm


Leonard was the focus of her venture, and now he was within the main polis building discussing some matters. The folks in there had been locked for days, figuratively of course, to sort a prominent and current matter until it was finally done. But it would be Leonard that stalled them. Insisting he was the one perceiving it right, but no one else would see it that way. Nor would they appreciate the task dragged out any further.

From the little Lumikki gathered, but just because she knew did not mean she cared as this matters did not apply to her, it was a debate regarding the local militarist might. Between the funds assembled and its need to be distributed and where to station some of the soldiers as problems kept coming up. You think the man would be the fool among them, pushing for the unreasonable, but he was not. It would be his peers that were set on cutting some of the funding and easing some of the stations of their men. But this would irk Leonard, and bring him absolute irritation. He did not want to play with the lives of the citizens nor further thin out and over work the men.


A little snip Img_0811

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A little snip Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:19 pm


Lumikki did not fault him, but morality was not her problem and she was already paid and enlisted for her work. If she was still human than maybe she would still be conflicted, but as of now she only saw it as a fun little job.And so the Demoness waited as patiently as she could muster. Until the moment where he was mostly alone.

The chill of the night air was like a beautiful and soft caress compared to the swelter heat of the day. And now with the abundant darkness, Lumikki sat atop a roof top in her more undisguised form. She wore a short black dress that did not bother moments, her hair tied back tightly in braids. And she was waiting for a moment to drop.

Leonard entered his home, while a few of his closest men were stationed just outside. Keeping an eye out for their leader in case anything was to happen. Shame…they would prove helpless to deter his fate regardless.


A little snip Img_0811

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A little snip Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:02 pm


As Lumikk descended from the sky, sliding on silent wings as deathly as the dark surrounding her. The night clung onto her cold dark skin like webs overlaying the other. Until finally she was one with the evening herself, invisible to the eyes of all the others.

With a strong and chilly gust, Lumikki managed to deter their focus. At least enough for them to move a bit around so that they could adjust. And from there, Lumikki would see herself inside.

The home was large, imposing, and….empty. The man had the riches and that large house, but all the infilled space left it feeling barren and isolated. Lumikki was used to cavernous rooms after dipping within the Dwarven underground. Yet this was nothing but vapid and sad.

With silent steps, Lumikki wondered. Looking for the room this man would rest his head for the night, or where ever he happened to be. And after minutes of walking, she would hear his rustled sounds as he was leaving his wash room fresh from a bath.

”Seems I’ve caught ye in a bad time lad. Shame for ye this would only make it worse…or perhaps better if I choose to do it faster.” Lumikki spoke in a ghastly tone, hardly human. It would freak out the man understandably so as he swiveled around. Trying to find the face to the voice but he….couldn’t


A little snip Img_0811

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A little snip Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:22 pm


”Relaaaax,” She would utter breathlessly. Without intending to, she would circle around him like some prey. “What are you spirit‽ Reveal yourself! Are you some nightshade fresh from Hades, what are you?” Lumikki chuckled, though she sounded playful and innocent, it would made the moment far more eerie. The hairs along the back of his neck were already standing on end, but now a chill would run through his spine as well.

Sure he was a champion, but that was through fighting man. Not shades and monsters that could glide out of sight. He knew he was bitting off far more than he could chew, but he had no means to understand otherwise.

”Oh but dear, it really is that simple. I am simply a servant of death, here to claim what needs to be delivered~” As she spoke, the shadows danced all around him. A cool black mist pooled around the floor and wrapped around his feet. Even if he could, there was no running. Her dark magic claimed him and ate the heat ravenously through his skin.

Lumikk approached, her dark veil falling away to revel the Demoness underneath. But her appearance would prove her otherworldly status, and overwhelm Leonard further of his fate.

“I don’t…..I don’t understand…” He only managed to drop to his knees and Lumikki would follow him down. Her pale white wings pulling back to unfold above them. ”What’s there to understand…death catches all that is mortal. It’s simply just a matter of time..” Lumikki planted a kiss on his cheek, whispering that she was somewhat sorry for his misfortune, but from where she’d kiss was where her frost had spread. Until it crept all along his body and left nothing left.

1257+50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

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Curtain Call
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A little snip Img_0811

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