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The Hunt [Pest Control - Faris]

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The Hunt [Pest Control - Faris] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:51 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: 310 | On The Prowl

“Hmmm, yesss…” The leggy lass showing off some rather impressive flexibility as she brought herself to a halt with her feet spread and dipped forward to look at something she had spotted upon the ground, contrary to the largely bored expression which she had while drifting about the resort it seemed that Zelda Blackwood was well in her element in the wilds which surrounded it, and perhaps might have looked cute if not for the avarice for blood clear within her eyes. Excited by the thrill of the hunt and smirking as she spied the tracks of a potential prey, that golden gaze narrowed as she laid her palms upon the earth for a few moments and felt the temperature of the ground, and with that knew where she needed to go.

“This way, Iraious!” Jumping back to her feet with what was probably the closest thing to a grin which most would see from her and live to tell the tale, the violet vixen cocked her head in the direction of the manservant she had brought along in order to show him what real fun looked like, and then went from standing to sprinting in all of a second as she rushed away to pursue their common quarry.
“We should bag quite the prize if the tracks are anything to go off!” Suddenly seeming so much younger and more energetic than she had in the baths as she dashed along the ground merrily, the hurried huntress rested a hand upon the hilt of her weapon as she drove herself forward with every expectation of finding a challenge at the end of this trail, and wouldn't want it any other way. I mean sure they would be paid for slaying these pests, but to her the real prize was in the chase as it were, and everything else a mere bonus…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Faris Iraious 

The Hunt [Pest Control - Faris] Empty Yesterday at 5:06 am

Faris Iraious
It was a wonderful start to the day, the party was fairly excited of the things to come and happen. Faris seemed to have actually prepare for these things situation. He brought a spear, while this armour he wore was purely for show he had other tricks to help him incase he really was at risk of getting hurt.

No matter what he would okay. Zelda seeming already in her element was interesting to Faris, Some what Faris figured it be best to prepare by at least doing some stretches, Faris seemed to be okay but as she stretched out there was an actual slightly loud crack at this time. Merely checking over the joint. Maybe he was working himself too hard in other ways. But he seemed fine otherwise.

Faris thought he was ready and prepared, If anything he learned really quick how unprepared he was actually was. But this was actually extremely interesting to him. He was use to seeing Zelda was in a casual manner with hints of being excited things. Now it seemed Faris got to enjoy her being in her element.

And it was in her mind oddly beautiful. As much as Faris would even want to remark about it, He was not dumb it was not needed at the time. Plus it was not anything receptive. But suppose anything else would wait for later.

Faris was not as quick as Zelda was, He was most prepared to take hits, not run and chase for long periods of time. As he was out ran even doing the best and trying keep up. It was actually a sight he enjoyed to see. He just wanted to do what he could to help. realizing he had not quite asked what they were hunting, But now he was in the trill of it.


The Hunt [Pest Control - Faris] Empty Today at 1:31 pm


WORDS: 320 | TOTAL: 630 |  On The Prowl

“Uffuffuffu, you seemed faster when we were chasing peeping toms, Iraious~?” The heated huntress certainly not missing the fact that her flame haired fellow seemed to be lagging a little when compared to her own pace, though Miss Blackwood was keen to find her quarry she at the same time couldn't help but think of the last little time they had embarked upon a hunt together, and so compared the situations wryly and with no shortage of assumptions either in what she was to make of the lad's lacking pace.
“Or was it the prize that motivated you~?” The girl with the golden gaze all too quickly guessing that they were both pursuing differing kinds of highs that day and suspecting that his lay more in the reward she offered over that of their achievement, though Faris had shown a sense of vigour when it came to much of the antics which he pursued with the violet vixen which frankly proved surprising it was easy to guessing that he was more of a lover than a fighter, and as such might just need a different reason to give his all to this occasion. Though luckily, she had one that would seem to suit.

“If that's the case, you should know… Nothing makes me more want than slaying a beast~?” More than confident that she could take down all manner of the creations which lurked in these sorts of locales on her own but at the same time seeking company for other reasons, perhaps most girls would be abashed to admit that certain things seemed to get their engine going and especially so when it came to matters of violence, but it appeared that Zelda was built different in every way imaginable aside from anatomical design of course. Bloodlust seeming to awake her inner animal and well in need of something to sate it, should their little expedition prove successful then well, everybody just might win there eh~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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