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The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline)

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#1Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 6:56 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: The Last Breath

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Story: The West has been calm and complacent for quite some time. With the lack of an established guild to protect anyone, Vampires have started to make their move after they had a  breakthrough of a discovery. One that speaks about an "Eternal Night". Vampires wish to eradicate the "Tyranny of the Sun" by using an ancient legendary bow to shroud the Sun so they may walk the land with no fear. After their first attack in Baska, Guardia Compagnia hear about these vampire happenings.  It is up for them to investigate what is going on, what is the plan of the Vampires. The two factions clash. One wishing to damn the world to darkness, the other preventing them. Guardia Compagnia realize that this is not a matter that will affect just the west, but all of earthland if this fails. Seeing the stakes at hand, the guild makes stopping these vampires their number 1 priority. The vampires will be crushed

Objective: To establish the guilds presence in the West. To make the people trust the Guardia Compagnia and to make sure the people can know to come to them in their time of need.

Last edited by Tamás Horvath on Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:30 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:27 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: A New Questline

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: A person comes to the guild trying their luck and seeking help. They tell the guild how they were nature walking outside Baska, in the forest. They discovered a cave and went to check it out, seeing then a horde of vampires snooping about, killing their friend and almost getting them. The Guild prepares and goes to Pinemoon Cave, where they fight off the vampires within and investigate what was drawing the vampires in here. At the very end of the cave, they find a skeleton holding a sealed scroll

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

-Learn the news about the vampires
-Set out to the cave
-Fight off the vampires
-Explore the cave and find its secrets

-Create this topic within the Guild Hall tagged with [TLB – A New Questline]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia
-You must finish this to enter the next topic

#3Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:34 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: Counterattack

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: The Vampires realized that their kin did not come back from their mission. In retaliation they attack the Baska Square to bolster their ranks and get new Vampires for the cause. Guardia Compagnia who was on their way back to the Guild see this and face off the vampire attackers and stop them from attacking the innocent people of Baska

+500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

-Defend the civillians from Vampire attacks
-Eliminate the Vampire Threat

-Create this topic within Baska's Square tagged with [TLB – Counterattack]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia.
-You must finish this to enter the next topic.

#4Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:43 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: Help Wanted

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: Finally arriving at the Guild Hall, members take a breather and all collectivelly decide to look at the mysterious scroll that the Vampires sought. Problem was, no one understood the scroll and its archaic language. Was it even fiorian? The Guild decides to find someone who can translate this. Choosing to go to Baska's Church. Upon finding someone who may read this, the group gets attacked. Swiftly defeating the attackers. The Guild takes the translator back who tells them about a prophecy about an ancient bow that can eradicate the Tyranny of the Sun and start an Eternal Night. The Guild realizes this was something bigger then they anticipated

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

-Try to read the scroll, but see its written in an unknown language
-Set out to Baska's Church to find someone who may be able to read it
-Finding your translator you try to read the Mysterious Scroll
-Vampires that have been watching you attack you and the Translator
-Defeat the Vampires
-Take the Translator back to the Guild Hall where its safe
-Learn about the prophecy that speaks of an ancient bow that can cause the Eternal Night event

-Create this topic within the Guild Hall tagged with [TLB – Help Wanted]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia
-You must finish this to enter the next topic

#5Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:12 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: Hide and Seek

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: The Vampires were actually listening in. One of them hidden within your ranks dressed as a traveling merchant heard the prophecy, made a few notes and made his way to his target.
They left the Guild and are now outside in Baska slowly leaving the town masquerading as a human. Realizing something is afoot and someone suspicious was here, the Guild sets out to stop the person whom they suspect is most likely a 100% vampire. Although they must do so discreetly as the law is unaware of the threat and will assume they have murdered a citizen. Doing the task needed, they investigate the vampires remains and find a very important clue

+500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

-Set out and discreetly kill the Vampire masquerading as a traveling merchant
-Loot the vampire for any clues
-Find the note that the vampire took as he was listening in
-Read the note that said the hidden location of the artifact.

-Create this topic within Baska tagged with [TLB – Hide and Seek]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia
-You must finish this to enter the next topic

#6Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:27 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: Touching the Sky

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: Reading the information and consulting with a map. The Journey took the guild back deep within the forest. Deep deep within the forest. Some called the location the Journeymans Nook. But that location was actually a bunch of ancient ruins, from an era long gone. A location that is coincidentally occupied by wood elf bandits who set their camp there. The Guild must get past the elves and find the Sunhallowed Bow. Only to realize that the Wood Elves actually found it before them, unaware of its true power. And being held as the Bandit Chiefs weapon. The Guild obtains the bow and feel its dangerous power, feeling as if they were holding the sun in the palm of their hand

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

-Journey out to find the bow
-Find the hidden wood elf bandit settlement in the forested ruins
-Try to negotiate to attain the bow by bartering with the wood elves or sneak by and steal it or eliminate the looming bandit threat and take the bow by force

-Create this topic within the Baska's Outskirts tagged with [TLB – Touching the Sky]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia
-You must finish this to enter the next topic

#7Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:34 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: The Last Breath

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: With the Sunhallowed Bow in their hands, it was time to take this fight to the vampires and eradicate the threat once and for all. Capturing one and interrogating them to rat out their hideout. The Guild takes the fight to them, arriving on the Vampire covens doorstep and unleashing an all out attack. Destroying the coven and the Master Vampire in charge. Eliminating the threat once and for all

+500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

-Capture a Vampire in Baska and interrogate them to give out their hideout location
-Head out to the Vampire Hideout and defeat all the Vampires and their Master Vampire

-Create this topic within Baska with [TLB – The Last Breath]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia
-You must finish this to enter the next topic

#8Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:29 am

Tamás Horvath
Name: Victory Fanfare

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Guardia Compagnia

Summary: With the threat defeated the guild goes back to its guild hall to celebrate with a feast and a party

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

-Have fun with your guildmates or just have fun

-Create this topic within the Guild Hall tagged with [TLB – Victory Fanfare]
-Must be members from Guardia Compagnia
-You must finish this to enter the next topic


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:39 am

[This Guild Storyline has been approved to Begin!]

#10Tamás Horvath 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:00 am

Tamás Horvath
A New Questline Completed: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66247-an-approaching-danger-tlb-a-new-questline?nid=3#595300

+250,000 Jewels (+20% Guild Level 4, +20% Lady Luck Coin, +20% Ring of Muu, +20% Moneybag Necklace)
+10,000 Experience (+15% Guild Level 2)
+400 Fame
+7 Speed (+5 SP Guild Level 3)

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience (+15% Guild Level 2)
+400 Fame
+7 Intelligence (+5 SP Guild Level 3)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:25 pm


Tamas has been rewarded according the listed rewards above. Scarlett, due to the rule of Guild Storyline quests allowing them to go only two ranks over their current rank, the reward for a B rank quest will be given. Which means that they have been given 10 Intelligence, 300 Fame, 100,000 Jewels and 8,650 xp

Last edited by Takao on Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:19 am

Turning in A New Questline
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66432-blood-battle-babes-tlb-a-new-questline


  • 425,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bouns)
  • 15,000 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 16 Int (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 13,500 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 8 Int and 8 Str (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)

(Nasira gets A Ranked rewards still Under the guild SL change of rewards up to two ranks higher than current rank if lower)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:14 pm


Both @Vex and @Nasira are rewarded accordingly


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:19 am

Turning in Counterattack
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66727-terror-and-rampage-tlb-counterattack


  • 850,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 22,500 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 500 Fame/Rep
  • 20 Speed (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 13,500 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 5 str, 5 int, 3 end, 3 con. (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:32 am

Both @Vex and @Nasira are rewarded accordingly


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:32 am

Turning in Help Wanted
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67012-more-bumps-in-the-road-tlb-help-wanted


  • 425,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 15,000 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 16 Speed (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 13,500 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 6 end, 6 con, 4 str (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:16 am

The quest done has been rewarded


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:40 pm

Turning in Counterattack
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67260-seeking-the-mole-tlb-hide-and-seek


  • 850,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 22,500 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 500 Fame/Rep
  • 20 Speed (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 13,500 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 500 Fame/Rep
  • 1 str, 5 int, 5 end, 5 con. (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)

#19Alaric Holloway 

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:28 pm

Alaric Holloway
@Vex and @Nasira have completed this quest and been rewarded.

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:48 am

Turning in Touching the Sky
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67012-more-bumps-in-the-road-tlb-help-wanted


  • 425,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 15,000 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 16 Con (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 13,500 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 3 end, 3 con, 5 str, int 5 (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:10 am

 @Vex  and  @Nasira  have successfully completed their quests and have been rewarded for them.

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) GPIjkMz

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:05 am

Turning in Last Breath
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68403-clearing-the-nest-tlb-the-last-breath


  • 850,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 22,500 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 500 Fame/Rep
  • 20 Con (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 600,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 20,250 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 500 Fame/Rep
  • 5 str, 5 int, 5 end, 5 Speed . (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:43 pm


The ravens have observed @Vex and @Nasira have completed the quest

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:13 pm

Turning in Fanfare
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68560-a-toast-to-our-victory-tlb-victory-fanfare#618945


  • 425,000 Jewels (15% Vest+ 15% relic+ 20% GL 4+20% Storyline bouns)
  • 15,000 Experience (15% Vest+15% GL2+20% Storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 16 Speed (+5 GL3 and 50% storyline bonus)

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% Storyline bonus)
  • 13,500 Experience (15% GL 2+ 20% storyline bonus)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 4 str, 4 speed, 4 int, 4 con (+5 GL3 and 50% Storyline bonus)


The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:06 pm


The ravens have observed @Vex and @Nasira completed the quest. Fanfare was completed.

The Last Breath (Guardia Compagnia Storyline) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

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