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Goji Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 3:33 pm



Name: Goji

Age: November 8th, 772

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Seven

Ethnicity, Mother: Stella

Class: Berserker

Race: Daemon (Vice)

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: Back of the neck on the right side

Face: Guts - Berserk


Height: 6ft 6in

Weight: 115 kg

Hair: Short, shaggy, and more often than not pushed back to keep out of vision. Coal black with a few assorted strands of silver scattered about.

Eyes: Baby blue eyes. Often smoldering and almost carefree seeming at times.

Overall: Rough, tough, and built to last. An all around literal slab of meat, muscle, and bones all brought together into one powerhouse of a unit. Physically fit to an intimidating degree. Muscularly defined to the point of seeming like he was sculpted from stone. On a few occasions, the man has almost been mistake for a giant just based on his stature alone. Broad shoulders give rise to a harsh jawline that seems like it could cut gems. Despite clear signs of wear and tear his face exudes a hearty youthfulness of a strong young man in his prime. Often lost in his own thought when not engaged by some form of excitement. Eternally narrowed eyes exhibit a unphased exterior but a subtle tenderness deep within. As if to imply the man is more than the crude persona he portrays on a regular basis. Sandy bronze skin gives way to a wild assortment of scars and strikes. Permanent reminders of battles fought, won, and lost in equal measure. Marks of Conquest as he likes to put it.

Extra: -


Personality: Rough on the outside, snuggly on the in. A stoic warrior of monstrous proportions serves as a shell of a man who is much more caring and empathetic than he lets on. Described as exceptionally blunt and very to the point. Perhaps even a little rude by some. Goji is a simply spoken and motivated man with very clear desires. What most mistake for unintelligence is really the makings of a pragmatic mind. What you see is what you get and if you don't like it he wont give you the time of day to complain about it. Unless it has to do with him directly or someone he cares a lot about, he lacks the attention span to give credence to matters outside of his own little bubble. Unless of course he's paid to do so and even then it's a stretch. Outspoken and exceptional brazen in the face of conflict and strife. It's easy to say that the man has an ego on him that very quickly makes itself known. Smack talking those who stand against him in friendly forays while mocking opposition on open battlefields to break through their mental defenses. Because theres no easier pray than those who have lost their focus. Which funny enough, he's no stranger to either. Triggered by a very select list of bitter topics. If you manage to find a crack in his emotional armor then you best hope you pray to whatever god may take you by the end. As he will go blind to put another in their place that has overstepped their boundaries. Until they are left a broken husk of what they were before.

Deeper down within exists a man who is much more tender and considerate in nature by comparison. A fiercely faithful soul with a bleeding heart that is reserved for those he places only the utmost trust in. People who have, in one way or another, broke down the barriers he's surrounded himself in for so long as a way to maintain his dominating presence. In doing so, they are allowed to pull back the layers and reveal underneath a sentimental soul who will stop at nothing to keep his loved ones happy, healthy, and smiling. Whatever he can do to maintain such he will do so without hesitation. Always trying his best to stay in their good graces out of fear of being tossed aside or worse. With such devotion driving him from within he will also stop at nothing to keep these precious individuals safe at all costs. Even going so far as to put his own life on the line to assure as much if it was fated to be so.

All around Goji is just one big himbo for the ages and in time most people who stick around tend to see as much. Regarding him as a fearsome but endearing force to be reckoned with.

  • Connections: Being a man of many actions but few words has it's benefits and flaws. Though in the case of social activity it's more a detriment rather than a boon. This makes anyone who gives him the patience to express himself comfortably a rare commodity more valuable than any jewel or gold. He's a sucker for the people that can properly break down his defenses and see past the bravado. Cherishing each and every one with an intense passion that he's often too stubborn to admit to.

  • Competition: Theres no greater amusement than the the thrill of a hunt or the clashing of blades. For Goji the field of combat is home, it's chaos euphoric over most other distractions that one could possibly offer. With very few exceptions of course. To raise arms against worthy opponents is the spice of life he is always eager to consume without question. All you need do is issue a challenge. Though fair warning, do not do so lightly.

  • Defeat: Always training to keep himself in peak fighting condition to an almost vain degree. Goji has an absolute obsession with staying at his best at all costs. Not wanting to appear half-assed or weak in the face of adversity of any kind. Its this same aversion to seeming lesser that strikes deeply when he is brought to kneel against all odds. Though he will never give up if theres still fight left in him to leverage. Being forced to submit in any capacity is both a wound to his pride and a motivator in equal measure for him. Leaving him spiteful enough to work even harder to avoid the same outcome down the line.

  • Touch: Even as much of a teddy as he can be towards people who have earned his affections. Goji is vehemently against others physically touching him outside of anything that isn't combative. If any unlucky soul attempts to get up in his space too closely or tries to play a round of grabby hands. His patience runs dry very quickly as a result. Leading to discomfort that will either have him leaving the scene or in extreme cases letting loose on the guilty parties involved.

  • Purpose: Spending his early years under the thumb of his overbearing parents before he was able to break out on his own as a fully fledged man. Goji has always suffered from a lack of proper ambition when it comes to his direction in life. He throws proper consideration for what he truly wants as a individual to the winds. In place of chasing flights of fancy on a whim. Which often has him headed towards places with easy work for a man of his measure. All in all he lacks definitive goals and when confronted about it by others often seems lost on what to say. So he's been searching for an answer ever since, with varying progress.

  • Belonging: Even with all the ego in the world the man is a slave to his emotions that even he himself cannot fully comprehend sometimes. Craving attention and approval from people who worm their way deep into his head and his heart. It should come as no surprise that subconsciously he's always chasing the high that acceptance from others gives him. Pure, unfiltered, raw devotions will hit him right in the feels every single time without fail.

  • Loss: Despite the concept of death being an accepted norm by the man himself. As someone who holds his bonds close to his chest the mere thought of losing those closest to him is a volatile subject that will boil his blood at the mere mention. Caution to those who would threaten his loved ones.

  • Settling: Serious commitments of any kind make the man pause in place. The idea of planting roots in any one place for too long is a foreign and unsettling process. Having indulged a life on the road free of obligations other than mercenary and mercantile work. Goji wouldn't even know where to begin much less what he would do with himself. Ironically though, you won't find a more loyal companion when it comes to longterm relationships that hold weight.


Strength: 12

Speed: 11

Constitution: 3

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Greed Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: -

Magic Description: Greed Magic is utilized for any physical attacks. The user has no actual spells for this magic except for a single-mode spell. The spell shifts the appearance of the user into a metallic being. While it has no sustain cost, upon deactivation it has a cooldown period. While in this mode, the user can nullify any physical damage, as long as they can pay an equal amount of mana to the damage that they receive.


History: Rather humble beginnings for a not so humble man. Goji was born a son of Seven to a native father and a mother who hailed from the culturally rich lands of Stella. His parents having came together and consummated their love during his father's time abroad as a licensed monster hunter. It wasn't until the boy's mother was pregnant with him that the two would marry and settle down. Making Goji a bastard by all rights but no less cherished regardless of the fact. His mother having been convinced to migrate to Seven with his father at her side. Goji's childhood from that moment onward was pretty standard affair for a boy with loving parents to provide for him. Perhaps a little too loving even.

Establishing a homestead in the heart of Seven's residential district, his father hung up his swords in place of tools and his armor in place of a heavy apron. Becoming a prominent blacksmith's apprentice at a shop that was known to provide all manners of high quality weaponry and armaments for Seven's time honored traditions and tournaments. Eventually his father would come to inherit the shop from the former owner upon their retirement. While his mother spent her days tending to the day to day needs. Keeping food in their stomachs, clothes on their back, and hearth warm at night. A true house wife through and through with her family at her heart.

Once Goji was old enough to hold a hammer, his father wasted no time nor effort to begin teaching him in the ways of smithery. Wanting nothing more than for his son to take over when the day finally came to pass on. However, having heard many tales of his father's exploits as a hunter to the point of dreaming about them in his sleep. Goji had other desires for his future that more often than not fell on disapproving ears. His mother fearing the worst for her baby boy. His father chastising him for not realizing just how good he had it already. Why risk life and limb for a measly bag of coins and the chance at recognition. When instead wealth and rank was already assured by circumstance. A sentiment that Goji would continue to lack in common with his parents even into his later years.

As his life was dictated before his very eyes leading well into his teenage years. Goji had almost submitted to the overwhelming expectations of his parent's demands until one day fate presented him with an opportunity or at least that what it had seemed like in the moment. A grand tournament hosted by none other than Seven's own prominent guild, Sleeping Calamity. Where all men and woman we're encouraged to not only bare witness in the stands, but if able, submit themselves as worthy combatants. To duke it out in the guild's very own coliseum for all to see. Heeding the call with a furious passion despite not having much martial prowess to his name. The most training he had ever received was secret sessions on the outskirts of the city where he would square off with trees and wooden swords. Despite this lack, he jumped headlong figuring it was better than being trapped behind a forge for the rest of his days.

Without a word to his family Goji signed away his name and on the day stepped forward into the coliseum with his heart practically breaking through his chest cavity. His knees weak, palms sweaty, and sword shakily drawn at the ready. The horn was sounded as the encompassing crowd roared with anticipation and before he knew it... the match was over. Treated as a man rather than the child he was. Goji was struck down with some resistance on his part. Only able to dodge one attack before having the wind completely knocked out of him. His opponent spared no quarter in delivering decisive blows that altogether forced the boy unconscious. A complete blackout taking him in an instant.

Upon waking where should he find himself but nestled in bed within the walls of his all too familiar home. His mother sprawled over his limp form, tears streaming down her face. His father, eyes narrowed with a silent but furious sense of disappointment that cut deeper than any wound he had sustained during the fight. If you could even call it that. For many months after the boy was forbidden to leave his parent's sides. At home he was watched like a hawk from the moment he woke to the second he fell asleep. When not, he was back in the shop with his father on clean up duty. His parents would do everything within their means to keep him from acting out further. In doing so, only imparting feelings of resentment and suffocation onto their son.

The tensions would continue to brew from within Goji until one night he all but snapped inside. His thoughts racing while his bottled turmoil spilled out at last. It was in the heat of the moment that he made a decision that would allow him the freedom of choice he so desperately sought after. In the dead of night after staying awake to assure his parents were none the wiser. Goji snatched his father's old sword and armor from storage. Along with a small sack of coins from their coffers for provisions sake. Just before leaving he spared one last look upon his sleeping parents before making off beyond the reaches of Seven's borders. Securing passage on a mercantile ship so that he could set sail towards any other place but home.

For many years after Goji was all but missing from his family's lives. Growing from a boy into a man in complete abandon. Not a word on where he was, how he was doing, what he was up to, just nothing. His parents left to grieve and worry in their son's absence as the two carried on with preserving their livelihood with what they had left to hold on to. All the while wanting nothing more than to know if Goji was at the very least alive and surviving. A concerning curiosity that would eventually receive an answer. Upon the gates of Sleeping Calamity opening to welcome new recruits to their cause. Rumors of a skillful swordsman started to float around the city of Seven. An all imposing goliath of a man clad with a distinct set of armor and a claim to recognition for his relentless pursuit of strength in battle.

Discord: MidMad

Reference: Google Search


Goji Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:32 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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