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Dangerous Reading Material [Private]

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#1Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:31 am

Alaric Holloway

As Alaric left the admin office, he glanced at the folded pamphlet they had given him. The campus was actually quite expansive, much larger than he had anticipated. There were designated areas for mock battles scattered throughout each of the colleges’ grounds. A massive library also graced the campus, a towering structure that seemed to hold endless possibilities. Alaric was informed that his first opportunity to attend either school’s lessons would be two days from today. To make the most of the free time, he was encouraged to explore the campus and familiarize himself with its layout. Alaric eagerly took advantage of this, mainly by indulging in the free food available at various stalls. After wandering around for several hours, taking in the sights and sounds, he found himself standing in front of the imposing library. Alaric paused, noticing the large structure and momentarily mistaking it for another college building. Truth be told, Alaric wasn’t the strongest reader. He had never been formally educated; what he did know, he had learned either from his mother during their years on the road or by necessity. Perhaps this was a good opportunity to see if there was something inside for him, something that might spark a newfound interest in learning.

wc 210

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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#2Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:32 am

Alaric Holloway
The stairs leading to the library were enormous, with dozens of students bustling up and down the steps at any given moment. Alaric felt slightly intimidated, never having been in the presence of so many books or scholars before. He felt out of place stepping into a building like this. A peasant who had spent the majority of his life on the road, he could hardly read to save his life, and he held a generally negative view of the world around him. This building represented everything he was not. It housed stories and information from the far corners of the world, with texts older than the country of Fiore. There were probably stories lost to time within these walls, just waiting for a curious mind to discover them and breathe new life into their pages. As he walked through the grand library’s various aisles, he noticed the intense smell of old books. It wasn’t like an old home smell; it was something else entirely, something richer and more complex. Each book had its own scent, much like a person. Each book had lived a different life. Some were written by the sea, and the salt air still lingered in their pages. Others had been hidden in damp, dark cellars, from which a strong smell of mold and burnt candle wax could be detected. It was all so intriguing and foreign to him.

wc 233
twc 443

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#3Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:32 am

Alaric Holloway

Alaric got lost in the building rather quickly. Having never been in a library other than the guild’s, he was confused by the intricate system they had in place for storing and cataloging their vast collection. Before he knew it, Alaric found himself in a poorly lit region of the library. The bustling crowd that had been so prevalent in the more central areas was nowhere to be found in this forgotten section. A few people darted between the shelves, searching for old and forgotten manuscripts, most keeping to themselves. They spoke in hushed tones and looked perpetually exhausted, as if they had spent countless hours poring over ancient texts. One aisle that Alaric passed had a woman surrounded by piles of books on the ground. She was sound asleep, using a larger book as a pillow while three other books lay open around her, their pages filled with dense text. A student lost in her studies, she seemed completely oblivious to the world around her. Something compelled him to keep walking, driven by a curiosity that was stronger than any he had felt before.

wc 183
twc 623

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#4Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:33 am

Alaric Holloway
Deeper in he went, without a true thought or plan. He entered a region of the library where books were coated in a thick layer of dust, undisturbed for what seemed like ages. Ropes blocked off certain areas with signs that read ‘No Entry’ or ‘Restricted Area’. He wondered what sort of knowledge had to be restricted from the masses. Why gather it in a building meant for learning and understanding if people were not permitted to read it? In a near trance state, Alaric found himself weaving around the large aisles of books and parchments, his mind racing with questions. The light had faded back here. No natural or magical source of light seemed to be in use. If it weren’t for his naturally good eyesight, a positive side effect of his were-self, he might have been lost to the darkness. Thankfully, he was able to move around without any sort of hindrance, navigating the shadowy paths with ease. Before long, Alaric found himself slipping through one of the restricted regions and standing before a wall of dust-covered books.

wc 180
twc 806

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#5Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:33 am

Alaric Holloway
His eyes furrowed as he stared at the wall of grey. The dust had uniformed the entire collection, making them all appear alike. It was likely that none of these books had been removed from the shelf since they were placed there. The smells emanating from them reminded him more of the dead than of books. Still, here he stood, feeling a strange sense of connection to these forgotten tomes. His mind blank, his eyes glossed over, and his body swaying to and fro, he felt as though he were on the brink of a revelation. It was the sound of a large book slamming to the ground that broke him from his trance. Dust filled the air from the book’s fall. The sound echoed throughout this forgotten corner of the library, reverberating off the ancient walls. Little did Alaric know that within the pages of that book would be something that would change his life completely.

wc 157
twc 963

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#6Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:33 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric had never been gifted magically. With strength, speed, and endurance, yes. Magic, not so much. Something about this moment in time, within this space, was burning within him. He could feel the mana seeping from every pore of his flesh, heating the space around him. It was a presence of magic he was not familiar with, though it felt natural and a part of him, as if it had been lying dormant all his life. As Alaric’s trance was broken, he walked over to the fallen book. Lifting it with curiosity, Alaric blew the dust off the cover and revealed a queer string of letters in a spot of ink that seemed as black as night but somehow glowed like the final ember of a hearth. “What are you?” he asked himself as he flipped through the pages of the book for a moment. He had only gone a few pages before hearing a voice behind him speak. “Alaric Holloway.”

wc 166
twc 1129

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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#7Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:34 am

Alaric Holloway
He spun around, expecting to see a man standing there but instead found empty air. His eyebrow raised. Maybe he had been hearing things? It had only been a whisper but it felt like somebody was there with him. ” Hello?” He matched the tone of the whisper. His nose picked up no trace of the owner of the whisper. Was this library haunted? He could easily see ghosts floating through these older parts of the library and enjoying the books and catalogs they probably wrote. His brow furrowed. He closed the book that was in his hands but held firm to its spin. He took a step back towards the main artery of this area of the library. He poked his head out, sniffing the air and listening for any movement. After several moments of silence, he shrugged it off as his imagination and pulled back towards the dusty shelves; opening the book once more.

wc 158
twc 1287

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#8Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:34 am

Alaric Holloway
His eyes poured over the words in the book. They made no sense to him. They were runes, or what Alaric would interpret or imagine what runes were. Straight and stiff movements in their strokes. They were sharp and rigid symbols. He had rested on the ground and found himself flipping page after page. Nothing made sense but somehow his body was feeling a reaction of something. He couldn’t put a word to it but something here was calling him. “You are strong but still seek strength.”. Alaric looked up from the book to see once again nothing was there. “Who’s there?”. He tucked his thumb into the page he was on and closed the book while standing up. He magic was starting to radiate. [color=#b72f22] “I said…Who’s there? A shelf was struck with a minor blast causing several books to fall to the ground.

wc 154
twc 1441

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#9Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:35 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric walked towards the shelf only to hear the voice once more. Louder than its whisper. “So strong and brave, a defenseless bookshelf is no match to your power.” It spoke in a snide and condescending tone. “Who are you? Where are you?” Silence. No response. Alaric turned about waiting to see something or smell something. “You must have spent all your time working your body and not your mind. Use your mana to find me. Idiot.”. He was confused. Alaric paused and focused on the whisper’s words. He took a few rather deep breaths in before exhaling. As his mana rippled from his body, he felt a strong pulse reverberating from the book in his hands. He glared at the book with a look of confusion. Now that he paid attention, the book was warm. Like really warm. Alaric was normally pretty good when it came to heat but it was becoming increasingly hard to hold on top. “What are you?” A deep laugh started to bellow through Alaric’s ears. “Maybe there is potential talent in you yet.” The presence of the voice was no longer a whisper. It felt more firm and present. The heat from the book was becoming quite painful but Alaric’s hands would not release. He felt the heat from the book start to creep up his arm and into his body. As it spread, Alaric felt as if he could scream but his body was frozen in place.

wc 265
twc 1706

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#10Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:35 am

Alaric Holloway
“Yes, you have exactly the right amount of potential I need in a vessel. You weres were always so durable.” As the pain coursed through, Alaric’s knees began to waver. He fell to the ground but still could not scream nor let go of the book. The burning sensation had poured through his entire body now. He felt as if he was going to melt from the inside out. His throat was scorching hot. “You, Alaric Holloway, shall be the vessel of the true Lord of Flames, The Arch Demon-Pyreaus. Rise. We are one.” With those words, Alaric let go of the book, it fell to the ground fading away into a pile of ash as it struck the ground. Alaric’s body still felt hot but the pain had receded and he could feel control of himself once more. “Vessel for a demon? What nonsense are you spouting? What trick is this?” Alaric lashed out. His arms moved in a flailing manner, flames rippled from them.

wc 179
twc 1885

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#11Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:55 am

Alaric Holloway
Flames?He was confused. Alaric never had control over flames before. What was this? A cursed book or something? ” Most would call it a cursed book but you may yet to find it as a blessing.” Pyreaus spoke in the boy’s mind. He read his thoughts and emotions without any prompt. What sort of power did this demon hold? “We are one now Alaric Holloway, you will be my vessel. Take my power onto this world and show them my wrath.” Out of his control, Alaric’s arms lifted to the roof above him, jetting flames out. Alaric’s eyes widened. What was going on? “What is this? Why am I using fire magic? I’ve never used such a thing before.” The voice chuckled. “Your bomb magic was just a branch of the true nature of fire. By hosting my soul within your body, you are now able to harness the true potential of fire magic. Beyond even what most in this school would even understand.” Alaric tried to use a familiar skill of his but could not conjure the spell. “My bomb magic…where did it go?”

wc 209
twc 2094

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#12Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:56 am

Alaric Holloway
His voice broke with a bit of confusion and sadness. The magic that he had taught himself more or less was gone. It was a part of his identity. Alaric smashed his fist into the shelf and an explosion of flames erupted forth, blasting the books to all different directions. Alaric was thrown back from the force, slamming into another set of shelves. “You will find that my powers are far superior to that pitiful bomb magic. Hosting my soul will also present itself in other manners. That strike you just demonstrated being one of them. It would be wise to leave this place now. Somebody was bound o hear that commotion. You’re a bit green with your magic control. For now, I may only imbue you with limited knowledge of my magic. Use it wisely to flee this place. Alaric’s head throbbed harder than before. He nearly fell back down but stabilized himself. “How did this happen? Why me?” A magic circle would form under his feet. Alaric was trusted downward deeper into the library. “We will leave through the rear. They will not notice. Hurry now..”

wc 197
twc 2291

Erupted Movements [C-rank] obtained

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#13Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:32 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric ran through the aisle of books trying to find a way to escape the library unnoticed. The spell he had used was activated by Pyreaus, not Alaric. He had moved his body too. Was Alaric really not in control? The two quickly maneuvered their way. As they came to a door blocking their path, Alaric simply lifted his hand and the door blasted off its hinges and hurled itself towards them. Instantly, Alaric’s hand closed on itself and flexed. A magic circle propelled him up and over the incoming door, allowing him to easily evade. “Woah.” He was in utter shock. He bolted through the doorway and into a courtyard at the edge of the library. Off in the distance, he could see the tops of trees. He just needed to get over the wall. Pyreaus seemed to have let go of his body as Alaric was now in full control. His breathing had hastened and sweat was starting to pool on his forehead. He was hot. “Jeez, this island is hotter than Lulu. It’s crazy.” “No, now that my soul is within you, you will feel much warmer than before. I suggest you wear fewer clothes or have a servant with some sort of cooling magic nearby.

wc 207
twc 2498

A Command [C-rank] + Hot Steps [C-rank] obtained

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#14Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:07 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric dreaded the idea of running around naked all day but he did enjoy the thought of Salem having a steady mist blowing on him. “Now what?” Alaric asked with anticipation. He was growing restless and the added heat made him agitated. You can’t stop here. Let’s go find a training area. Surely, these scholars have somewhere to show off their magic. Let’s blow a hole through the wall.” Alaric’s hands began to lift. He could feel the mana building up within him as if he was going to use another spell. He used all his will and brought the hand down and stopped the supply of mana. “No, there’s better ways.” He turned back towards the ripped doorframe. “We can’t leave a larger train than what we already have. Let’s move quickly but carefully.” [color:63bb=A96161] “Very well.” Alaric walked over to the wall and touched it with his hand. He pulled it back and a pair of nails emerged. He quickly scaled the wall and was on the other side.

WC 185
TWC 2683

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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#15Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:08 pm

Alaric Holloway
Dropping from the wall, Alaric found himself in a sparse forest on the campus. The wall behind him told him that this was not a well-visited area. Dirt and vines grew along its body. Hopefully, that meant he was deep enough in the library that it would take some time for them to track him out here. There was no time to waste though. He needed to go. Quickly, he shifted into a wolf and ran through the forest’s bounty. “Not a normal were are we?” Pyreaus' tone gave Alaric the indication that he could peer into Alaric’s true self. He could see the bloodline that ran through his veins. “No, we are not.” He wasn’t sure how to take Pyreaus’ next word nor the tone that it came with. Something about it though sent a shiver down Alaric’s spine. “Excellent.” He wasn’t sure what he meant by that bloodline comment nor did he care to find out.

wc 163
twc 2846

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#16Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:14 pm

Alaric Holloway
The wolf placed quite a distance between him and the library. It did not take too long thanks to this form. It was much more well-suited to traverse the woods than his human form. Plus, he was a bit wary that Pyreaus would be able to slip back into control. Ever since becoming a wolf, he felt the presence of the demon pushed back deeper. As if he was being suppressed. “I have never graced one of your kind with my magic, though I suspect we will achieve great accomplishments. One with your pedigree will go quite far.” Alaric could not handle it any longer. He morphed back out of the wolf form, taking on his human form once again. “What do you mean my pedigree?” He barked angrily. “Ah, you are unaware. I see. It is not for I to tell you that surprise.” He sneered. “If you wish to by my vessel, you’ll have to make better use of your magic than you had before. I will burn my powers into your thick wolf skull if I have to. Now, do as I say and go. I must find somewhere to be able to unleash an adequate surge of my power. Doing it in a tinder box like this will only end in doom.” His voice was demanding and firm. Alaric’s body did not move on its own but he could feel the overwhelming drive to move and do as he was told.

wc 256
twc 3102

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#17Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:22 pm

Alaric Holloway
Once again, Alaric found himself running through the forest. As he broke out onto the other side, he was met with a large open field. Several training dummies lined a distance area. There were stadium seats to the opposite side that he had emerged from. “This must be one of the colleges’ training grounds.” He slowly walked onto the field. His eyes looked for signs of anybody. He took a deep breath and exhaled before shaking his hands a bit, trying to loosen up. Walking over towards the dummies, Alaric held his hand out, expecting flames to erupt and fire forth. When nothing happened he grew visibly frustrated. “Well? Where’s the flames you talked about?” His tone was condescending and annoying. Instantly, his body snapped to. He pointed his arms forward and pulled the right one back as if he was drawing a bow. “Right here you buffoon.” Flames erupted to life on his fingertips. Releasing his right hand two arrows fired off and stuck to different targets. Both the targets set ablaze and burnt to a crisp in mere moments. Alaric’s eyes widened. What was that? This demon, Pyreaus was no joke.

wc 198
twc 3300

Flame Arrow Volley [B-rank] obtained

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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#18Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:05 pm

Alaric Holloway
The flames from the arrows lingered on the ground for some time. It took several minutes for them to finally fade. Alaric was both shocked and amazed at such heat. Even normal fire magic’s flames only lasted for a short time. Their life was tied to the magic that fueled them. These seemed to in a way act as normal fire would, living and breathing the air around them for sustenance. “Alright, that’s enough gawking.” Alaric snapped away from the ashed dummies and looked towards the stands nearby. Zoning out a bit as he stared. It was a lot to process. Ten minutes ago he was just plucking an innocent-looking book from a shelf in some dusty part of the library. Now, he had a demon residing within his body, explosions with his fists alone, and flames that had a hunger to consume anything they touched it seemed. Pyreaus was right, this was both a blessing and a curse. How fate loved to play with mortals like so.

wc 169
twc 3469

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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#19Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:08 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric finally seemed to come to terms with the situation. At least for the time being. His opinions would likely sway as he grew to know what sort of demon Pryeaus truly was. “Okay, what will you have of me then? What does the Lord of Flames want with me?” There was silence for a moment. Alaric listened and waited until Pryeaus gave his response. “Easy. You have an affinity to hold my soul, despite having the blood of the white wolf flowing through your veins. That makes you unique and tough alone. That and the hunger for power that’s deep within. You seemed like the best candidate to obtain my power in some time. Why not have a go with your body until its all burned up?” His voice trailed into the bellowing chuckle Alaric had started to associate the demon with. It made sense though. Demons do not aid without payment. That’s something they tell all kids. Lumi was a demon as well. He wondered what sort of payments she required. Based on their conversation at the bar that night, he wouldn’t put it past a child or that of a man. Maybe she’d take a woman as an offering too? She did seem like an equal opportunist.

wc 216
twc 3685

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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#20Alaric Holloway 

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:23 pm

Alaric Holloway
“Now,  let’s continue. You’ve only tapped into a small portion of my magic’s true potential. This campus will be a perfect place for you to learn and master the magic.   ” Alaric turned back towards the remaining dummies. He inhaled and exhaled. His body starting to become more at rest than his fight or flight responses these past ten minutes. Pyreaus was right. He could tell that what he had used so far was nothing more than a tinderball on the fire. He needed to train and listen to the demon to stoak the flames that were within. Bringing his hands up to his face to inspect. Alaric made a firm statement to the demon. “Very well. Let us each use the other to their fullest and see who burns out first.” Alaric clenched each hand into a fist and brought it down. He began walking towards the college before him. It was time for him to take advantage of both this school and Pyreaus. When he left here, he would be a new and more powerful mage. He just might be here longer than he had expected.

Alaric, still fuming with the heat from the demon brought his arm up and ripped his shirt off of him. As it fluttered away in the wind. The place where he once touched set aflame with Pyreaus’ presence and simple touch. As it plummeted to the ground aflame, Alaric had turned the opposite direction. His mind was racing and thinking. Pyreaus had given him knowledge in his mind of his magic and spells but it was up to Alaric to fish them out. It helped when he envisioned spells that he already had a mastery over before the demon’s possession. With each step, a spell became more and more clear in his mind. “Alright, let’s go.” A circle appeared on his chest and suddenly Alaric was airborne. The flight with Pyreaus magic was much smoother than his chaotic bomb magic. He’d be able to move much more nimbly now. He flew off towards the college in the distance. Ready to learn something new and grow even more.


wc 363
twc 4048

Total spells trained:

  • Erupted Movements [C-rank] = 750 Words - 30%wcr = 525
  • A Command [C-rank] = 750 Words - 30%wcr = 525
  • Hot Steps [C-rank] = 750 Words - 30%wcr = 525
  • Flame Arrow Volley [B-rank] = 1000 Words - 30%wcr = 700
  • High Temp Tactical Movements [A-rank] = 2000 Words - 30%wcr = 1600

Total WC needed: 3875
Total Thread WC: 4048

Dangerous Reading Material [Private] 1ttePXg
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