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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:59 am


Yuurei had heard Lumikki and when she had dispersed herself into ravens and left the arena, the Seraphim had followed after her. It wasn’t hard for someone like him to do this. She flew, and he flew as his wings flapped through the Seven Air without a problem. He wondered where she would land and complete herself as the Demon he knew. While moving around, he was wondering who would fight him in the Arena later.

He had mastered his weapons, now fighting for fun would be the best thing he could do now. The Warden of the North planned to continue entertaining the people in Seven. They enjoyed the fact that there was a man, no, a beast like Yuurei fighting in their arena. Whenever the people from Seven would come, they wanted to see if there could be someone who would topple Yuurei down, or if he would have another win under his belt.

Still, his objective right now was to speak with Lumikki and spend some time with woman. They didn’t get to do that a lot, but he was usually busy and occupied somewhere else. He was close to home always but busy. He would find a spot where she would land or at least notice that he landed. The day was bright still, people were out and enjoying their time out. He had picked a building where they could sit on top of the roof unless she wanted to walk.

His eyes looking in her direction as he wondered how she was doing. He had allowed his anger to get the better of him sometimes. Shuten-Doji and Leviathan didn’t make this easier for him either. It was there Anti would make his appearance on his shoulder.

“Yuu is she your leader?” He asked Yuurei.

Yuurei would look at him and then look back at her.

“Yeah I guess you can say she is. I’m part of the Guild she leads, as I gave her power to run the Guild. I respect her enough to know she can lead us the way I did or better. I’m sure even though she is the Guild Leader, she still sees me as one though.” He said to Anti as Migi heard that.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure you’re happy you don’t have to shoulder all the responsibility of the guild anymore. Even though you’re always worried about them anyways.” He said to Yuurei as the Seraphim shook his head hearing that.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:30 pm


With strong white wings, the Seraphim took off after her. His glide was faster than most of her ravens. The birds almost looked as if dancing around him, the shifts in directions reminiscent of like minded flocks weaving every which way as they flew like one but not quite the same feeling in unanimity. Their feathered wings brushing past him affectionately before veering upward toward the tallest structures. Much how she knew he enjoyed it, though she did as well. And though he would perch before she assembled, she’d entertain his spot and circle around for a few moments.

”And ye’d be right.” Her voice was still like ice, not adhering to any direction of emotions or feelings, though her tone was far from cold. The ravens that made her body, widened the circle before all converging at a singular point beside Yuurei. Her dress now different then the one during battle, it was now short and slightly tight, with a bit of puffiness in the bottom and sleeves. Adorned with tuffs of feathers along the collar and sides with motifs of closed wings. ”Hard to replace me views of ya, when there’s no one to take yer place. I may be Guild Master now, but that only changes for the members who follow us, doesn’t it. Still ye leave so much to the imagination about yer path. Could I follow, I’m not sure. But I could dedicate meself to protect what’s ours fine enough.” Her view was of the arena as she spoke, its gargantuan form more prominent than any other structure. The second home to her beloved and her…family member. Lumikki would begin to braid her hair into two long plaits as she spoke again.

”Was that a new voice I overheard? Ye always seem to have another one sprouting about, hardly a wonder ye don’t have any peace and quiet for yer thoughts. Yet here I am, Queen of ravens and I still hear far less voices than ye. Ya worry me ye know. For a being of light, I’d agreed yer just as blinding. We know yer around but nothing else as we can’t see beyond those dazzling rays of yers. Whether ye need help, or off to mischief, we could never tell with ye. It’s no wonder I struggle to fully see ye as family, this is not what I am used to. But I do want to know ye Yuurei, this distance should indeed finally shorten….wish it could far sooner….but suppose I could see the business in yer old work now.” Lumikki was almost melancholy with her words, her somber delivery betraying the prior stillness of before. It was slightly becoming more clear that she was emotional about this, maybe even wounded.

”There was a time ya know, when I entirely admired ye unequivocally. Like Brone, ye were all I looked up to and yer experience and wisdom along with the strength and charisma of yers was quite bewitching. If yer kind were much like ye, I could see how they’d foster their work. Yer magnetism comes so naturally that it easily inspires envy. But those were never qualms I’ve had with ye. It was yer illusive nature and lack of nurture the inflicted the wounds. Smiting me down while disappearing often….could ye wonder why I don’t answer yer question with the veneration ye’d hope for. Yer vexing, and brutal. Yer oddly colder than me but then again, I know the warmth of a Dwarven and the feeling of a flock that never forget ye. I don’t know ye Yuurei and so I won’t speak with ignorance when I don’t know.”

Lumikki’s gaze had finally lowered, her eyes now scanning the streets for anywhere more pleasing to be. The heights were comfortable but hardly entertaining and this conversation could benefit from slight distractions. When a few shops of note came in view, she’d mull them over before approaching Yuurei and placing an inky black hand on the arm she knew Migi to be. ”Yer constantly changing, and its been happening so rapidly that its terrifying….Are ye not scare? Don’t ye feel alone?” Her emotions were now bubbling up more than she’d like causing a little shakiness in her tone and her eyes were somewhat welling up with tears that she’d try to blink away.

There was always a barrier with Yuurei, even if she was indeed touching him now, it didn’t feel like she was. Like his being was rather far away. Too far for her to ever grasp, and she wasn’t optimistic it could change. ”Join me, down below to the shops. I don’t want to be up here anymore…” Lumikki stepped back as she spoke, her eyes on his with a face forcibly harden with resolve. She step back to the edge and further, letting herself drop from the sudden pull of gravity, and she’d continue to give into it. Only unfurling her bottom most wings when she was but a few short meters from the ground. The crowd below gasp in surprise but she ignored their reactions and stares as she often did.

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:11 am


Yuurei heard her words and he had a smile on his face. He didn’t need her to fill his spot, he was glad that she had accepted the leadership without a problem.

“And that is all I ever asked, is to protect what’s ours. It is not like I won’t be here, I just need time to acclimate myself to these new changes of mine, until I know I can be around the guild without any danger occurring.” He said to her.

When she asked about the new voice, he looked at her and he nodded. That is right she didn’t meet Anti, he figured Venom would be the better name for him, but he didn’t want to be called that.

“Yeah his name is Anti, and I’m sorry for worrying you and everyone else. I’ve come to realize I try my best not to ask for help. That is because Brone and Kaito are usually there to help, so I figured burdening everyone else would just be unfair. I know you all have your own things to handle. As for shortening the distance what do you mean by that?” He asked unsure of how to decipher that.

When she spoke about the other stuff he brushed the back of his head chuckling a little bit. Once again, this was something he didn’t enjoy talking to with others. The only people knowing about his problems were the people who were there to bear witness to those events.

He sighed as he looked up to the sky as he closed his eyes.

“I guess that comes from not really being loved and cared for. I mean I had my best friend and her father, but that was all I had. My parents were thought to be dead, and my race outcasted me because I didn’t have my parents to protect me and I was a half-blood. Shoot, I always wonder, and I guess that’s why these two inside of me affect me so much, but wouldn’t I have been evil if it were not for my best friend being in my life?” He asked wondering about it.

Still, it seemed like things had happened that moved to be who he was, and he was doing his best to keep it that way. He wasn’t sure how long it would last though, but he would do his best to stay himself for as long as he could. She asked him another question, and he looked over at her with a smile that was glad for her concern.

“I always feel alone. I have you guys, and I love you guys, but loneliness is all I feel. My heart shattered, trying to rebuild itself, longing for someone to fill that hole. It isn’t just that, but I always feel like I have to do it on my own, when people belittle me or slander me, I just feel like I’m fighting those battles on my own. It’s okay though, I’ve always lived that way fighting for my battles and those of others. It’s what I do for those I love.” He said to her as she asked him to join her down below.

Yuurei would nod as he was fine with joining her. He would stand up from where he sat, and he would follow after her. The Seraphim had dropped down without hesitation and once he got close to the ground his wings flapped stopping any impact from occurring.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:35 pm


”Ye seem—ye feel far away Yuurei….Like yer physically around but no where near at the same time. I was just hoping to have ye feel closer, if that’s possible I suppose…Ya know, how am I suppose to hold ye up like a pillar if ye don’t let me know things or let me help ya? How am I suppose to be YER Guild Master if ye don’t trust me with things….” She gasped in an exasperated way at first, like his confusion gave her a sense yearning. ”Huh…Anti ye said? Nice to meet ye mate, are ye kinder than the others? Like Migi perhaps? Suppose I already like ya more since yer not a not only in his head…” Her voice was soft, almost defeated by the sound of it. Lumikki ran her hand through her fringe and somewhat pulling them back. She wanted to sooth herself if anything but she was still fidgety all the same.

”I very well could believe it but I don’t think good and evil are that simple. I meself probably fall quite short from those ‘light’ standards, at most I’m an intensely dimmed light. But I’m sorry to hear it Yuurei, yer past and all….I know the comfort in family and the bitterness of loss. But that experience would probably entice me to be entirely a Demon instead of what I am now.”

Lumikki made her descent before continuing the conversation. What he said needed a moment to breathe and she needed a moment let it settle in her thoughts. The surprised crowd continued to look at them in curiosity and bewilderment but the pair kept on.

”Yer an idiot Yuurei….but I understand feeling alone….Hel, it’s one of me fears…I worried I’d live all alone cause everyone would die before me, but I keep forgetting I’d have ye and Brone. Used to paint all me choice, me desires. Even considered having kids to hold out the inevitable. I mean if I was alone, not much would stop me from going full Demon ya know. It’s like being Demon unravels ye, sets yer fears and feelings and insecurities against ya. Bogs ye with intense fixations and outbursts. Makes ye somewhat check out from yerself while ye give into al the worst parts of yerself…..heh, actually, I don’t think I really have to explain it all the much do I Angel. Yer practically a Demon yerself now, so ye could understand the sentiments and the pains of those touched by the Abyss. I wonder if it’s corroding yer soul…I wonder if it’ll spread to yer body….” She gave him a quick look over after remembering he now had four arms. ”Well I suppose it already started.”

The past were passing a main square area with an array of statues depicting the many Gods of Seven. Lumikki looked it over, guessing which ones were which from all the stories she’s read while admiring the stone work. She mulled over how much Brone would like their craftsmanship while reflecting how different their ways for veneration was different than that of Iceberg. ”Seven has charm, I don’t blame ye for wanting to stay here, though I’d invite ye to Iceberg sometime. I feel like they’d enjoy presence even more.”

From the corner of her eye, Lumikki would note a small shop with a selections of fabrics in the front and types of dress inside. They looked like robes and clothes from various fashions of Seven, so Lumikki made a turn to walk toward the shop and enter. ”If yer gonna stay here, ye might as well dress like it and maybe even learn the tongue. I’ve been brushing up on it meself as I’ve been visiting often. Along with reading a lot of the stories and myth. It’s all been quite fascinating.” She was already pulling at the clothes and trying to sort what would suit him and her best.

”It’s always funny to think about how plain ye look when yer ‘human’ but when ye let yer grace show, ye’d probably be on par with the depiction of their very Gods. Well, ye would but…Yuurei how did ye get four arms? Hmmm or maybe that’s not very important. What’s yer preferred colors would make for a more useful question.” As she spoke, she was holding up tunics to picture in her mind what worked best and glancing over chitons she could wear as well. She picked up a dark blue tunic shirt with a subtle feathers motif that caught her eye and opened it up to show him and get his opinion. Perhaps she allowed herself to get too distracted, but it helped take her anxiety from their hangout off her mind.

”I want to help ye in yer endeavors. I want ya around. Come visit yer North sometime Warden.”

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:21 pm


Yuurei looked at her when she spoke to him and he shook his head when he heard those words. He did trust her as the guild master, his guild master as well. He moved with her as he thought about what to say to her.

“I guess you're right about me feeling far away, but I kind of explained that already. I have things on my mind and just so many things I guess always felt like I had to do things on my own. But trust me I do trust you with things, or I would have appointed someone else with the job to take care of the future of this guild.” When he said this he looked at her and had a smile on his face.

It was the truth and he hoped that she understood that. Still, when she addressed Anti, the symbiote had created a face on Yuurei’s shoulder as he looked at her. He looked at her and tilted his head as he wasn’t sure if he could call himself nice. Still, he didn’t like Shuten and Leviathan as they were annoying as hell. Those two were always plotting something even though they didn’t make any moves for the time being.

“I guess you can say I’m nicer than the others. I mean the first time I bumped into him, I tried to him over and be the host of his body. That didn’t work out, and since I saw how strong he was I figured I’d stay with him and live off his body and nourishment. It’s been working fine since, but then I realized this man is home to many things.” He said to Lumikki as he laughed as he figured Yuurei was a ticking time bomb.

Yuurei heard her and he nodded as he did understand her pain. These two creatures didn’t leave him alone, and even when things were quiet internally, they still ate at him. He didn’t like it at all, he was welcoming to a lot of things, but when these two worked together things turned out bad.

“Yeah, what they do is bring things out of me that I would normally hold onto or contain. It’s actually harder for me to control myself like in the past. Still, like you said you do have me and your uncle. We aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and I’m pretty sure that there are others who are immortal in this world.” He said this to her as he knew of like three people who could never perish.

Kaito, Drakkon, and Judith were three of the many people who would see that they could never die and forever roam this world. He smiled a bit when she welcomed him to come to Iceberg sometime, he nodded upon hearing this as he would do that someday. It wasn’t like they didn’t know who he was as he had done a job there for the people in that country.

“I have indeed been practicing speaking their language. It is like you said, if I plan on staying here I might as well learn the language and its customs as well. I’m a bookworm when it comes to learning about the places, I reside in. It was what I did when I left the forest and entered the world outside in Fiore.” He said to her as they kept moving around.

He saw her looking in the direction of where she was looking at and it seemed like she might have wanted to go to a store to buy clothes from here. When he heard how he got his four arms, he thought about it as she had also asked about his favorite color.

“I went to the Mysterious Merchant, he gave me something, and then Shuten and Leviathan took the pleasure in helping me out. They decided to use what the Merchant had given me and sprout two extra arms. One of them I considered belongs to Shuten, while the other belongs to Leviathan. It seemed like they wanted me to take advantage of their powers, while slowly disrupting my mind.” He explained to her as he went on to answer her next questions.

“I prefer black or any dark colors, but white fits me just fine as well. And as for coming to visit the North, I will. I plan to, but hopefully, nothing goes wrong. But what are your preferred colors?” He asked knowing the answer to that question.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:43 pm


“Jarring isn’t it. Though I can’t imagine to only know the life within nature, to then be forced to acclimate to a city life. I was born and raised in Fjallgard, the city of Dwarves in a place North-East of Iceberg. It isn’t like nature, but there were many changes I had to get used to. A lot of culture and…technology, I had to learn. Oh, but if ye need books or recommendations for Seven, then I think I have things to offer ya. Learning these kinda things with company makes it feel less terrible at first.” Learning a new country was taxing. Lumikki benefited from the knowledge given to her from the local birds in her flock and the resources and powers in her disposal, but to any other fool who was trying to take on the task, well she knew it proved to be a lot. And for one who did every thing alone, even more so. Whether Yuurei agreed or not, she was already plotting a collection of books and resources to deliver to him, but first it would be helpful to know just where he was even staying. It would make dropping books in his room that much easier not that she acquired herself a handy key. ”Where do ye reside here love? Can’t imagine yer sleeping among roofs. And if you could, would ye take me there?”

Yuurei carefully thought out her question while Lumikki carefully looked over the tunic options. Her focus was hard at the task, but she’d glance at him from time to time so as to not seem so absorbed. “Huh, no surprise ye saw him.” Lumikki took the index finger of her left hand and pulled down on the lid of her golden eye. “It’s where I got this treasure, but also where I picked up some handy trinkets. But Yuur, I worry for ya if yer gonna let those Demons trick ye into accepting any of their help. No Demon does things with the expectation of nothing in return, even I would be wantin’. Of course I simply try to avoid the more crueler parts of me nature.” She sighed deeply as if this conversation was proving somewhat tiring for her. Bunching the tunic she has in hand and kind of just putting it back down on the pile. “I don’t know if I could help ye with the Oni, he’s not exactly the same kind of being I am, just adjacent from what I could gather from the Oni I’ve managed to encounter. But Leviathan is of me realm. This is yer battle and yer choice to make, I simply make the offer and I won’t bother it further from there. But if ya need me to consume Leviathan and strip him from ye, I should be able to manage that feat, though it’s not so simple. Me presence could linger in his place after the fact for who knows how long. I only tried this once before and it was to make a pact of me own….”

She went back to looking over the clothes after folding up the dark blue one she selected, only to realize she’d take it and throw it onto her shoulder. She was moving throughout the store again now. ”Hmmm, I had a feeling. That should be simple enough and black is a nice contrast to yer pale features. Maybe I’ll make a request with me mother after showing her some of these fabrics and designs and have it delivered to yer home as well…..huh—oh um…well black like ya, but I also do love me purples and blues…and well maybe red too actually. I’ve found meself wearing it more often.” Lumikki put down the tunic for good and would now inspect the fabrics. Feeling out for their texture and carefully mulling over their designs. All of which were various dark colors with regal appearances. To which Lumikki would approach the clerk and request a few meters of five that she took a liking to. One with a laurel design, one with feathers, and the rest were a mesh of traditional Seven patterns. The colors encompassed a burgundy, a royal deep purple, black, and dark blues. The range should do him fine, she figured and as for the measurements, her World eye’s had already made note. Despite the niche of her power, his popularity made a lot of minute details easy to gather from news papers alone.

Lumikki let the clerk drop the fabrics directly into her void, from there she’ll just have one of her Eight Pinions send it to be delivered to her mother later. ”I hope I don’t seem to be imposing,” she resumed conversation as they were leaving the store, ”Ye and Brone are often more focused on other kinds of matters that such trivial things often fall to the wayside. I took it upon meself to just sort that out for the fun of it but also since I know it’ll be a while till ye get it done. I only hear tale of ye being in the area, so I figured fashion is hardly a notion for ya right now.—Oh, but yer one to like drinking right? Or at least nice places even? Would ye mind showing me a nice place to pass the time around here? I haven’t stayed long to ever bother looking around, home just feels like a short trip away.”

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:00 am


Yuurei heard her and he smiled at her. She had offered her assistance with learning more about the locals, their customs, and their language. He was fine with that and honestly, he appreciated it. He was going to agree to it, but that was when she had asked him where he was residing. He chuckled at her comment because he would sleep on a roof he wanted to, but he had Renji with him, and they needed to shower too.

“I appreciate that, and the more books I can read the better. It’s what I have been doing, but I haven’t had the chance to visit a proper library and get more of what I need, so thank you for where I live at the moment. Well, you can deliver it to the Arena; it’s where I’m at most of the time. the place I sleep I usually summon it. You remember that castle I summoned before when we were ice skating, well that is where I stay at.” He said this to her.

There was no point in him renting a place to stay when he could summon on. It wasn’t just that, but then he would also have servants who could help him out in running the daily maintenance of the castle. The Seraphim heard her words and honestly, he knew that as well. Their deal wasn’t hard to follow through, he wouldn’t accept anything that might have had a hidden agenda.

“I get it, I will do my best not to do too many deals with them. I’m doing one thing they want me to do and as of right now they aren’t interfering with me as of now.” He said to her as she spoke.

He looked at her as she had over to get rid of Leviathan from within him. When he heard this he had smiled at her. That was a good offer, but he figured the moment he accepted that things would turn out bad for her and everyone in Paradise Dawn.

“That is an interesting idea. I will think on it, but as of right now if I accept this, then they might do something that I will regret as a person later on.” He said to her.

He had another solution in mind but didn’t want to bring it up. He figured when the time came, he would take the offer if it didn’t work out. He was interested in hearing who she made a pact with.

“Who did you make a pact with?” He asked her wondering what she would say to him.

He heard what she said about her favorite color, and it seemed like she was going to get some clothes made for him. That was nice of her and he patted her on the head when she finished speaking.

“I see, I like where a dark blue as well, I used to wear a bit of red, but I grew out of it as I got older.” He said to her as she was going to the clerk with some fabric.

His eyes analyzed her when she spoke about her imposing. He shook his head as he was fine with her being around. She was looking for a place to drink, one that brought him to put his hand on his chin to think about it. While he rubbed it he thought about the places that he had been in Seven and where she might enjoyed it more.

“There is a Tavern nearby. This place is more relaxed and chilled than the others I’ve been to. There isn’t a lot of fighting that goes around there, so we can go there, drink, and relax if that is what you want to do.” He said to her wondering what she would say or do next.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:47 pm


Lumikki nodded along as Yuurei presented his answer, her focus was his and she patiently listened to every word. ”Aye, I remember it. Still more glamorous than most things I’ve seen. I can’t quite summon a palace, but I did find me a nice lodge key that suits me needs and a key for servants as well. They’ve been helping me cover a lot of ground in running the guild, especially me most reliable one Alvis. Decided since they’ve become so integral to me, I wanted to take care when considering ‘em. They’re like eight of me pinions so I became calling them such. Hmmm the area huh, that’s hardly a surprise. But I come so often that dropping off books and notes and picking ‘em back up should be easy. I even made friends with one of the receptionist just recently as I was checking in for a match with a member. She’d be perfect for holding onto the things don’t ye think? Her name is Elena, I’ll let her know to expect ye.”

Lumi’s gaze was upon him once more, she just needed to be sure he knew how meddlesome a Demon could be but his response was more akin to a sibling waving her off. Lumikki swelled up in a pout and went back to looking through the tunics until he humored her suggestion enough to speak on it. The Demoness would look upon him with blazing, glowing eyes. ”Do what ye like, but once consumed, they’d be gone. I eat them like they’re raw energy and take their power until there’s nothing left. Speaking of which….it’s been a while since I’ve severed and consumed another….See, many still heed the power of Demons, a few even revere me. The Illumin didn’t entirely wipe out all the traditions, simply put them in hiding. I’d think them odd if it’s not how I see the Norse Gods. The desires for mortals to look up to something more? It’s….well bittersweet….But those that don’t care for me in particular still summon, pact, and try to draw the influence of other Demons into this realm, from which I make a feast. Like ye don’t care for the grace of yer kind making a mess here, I don’t enjoy the idea of any other-realm Demon having presence here more pronounced than the whisper of a name….and perhaps…one of these days I’ll wage me own war.” Her eyes flickered on the last of her words before dimming back to her “normal” hues. What started like a flame simply subdued to a chill instead.

”Huh? Pact with?—Oh, uuuh….Knuckles actually…” Her absentminded expression turned red as she quickly looked away, hiding away her face from his gaze and finding interest in a light fabric, flowing dress hung on the wall. Lumikki pulled her fringe out of her face as she went to inspect it. ”Yea he wasn’t pleased with his prior patron and I take pity on all Daemons so I offered to usurp the prior Demon. He humored me and now were pacted….”

By then Lumikki was making her purchase, pleased with the choices of fabrics and even bought enough for some pieces for herself. ”Ye know, not sure I could picture ya in red. Though I’m sure it’ll look striking on the pale skin of yers and white hair. Hmmm doesn’t pair so well with yer eyes though, to which yer preferences indeed suit them best.” They stepped out of the shop and Yuurei mulled over his suggestion. ”Oh I’m a fan of taverns, fight or otherwise……Heh, now that I think of it. How have I never drank with ye before Yuurei?”

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:23 am


Yuurei had heard her and it seemed like a lot of things had happened. She had gotten herself ahold of a Servant Key as well. She didn’t have the Palace Key, but he did hear about the lodge key. It seemed like she used the Servants to help around the guild, somewhat like he had done as well. They were useful and they were part of how things ran smoothly in the guild. Still, he was glad to hear that she would leave them with the receptionist in the arena. It would make things easier for both of them since he was usually always there.

“That sounds like a plan to me. I will be going to her when I can. She is a nice doll, but always seems to be terrified of me every time I get near her.” He said to Lumikki.

The woman was terrified of him, but she was nervous to be around him because of who he was. Still, he could see that she didn’t like his answer, and he smiled at her. He knew that she wanted to help, but the last time he did that without consideration, that person became a target and lost their life to spite Yuurei. He heard what she said, and a bit of it confused him, but he understood most of it.

She could take Leviathan away from Yuurei, which would make things easier for him to be honest. Still, by doing so, Shuten might intervene and something bad could happen to Lumikki. Then it seemed like she spoke to him about not wanting other Demons around Earthland, and that she would do her best to consume them if they were in a sense more influential than her.

“I see, I mean my kind is trying to kill me, or at least the beings that are relative to me now are. I don’t think there is any other Seraphim that hangs out in the mortal plane like I do. I can understand why those Gods enjoy it. I also enjoy it too, but I don’t think of others as lesser of me, but as someone who just needs an extra hand from someone who could do it without a problem.” He paused for a second.

“I’ve only gotten rid of one of them and the others have all but escaped and probably returned back to their realm to tell them the results of what I’ve become.” He said to Lumikki as that was most likely the truth.

Yuurei wanted to know who she made a pact with, and when he heard her voice, and the mentioning of Knuckles, he also became flustered as well, but only because he could see her expression meant something more than just a Demon Pact. He didn’t think that she and Knuckles would form a connection like that. Still, it seemed like she had done him a favor, and it had become quite more than it was supposed to.

The Seraphim heard her words and he laughed a bit as it was hard to see him in red now would it. He heard her and it seemed like she was fine with any Tavern. That was good to hear and it seemed like she complimented him, and then asked him.

He rubbed his chin as he thought about it, but they were usually around the guild when they spoke to each other, so that could have been the reason why.

“To be honest, I guess it's because we usually only saw each other around the guild. It was usually around the time I was relaxing as well, so I never brought up drinking. Still, it’s better late than never. I do get a little crazy, so I apologize in advance if someone triggers me.” He said to her as it probably would happen since she, a woman was around.

He would start walking though toward the direction of where he was taking her. She had gotten the fabrics, so now it was time to have some fun.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:23 pm


"The lass was meek with me as well, but I think it was more akin to a crush or admiration. She built the nerve to ask me out for a night and it was cute. She is a doll indeed. But can't blame the lass for still being scared by the sight of ye. Sometimes when ye aren't thinking or talking to someone, yer face settles on a scowl. Paired with the might ya hold to destroy the arena in one spell if not for the barrier, then most normal folk would be wise to clear out yer way."

Yuurei was indeed a scary one, whether he was nice or to himself. Most who encounter him could get swept away from his aura easily. The same was the case for Lumikki as well when they first met. It would only be through the many battles that the fear simmered down. Of course, if she continued to steer clear of him as most do, then that would have never been the case. Though who really is to say what results could've occurred if those were the events that played out? Lumikki, for one, doesn't give much thoughts to those scenarios. Only focusing on what was.

"See! Ye could manage to scare yer like off, and here I am finding a new Demon each day. It almost feels like everyone I know is becoming a vessel to another of me infernal kin!....... It's vexing, to say the least. And I can't very well taste 'em let alone eat 'em all as yer all at risk for it." Her irritation showed, her face heavily puffed in a pout and eyes fully demonic. The slits of her pupils were pulled thin, looking sharper than usual, and the glow was bright enough to wash the rest of the eyes away in a purple hue. "Ya'll suffer yer fate. I shall only focus on the strays. May ye watch yer wards carefully as it's yer burdens to bear...." She said exasperated, as if she gave in to defeat entirely. Which she did. It was extremely tiring for her to remain stressed about, and not her problem so long as those Demons were housed and tuck away.

The air chilled from her small outburst; it was enough to nip at one's skin as if they left their shelter on a winter day unprepared, but the temperatures were soon correcting themselves when she was the one to finally cool off. It would only add to the curious eyes looking upon them, but they were none the wiser for what had happened, either.

"Hmmm? Go as crazy as ye please. I would be curious to see it. This isn't the North, nor are ye a Guild Master that needs to save face. I say, finally enjoy playing hard in peace and let a Demon indulge it. I'm curious to how ye have a good time anyways Angel~" And the pair were off. The two walked down the main street, taking them out of the main square. Lumikki following Yuurei's lead as he took her through all the bending path ways until they were now walking among one of many small canals. Lumikki watched the small boats pass by in their leisure as she enjoy the small walk for what it was. It was very rare for them to move about and even so, in such mundane means. "Who would have thought even a small walk could be pleasant? Maybe as a Demon, I've lost me touch. Granted, I haven't been one long, but it's ye know. Still enjoying small desires. I wonder, will there be a time when they won't satisfy me anymore? But then again...if I was daft enough to be sealed away, suppose it would make even walking feel like a blessing again." That was indeed a small jab toward the Demons nuzzled deep within Yuurei's soul. No matter how strong they could feel in their vessel, they were never gonna enjoy a strength that was solely their own. It would be for this reason she looked down on the act of possession. Her brother Beni hardly had a choice in his tragic, she only had compassion for him. But these two were trouble through and through, so she only had wrath to give.

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:04 am


Yuurei had chuckled when he heard her words. He had rubbed the back of his head as if that was something he could see. If that was what he had done in the past, he found that it would be hard for him to change it in the future.

“ I see, that sucks, I think I’m a pretty good guy.” He said as he thought about it for a bit.

“Hey, I don’t scare them off, they just don’t think of me as one of them, which sucked because I guess I would be. I wondered if there would ever be someone who would want my Grace, and could they even handle it?” He said this thinking about how it was done for him in the past.

He understood where she was coming from, and he could see the frustration on her face. The woman had wanted to help him badly, and he was happy about that, but right now he couldn’t danger her more than he already was.

He would hear her giving him the green light to be himself. He would do that, but he figured that if someone did anything to her, then she and the rest of the people in the tavern would see a side of him that was normally kept within him.

“Yeah, I plan to let loose, so no worries there.” He said with a smile on his face.

Their walk was indeed pleasing. He was leading them around the place as he was the one who knew where he was going. The young man moved through the area until they had reached the canal area. While the boats were moving around the stream of water she had spoken about the walk and how nice it was, he enjoyed things like this, the small things in life were beautiful and it was why he enjoyed his time on the rooftop looking at the sky above them.

“Yeah, it’s good to keep enjoying the small things in life. Once you lose that sensation, I feel like you lose yourself as a person. I take things and savor the moment every chance I can.” He said to her as they were getting closer to their destination.

When they got to the tavern, there would be a pause from the inside. They looked at the two people who had arrived, and when they saw it was Yuurei, they nodded to him and continued what they were doing. The Seraphim would smile at Lumikki and he would move to the bar area.

“They don’t like new people, but they got to know me already, and seen me in the arena, so not a lot of them mess with me.” He said this as he took a seat and the bartender got what Yuurei asked for all the time.

It was tequila on the rocks and he looked at the young lady.

“What can I get for you, fine lady?” He asked as Yuurei nodded at him to get his drink.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:33 am


”Me bias says that Grace is a horrid thing to desire, bias aside, I’m kinda curious to see if ye…is pact the word for yer lot? It’s is saintify? Heh, maybe graceful will have to do, either way. I’d be curious to see who ye’d bless and how well they’d manage it. What does it even feel like, I wonder? Probably would hurt for a Demon to take a bit of it too, no? Irritating how blinding and burning the grace tends to seem….” Lumikki gave it some thought before it occurred to her that she could still inquire more. He was as close of an expert of the matter that she’d likely ever get the chance to console with, besides the weird half breed they encountered before; but she would rather not run into him again. ”Oy, what was it like turning into ‘em for both the phases. Granted ye told me ya almost died right, but like how does the process go and how does the thing feel?” Very intriguing indeed, more so that she wouldn’t have to read it off the pages of a book; but now that she thought about it, how credibly could those sources be? The Illumin were the kind to eradicate all things they don’t like, so could see trust the writers of those words to portray accurate accounts? Likely not, but at least it provided her sources to contrast and an ideal to compare with the truth of the reality.

There was an interesting pause once they entered the tavern, somewhat surprising to her as she figured they’d be used to seeing more faces. Granted Seven, like Iceberg was not too keen on foreigners, their culture was not very accommodating to them. Still, the arena proved popular, particularly with fold from other countries that wanted to test their metal in battle. She figured since that was the case, this city would long forego their weariness, or at least temper it; but perhaps in a way it has as upon seeing Yuurei, they were lulled back to their own tables once again. Lumikki figured that in time, they’d see her as a norm as well. Though being seen with Yuurei would thankfully acclimate them to her even sooner.

”Suppose as we’re in Seven, it would be a shame to not try their wine. Could I get which ever is the most popular among them.’ With a smile and a nod, the bartender took her order and got to work on pouring both drinks requested. To which Lumikki fought the urge to drink it all in one go, instead opting to take sips instead.

”Ye wanted be Warden further to the North, aye?” Lumikki’s was referencing their conversation in the arena in a more subtle way. Figuring no one among the tavern would be pleased with needless discussion of usurping territories here. But the sip of her wine brought her back to that tangent as she was thinking about immersing herself further into its culture. ”Yer not daft, so I’m sure ye have it all planed out. More so if yer willing to enlist help or such endeavors. I just….didn’t assume such a pursuit from ye. Not that ye aren’t capable or even hungry, more like, it never occurred to me that there was still more ye’ve been wantin’. Count me grateful its not Iceberg that is the gem of yer pursuits as I’m selfish meself, but to meet at the boarder is somewhat poetic don’t ye think? What more with Sleeping Calamities revival, really an event I’d never foretell in a thousand yers…the tides have been changing in fascinating ways. It seems many of the countries to the North-East will be seeing new “faces” in the future, the Goddess of Death herself was kind enough to offer me her blessing. All this to say, I am curious of what’s to come. And curious enough to see the Warden find new lands too.”

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:54 pm


Yuurei looked at her and he could only laugh at her words. He wasn’t sure if it hurt, he was already in pain when it happened. Well, he was on death door that was certain. It would be interesting to see if she would be graced by his power. That would be an interesting turn of events, and he would see her becoming a being, that people in this world couldn’t handle.

He had taken everything that she had said before they entered the Tavern thinking about how to speak about it. He figured he would comment on her first words about taking in the grace of a Seraphim, or his specifically.

Then he had also taken in everything that she had said after she ordered her drink. His eyes looked at her and then looked away as he was thinking about what to say to her. He was wondering where to start, but he figured it would be from the beginning.

“It would be interesting to see if you would survive taking in my grace. Who knows you might survive and become both an abomination of Seraphim and Demon with power to wield both light and dark. It would make you something like that thing we fought together.” He said to Lumikki when he paused she asked him about how it felt to turn into the being he was today.

Yuurei rubbed his chin as he was looking at his glass of alcohol. He thought about those days and the turn of events that occurred between them all. It was just interesting how long ago that was compared to where he was now. He couldn’t believe everything that he had to go through to be where he was today.

“Well, when I became a Nephilim, I couldn’t tell you if it hurt, actually the same for becoming a Seraphim. I know when I became a Nephilim, I was given the choice to continue fighting under Uriel’s Grace. He gave me the option to either perish or continue to move forward to seek justice, which in my eyes I felt as if it were vengeance.” He drank a bit of his drink before putting it back down.

“When that happened, I started to change in terms of where my strength had come from, my eye color, my hair, and the borrowed power I had obtained. I lost the red streak in my hair, my eyes were no longer the color red. My ears stood pointy, but they were never that much like a Wood-Elves’ to begin with. When I came to I was different, but the sequence was me taking in power and since I was dying, the pain didn’t feel any different.” He laughed a bit when he said this, but it was the truth.

“As for becoming a Seraphim, well I can’t recall actually. I just remember me doing something heroic and selfless and it had happened. The power I had I crushed it and turned it into my own. Uriel’s Grace was no longer mine, I was my own person again, but was something more. That is why the Seraphim don’t like that I exist. I didn’t die to become a Seraphim, but I died to become a Nephilim, so that might be why I evolved into this. They don’t see it that way and they punish Uriel for it.” He said to her as he felt like he was talking too much, but he wasn’t done answering her everything she had asked.

“I want to give the people home if you plan on doing any drastic changes with Paradise Dawn. I want to be able to make sure that I’m not under a King’s thumb. Who knows instead, of Seven, I might just become the King of Elves. And then take a place in Seven and create a polis city-state for those who want to live there in Seven. When I found out I had blood of nobility, I always wondered what I could become if I was allowed the opportunity to take it.” He said as he was thinking about everything that had occurred until now.

Yuurei would drink everything in his glass and he would ask for another one soon after.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:16 am


”I like the Seraphim’s dazzling looks but I’m not sure I’m sold on the power. They are just simply so vexing, so annoying and infuriating. I’m not sure I could take the form of what antagonizes ye most so lightly. Heh, nor do I think I’d enjoy the new title of an abomination. But then again….considering what and how I am…sadly perhaps the descriptor already stands. Nor Abyssal born or aligned, and even I get disturbed by me incessant acts of kindness and lack of destructive tendencies.” Lumikki’s annoyance swelled considerably before diminishing just as quickly, and with a deep sigh she’d look back over to him. Her twisting expression now softening into something more sweet. “Oy but I suppose if I ever were to take said gift of Grace, then know it would only be from ye. Should I step into abomination then might as well be from the only Seraphim I’d care for—Oh but if ye have those haggard two within ye, does it meant ye’ve beat me there as well? Leave it to ya to push the thing further just as I became a Demon meself.” In another wave of annoyance, Lumikki turned away. She was disgruntled at the thought that he reached all things first so much so that she’d just as quickly forget her comment toward being granted his Grace.

But Yuurei pushed on expressing all the things he wanted to say as he humored answering her many questions. Recanting his personal tales of death and rebirth, until the betrayal of his people. What reason did they have to for seeing him as a blight, she did not know. Their insistence on his death to belong perplexed the Demoness greatly. So much so that she hardly had anymore words to offer than curses from her language spoken under her breath. All the while take bigger sips with every taste of whine until she was already on her second glass.

”Utterly fowl if ye ask me. The radiant ones sure know how to not make any sense. They make Demons seem straight forward in comparison.” But Yuurei went on, now with his desires to pursue more and more interestingly, diverge from the old king himself. ”Can’t say I don’t like that goal of yers. And knowing ye, it’s sure to be promising. Hel, freeing me up from the North of Fiore is enough to enamor me with the charm of yer desires. If this is where ya want to be, if that is what ya want to…then let’s get it done.” Lumikki was a little over half way into her second glass. She was finally trying to slow down and savor the taste now. Letting the wine pool and sit on her tongue as she mulled over the plot.

”For all the time I’ve been settled within Fiore, I never thought of their king once….never occurred to me and it never applied to me either. The title of Warden always sounded more appealing than the monarch they’ve held. What do they call the one to lead a polis anyhow? Hopefully something more appealing. Actually, what does one call the king of Elves?….wait….yer nobility?”

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:41 pm


Yuurei heard her and he laughed a bit; she did hold back a lot as a demon. It was something he found interesting about her. He did wonder if she had done this for the sake of the guild. If so, he commended her for it, but she didn’t have to worry about the guild. They were made to be strong and made so that they were fine with whatever happened in terms of alignment the guild had gone in.

He thought about it, would he be considered both a Demon and Seraphim because of Leviathan dwelling within him? He figured that would be the case, if the two had truly become one, with one beating the other one to take control. In this case, Yuurei was just fending off and making sure that he stood who he was to the best of his abilities.

“I don’t think so, I mean yeah, and no. We didn’t turn into one being, he is just using me as a container until he and Shuten could consume me in a sense.” He said to her that he was always an abomination even when he was just a half-elf.

“You can always cause destruction. Just causing destruction elsewhere would make you happier. Your kindness to the people around you is something that can be admirable. As for abomination, you would just be an even more beautiful abomination than you are right now. Shoot, do I look like an abomination?” He asked wondering what she would say to him.

He heard her words of expression on how the Seraphim acted and did things. He nodded as it seemed like they just wanted the Seraphim to be pure and of their realm.

“I mean, yeah they don’t make sense, but I get it, they don’t want someone from this realm to have a power that is greater than their own existing.” He commented about that one as he was getting a new drink at this point.

There was a lot of talking coming from her, she was fine with them leaving the North of Fiore which was good. She even enjoyed the different approach of becoming King of Elves or at least tackling it. It seemed like she was indeed fine with his goals, and it was probably because he didn’t show interior motives behind his words. He had a smile when she asked all of these questions and he figured he would answer her without fail.

“Yeah I never cared for the King, I just made a deal with him, so I can do things my own way within the North, without interference. As for what they are called I believe the term they used was Archontes. People who governed their Polis were called Archontes. As for what Elves would call their king, I wouldn’t know to be honest.” He answered as he had never heard of an Elf King before.

He would take a sip of his drink as he didn’t forget the final thing she had asked.

“Yes, I am of noble blood. I only found out last year. My mother is or was a candidate to be the Queen of Elves if it ever something was to happen to the current one. Then she fell in love with my father and left it all behind to be with a human. So she was in the corner of the forest living her life, and it was why and how Ansem found her. He hated elves because he was one too, when he changed they outcasted him, so he made it his mission to ruin theirs.” He said as he didn’t have any hatred in his voice, but that was because he killed Ansem, and he no longer haunted him.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:03 am


“The life of a vessel is vexing, aye, but to be the one that needs to possess another much be more irritating. Ye say they wear ya down? Perhaps ye should be equally annoying in turn. Whether it’s refreshing yerself so that ya sustain endlessly, or for them to be subjects of yer internal will. I’m sure ya could construct an even more imaginative prison if ye’d like. I mean yer a Seraphim of all creatures, perhaps it’s time for ya to get in touch with yer righteously annoying capacity. Food for thought. There is pleasure in being cruel to fools that beg for it.” Lumikki brought the glass back to her lips to take another sip, but his proceeding comment stopped her. As she listened intently, she’d look back over to him. Lowering her glass back to the table as she thought it over.

“Ye’d consider me an abomination? Though, the idea of being more beautiful would be pleasing…” Lumi leaned into Yuurei, nudging him with her head and swaying back. “Glad I’m beautiful to ya~” Lifting the glass back to her lips, Lumi finally took her sip. Savoring the convo and the taste of wine on her tongue at once. “Yer not an abomination Yuurei. And ye never were. Would be odd to think otherwise. If anything at all, I’d simply consider ya an outlier. Hmmm maybe even a prodigy. Either way, it’s those that shine that draws a gaze. Just blind all that look yer way.—Now, in terms of destruction. I think I wanna focus that momentous task on those of the Abyss. It just takes a bit of work for the efforts to pay off….and time.” Lumikki enjoyed another sip before a though cut her off, she’d choke a little on her wine as she lowered her glass and turned over to Yuurei again. “Oh but we could inflict on the other couldn’t we? Make an abomination of the other? That is if ye want actual Obscura that is……but we’d need a new name for the breed, I’m not pleased with it as it is. Hmmm…thinking of one is hard…any come to yer mind?”

Almost done with her wine again, Lumikki gestured for another. But as Yuurei mention his power compared to theirs, she couldn’t help but blurt out a laugh. Soft at first before dipping into a cackle. “Whose fault is that,” she uttered vindictively. “Quite the fools, I understand it’s hard to not be a prideful being. I worry about it with meself, but the idea of making needless enemies of those stronger than ya cause ye can’t accept it still seems like a bit too much. Granted, I think less of ‘em then I do Demons. Heh, how do they even garner more strength. Do they fight the other like Demons do?” The bartender placed her new drink now and grabbed her old glass. Lumikk nodded and that swiftly snatched her drink.

In truth, Lumikk had little to no knowledge of his kind. It was only through his accounts or the few passages she could find that depicted them, that she garnered any understanding. It was easy for her to read a Demon as she was one. Easy for her to speak of the Abyss because for a moment she was there. But Seraphim and the like? They were entirely foreign to her, with no way to even beginning learning their kind.

“Is that so….then if ye were the king of Elves, what would name would ya take?” Yuurei divulged more of his past with a voice still and calm. She wasn’t sure for the lack of passion nor did she entirely notice. The name Ansem claimed a lot of her focus and intrigue but so did her curiosity of his parents. “I keep forgetting ye were half…it’s…it’s somewhat sweet yer mother choose yer father over the throne. Seems stressful to me, a choice like that ye know. But then again, not everyone wants to rule. Yet I wonder what she’d be like as a queen….Becoming an outcast is quite..disheartening. I can’t say I blame this Ansem for his for his hatred. It’s just a double edge sword ya got to decide is worth bearing. Us versus them, I feel like it’s what life keeps boiling down into. Don’t ye think? It’s become all I am but not just me…so many I know. Yet I can’t find any satisfaction from laying down me staff and trying to be friend. I like the hatred, the destruction, the fights, spite ,and pettiness. I want to feed into it, let it fester and make things worst…but hopefully thats the Demon in me talking. I’ve been touched by Obscura long enough to no longer remember meself otherwise. Hey Yuurei?…Does the Grace within ye compel ya? Does it make ye yearn for anything or warp ya? I don’t think I could ever imagine it.”

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:10 am


Yuurei heard her words, and he looked at the wall while thinking about it. That was a good thing to do, and he honestly had done that with Leviathan when he was alone. When Shuten joined it had become much harder to do something like that. He would give it a try or he would think of something similar to deal with them. Still, his solution, or idea would put a burden on his kids, or at least give them to overcome in the long run.

“I see, I can try that again. It’s what I did to Leviathan with he was alone, but it has been a hard task since Shuten joined the company.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

He twitched when he heard her words and he shook his head as he had to correct it.

“No, I would never consider you an abomination Lumi, you would indeed be more beautiful than you already are.” He said blushing as kept looking at the wall.

He felt her nudging him and his eyes would move to look at the Demon next to him as it seemed like she was having a good time. He had broken a smile to hear her words. He could see himself as a prodigy, someone who had abilities that people didn’t see too often. The compliment was a good one and it made him feel better.

“I see, you will get there, I can see it now.” He said that as he always had this feeling of having insight into things.

It was a weird thing to think about, but he felt like he saw things coming from a mile away. It was a weird thing for him, but he never understood it and tried not to think too hard about it. It was then she was talking about what they would call the mixing between a Seraphim and a Demon. He had to think about it because he never really did before until now. She had asked him what they would call it and he had to think about it for a bit.

“I believe the legends called those who were able to be both Seraphim or Nephilim and Demon or Daemon a Eudaemonia. After the interaction with the being, I did some research and digging and that is what I found. So, if that ever happened to one of us that is what we would be known as. A being able to tap into light and darkness and lose their weakness to what scares them the most.” He said to her as thought about the next question she had asked him.

“I don’t know actually. Maybe they did gain their strength from fighting each other, or they were already powerful through their belief in Illumin. But yeah they should have left me alone, I had no plan to bother them ever.” He said that he knew he was different because his strength had come from his own effort.

He would obtain a new drink and with that more drinking would come from it and he did so without hesitating as it felt good and was enjoyable indeed. She spoke asking what he would name the ruler of elves and he had placed his elbow on the table and he would put his chin on his hands as he was thinking about it. What would he call himself as the King of Elves?

“No clue, maybe just Elvenking, or in their terms I Arani Eldaron. King of the Eldar or King of the Star Folks.” He said to her as that would be his title.

The thought had passed him and he had moved his body so that he could lean on the chair he was sitting on once again. He looked over at her as she was curious to know about him and within reason. He used to be her leader and the best friend of his uncle. He was surprised that Brone didn’t say all of this to her, but maybe she never asked, at the same time, he was sure Brone enjoyed speaking about his adventures.

Still, listening to her words, he was happy that she did and he was happy with the path that she and he himself had taken. When she finished speaking he understood where she was coming from and then when he thought about his grace, he had been released from it for a long time since he was a Nephilim.

“I think she would have made a fine Queen, but I think she saw into what was to come and made me instead, hoping I would do something that she herself could not. What that is, I don’t know, but I plan to talk to her about it. Hell, talking about Queen and King, I might actually go for it.” He chuckled a bit drinking a little bit before continuing his chat.

“Yeah, I understood where he came from, but I still hate him even after his death. As for my Grace. I will always be thankful to Uriel for saving my life that day, but I discarded that the moment I reached power that I couldn’t even fathom. So, when I became a Seraphim it was more on my terms than anybody. So, my Grace, the grace that is my own does nothing to me. I guess my grace is who I am already, a person with rage, a short temper, and the need to see the powers of others and compare them to my own.” He said to her wondering what else to say.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:51 pm


The flash of meekness was endearing and cute. Lumikki would only feel the yearning to tease him even more. From most of their encounters, she grew used to be the one who flusters but here he was pulling away from her in a bashful fashion. Even trying to look elsewhere. Lumikki gave a soft and low purr from satisfaction, audible only to herself. Yuurei was usually the imposing one in most situations. His presence far exceeding hers in terms of a raw tension and threatening sensation. It was enough to choke up most in a room, especially if they heard word of him or seen him battle once before. Stressing others and herself when they didn’t know him. All while he hid behind an iron curtain that made him feel unreachable.

”Oh I’ll get there. I claw for it with each passing day. Mark the days ye sit on top of the world alone Yuurei, ye’ll be pestered by me, just ye want. Soon enough ye’ll have three Demons muttering annoying gibberish in yer ears, I’ll just have ye assure I’ll be the loudest one.” A purple hue flickers in her eyes, illuminating them for a feeling moment. Her sincere but mischievous nature was on full display while her lips pulled back to reveal a toothy grin. The abomination of a Demon was too endearing for her own good, pouring herself into the construction of budding relationships and promises of life long playful gestures. It would contrast her frigid and cold, wrathful fury when she did switch to her equally authentic but abrasive side. She herself carried dawn and dusk within, the dawn shining as bright as a new day; but it grew more apparent the Yuurei held both too albeit his nights were the darkest. If the two were to merge, exchanging their power. How would it manifest, how would they change? She’d mull it over with much awe and wonder at the prospect of evolving to something so much more. And with an exchange so intimate with someone she both knew and had looked up to.

It was odd sometimes how things in life fell into place. Was it the work of the Norns? She did not quite know, but it usually felt to beautifully and intricately woven together like a fantastical tapestry. “I like those titles. They fell like they hold some interesting sense of old fairytale legends. Fitting for a king of Elves, such a fantastical people along with the Fae and Fairies the now stir once more.” As a Demon, Lumikki couldn’t regard herself as such. There was no whimsy in her people. She was a monster, a nightmare, a fiend one fights back in stories. Her beauty simply boiled down to a sickly lovely trap meant to snag her victims into her mayhem. And she was too young to be seen as timeless. She wanted so deeply to engrain herself into the fabric of this world. But just command the ice and cold, but be the very thing she wields. And that desire touches upon the dark as well until she was both here and not all together.

With slow and lofty sips, Lumikki indulged in her wine. The glass never parting from her lips as she softy poured. All while listening to Yuurei recanted more aspects of his past. More thoughts, feelings, and dreams. “Then I think Grace and Obscura are truly two different worlds that pull nothing from the other. I couldn’t relate to yers as much as I’d like. Being from the Abyss is like taking a clump of chaos itself and molding it into yer form. Ye have command of it, it is through ye that it manifest its core. But it is very volatile, ever changing, and ever hungry…I could envision the Seraphim of the other realm as a dispassionate people. For Demons are nothing but our feelings at full intensity and always on the verge of madness.”

Lumikki pulled back an turned away, somewhat in a daze as she was not in her thoughts. Thinking over not just what he said but how he was and ultimately she concluded he was right. “Aye, yer nothing like ‘em. Like how I hardly seem Demon. Maybe it’s the bit of humanity still in us that paints us so. Ye are far too passionate to be among them. Like I am far too kind to be accepted by me own. Ye the rebellious abomination sitting along the weak and pathetic Demon. Maybe we already are a mix of the other.”

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:41 am


Yuurei had thought about what could happen, and it seemed like she thought about reaching the area where he was alone. Well, he wasn’t alone, the other person was Kaito, but he was always off, there was always something up with him. Some days he was himself and others he felt that he was different. That Dragon Slayer went through the wringer, which he felt had come from the power of dimensions. Still, to have more than just Kaito by his side would be delightful. There was Brone, but his power came from the things he acquired, he was still on top though, but the loss of a single weapon would bring Brone to be less of himself than normal.

“So, you want to keep this Lightbringer company on the throne that he sits alone on? How thoughtful Lumi, I didn’t think you cared for me that much that you wouldn’t just let me continue my suffering alone.” He said to her with a smirk on his face.

He thought about it, his family name was Starlight, but he was sure that came from his father. It made him wonder if his father had some relation not with just Joya and his clan being blacksmiths, but if they had some relation with the elves in the past. It would be interesting to know more about this from his mother. She must not have told him something, but it was probably because he wasn’t going after the throne.

He would drink more of what he had, enjoying every bit of it as he looked over to her and listened to her speak. It was true they didn’t care about anything; they were beings that were always right. It was just how things were, they were righteous and everyone else wasn’t, it was how it went for them. As long as things went the way they wanted them to be, then the Earth realm was fine with them. Anyone who didn’t believe in them would eventually receive damnation in the future. He had a smirk on his face to hear what she had said about the two of them being different from their kind but similar to each other.

“Yes, Seraphim on dispassionate people. They are right and we are wrong, they guide us to righteousness and make sure that other beings cannot corrupt us. We most likely are similar to Lumi. I may not have been around as much, but when I was, I hoped it was impactful. I always care even if I didn’t always hang around often.” He said as he drank more of what was in his glass.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:20 am


"Oooooh no lad, there is no suffering alone when I'm around. No, no, ye'd be suffering with company, see. Would I ease the pain of life? Maybe. But more than likely, I substitute it with another. The dreadful misery only this lass could burden ye with. Or it's just as they say, misery likes company, don't it?" Lumikki giggled over her absurdity and the pleasant change of his expression. She was not sure her words reached him, almost certain that he was simply humoring her. Akin to when someone says yes and then forgets or sticks to their ways. It wasn't a simple thing changing. Lumikki knew that all too well. But if leaving him to do otherwise could only extend the distance between, then Lumikki needed to prove herself an essence that is ever lingering. Enough to permeate that sorrowful loneliness of his and negate a lot of his worse habits....Hel, now that she thought it...those were some habits of her own as well.

"Sure, sure lad. Ye left an impact alright...The impact of one yer blows, that is. Ya know Yuurei yer extremely vexing; ya know that? Honestly, and I'm the Demon...." Lumikki drank the rest of her wine in one go while flagging the bartender for another. She didn't stop until he glanced at her, and she'd finally put her glass back down.

"Yea Yuurei...we are oddly quite alike in a myriad of ways, aren't we? Yer tendency to do things alone is something I tend to pay a toll for meself. Over and over, I do not learn...all the more reason to see the change in ya isn't it? I mean, out of the two of us, yer suppose to set the example." The bartender slid the next drink, taking her last glass with him. She'd pull it toward her, swirling the burgundy wine in a fighting daze, her ice softly creeping along the glass.

"Very alike, and inversely different. What do ye think about it? Hel, what do ye even know of me Yuurei?" Lumikki took another long sip. The chilled wine was refreshing. Helping her to take a moment and ease her mind. "When the feathers fall, would ye say yer the angel, or am I?" Her voice was soft as a whisper. The comment was less for him and more just a passing thought spoken outwardly. She never spent enough time with him to catch such passing musings. She never once really paid it any mind.

"The dusk and dawn, the demon and angel, the mage and warrior, the dark and light, black and while, nurturing mother and stern father. Duality is amusing...I never thought I'd find meself in it, especially with ye. I remember ya know, the first moment we met. It was in the library, and I smudged yer book with darkness as a jest. Ye were reading about the past war before I disturbed yer peace and ye'd chase after in imposing manner. Reading me every move long before I did it. But then we sat and talked, and ye'd listen to me woes then. I felt a monster at the time, incomplete and horrendous. But ye'd sooth those fears, wiping it all away with mention of me potential 'nd beauty. How the dark in me wasn't so horrid at all and that, like ye, I could transcend into something more. To which I did, but it was to yer behest. Ya were the only one at the time to guide me...see me for what I am. I adored ya for it, admired ya too. I longed for what ye had, and yer words would spark me hunger. It was like I was staving, me passions were ravenous. Everything I've done was to serve that cause, that goal and desire. Until eventually it wasn't enough, I needed more. I needed to be among ye and Brone. Maybe not in the image of a hero, but something akin. Something ye could lean on. So I clawed, climbed, fought. All for the chance to be seen again, maybe even admired. Perhaps this is where me dissatisfaction came when ye left me to the wayside. Only returning for another battle. Every defeat, I could hear the words pounding in me head and drowning out me mind. Will I never be enough? Was it hopeless? Quite the pain it was, and it haunted me for a time. Almost to the point I got lost in it...But here I am, alive and well and perfectly sane....least I like to think. Heh, maybe those Demons in yer head is some sort of twisted karma. Tormenting a Demon brought ye two more." The last bit brought her a chuckle but not enough to ease her mood. She'd chug the rest of the wine in her glass for that while pondering what to drink next.

"Bring me what he had, if ye don't mind. But I want it in a large glass like this." She'd get the bartender's attention again, putting a Yuurei's drink before lifting her glass and pointing at it next. His face would scrunch when he heard her, but not enough to be reluctant and ignore her request. Lumikki wasn't she want to think or feel right now.

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:56 am


Yuurei had a smile on his face as she reassured him that she would keep him company there. He nodded, that was good to hear and honestly, he couldn’t wait for it to come to fruition. He didn’t brush her off as she had gotten stronger since the first time they had met. He was happy to see her growth, and he knew there was more. When he heard her joke, he looked at her and laughed a bit. That was a good one, but he understood what she meant. They had fought quite a bit as he was hoping to help her grow. If anything, she was his pupil, even if their magic was different and their way of fighting wasn’t anything near the same.

He looked at his glass as she had talked to him about him leading an example. She was right, but he wasn’t sure if that would be something he could do. He took some of his drink as she spoke. His ear twitched as he looked over to her. What did he know about her? She had asked a good question, what did he know about her? Well, he watched over her, even if she didn’t know he was there. He found that impossible with the ravens around her, but at the same time, Yuurei was good at not being seen.

He didn’t say anything though, as she continued talking, this time longer than usual. He took in everything that she said and he nodded. He was happy that he was impactful in her life, and he hoped to continue impacting her in the way that she needed it. He let go of his glass he leaned back on his chair as he looked at her.

“I know, even though you are a Demon, that you are kind and generous to those you love. I always keep an eye on you guys. You are inspiring, and always have this want for all of us to be together, communicate, and enjoy our time together. I guess it shouldn’t be hard for something like that to happen, but I guess I might have been the problem. You yearned to be your own person, and I’m glad that I have given you the path to walk in. The eyes I saw when you looked at Drakkon from afar and even the path you took with Knuckles. It made you who you are now, which I can say I’m proud of.” He paused for a second.

“I remember that day, it was funny that someone had done that to their Guild Master. I had thought you were an intruder as Paradise Dawn had rouge people come before that day, so I was still on guard. I didn’t mean to leave you, and I figured I wouldn’t be missed. You guys had each other, and I figured leaving for the time being was good for everyone. If I stayed and I wasn’t myself and something happened to you guys, I would just be left with regrets. Still, one thing I can say is that you are good enough Lumi. You will become stronger, and you’ve made me proud.” He said to her as he wanted to add one more thing.

“One thing I can say, you and I are connected in a big way. You’re my disciple Lumi. We don’t fight the same, we don’t have the same magic, we are opposite, yet the same in every way. I like to say even though you fought others, I was the one that allowed you to learn and adapt. I made sure when you looked at others they weren’t as scary as I, and that if you could fight me, then you could take on others. This is what I hope at least, for I am not you, and I cannot say this is true, but I can say it’s what I observed.” He said to her as he grabbed his drink and drank it all.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:39 pm


Lumikki was already fading from sight at the kindness of his words. Not quite sure how to take in everything he was saying, it was too gracious for her to accept and so the light from just around her would dim so that she could be harder to gleam. It wasn’t until the mention of Drakkon that her visage brightened instantly as she was both flusters and perplexed. “—Huh! Eyes? Drakkon? Wha-what do ye mean by that? What eyes, and ah, do ye really keep an eye on Drakkon?” Lumikki slumped forward defeated. Knuckles was known and a given, but to mention further proved his point about being around.

The light around her features dimmed just as sudden again, the more sentimental Yuurei got the more she wanted to cry, her eyes were welling up and she didn’t want him to notice. Instead keeping it hidden behind the absence of light. “I’m glad…” she mumbled, barely choking it out. Indeed she would try her hand at another sip of their drink. Indulging in a deep gulp that helped her keep her mouth occupied.

Lumikki somewhat leaned toward him while giving it thought. She needed a moment to let his words sink in and she’d take a bit of it to heart. “I could see what ye mean…Ye aren’t wrong. Hard to fear others when I have ya home to intimidate more. Disciple…I wanted to think that since the day we met and ye took me in. Hoping I walking down the same path…I mean I don’t know ye story but I know the burden. I was captivated by the allure to grow strong and the promise of slaying Seraphim. I wanted to matter to ye….it’s nice to see I managed it. Of course this is only the start aye, we have centuries to perfect this.”

Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Img_0811

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:19 am


Yuurei could see it in her face, the love for two, but the acceptance of one. He was sure that Drakkon wanted something, but not in the traditional way. He had a smile on his face and was always around, just busy, and he wished he could just be around personally.

“Well, yes I keep tabs on all of you. I’m the Warden of the North after all. The people tell me things, I scout the area a lot to make sure nothing is wrong. It was a monthly thing I used to do before everything that happened to me happened. Still, I knew and I know that it’s safe in your hands as it was in mine.” He paused for a second.

“But yes, from time to time, I bump into my fellow guildmates in public. They don’t notice me, but I watch to make sure everything is fine with them. When I saw you and Drakkon eating and chatting, it seemed like there was something different. As for keeping an eye on Drakkon. That man is something else, when I met him, I could feel the darkness that was him. It was different, so I figured depending on the path he takes, he will be a problem for this world in the future.” He said out loud.

He saw her lean toward her, and he smiled a bit allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder. The Seraphim just asked for another drink as he waited a bit. The bartender brought it to him and he nodded. He heard her words when he grabbed his new drink and he had a smile on his face.

“I did promise to slay the Seraphim, that I plan to do. Of course, I would need Kaito’s help to get there. You know different dimensions and all. I think Brone would enjoy fighting them, so he would be coming too. As for centuries to come that is true, we have all the time in the world.” He said as he didn’t think anything could happen to them as long as they stuck together.

It wouldn’t take long, but the one thing he knew would happen happened. One of the new guys that were here had approached Yuurei and Lumikki. He hovered behind them with a smirk on his face as Yuurei looked at him. The man was drunk, but Yuurei had also been drinking.

“Hey pretty lady, ditch this pale soft boy, and have a taste of a real man.” He said as he grabbed her shoulder.

It was then that Yuurei had twitched, his hand instantly moving to the man’s wrist and snapped it. It didn’t stop there as his other hand had thrust straight to the man’s heart. His fingertips pierced through the man’s skin, but it stopped right there. The Seraphim took control, it was hard to do, but he did it and the man was screaming in pain, and was shocked to see he almost lost his life. He begged for Yuurei’s forgiveness and the Warden let go. The man dropped to the ground for a second and grabbed his heart to see if it was still there. He felt the blood on his chest dripping and the pain of his wrist screaming. He got up from the ground and ran out.

Yuurei looked down, and the others sighed and relaxed. They all knew that man was stupid as it seemed like he didn’t know who Leviathan was. He looked at his drink and reached for it, his hand shaking a bit as he drank it all.



Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:34 am


”Were ye peeping out the meeting room’s windows….?-Oh never mind! Aaah something different? What do ye mean, about me or him? Well besides that, ye aren’t wrong about the darkness. It’s infectious, perhaps ye should steer clear with all those Demons in ya as I’d attest he could be somewhat of a bad influence. But if the day does indeed come where he’s trouble, well it ain’t me trouble long as he doesn’t make it such. What do I care if another chaotic being decides to wreck his havoc, long as he avoids what’s mine.” Her head rested upon his shoulder and her eyes in a daze, looked ahead.

”I think I’ve given Brone a fright awhile back. I was in all me wings, but I caught him off guard. I don’t think he likes Seraphim all the much. Why is that? And Kaito ay? With his here and there magic? Would be suiting indeed for the travel, saves us a magical relic or the like. Though I’m curious of how those doves fight. Least I have a spell to better withstand ‘em. Fighting yer light magic is such a pain, when am I gonna encounter someone weak to me darkness?” She’d sigh in her dismay and take another sip but as she would, a man would approach the troubled pair.

Lumikki didn’t bother acknowledging him, and she had the foresight to know what’ll come. Should when his hand touched her shoulder she neither flicked or moved from where she was. Yuurei on the other hand moved in a speed that hardly constituted a blur while breaking the pitiful, fool’s wrist. “Another round if ye would, we’ll need one,” she’d force the bartenders attention on her as she insisted on her order. Though it would take him a bit before he could look away and comply. All the while Yuurei was fighting his literal Demons towards kill the man and sadly he would win.

”A wee bit disappointing, but ye’ve managed it. Would have been less messy if ya let me pour me frost….Still, how are ye? Not the norm seeing ye so shaken, but I suppose that’s the fate for anyone who loses control…” The bartender placed down the new round of drinks while another worker rushed to clean up the blood. Most people were so heated up that they hard noticed the vapor pour from their mouths. Lumikki in particular was cold and notable as though she didn’t look at him it didn’t mean she was unbothered. Being needless touched would always be vexing.

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Demon and Angel or Angel and Demon Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:17 am


Yuurei heard her, and she was right about that. Drakkon wasn’t an issue for them as long as he didn’t do anything that bothered the people that they cared about. Still, he wasn't sure if what he did would be grand enough to affect those they love indirectly. He would continue to monitor that man, a Demi-God, with a Primordial God as his parent. A man who devours dragon slayers to become stronger each time. He was far worse than Yuurei, but he had done nothing wrong to him, so he wouldn’t touch him for now.

She had vented to him that there weren’t many people weak to her darkness. He was pretty sure that Wood-Elves would be frightened of her. A lot of them were used to having magic that darkness would easily destroy. Still with everything that had happened, it put him a bit in a sour mood. He looked at Lumikki with a smile though letting her know that he was fine.

He heard her words and he was thinking about what to say as he was given another drink. Yuurei would take the entire drink once again without hesitation, and he would sigh with relief as he looked back at her.

“No, I’m alright. Believe it or not, I have been doing my best to manage my temper. I always been like that though, when someone does something they shouldn’t I tend to snap. That is with or without those two occupying space right now.” He said to her as he laughed a bit.

It was true, he was like that when he was in the forest, and with Kailani. When he got picked on, he let it be and did everything he was told to do without questioning it. Still, when it came to picking on her or doing anything negative to Kailani, Yuurei would always snap. It was like a wild berserk animal being let loose to take care of a situation.

Yuurei and Lumikki would spend time together in the tavern. He had thought about the new goal that he had gotten into his head. He would go speak to his mother soon and see what she thought on this matter. He would hear her advice and work from there. The King of Elves sounded rather fascinating, something that made him wonder how things would turn out in the future.



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