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Ultimate Dimensional Dragon Slayer Spell

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Ultimate Dimensional Dragon Slayer Spell Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:43 am


Name: Dimensional Dragon: Rift Breaker
Rank: S++ (Auto hit, Damage Dealt to Every Equipment Piece, DOT, and Cancels sustain spells)
Mana Cost: 1000
Requirements: Dimensional Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Offensive - AOE
Element: Arcane
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown:Once per Topic
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user spreads one arm forward, which allows them activate their spell. Their 4-meter diameter gray magic circle appears in front of them. The user chooses somewhere within 25-meter around them to have this spell take effect. What happens here is that the area or space around that specific area will start breaking into multiple areas at once. This will first cause every sustained spell of the target to be canceled and go on cooldown. It would look like the rifts are tearing into the fabric of space. This will damage target(s) that are around and all of their items for S rank Damage. The rifts get caught on people and their items will take damage over time until the its at D Rank. The rifts look like they get smaller each post. This doesn’t change the outlook of the area and once the spell is done the fabric of space will return back to normal.

I am buying this for 250,000 jewels please.

Last edited by Kaito on Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total


Ultimate Dimensional Dragon Slayer Spell Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:40 pm

Hi @Kaito ! Overall, this is a neat spell. However, can we discuss toning it down a bit? From what I understand, even though you pay double the mana cost for an S-Rank spell, this technique does quite a lot. A spell that inflicts unavoidable damage to all targets and their equipment within range, while also applying damage over time, seems extremely generous considering the drawback. In addition, it cancels out sustained spells, which seems alien to the other advantages of this technique.

Ultimate Dimensional Dragon Slayer Spell GPIjkMz

Ultimate Dimensional Dragon Slayer Spell Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:05 am



Ultimate Dimensional Dragon Slayer Spell GPIjkMz

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