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End of Time ♫

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End of Time ♫ Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:00 pm


"There will be no more Gods in Seven... Only the Void..."

"Illumin's Chosen... has betrayed us all..."

From the Heavens descended a pillar of light in which those within and near could feel the raw power of the gods themselves. A presence which radiated with unbridled potential, one of which most mortals would simply find themselves in awe of. Yet as the lone figure in attendance to such a display, it was all too fitting that it be at this point that she be the one to capitalize on an opportunity that comes not once in a lifetime or era, but one that likely would never stand to occur again. The Heavens over the nation of Seven found itself without their heralded ancestor: Chronos was dead. Even still existed the chance to ascend for oneself, or more appropriately the chance for her to ascend.

Zaira, The Divine herself, the one who was revered just below Illumin Himself throughout all the nation of Fiore, could not help but revel in excitement as her body transcended upwards as if raised by the forces of the Heavens themselves. And all around her, the horrifying darkness that was the Void radiated out around her, polluting the light, eroding it into something akin to shadow and hopelessness. Time all but ceased. The pillar of light that carried her changed in appearance becoming dark, corrupt, horrifying even. And the corruption spread further. As she continued to ascend and claim the vacancy that she had made for herself, the Void spread throughout the Heavens, corrupting it along the way. “Welcome to your new home, my Lord! May this small piece of the Heavenly plane serve as a sufficient first taste of what will become the Void’s new domain!”

It seemed in no time that whatever Heavenly allure there may have once been was now long gone. Where it once existed there were now the horrors of the Void made manifest, imbued with the pure power that radiated throughout the once-Heaven. Despondent cries and pleas of those that existed within the realm littered her ears, a cacophony of beautiful sounds that soon enough would become that of a thousand-fold more potent. All around her was evidence enough of that; a once-beautiful realm where beings of power perhaps rivaling that of Illumin existed in peace, only to inevitably be snuffed out and turned into nothing more than a shriveled corpse with a mere fraction of the potential power that existed within the Void. The power that stole her from Illumin, that set in motion the events that killed the King of Gods and brought the Heavens of Seven to ruin. The power that would obliterate the rest of the world and leave it no different than the horrific display before her.

"I promise you here within here, your Heaven, the corpses of Gods soon to be forgotten and consumed by your Hunger, that Earthland too shall fall to the Void. And then the Heavens and Abyss will join them all. Nothing will escape our grasp! Nothing will stop your rightful reign over this world!"

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