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Central to North

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Central to North  Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 4:49 am

Saturn had business to attend to in the north; he had already set up Vander tower up that way way past the instance of fiore proper. But he wanted to make sure that shipments could set sail from the cities in the northern area without issue. There had been a rise of concern that he wasn’t about to let anyone else handle. Transferring goods was necessary for a proper outpost and eventually he hoped to move the headquarters of the knights to vander tower. To have a infant city and the like host the largest group of mages and otherwise in the world sounded like a great way to boost the growth of the mindrache colony.

Whistling for his wyvern he’d stand on the roof of the knights headquarters and watched as the white wings descend from the sky. They rarely talked and he always could rely on the wyvern to be there. The beast landed next to him and adjusted it’s wing so he could hop onto its back. He had yet to name it, but the wyvern hadn’t asked for one. The two of them sat in abject silence for a little bit as the beast climbed into the air. After a few moments he would speak.

The north. Orchida

...As you wish.

...Sorry I Don’t call you more often.

You’re not the only one living a life Saturn. But I owe a lot to you already. This is the least I can do.

Saturn nodded his head and as the two of them turned towards the north saturn was left thinking for a considerable step of their journey on what he’d have to cover up that way.

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