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Fight Another Day [Solo]

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Fight Another Day [Solo] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:05 am

Tuxedo on, top hat secured, a plain white stripe around the base. His M symbol shining in the Era sun, Ittindi was on patrol. He had decided to opt for a walk with the weather being sunny but not too hot in other words a perfect day. His large cross gun metal shined like a polished mirror, Ittindi took great pride in his personal weapon maintenance. He had to buy a whole different cleaning set as he didn’t want to have gun magichemicals being crossed with regular messes. Here and there Ittindi would be greeted in the streets, it seemed the large amount of effort he had put into the city hadn’t forgotten him. He did find the quaint charm of the north appealing as well, he’d have to make time for it again some day. He wasn’t sure where he planned to go after all the announcements in central. Luckily, Ittindi had met General Saturn prior to his promotion, they had discussed at length the plans of the Rune Knights in the future.

His attention would snap to a lanky scrawny 6-foot 2-inch man moving straight towards Ittindi. He was ready to lunge out of the way if necessary, but looking at his build and the crowd around him it’d be in their best interests if he could just take him head on.   He’d stop just a meter short and shout at Ittindi. It was all a jumble, but the gist was that Captain Lionel was currently in a fight under a bridge nearby and needed help. Without a word Ittindi would take off in a sprint towards the bridge, it still took him a good couple of seconds to get at full speed. He was moving faster than some horses as passer biers moved quickly out of the way of a man in a tuxedo with urgency.

He'd make it under the bridge to see Captain Lionel squaring off with one of the men that Ittindi had gotten fired in his investigations of Rune Knight corruption. Ex-Knight Mundo, a man who had no aptitude for magic but plenty for attitude, Ittindi despised the man for a more distinct reason. He was a serial litterer; it was almost like he took enjoyment in belittling the environment around him. Ittindi was sad that he hadn’t put up a fight during the investigation, now he’d get a chance to show him how smart that was.

Leaving the cross on his back, Ittindi would opt for the dominator, this was a Rune Knight affair after all. The first shot was his strongest straight to Mundo’s head while he didn’t know Ittindi was here. The shot would send him reeling backwards as Captain Lionel created space with the opening. The man looked tired sweating and his usual bang strand was on the side he was putting all his focus in the battle. Ittindi’s gift had caused him to pass men like this so quickly, he wondered if they ever looked at him with resentment.

” Have no fear Captain Lionel I’m here to take care of Mundo, you relax you’ve done enough for this city.”

Mundo would get up and try to start his own speech which Ittindi promptly I interrupted with another shot  this one was parried by Mundo’s left hand blade. A vein had emerged throbbing on the left side of his forehead. Ittindi had always planned on frustrating the man while fighting he had such a lack of emotional control.  Mundo would charge straight at Ittindi, who would take the opportunity to take a shot at the man’s left leg, then lunging out of the charge’s path. Ittindi’s speed far trumped Mundo and he’d be left in the dust as Ittindi fired another shot this one causing the man to fall to his knees, weapons dropped.

Ittindi would casually walk up kicking the weapons even further away before he’d start to hear out Mundo stammering out words. Normally Ittindi would of killed a target like this, but with Captain Lionel around he wanted to treat the man with mercy. Holstering his gun he’d lean over to listen to Mundo ready to throat punch him at  a moments notice of aggression.

”Ughh…You may have stopped me but the boys breaking everyone out of prison now you’ll be fucking sorry.”

Both Ittindi and Captain Lionel would perk up and receive a faux stamina burst at that. Captain Lionel would go to get help from some Knights to escort Mundo, Ittindi was already sprinting towards their dungeon overflow. Not many prisoners were kept in Era in the modern day, but they did keep overflow and people marked for delivery to more dangerous facilities. A couple of Mundo’s criminal gang members he had ties too were at the dungeon right now, normally Ittindi hated sweating, but he was moving at s such a high speed that the momentarily cooling was delightful. He wouldn’t be able to keep up this pace for very long, luckily they weren’t to far from the garrison.

As he arrived the two guards on post were obviously the thugs that Mundo was employing, he’d slow down while summoning his spear. He had expected higher caliber thugs, so he was surprised when his large sweep with his Naginata bisected both criminals at the door. They were still trying to reach for their weapons as their upper half fell off.  Ittindi would burst open the door and in the di stance he heard a vehicle a motorcycle, right behind him was Captain Lionel.

There were 3 thugs inside, with he Knights on duty tied up as they looked for the keys to all the prison cells. Ittindi thought he’d get the first shot off, but instead he’d see Captain Lionel roaring as he threw his sword straight at one of the assailants closest and then he’d rush to pull it out. Ittindi would meanwhile handle the two left, clenching his left hand a spell circle would appear on the wall to his right. A blade would shoot out and another thug would end up on the floor. Ittindi was sure to keep it non-lethal from here on out. His spear out he’d practice his technique with the last thug, they weren’t sufficiently motivated to handle either Ittindi or Captain Lionel perhaps if he had been on his own it’d be a different story.

”What do you think Captain we temporarily secure them in these cells until we have the appropriate paperwork done. I’ll get right on that when I get back to headquarters and send you a internal one for recordkeeping.”

It felt weird to hear him acknowledge and call Ittindi Major, a different time indeed from when he first met Captain Lionel. After they had secured all the thugs, and moved the bodies out front, Ittindi had received a scolding for his recklessness on if they weren’t thugs and hostages out front. Ittindi trusted his senses,  but didn’t complain either way as he was heading out Lionel would hand him a sack of jewels. He said it was confiscated form the thugs probably their payment for the breakout. Ittindi would take it graciously before heading back to headquarters to file out their report.

WC: 1,202/1,050 (30% WCR)

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