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Hanabi Han

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#1Hanabi Han 

Hanabi Han Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:51 pm

Hanabi Han


Name: Hanabi Han

Age: 20, July 1st X776

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Ethnicity, Father: Sinese

Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan

Class: Adventurer

Race: Demihuman (Cat)

Rank: C-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Back, Olive Green

Face: Kal’tsit, Arknights


Height: 5’1”

Weight: 105 lbs

Hair: Platinum Blonde

Eyes: Green

Overall: Older, wiser, and more experienced with the horrors of the world. Where previously Hanabi was a young and upstart and this showed in her appearance, with her age she has matured both physically and mentally.

At a glance, Hanabi is a particularly small demihuman that sports a head full of bright blonde hair paired with piercing green eyes. Her skin is of a peach color, pale though full of color. If one were to stare at her long enough they could even get a slight glance of a tan on her skin, though her skin doesn't really get dark like it does for others. Her frame is petite and small, though that's mainly through the contribution of her demihuman genes. No matter what she does, the young Hanabi doesn't seem to put on any muscle. Slender and skinny, most people assume that they could pick her up if they wanted to based on her size and most people just assume she isn't a threat. What normally contradict this, however, is the emotion she's showing on her face. Having physically aged through stress and hardship, her eyes are sullen and dead. Hanabi has a stare to her that seems to go on for miles and show little emotion, so when paired with a smile or frown it comes off as uncanny to most.

As far as apparel is concerned, the demihuman likes to wear looser clothes that have vibrant colors. It's rare to find her in anything long and formal, as even during formal gatherings she's the type of person to show up in casual clothing.

Extra: Being a demihuman, she has cat ears sitting on the top of her head.


Personality: Stoic, quiet, and snarky. It's not uncommon for people to compare Hanabi's nature to that of the common house cat, but if she hears anyone say this she is all but guaranteed to lash out violently. Besides that though, Hanabi is the type of person who likes to live in her head and is more comfortable keeping to herself. This makes most assume she's cold and shy, but in reality she's just not a huge people person and would rather not go through the entire process of social interaction if she could. If, by some miracle, you get Hanabi to talk she's not particularly nice with her words but overall she means well for most people. One thing, above all, is that her intentions are good in nature even if her actions or words contradict that.

On the flip side, outside of small annoyances not many things bother her, unless its bad people. Hanabi has a general appreciation for all people in the world so those who don't share that same view point she is quick to lump into an unsavory group labeled, in her mind, "vilains". You'd think with a distinction like that she would consider herself a hero but really Hanabi is anything but selfless. The only problem for those that she views as bad people is that they are no longer eligible for kindness in her eyes. They're scum, they're the worst thing that the world has to offer and she thinks they have no place in the world. Once again, these thoughts merely stay trapped in her mind but through her actions they may slip out. And, once Hanabi doesn't like you, it's very hard to try and change her mind. Stubborn and judgemental.
  • Heights: A newfound fascination with elevation. Hanabi has taken notice that the higher she goes the better the breeze, and she's a sucker for a good breeze. Due to this, it is not uncommon to find her lazing about in a tree or other dangerously high places.
  • Travel: A habit born from her lack of responsibilities in life. Hanabi is the kind of person that gets bored of her surroundings pretty quickly, thus she doesn't stay in one place for too long. Many people around the world have met her at some point with how much she gets around.

  • Waiting: The boring passage of time. Normally it comes before something much cooler, but in that case Hanabi would rather be doing the cool thing than sitting around on her ass.
  • Seafood: Hanabi isn't really a fan of the ocean in general, and particularly isn't a fan of fish. She finds them to be disgusting with their writhing and their faces and their gills.... Even when they're dead, she'd rather starve then put them in her body.

  • Recognition: Not to be confused with fame. Hanabi does not seek to be well known among the masses but rather to be recognized for her abilities by those who it matters. They don't need to look up to her or give her praise, she just wants them to think twice before challenging her.

  • Death: Mortality is a scary thing, knowing that its all gonna end some day. Her own death is a scary thought she tries not to dwell on too much, but even then the death of her loved ones also haunts her. After watching some one close to her wither away and die, she wishes she had just left than have to suffer through that process.
  • Animals: Ironic given her racial status, Hanabi isn't too fond of most animals. Those that bark or predators she tends to stay away from completely. And, for some reason, every cat in the world hates her so she has a perpetual rivalry with all cats.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 14

Intelligence: 1


History: Hanabi came into existence after the matrimony of two demihumans. Both of her parents were academics, people who have dedicated their lives towards the pursuit of knowledge. As a child, Hanabi was always exposed to the wonders of the world as her parents travelled in search of books they've never read and stories never written. To her, back then, life was one big adventure as she made friends with people who looked nothing like her, looked like her, similar in background or even an entirely different culture. Some of the best people she's met in her life were from different corners of the world. Though, as the years went by the travelling slowly dwindled until eventually her parents settled down in Joya and became librarians. It was around this time that they started to try and push their profession onto their only daughter, Hanabi. She wasn't much of a fan at the time and rather missed her old life, so when she turned 15 she packed her stuff and left without saying a word.

One she left, the first place that Hanabi stumbled upon was Bosco. Luckily for her, at the time there was a power vacuum and a subsequent battle for the ruler of  the territory, which meant that there was an abundance of work for her to do. Still being relatively new to the land and the people and the customs, she remained guildless while offering her support in form of labor to the different candidates. One the position was filled and work started to die down, she spent a few more years in Bosco until she ultimately became bored of the place. It was around then that she realized that without chaos there wasn't much to do. Thus, she began to search for conflict.

For a span of 3 years Hanabi had travelled from country to country as a blade for hire. None of the jobs were really of note, so after every payday she really was only left with a desire for more. Until she made it back home. In Joya she stopped by to see her parents, to only find a parent. Her mother was killed while Hanabi was away and her father was sick, his mind rapidly deteriorating. The people she couldn't wait to get away from were now gone. Overwhelmed with emotion, Hanabi stayed with her father to take care of him, until he passed away due to his disease in X796. During the time with him Hanabi found herself with a lot of free time, so she spent it going through the books littered around the house. Nothing of real interest was in these books but they were still educational. Before her father died Hanabi felt that, in a way, she understood why they were so dedicated to their books and the world's secrets. It was enough to make her decide to pick up where they left off, in her own way.

Discord: Inphyy

Reference: N/A

Hanabi Han Neko-sig
#2Alaric Holloway 

Hanabi Han Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:08 am

Alaric Holloway
You are approved! Enjoy exploring the world

Hanabi Han 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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