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Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah]

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Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:37 am


The group that was together at the moment had done quite a few things. They had ventured through the void and fought against numerous creatures. They were all different, and yet all the same. They had gotten stronger as they ventured to different ones, but one thing was common. They all seemed to be limitless and were always coming back. They were indeed immortal, to put it bluntly; they died and it seemed like more of them would appear.

Still, there were four dungeons, and they had only been to two. Yuurei had brought himself back to his own gender with his key. It was a bit weird to do, and he probably wouldn’t do it again unless he had no other choice. The one thing he was doing though was that they had come to their next location. The next dungeon was somewhere within Iceberg. It wasn’t easy to find at first, but after going to a few people within the country, they had given them a location. The rumors of a mysterious place appearing out of nowhere weren’t hard for locals to spot.

Yuurei this will never get you what you want. Shuten said to him. Do you think he can find something that can bring us to no longer be in his mind? Leviathan laughed at him.

The Seraphim heard the two of them and did his best to quiet them out, but it was no easy feat. Renji walked by his partner’s side, and Migi could hear everything as well. The two of them were linked as Migi was a parasite using Yuurei to live.

“When do you think you will be rid of those monsters dwelling within you?” Renji asked concerned for his friend.

Yuurei looked at him and smiled at him. It was then he looked straight ahead as they were approaching their destination. He didn’t have an answer, but he would let Renji know that.

“I can’t really give you an answer to that bud. Honestly, I don’t think I can get rid of them, so it’s something I’m going to have to get used to.” He said to Renji.

Soon enough the group would make it to the front of the Icy cave. It looked like it had always been here, but to the locals, it wasn’t here. This was something out of the ordinary for them. He looked at it and he could feel the immense cold and power within there. This wasn’t like the other dungeons, no this was much more dangerous and he knew that the moment he got in front of it.

“Be on guard, and be careful. I think compared to this place, the other two were a mere walk in the park.” He warned them before they entered the cave.



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:08 am


Kaito and Revy soon had joined them Kaito wearing his signature mask to hide his face and his cloak flaps in the frosted winds of one of his bloods home lands. He had not come here often enough but he knows that, it isn't like his ancestors can smite him from the grave anyways but he walked along the cold terrain like it was nothing Revy on his shoulder in her exceed cat form and Kaito having a small barrier in front of her to protect her from the bitter cold. Kaito looked at the cave that was in front of them and Kaito wondered what might be inside as it appeared to have claimed a lot of victims already. Kaito figures as well as Yuurei had that this one was not a like the last two where they can breeze through it.

Kaito drew his sword and handed it to Revy who then jumped off his shoulder and flipped transforming into her human form landing on the ground and looking at Renji. "You better make sure that you don't slack in this one. Don't let Yuurei's struggle distract you we know more that anyone else our partners are on a different level. Nothing will stop them short of an all creator being that cheats coming for them." Revy smiles at Renji with a laugh as there was no such thing as an all power being that could do such a thing, as well as Kaito is hard to kill as he was fractured.

Kaito gently bopped Revy on the head for her comment. "Don't be talking things into reality." Kaito knows the power of speaking things like that as if it is spoke there is a dimension that it can happen in, and there needn't be such a thing in this world. Kaito takes a deep breath and he follows Yuurei and his companion into the cavern, he was not sure what to expect but he feels that this is going to be a bit tougher for them as the first had small birds and the second had mounted knights how big was the forces in here going to be and would they repopulate the area at the same speed that he had seen the knights and birds from before?

Revy rubbed her head as she followed behind Kaito with a bit of a pouty look on her face from Kaito having tapped her on the head like that when she was just making a small joke how hard it would be to take them down and maybe help Renji feel less worried. She kept Kaito's sword close to herself as she knows that it is the key to her even being able to fight and help them but she did wonder if she was useless outside of having the sword or the shield Kaito use to have. She shook her head and rushed into the cavern so she wasn't left behind.


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:52 am

Another adventure was in the making it seemed as Elijah was invited to participate in another cavern hunt, this time located in the icy region of Iceberg. The previous time he had a very convenient gate taking him from Fiore all the way to the front of the cavern in question, however this time things were different, with the mountains full barbarians and unwelcoming circumstances the portal could only take him as far as the midpoint and from then on he would have to go on foot. He of course was wearing the warmest clothes he could find made of cotton so they can withstand the cold and a heavy cape to protect him overall. The cold however was an understatement, it was more like an ice age, despite all the clothing and having his limbs as close as possible to him, Elijah could still not get to even a normal temperature let alone feeling warm.

Not having taken more than five steps he gave up trying to overcome this hurdle alone and decide to call on the angel of flame. If anything he should at least keep me warm enough, he thought as the gold coins burst into light and the peculiar Uriel appeared, with his hooves and four arms and a metallic disk with a fire in it for his head. He hovered near his master as things started to get better and better temperature wise, suddenly Elijah was not in fear of getting a frostbite or his limbs freezing completely and falling off. With newfound strength -despite the angel sapping it already- he managed to get to the entrance of this new cavern with not much trouble as apparently it pays off to have a fiery beast looking bodyguard to scare away potential threats such as frost mana infused wolves and bears and even a band of the barbarians he had heard about roaming the area. None dared come close to him or threaten him and so he was able to join his group right on time as they had already started entering the gaping maw of yet another void terror.

The team seemed to be the same as always, Yuurei with his companion and Kaito the same, thankfully things didn't have to be confusing this time around with them suddenly appearing in female forms, not that the nephilim minded but just for consistency's sake. They both looked skeptical as ever even more so the other angelic being of the group, having seen Yuurei in both forms and in fights he couldn't help but wonder why his own angels looked so dystopian and alien but Yuurei looked like one of those you read in books, with the good looks and all. That however had to be a question and an answer for another time as now Elijah caught up with the rest and after some brief greetings entered the cavern alongside them.

WC: 488


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:47 am


It seemed like everybody was ready for this. Renji had heard Revy speak to him. He looked at her as he rubbed the back of his head. He wouldn’t dare slack off while Yuurei struggled to get things done. He knew she teased him, so he didn’t take it seriously and smiled at her when he saw her smile. That was when he saw Kaito tap her in the back of her head. He didn’t like that and he would give the man a mean glare from the side. He knew they were close, but he didn’t like it. Still, he would let it go because he knew Kaito didn’t mean anything negative towards it.

Yuurei had seen Elijah had also arrived and now they were truly ready to enter. They would go as a group and they would do this as a group. He didn’t want them to separate just in case anybody needed help. Within the place, it was brimming with light that illuminated the entire cavern. It was interesting, but the place looked like it was a maze, which wasn’t good. The group felt the coldness that this place had represented. If the outside was cold then in here was on a different level. The difference between here and outside was the breeze that shook them to their core wouldn’t exist.

Still, there was danger lurking everywhere. The group had to be on guard as they traversed through this place. He looked at the fork in the road and he rubbed his chin as he was deciding on where to go.

“We should take the right path because it is always right. We also should be on guard because we don’t know what we will be facing in these caves.” He warned the group.

Renji had taken hold of the Staff that Yuurei had always given him. It was very handy, but it was something he didn’t need anymore. Of course, he didn’t complain and he moved around with it in his hand. While moving around, he felt vibration throughout the area they were in. He wasn’t sure what it was at first, but then it would happen.

The introduction from the Voidfrost Hollows would be done. The creatures would drop from the ceiling as if they were icicles falling to the ground. They were contorting until they took shape and roared. Yuurei looked around to see that there was more than one and they were surrounding the group.

“Be on guard they are stronger than the Void Knights.” He could sense the danger from these creatures.

Renji heard his partner, and he knew he didn’t have to hold back. The Exceed would swing his staff as if he had released an attack. The creature dodged the attack without a problem. He was fine with that as he closed the gap between the two and kicked the monster into the wall. Yuurei knew Renji was stronger, and he would bring out his Excalibur, he swung the invisible blade. It cut through a Hollow without a problem, but then another one showed up and tried to attack him while he was killing his friend.



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:53 am


Kaito had sensed the creatures around them he had changed in some way gaining more powers like sensing danger that he hadn't had before, this danger sense was maybe something akin to what Yuurei seemed to have and why he was so good at dodging attacks that the man clearly wouldn't have been able to see coming unless he had such a thing. Kaito had reacted like he would have normally just looking around the area not seeing the danger but sensing that they were some where near by to them, at least the place seemed some whatley lit for them to be able to see but they cold in this place was still strong but Kaito's cloak kept him warm and comfortable so he didn't really have to worry about it as much. Kaito was ready to act if he had to, to teleport members around and help them reposition or to redirect attacks from the enemies, Kaito has a multiple use magic that had a strength in defensive use for himself and team mates.

Kaito seeing the creatures drop from above tapped his temple granting himself mana sight and these creatures have a dense cluster of mana like a core and he wonders if they get hit in that core if they will just shatter but before he can say anything about it they had started to attack and Yuurei had started to counter attack them. Kaito out of reflex appeared in front of the one that was going to attack Yuurei from behind even though he knows full well that Yuurei can defend himself Kaito was there and gripping the creature with his hand in it's chest there he crushed the core and the one shattered. Kaito feels that was far too easy and that there must be more and as if on cue a few more came from inside the maze looking for them but Kaito senses something bigger from the other side of the wall that is setting off his danger sense like someone holding down the horn on a mana car.

Revy moves to the front lines with the sword Kaito lets her use and it turned to fire as it makes contact with the few extra creatures that had come running at them. She can tell that the sword is having an effect on them but it didn't seem to be as strong as the usual attacks that it did. so either they were tougher or there was something wrong with the sword that she was using or maybe the sword wasn't seeing her as worthy to wield it. Kaito started using his magic to swap around attacks and people to make sure that they all stay safe as long as he can as the creatures seemed to not like that they were in here and were not all targeting one person but were using a form of pack tactics and trying to find the weak link in their team to pick them off first then work their way up and Kaito thinks that Revy might be safe with the sword he was not so sure about the summoner in all of this, so he was going to make sure to keep an eye out on them.
(544) (1,041)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:11 am

Once Elijah appeared on the other side of the portal the cold hit him like a thousand bricks. Originating from two countries that never really knew harsh winters and were mostly on the warmer side, the nephilim wasn't used to this kind of frigidness. He clung even closer to Uriel whose flames didn't seem to be able to keep a big area warm, resulting from his summoner probably not being too strong yet, but he would have to make do with what he could for now.

Not long after they entered the battle had already began, with the creatures falling from the ceiling of the luminous cavern and appearing from the multitude of corridors that connected to this central area, bouncing around and spinning like a certain hedgehog before unfurling their metallic limbs and assaulting the group. As always the two high ranked mages and their companions already threw themselves in the fight shattering and destroying the void monsters either with brute force or precision. Watching how their enemies were resisting or outright avoiding attacks made Elijah gulp in momentary fear as he was realizing he was no match for them. As if Uriel sensed his master's distress, his beacon's fire changed to a brighter color igniting courage and bravery in the nephilim's heart and dispelling the fear that would have grasped him firm if not for this intervention.

He patted Uriel's right bottom arm as a sign of gratitude before observing for a few seconds more how his team fought and how the creatures reacted, it would be essential to learn their patterns, strengths and weaknesses as they seemed to be of a high enough rank to give the others some problems. He did have a solution in mind as just simply observing them would probably have taken a good while before comping up with all the information needed. His hand reached for his chest as coins appeared momentarily before bursting into light and summoning Gabriel. The white and golden armor clad angel belonged to a higher order than a lot of the other angels Elijah could summon and so he knew the cost for having him appear would be greater than the others. Luckily, he only needed him for one spell that could help everyone in the team fight better and smarter as he was the messenger and this time he would transmission information on the enemies patterns directly to the groups minds. "In a moment you'll have incoming info on those monsters, hold out until then." he said surprisingly not having to raise his voice at all as the cave echoed and carried his words to his teammates without much trouble.

The angel held out his left hand in front of him as his crystalline lantern appeared surrounded by golden patterns, the clear crystal core gave off a dim light as the spell was being prepared and moments later followed by a bright shine before golden laurels made from angel feathers appeared hovering on top of each member's heads. "The knowledge has been imparted, may you be victorious." Gabriel said to Elijah through telepathy, never before did he hear the other angels speak or to be more precise their fragments, he had only heard the seraphim themselves speak to him when he was talking to those of demonic descent and that was a painful experience, but this time it gave him a fuzzy feeling, like when someone that likes you and cares about you messages you back. With that, the angel dispersed as Elijah couldn't maintain the connection for long but thankfully the information that was given to everyone still remained in their heads and they hopefully could have an easier time battling.

WC: 625 | 1113


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:21 am


Yuurei didn’t react to the creature behind him; the reason behind this was because he knew Kaito was and had intervened. He moved forward to what was ahead of him as he had cut down another one of the creatures nearby. Renji had looked at the area around him trying to figure out what to do next here. When he spotted the group of Voidfrost Hollows, he kicked off the ground as he rushed toward them. He dodged one and brought himself to the middle of the group.

The Hollows looked at the man who had cornered himself. They were all gathering toward him ready to attack him and end his life. Renji had known this was going to happen, but he was prepared for this. He wouldn’t have gotten this close if he didn’t have a plan. He would thrust Zelretch into the air and with that, a pulse of pure light mana would shoot out violently around him and would slam into every Hollow that was in its path. The creatures didn’t know he could do that, and they would feel the blow from the attack as he took them out.

There was one remaining, but he could see it from Yuurei’s vision as the man had been looking at his fight. It was then he pushed forth to the creature still standing. It had also moved to Renji, so the two of them had met and Renji would smack the crap out of the Voidfrost Hollow with the staff, cracking it and destroying it before it could do any damage.

Yuurei had gained knowledge of what those monsters could do, and their patterns. They were indeed stronger than the others that they fought that was for sure. Still, it was good to have information like this, and he would use it to his advantage. The Seraphim had pushed forward and to the next group of Voidfrost Hollows that he himself found.

He would strike one down with Excalibur and while he did that another had come from behind again. It seemed like they were more attuned to helping each other out. He had dodged the attack as he sidestepped away from the creature, before pivoting his right foot, turning around, and striking the creature. He cut that one in half as more was moving straight to him. He had a smirk on his face, this was battle and it was something he had enjoyed more than anything.

His eyes moved around quickly, scanning through the battlefield. His necklace brought forth the vibration and allowed him to know how many creatures were moving toward him. It was soon he crouched to avoid the swing of another Hollow, and right there he would lead with a counterattack, thrusting his blade at what might have been the creature’s heart. As quick as he stabbed, was as quick as he pulled the weapon out.

There were more creatures on their way. One thing he did notice throughout the battlefield was that these Voidfrost Hollows had dropped a specific thing when they fell in battle. Their body had dispersed but one thing had remained. Yuurei figured this thing could be of value, so he would let it be known to the group.

“We might not need to look for any treasures here. It seems like these monsters are dropping things that we could probably earn some cash with. So, don’t forget to pick them up.” He said to the group.

Renji heard Yuurei and nodded as he saw them on his end as well.



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:09 pm


Kaito went forward in a swift pace and reached in a portal and a strange sword appeared in his hand as it came out but it seemed to pulse with his magic. The blade seemed like it was from a different dimension but still belonged to Kaito rather it was this dimensions Kaito or another ones. Kaito went straight toward more of them wanting to test this sword out on something and it seemed to change modes as Kaito swung the sword one mode broke the hard shell of the creature while the other seemed to make the blade do magical damage instead of physical damage. Kaito knows whose sword this is but he wouldn't tell anyone just use it and then return it when he was done but for now it would serve him and do what it can to help Kaito with a sword that was a bit different than his normally strong sword.


Revy saw the weapon and she knew who that weapon belonged to but how did Kaito pull it out of the portal. She stayed on her toes and followed after Kaito who was fighting the icy monsters that were ahead of them and Kaito seemed to get use to the weapon pretty quickly as it was almost like this weapon was a part of him. Revy was striking low on the monsters bringing them down with their weakness and Kaito waved his hand and a cloak like his own appeared on Revy heating her up and stopping her from freezing her. Revy was surprised that Kaito had realized that she was starting to freeze up a bit from being in here and that she needed to get help. Kaito moved on as he kept swapping the mode that his weapon was in as there were more coming and he needed to make sure that the weapon stayed on top of the changes.

Kaito started channeling his magic through the weapon and hitting the shell of the creatures and making it crack and fall apart. Kaito keeps on them and cutting them to pieces with them as they seemed to be stronger to physical damage but magic seemed to work better on the monsters that were here in the cavern that they were in as the maze stretches on in front of them and he wonders if there was really a way out at the end or if this place is warped and they would just end back up at the beginning again if they do reach the end or if they would end up split up and have to all be fighting alone in this place. Kaito was focused but at the same time he was going to not worried about it as they would have to face that if there was an end to this place that they could even reach.

Revy focused herself and kept fighting even if she was feeling like they were barely making ground on this place as she was needing to keep proving herself for what she was and what she was doing. She knows that she didn't have to do it but she wanted to keep going cause she was the companion of Kaito one of the strongest mages that was something that she needed to live up to and never let fade from her mind.
(559) (1,600)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:47 pm

Elijah looked around as the battle raged following Yuurei's instructions to search for things that dropped from the enemies. He spotted it, shining in all its metallic glory, such a small fragment that if gathered in enough numbers it could reward them with a small fortune, this time the goal would be to defeat as many of them as they could it seemed and not to locate their nest, although the nephilim couldn't help but wonder where they as endless as the hordes they had to deal with before? If so couldn't they just fight till their mana would run out and gather as many of them as they could? Maybe there was also a bigger chunk of those metallic/crystalline fragments awaiting them in the depths, who was to say that this wasn't what willed them to life, then it could also prove to be valuable research material, he wanted some answers and he would have them but for now he had to focus on the fight.

His entire team was as always very reliable, they could easily handle the onslaught of enemies but Elijah would provide them with support shielding and buffing them when they needed it, it was the least he could do as the debilitating cold tried to freeze his entire body. He was constantly losing energy while having Uriel present on the battlefield but it was his sole solution to the bitter frost. If so, then I'll just have to stay by his side while fighting, he thought as his face brightened up thanks to his idea. The angel obeyed before he even issued the command and kneeled before him allowing Elijah to stand on his shoulder. He didn't know if the image of him on top of a four armed angel looked ridiculous or cool but at least he could be a bit more useful now.

The flaming angel went on a rampage punching anything that stood in its way and blasting it with spheres of fire, creating explosions that caused them not only to flinch but also knocking them back preventing them from harming his master. Elijah was pleased with the outcome, he continued pouring more and more energy into the angel and allowing him to cast pillars of fire or even immolate enemies with pyrokinesis. He didn't want to show off, he couldn't after all as he was surrounded by people and their companions whose level far exceeded his but he wanted to at least have a good taste of fighting, the other times he would just sit back and provide support, this time even though it was due to the need of staying warm he was in the battlefield himself and not hiding behind his friends.

Suddenly a crystalline spear flew right past him, his gaze quickly following it to see that it has heading directly for Revy "No!" he exclaimed and before he managed to say another word Uriel grabbed the spear midair and shattered it into pieces. The nephilim was in awe of how the angel had connected with him, maybe it was the amount of mana and energy he was pouring into him or maybe it was a sign that his powers were becoming stronger allowing his summons to gain some form of intelligence or emotional bond. Whatever it was it would certainly prove useful in this fight. The next moment would prove this usefulness further as Elijah was still turned towards the Exceed when one of the creatures tried to attack him only to get punched in the face, if it actually was one, and end up making a dent in the cave wall.

WC: 615 | 1728


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:16 am


This was an all-out brawl at this point. There was no need to find a location of any hidden treasure, and honestly, he was pretty sure that they still could. He figured it would be less of a burden for Elijah, so that was why he didn’t bring it up. Instead, he focused on killing as much as could, so there was a lot that they could bring home with them.

He could see that there were a lot more creatures coming, he was fine with that and when they were rushing together, he decided that it was best to take them all out. They had gotten into a formation that looked like they would trample someone repeatedly to their death. It was what he wanted though, all of them to gather like that. He knew that Renji wasn’t in the way, and it was the same for everyone else.

When he was in the clear, he looked over to the Voidfrost Hollows and his visor started to charge up and it would shoot a beam of light mana that had gone from arcane to light due to Renji. The beam of light would shoot straight toward the monsters as they been evaporated in an instant. There were only one thing remaining from them all and it what was what they were collect.

He sighed with relief when he saw them disappear and he looked around to see if there were any more around him. It was then he sensed danger from the side. He saw it coming, and he could tell that there were more being produced around him. They were being spawned even close to him than they were before. They would attack him, and he would dodge the attacks as he motioned his helmet off and changed to his Golden Helmet.

It was then he used that to predict their movements and avoid them with ease.
While this was happening, Renji was fighting his own battle. The Voidfrost Hollows had come after him in pairs and because of the power he had gained from Yuurei, they would also meet their demise. He would punch and kick them with ease as the Voidfrost Hollows would be destroyed as he ran through the battlefield.

He knew not to stay in one place and honestly, he didn’t need to. At the time, he was just trying to gather everything they needed in this place. He was picking up the items, which was something he used to do with his Santa bag in the past. This was second nature to him, but at the same time he could fight. That was the difference between then and now.
Renji would see two of them rushing toward him and they would both try to smash into him. He stopped his run, and he pushed back before they could harm him. When they crashed, he had pushed forward to them, and he would drop the staff onto the ground really quick before slamming them against each other and destroying them both. Another would attack him, but he had crouched to avoid the attack.

While doing that, he grabbed the staff from the ground, and he would rise slapping the monster with the staff from below. It had done a lot of damage, and it was because of the power he was wielding. When he landed his hit, the creature cracked from the impact, and it was destroyed then. He saw the thing fall to the ground, and he picked it up without a problem.

“I wonder how much we’re going to get for all of this. Do you think this is the last dungeon that we could go into, or will there be more for us?” He asked curious to see what the others would think.

Yuurei heard him and he would think about for a second. While thinking about it, he continued to dodge the attacks that were coming in his direction.

“I don’t know, but we should think that this is the last dungeon for the time being. After that if there is anymore, then we should tackle it of course.” He said to Renji.

693| 2275


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:57 am


Kaito and this new sword started clearing creatures and then it happened more came as Kaito followed the walls of the maze and he wondered if the space in it were going to keep getting more confined till they are fighting these large monsters in a small area were dodging would be a near impossibility for them. Kaito just sweeps the cores he is collecting up into his dimension and wondering how many of these it would take to buy a whole country if they were to push forward and him gain some form of power in one. Kaito knows that he has no real want to take over anything but for how many of these things cores they were getting this could maybe make such a thing possible for them. Kaito defends against the strikes of another one with the sword that had clearly been well taken care of and sharpened to make the most of the damage that it can do.

Kaito saw as the others fought in their own ways but he felt above them for some reason his danger senses flashing off and on as he dodged attacks perfectly as if the attacks were far foreseen in the future and Kaito was just simply doing practiced moves for when and where the strikes would hit. It was a bit weird to see as it was nearly like a dance and the sword seemed to work as fast as he was changing forms from one side to the other of the forms that it had. Kaito unleashed another beam attack and it tore through a group of them their core dropping from them and going straight into a portal to his dimension. He wondered if there was even a point to all this violence or if it was just a bunch of random things that are happening and he was just at the core of it all. He wonders if maybe he doesn't belong in this dimension, if he might be the core issue to this world, had someone messed with his fate and he was here is that why he had been cursed was he the nail that sticks out to be hammered down?

Revy keeps fighting with the sword that Kaito had given her, the element of the sword changing with every swing of the sword that happened that made contact with the creatures of this maze rather they were giant or small she was going the best that she could she knows she is no where near the master she serves or her friend and his master but she can do this if there was something that she had to prove she was going to prove it and make everyone know that she was truly the companion of one of the strongest of the ones that walked this planet and she was not going to back down from this fight as there was a lot that she can do and that she would do in the future as she was someone that was going to make her self useful no matter what it was that she would do and who would see her.

Kaito saw what had nearly happened to the others as more of those things came but Kaito wondered where they were really coming from was there a mana source that they were feeding off of and forming as well or were they all just coming back reborn from the maze itself. There seemed to be more questions than answers for him as he was looking to find an opening for them or a sign of which of the turns were the path forward through the maze marking the right wall in case this maze had some kind of magic or power to disorient them and make them lose track of the way they are going Kaito knows that he shouldn't be so worried but he wanted to take the extra steps just in case they were already in a trap from the second that they had walked into this maze in the first place.
(683) (2,283)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:48 am

Elijah turned to look at his team to make sure that everyone was doing okay, he had no fear of being blindsided by the enemies as Uriel was keeping watch and punching whoever or whatever came its way, all the nephilim had to do was hold on tight as he still was sitting on the angel's shoulder. He had the utmost faith in these people as this was now the third time they had been in great danger and every time they pulled through and every time he knew he could count on them. The light from the lasers and the beams they were shooting at the enemies would reflect on the crystals inside the cavern and produce magnificent colors and although he knew this wasn't the time to dilly dally, Elijah was in awe of the spectacle, thankfully wasn't enough to blind anyone although the crystals themselves gave him an idea. His body was getting weaker by the minute as the angel's presence was sapping his energy and he wouldn't be able to sustain him for much longer, despite the effectiveness of Uriel's warmth and making wall etchings with the enemy thanks to his fists, Elijah concluded it was time for him to go so the nephilim could replenish enough strength to bring another one of his heavenly "friends" that could prove a bit more useful thanks to the aforementioned crystals existing in this cavern.

Elijah spoke to Uriel commanding him to leave behind a flame that would keep him warm when he would be gone, and although the spell wouldn't last for too long with its source gone, Elijah would sustain it with his own mana, he couldn't just allow himself to be frozen to death after all. The white-haired man leapt from Uriel's shoulders and as his feet touched the ground the angel was already reaching for the pyre that acted as a replacement for his head. For a moment Elijah thought once more how peculiar these beings looked, if they were really seraphim and angels why did they look so out of place, so out of this world and not close at all to what the Illumin faith teaches. He had a lot of questions that hoped would be answered one day but today wasn't it. The angel of flame offered the small sphere of fire to his summoner before promptly dissipating and as the nephilim felt its warmth he made sure to provide it with a steady flow of mana to keep it burning. In the next moment he saw multiple enemies appearing but at the same time eyed the amount of crystals between the creatures and him, that will do, he thought with a smirk as he followed with the summoning process and with the burst of light a new angelic fragment was given form. He had never thought to call upon Israfel because who would summon an angel to play music for them, it felt simply irresponsible but this time he had a plan that might save everyone some energy, after all everyone in his group was nimble enough and safe enough to not get hit by the shattered crystals he was planning to use.

"Israfel will shatter the crystals in here so be careful." he said in a serious tone just to inform his teammates so they wouldn't be caught by surprise. He spoke in the angelic tongue and commanded the angel to produce a sound with a frequency that wouldn't hurt his companions but would shatter the crystals around the enemies in the cavern. And so the angel did as commanded and plucked the cords of the lute, a slight ringing could be heard by him but it only proved to be an annoyance and nothing more. The creatures then lunged towards Elijah as the being quickly played three cords and at that instance the crystals in a vicinity around everyone in that part of the cavern started shattering in quick succession piercing through the void abominations' bodies and leaving them lifeless on the floor before they would dissolve and leave behind their treasure. The angel had made sure to protect her summoner with a sound shield that deflected the shards back to the enemies and in turn Elijah had been watching his teammates to make sure none of them would get hurt.

WC: 735 | 2463


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:13 am


Yuurei and Renji had heard what Elijah had said to them. They had to watch out for the crystals above. It was not something they truly had to worry about, but he was glad the man had given them the heads up. Yuurei was focused on taking these things out as a bunch. They had a lot of these crystals on the floor, which meant they were going to be making a lot of jewels after this. The Warden was ready to continue the fight with these monsters that were just spawning repeatedly.

He figured he would use his Rhongomynaid as he pointed his hand and a spiraling burst of light had come out from his finger and shot at one of the Void Frost Hollow. It had destroyed it with ease, and he had a smirk on his face as this wasn’t going to be a problem. While he did that to one, a few others had gathered around him. He was in no mood for this and he brought out his Chaos Claw as he looked at one of the creatures surrounding him. It was then he would disappear from his spot and he would end up behind the one he was looking at.

While he had done that he had clawed the beast without any effort, taking it out just like that, the creature dispersed into the air as it was easily defeated. When his eyes scanned the area, he saw more of these creatures moving toward him. While this was happening, there was something moving around the cave they were in. It had been something that had been lost to Talaz Lagaar it was something that they had discovered it in the Void and had worked on it for some time. They made it stronger than when they found it, just to have it be lost to the world.

The Symbiote had been looking for a proper host for some time. It was alive, as it had consumed the other host that it would attach itself in the past. That was how he had moved from place to place. Still, he somehow got sucked into this cave when appeared, and he was looking for a way out and at the same time find a place to call home for good.

When these five had entered this place, the symbiote had been following them this entire time. He was trying to see if they were strong enough to be taken over, or if he would just them as a means to escape. He wasn’t sure at the beginning, but watching everyone fight, there were three of them that had caught his eye. The man with the staff, the man who changed his weapons left and right, and then the man with the sword who was cutting everyone up.

The other two had been ignored as they were insignificant to him. As time went by, he decided that he would go for the man with the weapons. He looked like the one that had his guard down the most, and it was within reason. The symbiote had climbed on the back of one the creatures that were heading toward Yuurei. He sensed it as he crouched to avoid the attack and backhanded the Void Frost Hollow with his claw. It was then the Symbiote would jump off and land on Yuurei.

The Seraphim noticed this, but it was too late he couldn’t take or pull this thing off him and he wondered what was going to happen next.

While this happened, Renji was fighting with everything he had; these Voidlings thought they could fight them and they were paying the price for it. Still, one thing he noticed was that they were never going to stop showing up. That wasn’t good, but they could do this for hours and if not days. He saw one of them approaching through Yuurei’s eyes and he dodged the attack before swinging the staff in his hand and activating the spell blasting the creature away from him. When another one had shown up, he slammed it down to the ground with relative ease.

“I couldn’t ask for anything better than this.” He said to himself as he looked at his hands and wondered what else he could do in this fight.



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:11 pm


Kaito had heard them though he was not sure how much in the end it was going to matter as he was going to push deeper into the maze with this blade as some of the giant monsters were on the ground already and weren't above so this was not something he was worrying about to do as here he was having a small bit of hope they live through this even though they hadn't seen and signs of an exit nor how deep this maze goes but the walls seemed protected so Kaito couldn't just blast through them and make a more linear path for them to take. Kaito was striking and fighting hard against the others that came at him from in the maze but where would the ending be would any of them still have mana for anything once they had hit the deeper parts of the maze he knows he has a way to have his mana back but he was unsure if there was even a way that they could all make it out of here. He was going to have to push hard to be able to make it even though in the end it might just matter very little for it.

The monsters and creautres of the maze seem focused on moving toward them and Kaito wonders if by figuring out where they were coming from would it lead him to the right way but as they were coming from every where it was not an option as they were spread through the maze and were coming and moving from all sized of it unless all the paths lead to the end at a point but as he can't fly above the walls as they met the ceiling there was no way to cheat to find out the maze's layout. He was just going to have to wait here and fight the monsters till the others picked a way and Kaito shoves himself down it to find out if it was a poor choice or not for them to go and then teleport himself and them back to the starting point of the split that was in front of him that he was trying to pick away but the bigger monsters here make it harder to really pick the path as he had little to no time to think about it.

Revy was holding her own and doing what she can as she was not really one to hold back if she can help it verses these things as they were not people or creatures they were just monsters made of mana in a solid form or that is what she keeps telling herself as she can see that Kaito had stopped and she sees that there is a split in the path so they would need to decide which way to go and how deep they will follow each path before settling on keeping to it. She was not going to pick as she doesn't think that she needed to make that choice and it should be made as a team and Kaito was clearly waiting for that to be what happened a team choice of the way that they would be taking from here to make it to their next stop.
(550) (2,834)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:53 am

The damage done to the creatures from the shattered crystals was quite significant that to an extend opened up more of the cave for exploration while still having to fight them off. Elijah was gathering the treasure they'd drop when defeated and without noticing he moved away from the group and towards another part of the cave. Israfel had done her part in thinning the enemies numbers so the nephilim had her dismissed and then for his own protection summoned Raziel. The angel of mysteries was well versed in magic and spells and could easily protect him from the continuous stream of monsters, as long as only him would be summoned on the field, Elijah would be able to maintain him for a prolonged period of time.

The path he had taken was now opening up to a wider corridor allowing the angel to unfurl his wings that seemed to be made from book pages and hover beside Elijah. His right hand was over his hovering mystical book ready at a moment's notice to cast a spell depending on the situation. The nephilim had barely noticed that he was separated from the others as he had made it to a part of a cavern where the walls were made from crystal, it was such a breath taking view but as he touched the left wall he felt vibrations and the next moment a shield formed around him before the crystalline wall shattered to pieces right in front him with the creatures appearing from behind it. Such a waste of beauty, he thought as Raziel started blasting the abominations with all manners of spells. First a beam made of pure light that originated from him pierced through the creatures in a line before splitting into glittering orbs of light and actively seeking out their prays exploding on contact with them. A bigger more menacing one appeared ready to charge towards the man but before it managed to make a move, chains of blazing light shot forth from the ground, searing and damaging its exterior shell before the heavenly being bathed it in a shower of light. Despite its defenses the monster succumbed to the holy onslaught and once defeated, Elijah went to pick up the loot that was left behind when he discovered a different type of crystal that was dropped from the bigger creature, it seemed to be green in color and shaped like some sort of key. Wondering where it might fit and what it was meant to unlock he wandered deeper into the maze following the path with the crystal walls entranced by their beauty.

WC: 439 | 2902


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:59 pm


Yuurei thought everything was fine for a second, but he knew that something was about to happen. there was no way this thing was harmless right? Well, he was right, the symbiote that was on him had sensed that he was strong and started to try and take over him. It would become one with its host, or at least that was the intention. It was soon that it would start moving around Yuurei’s body. It was extending itself as if it were growing as it covered his body.

The Seraphim couldn’t believe that something so tiny could expand this much. He tried to fight it trying to take it off as he dropped his weapon. Still, he couldn’t do anything, and he shook his head because it was pointless. The only thing he knew he could do was hope to fight it off if it tried to take over. Renji noticed something was happening to Yuurei and he rushed to his partner. Still, while doing this, he would be stopped by the creatures of the void as they approached him. They surrounded him and he shook his head as he didn’t have time for this.

“Get out of my way or you will regret it.” He said this as if they would understand him.

When they got close to him, Renji rushed to one of them slashing them and destroying them with the Staff’s spell. When another approached him, he would give it a good lariat as he wasn’t trying to waste time. He saw Yuurei was in trouble, but from what exactly?



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:17 am


Kaito now realizes that he and Revy had ended up apart from the others. He marked the wall so if they did come this way that knew which way he was from all off the many paths that he could of went he leaves a new mark and keeps Revy close to him. "We appear to be on our own here Revy so lets make sure we don't lose each other here in the maze." He was trying not to make Revy worry about Renji who was her close friend as with any luck he and Yuurei were still together and safe though the rookie that was with them might be the one he is most worried about as these halls are unforgiving and the way he was using magic he seemed to be burning through mana. Kaito keeps leaving marks on the wall for if anyone found their way to the places he had been.

Kaito was being a scout in a way, he needed to keep his eyes up and his attention forward so he didn't lead Revy or anyone else that followed behind him to their death as he looked for traps and other things that may pop up from the maze and aim to attack or kill him. Kaito and Revy only really saw medium sized monsters the deeper they got in as they were coming in force for a bit but that slowed down. Kaito wonders if they had just killed enough that what ever was summoning them had to slow down or if it was packing them around the exit for when they get there to have a grand battle in the end he doesn't know and just keeps marking as he followed the right hand wall of the path that he had chosen for them.
(304) (3,138)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:57 am

The sound of fighting from the rest of the group seemed to be fading out with each step he took wandering through this maze-like cavern, always following the path of the crystalline walls and having his heavenly summon as a protector. The monsters kept throwing themselves at him in an attempt to kill him and have him be another one of their victims but he wasn't ready to fade from existence just yet. He played with the green crystal in his hand, it weighted differently than the rest lightweight crystals that would drop from the rest of the monsters.

He trekked for a while only seeing low tier voidlings before making it to a spacious area that shimmered in blue light. He looked around, the walls were all covered with blue glowing crystals giving an otherworldly shine to the clearing. It was quite, eerily so, he tried taking a step forward when the ground beneath him started shaking and the void beast appeared smashing through the ground, had he taken a few steps forward he would have certainly been knocked out from the impact. Raziel put up a shield to protect him from any debris that flew off in his direction as Elijah wiped his face from the dust. Things were certainly heating up as the monster returned to its original form and not that of a curled up centipede. It seemed to be twice as tall and wide as the rest of the enemies and even bigger than the one that dropped the green crystal. Judging from the color of this area and the looks of that thing, it's probably the guardian of the blue crystal, he thought taking a good look at his enemy clad in blue armor adorned with crystals of the same color. He wondered if Raziel only would suffice to take this big boy down but he would play it by ear, figuring out if he would need more firepower as the fight unfurled.

WC: 332 | 3234


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:02 am


Yuurei just stood still as he closed his eyes the little parasite had started his best to take over. It wasn’t just that, but with the presence of everyone living in a different room, Yuurei would notice this. They were not pleased by this and they were going to interrupt this. The Seraphim was also doing this as well as he was focusing on himself right now rather than the fight. Still, while he was focusing on himself the Void Frost Hollows would also do the same thing. He wasn’t moving, so they figured that he was an easy target. When they got close to him, they would target him, but the Symbiote that was trying to take over would lash out at them when they attacked his new body.

Anti was wondering why this was taking too long. This was the first time he had encountered this problem and he wondered if this was the person he was looking for. It wouldn’t take long, but he finally reached Yuurei’s mind space, and Anti would see four things. A Serpent vicious-looking demon, a scary, ugly-looking Oni, a small little long parasite, and then a man with white hair just looking at him.

“You are too late to be the owner of this body. We all tried and failed, and it seems like you have to.” Shuten said to Anti.

“What the hell is happening here?” He asked confused to see that he wasn’t alone in this body.

“This thing thought he could do what we couldn’t? Hilarious, but welcome to your new home. This man has a thing for taking things in and making sure we can't get out.” Leviathan said as he laughed a bit.

Migi just looked at him and shook his head as he really messed up. Yuurei stood up as he walked over to the symbiote.

Renji was busy fighting the creatures around him as he was trying to get closer to Yuurei and see what was happening still.



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:57 pm


Kaito marked walls where there were traps and kept going along the path. only stopping for short skirmishes vs some of the creatures that had been plaguing the maze for him and he new that he needed to watch his back and make sure that he didn't let anything happen to Revy who was behind him and a bit beat up looking from the bigger fights from earlier that they had been taking and he knows that he needs to make sure that he keeps her out of the fight for a bit so he was holding both of his swords now in his hands and making sure that no one could cross him unless they wanted to get them self destroyed by him. The creatures seemed to have pulled back out of the area and Kaito wondered if something else was happening some where else in the maze and they were moving to defend there instead of slow him down from finding the exit but he took it as a sign that he shouldn't slow down and he takes Revy with him and they move deeper into the maze.

Revy seemed to feel safe with Kaito by her side but she was worried that he was over doing it and not watching out for himself even if he is near untouchable he is still at risk here and he needs to make sure that he can keep his eyes on his own life as well as her own as she was feeling exhausted from all the fighting and running she was doing as she was not use to endlessly fighting like this and having to travel so deep into the maze to fight their way through it. She knows that she needed to take her time and recover. She looks at how he is doing different marks for safe passages and unsafe ones as well as a warning about the trap and which way the trap is if someone is brave enough to cross the path and go through.
(340) (3,478)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:43 am

Raziel opened up with a barrage of brilliant arrows, as he waved his hand over the book he was carrying, multiple bright circles appeared before him and started shooting arrows bathed in divine light. The beast managed to dodge a few but some of them pierced through its crystalline hide exploding with a bright impact and knocking the abomination back a few steps. The angel then waved his hand as the book switched to a different page before his hands were raised upwards, two circles appeared one underneath and one above the crystalline beast with angelic runes and etchings when at a moment's notice a magnificent rainbow light beam began pouring down forcefully from the upper circle into the bottom one, slamming the enemy on the ground in the process. White it writhed in pain its armor started cracking, Elijah could hear the cracks loud and clear before it started shattering under the pressure. He could feel Raziel putting even more power into the smell and for a second the nephilim grew dizzy as it was expending his own mana but that didn't last long as the spell was completed and the monster laid completely shattered on the ground.

Elijah approached still a bit wobbly from the expenditure of mana thanks to the spell and shifted through the various shards to potentially find a big blue crystal just as he did with the green one. The search did not disappoint as he uncovered it beneath a mount of shattered armor and took it in his hand. It shined brilliantly reflecting the light in the room and it's shape looked different than the green one although still akin to the form of a twisted key. With that win under his belt, or rather his cape, he cast a sensory spell to make sure he wouldn't be disturbed for a few minutes so he could take a breather, all this mana usage and having his own energy sapped by the summons took was taking its toll and he didn't want it to get worse. After dismissing Raziel he sat down in a corner and with both crystals in hand he began to look at them more carefully, that way maybe he would be able to figure out what they were for.

WC: 384 | 3618


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:11 am


Yuurei would look at the Symbiote and he had a smirk on his face.

“I assume you’re a parasite that isn’t from this world? It seems like you can live on your own, but thrive when you have a host to feed off of. Well, sorry you won't be able to take over my body, but at least you will have a home here if you can be useful.” He said to the symbiote.

Anti heard this and he didn’t understand what was going on here. In the end, it seemed like this man had taken control of him.

“No, you make yourself useful, I will be the one in control of this body.” Anti said to Yuurei.

The Seraphim had a smile on his face and soon after his eyes opened in the real world. The Void Frost Hollows were coming toward him, and he would attack without hesitation. When another came from behind, he had activated the spell from the symbiote that he just acquired. It wrapped up on his face and it would extend taking out all that tried to damage him.

“Useful indeed.” He said this as he moved on his own as Yuurei was in control.

Renji was rushing to Yuurei, but he noticed that the two of them could see what each other could see again. That was good and from what he could tell he was back, which was a good thing. This caused Renji to focus on his fight again as these things were annoying. While he fought he would continue to also pick up the stuff that dropped to the ground as well.



Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:50 pm


Kaito was starting to wonder if the maze as alive as some of the paths he had just walked through were reappearing and he was not sure of way or how if there was an illusion here that was making him see too many paths when really there is only one or the maze was learning how to trick him from others that were unfortunate enough to have come before him and get lost and die in the maze. He thinks the maze had started to mimic his markings on walls to throw him off and he touched the marks on the walls and only one rubbed off a bit so he knows that he is right and the others were fakes made by the maze so he simply backed up and looked at the markings and tried to figure which one looked the least convincing as that would be the path that others would not pick as it looks bad and not more crisp which this maze would probably see as a win to fool people as they often just look at the pretty things and trust newer things over older things that look beaten up.

Kaito started down the path and he is seeing a glowing aura of something that is just a bit farther into the maze that he thinks might be the exit that he can take to get out of the maze but where were the other three people that he had entered the maze with had they died or were they still alive and looking for their own ways out he had no idea but he can hear the steps of the monsters ahead and he moved to attack what ever was there and was met with the clank of one of the bigger monsters that were in this maze and he needs to make it through him toward the thing that was in the next room over from where he was.
(328) (3,806)


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:34 am

Elijah's energy had been restored for the most part thanks to the small break he had, the mystery of the crystals still dominating his thoughts but without moving to maybe find another key or find a door that opens with these crystals he wouldn't get anywhere just thinking about it. He got up ready to continue his little investigation, his thoughts for a moment went to his team, he was worried about them but knew they were more than capable to defeat any obstacle and foe thrown their way.

As he walked he saw the path split into two tunnels with the left one having a mild red glow, it made sense that in here he would another crystal-key as such is the trope he had a green and a blue, red is all that remained. Once more he entrusted the combat part to Raziel. With the angel standing tall beside him he entered the tunnel and continued for a few minutes as the glow was getting stronger when he finally made it to the other side in an open space choke-full of crystals with a red glow, at least the landscapes were beautiful although this one had a few points in being eerie. The fight broke out with a big rumble as an even bigger crystalline enemy made its appearance, Raziel on cue started firing beams of light from all directions, even spears made of pure holy magic tried to pierce the thick armor of this enemy but to little avail.

The fight looked tough, Elijah didn't know if he had what it took to best this foe and sensing Yuurei's aura nearby he decided that getting help from someone in a much higher rank with a much higher power would be best. Raziel shattered the crystal walls blocking the path as instructed by Elijah as he made a run for it with the giant enemy in toe and after some seconds of running he saw Yuurei destroy another horde of enemies "Incoming!" he yelled towards Yuurei to get his attention.

WC: 348 | 3966


Icy Hot [Void Caverns] - [Kaito, Elijah] Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:37 am


Yuurei looked at himself as or at least what he could and was impressed. He wasn’t expecting this kind of power to be given to him just like that, but here he was. He was planning on taking on more creatures. Yes, that was his plan and when he looked around he noticed that he was ready to move forward. When he took a step forward, however, he felt something coming in his direction. He looked over to see what it was and he could see that Elijah was being chased by something. He blinked a few times confused about what was happening, but knew that he had to help and take care of that monster.

He didn’t hesitate to move, he pushed forward and made his way in between Elijah and the beast that was chasing him. The Seraphim looked at the Void Champion as it tried to swipe at Yuurei. Anti saw this and he would retaliate. It would extend itself toward the monster hitting it with the same damage it tried to hit Yuurei with.

It didn’t stop there as Yuurei had also gotten close enough to strike a devastating blow changing into his Yin Gauntlet at the last second and crushing the monster with ease. Renji had finished killing his group of monsters as well and figured it was time to pick up everything they had on the ground.


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