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A toast to our Victory. [TLB – Victory Fanfare]

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A toast to our Victory. [TLB – Victory Fanfare] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:54 pm

Vex hugged Naira when they returned to the guild as a grand victory party was being made up for the victory of them over the vampires that had come to take them and others out of action. "We did it Nasira I am proud of you as my partner. Have you planned what type of weapon that you wish to seek out?" Vex wished to know as, as soon as this party was over she was going to drag this woman to go and get a weapon and make sure that she got one that she could use and not always be stuck empty handed and left with no resort to turn besides her fists every time something goes down as that is not good got her hands even if she seemed to not be bothered by it she needed to make sure that the woman wouldn't be harmed or left unarmed in the future in case she wasn't there to be able to save her.

Vex pulled the woman along to go and see what foods and drinks they were putting out for this party of them living to see the new day break for them. Vex saw as the guilds kitchen had sparked to life and she swore she saw someone one portal in and out dropping off food for the kitchen but she didn't have any proof of that. She looked at the drinks some of them very higher end and others on the lower side as well as juices and waters that were probably meant for the younger members as at a thing like this no one is to not be drinking from the higher end as it was more then likely an insult to their survival so she would at least have some wine when they started to serve the stuff and she wondered if Nasira even drank or not and she might have just thought herself into a corner as she was not going to think down on the woman that had just helped to carry the night of horror to the finish line and in any way spit in her face. "What do you see that you are excited about?" Vex asked wishing to know if the other woman had seen anything that would make her excited for the party as she doesn't think Nasira really seemed the partying type of person.


A toast to our Victory. [TLB – Victory Fanfare] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 3:59 am

It seemed to be entirely a surreal moment that had done all of this and got through alive and here all Nasira could think, Was this really enough to prove to her that she could manage these things so well? In some manner Valerie told her for years she could and it was not exactly an easy message for her to take in. It was some what the first far more serious mission she had gotten through. It was not shock if anything it was relief.

If only Valerie could have saw her now, the progress she had gone through and managed to achieve, While she never thought of it out loud. Her various thought in some manner almost made her think she would have died sooner. Maybe she really was not all that weak much like the people who brought her thought she was. But it made her ponder what happen that made her so weak. But she should tune back to the world around her eventually after all some one was trying to for the most part get her attention and get her to talk a bit more. Suppose it was not all that bad. Just knows she lack focus at times on general conversations at times.

But different problems for other days at times. The hug was returned fairly quickly as Nasira did seemed to shows finally she did actually value it even if she was just thinking to herself too much. Vex seemed so much more open then Nasira was. While she thought about it for the most part she had settled on something fairly common. Only because they where easy to her hands on.

So she let out a sigh."Consider me old fashion, Only because they are easy to find and can find them some what reasonably priced, I might just go find a sword."Nasira was already thinking about cost and everything trying to keep it reasonable to a weapon she did not know. But it almost seemed still the victory. Or it was just over all Nasira often was good and keeping herself in check. Suppose the one question she could answer the question because it was not entirely on weapons."If I am excited this is over."This was referring to the situation they just got through.


But she got a hug, For now Nasira did have to focus on the feeling of humanity that she got from this work


A toast to our Victory. [TLB – Victory Fanfare] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:37 am

Vex saw how the woman seemed far more confident now and she was happy to see that from her and then she heard the woman say that she was going to aim for a sword and be only fashioned the wood elf woman laughed. "Then would I be a stereo type because I am a wood elf that uses a bow and daggers?" She was teasing the other woman as she called using a sword as old fashioned, when a sword is one of the most reliable weapons to ever be used. Vex looked at her as she said that she was excited that this was over. "But is it really over? This is the start of us making a path to the future to make us all stronger and being able to show we are more than just women." She did a flexing motion even though she is not the muscular just to show off as a bit of a joke.

She knows that there will still be a lot that Nasira will have to over come to get strong and take up the strong woman place that she deserved to be in but she was going to make sure that Nasira was on the right path to be able to make it to a strong seat even if it means that she surpasses Vex in the guild it was always a good idea to help train others to reach for stars that you might not be able to reach on your own. Vex is called over by some other guild mates and she smiled at Nasira and then walked over to them and they started talking to her about the mission and how well she did and Vex keeps saying it was a team effort and that it only worked out because she had a strong rock of a team mate at her side to make sure that she didn't fail and that kept her on the right path as well as Nasira did a lot of the hard work in fights and watching her back. Vex knows that without Nasira she wouldn't have been able to make it through all of the trouble that might have happened or harm she would have probably gotten from the fights and over arching issues that would have arrived.

A musical group walked in through the front doors and it seemed they were also going to have music at this party as well this should be something that is very can't miss.
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