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Athalran Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:44 pm



Description: Althalran is the home of the Wood Elves. This sacred place is hidden from humanity, largely being accessed by elven kind alone for fear of its defilement. This place resides on the borders between Fiore, Bosco, and Seven. The elves within Athalran are one with nature, so is the city itself. Many homes and buildings are framed in the trees. Native flora is allowed to grow aplenty here, so roads aren’t made, but bridges are created across treetops, and waterways between parts of the town. Due to the elves’ close affinity to natural arts, there exists magic around every corner. The closer one draws to the center of town, the stronger the magic seems. In the middle of it all is the palace of the Everqueen. The palace itself is the largest tree in all of Athalran whose roots are said to connect the souls of every living thing within the forest Ariathal. As such, it is called Galadhrien. In the tongue of the elves, this means the Tree of the People or the Tree of Life. Only the wealthiest of the Wood Elves are allowed to live within the ring surrounding Galadhrien.

Localization: The city of Athalran resides within the enchanted forest Ariathal. Much like the city itself, Ariathal blossoms with more magic than any other forest in Fiore, Bosco, and Seven. This magic is not something the elves see as either light or dark; rather, it is something that simply exists within life itself. Throughout the forest, one can find a myriad of flora and fauna, most of which are magical in nature. Due to the enchantments placed upon the land, it has largely been untouched by man. It is almost as if the forest itself persuades those who wish it ill intent to bring their desires elsewhere. As such, it is one of the few places where nature spirits are free to roam without worry of being harmed. Throughout the forest, one can find shrines to the Linea: the peaceful gods belonging to the Elven Pantheon. Wood Elves frequent these sites as places of worship and prayer.

Politics: While Athalran exists within the borders of three countries, it does not recognize any of the royal bloodline as their monarch. Instead, they live under the rule of a matriarchal lineage dating back millennia, a lineage that existed far before humans ever settled in Fiore. Their current ruler is Athenra the Everqueen. Through a pact of neutrality between the elves of Athalran and the crown of these countries, it was agreed that the Everqueen and the human kings could govern their people separately. Thus, under the rule of the Everqueen, the Wood Elves follow their own set of laws rooted in peace and virtue. The golden rule that governs all is to live in harmony with nature, with magic, and with one another. Seeing humanity break that core value is but one of the many reasons there exists a political stigma against many of the non-elven races. It, however, is especially strong against humans.

Economy: While the residents of Athalran do partake in the national jewel system the rest of the world uses, it is to a far lesser degree, and often caters towards non-natives who have nothing else. Instead, trading is commonplace. For the average citizen, this may be with artisanal goods or fresh hunts. Among the upper class and nobility, there are exchanges of precious gems and refined metals.

Culture: The culture of the Wood Elves who dwell within Athalran is rooted in nature. It is taboo to needlessly harm flora and fauna alike. Depending on the severity, such an act may even be illegal. Elves may hunt, but only to the limit which the forest can withstand. They must also use everything of what they hunt to make sure nothing is left behind and wasteful. They may introduce magic to their surroundings, but not in a way that would turn nature destructive. All must be done in balance. To break that balance would be to desecrate nature’s equilibrium between the light and the dark.

In the Elves culture, it is frowned upon to reproduce with those outside of the forest. Elves believe in souls of an elf moving on to a newborn baby when the time comes. When a Half-Elf is born, only half of their soul is able to enter, which means that the other half is stuck in limbo. In the ancient times, and even until recently, half-elves were pushed away and frowned upon due to the fact that the soul of the elf they have was thought to be damn.

It was until they found out from an Athlas Elf that even though a Half-Elf is born, when that half-elf dies, if they take their body to the Yesan-Qaphas, the piece of the soul that was lost was waiting within the sacred tree. As Yesan-Qaphas thinks of all its Elves its children, the pieces of souls that were left and not tethered to a new Elf, found their place with the tree. When the Wood Elves found this out, they tried to find the remainders of dead half-elves to try and reconcile their mistakes. Still, a lot of souls were lost, and a lot of bodies were unfound. As Athlas Elves think of Yesan-Qaphas as their parent, a group of established Athlas Elves guard the Yesan-Qaphas twenty-four seven.

Other Athlas Elves were tasked with finding the remains of the half-elves that were kicked out of the forest or left to flee to other lands. The ones set out on these tasks had an affinity with the Sacred tree and the souls that were in limbo there. Some Wood-Elves, however, still discriminate against any Wood-Elf or Elf in general that are not entirely Elf. It is their stubbornness that still drives other half-elves away from the forest.

As for other Elves that are not consider Wood Elves. They are welcome with Athlaran, but they need an escort with them around the clock. A lot of elves think they are blasphemy, while others think they come to this city to corrupt their home and their people.

Prophecy: As there has always been the Everqueen, she was always supposed to hold the seat for the I Arani Eldaron. The prophecy was that this male elf would come from the noble and royal family who only ever produced female elves. If more than one male elf appeared at the same time, they would embark on a journey. This journey was to search for a third sacred tree hidden to all elves except for the I Arani Eldaron. The third tree, the Eldadarian is translated as the Tree of Starfolks. It only appears to one that it deems the I Arani Eldaron. This is a prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled, but they one day believe it will come to fruition.

Language: Most Wood Elves in Athalran are fluent in Fiorian, Boscan, and Seves but their native tongue is Val'Elvarin which is the preferred language of communication. It is the Wood Elven offshoot of Elvarin, the first language elves developed that High Elves still use today. Their similarity allows Wood Elves to have a well enough understanding of Elvarin, but not many are able to speak it fluently.
  • Fiorian [Italian], Boscan [German], and Sevese [Greek]
  • Val'Elvarin [Sindarin Dialects]
  • Elvarin [Quenya Dialects]


Galadhrien: Located in the centre of Athalran, Galadhrien connects to every living thing within its domain. Without it, there would be no life in the forest and there would be no home for the Wood Elves. It also serves as the castle of the Everqueen who protects it. Entry is strictly forbidden without approval from the Everqueen or her advisors; however, people are allowed to roam outside in the public gardens.

Inner City: Behind towering walls lies Athalran's main city. Built into nature itself, there are numerous buildings from the bottom up with some even tiered into the treetops. Architecture is more developed the further in the city goes with the wealthiest elves living close to the center just outside Galadhrien.

Ariathal: Surrounding the main city is an enchanted forest brimming with life. It comprises the majority of Athalran's territory and is home to both creatures and spirits. Though most are quite docile, the deeper the forest goes, the more dangerous the wild become.

Yesan-Qaphas: The sacred tree of healing that parents bring their dying children to in order to be saved and reborn as Athlas Elves. The tree also produces mystic fruit said to possess strange qualities that only present themselves to the worthy.

Sacred Ruins: Scattered across the entirety of Athalran are ancient ruins. Some are well known and are devoted to the worship of elven gods while others are all but abandoned, sometimes inhabited by spirits. Dating back to before humans even came to Fiore, some ruins have yet to be discovered. They are thought to hold secrets and power untold.

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