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V. Skysplitter

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V. Skysplitter Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:51 pm



Name: Skysplitter

Slot: Weapon.

Type: Staff.

Handling: Two-Handed.

Class: Mythic.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Arcane & Wind

Damage: +80.

Durability: 3x S-Rank.


Description: Wielded by a Powerful Gravity Mage, the Skysplitter is said to be capable of not just warping Gravity but also the very skies above, preventing even the lightest of bird from flying. Possessing a Gravity all of its own, the staff is said to possess its own atmosphere as demonstrated by the clouds that linger around the Skysplitter. A truly fearsome weapon of war, this is capable of bringing ruin to entire armies by forcing them to their knees, before even drawing close enough to see the white in their eyes.


Requirements: None.

  • Intelligence: +100

  • Diminished Flight: Due to the nature of the Skysplitter, the user is unable to possess flight of any kind.


  • Paralyzed Flight: Debuff Spells cast through the Skysplitter cause targets to have their maximum flight height reduced by 10 meters while the debuff spell is being sustained, if the user possesses Gravity Magic and casts a debuff spell through the Skysplitter targets will be entirely unable to fly until the spell is no longer sustained
  • Controlling the Skies: Debuff Spells cast through the Skysplitter have double their normal Spell Range, if the user possesses Gravity magic then Debuff Spells have quadruple the normal spell range.
  • Master of Telekinesis: If the user possesses any form of Telekinesis then the number of projectiles they may cast is increased by 4.


  • Name: Greater Black Hole
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000 Mana
    Requirements: Skysplitter
    Type: Supplementary & Speed debuff
    Element: Arcane & Wind
    Range: Topic wide
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may rise up the sky splitter causing a massive Black hole approximately 64 meters in size causing every projectile-based spell regardless of the source to be redirected into the heart of it effectively nullifying it. Due to the intense gravitational pull experienced from the Greater Black Hole, everyone within the area will also have their speed debuffed by 2x S-Rank, speed debuff immunity is reduced to minor resistance while debuff resistance is negated. Users that possess Gravity-Based Magic will only have their speed debuffed by 1x S-Rank

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