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The heat is rising ? (Lumikki)

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The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:11 pm


Kaito had headed to the Ahi Mountain to see what all the fuss was about with the volcano as he didn't quite understand why a mountain over flowing some times with a molten rock that could melt a person in seconds was a huge tourist attraction but he was going to climb the mountain and find out through he had noticed a lot of ravens circling over head so that might be a good omen for him as well on this day trip.

Kaito kept climbing the mountain as he can feel what was a brisk tail wind behind him, almost like a creeping frost that was not normal but he was not really worried about it as he thinks that it is just that the volcano was hotter than the winds and it was warming him up so much the wind was feeling like someone dropping ice down the back of his shirt to play a prank on him but was that really what it was or was he in for more than he can chew here on the side of this blazing mountain?


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:50 pm


Lumikki was past and emergency quest by her Uncle's companion Gnicholas. The gnome figured she would be the best for the task since not many members of her guild could command the frost need to help negate the damage from an erupting volcano. Lumi excited for a task that would put her frost to use and snuff some flames, was excited to see what her magic could do.

She quickly got her Plumage on and set out got the Ahi Mountain at Luluhawa Island. Darting there quite rapidly and resting for a bit once she got there. Her ravens would join her for the trip, many curious to see a new land. Some because they refuse to be left alone.

By the time to flew up to the top herself so she could get to work, she saw a familiar face making his way to the top as well. Probably here for the alert himself she thought, though she couldn't figure out what he could do for this particular emergency. As curious as she was about it thought, she decided it would be for the best to deal with the matter quicker than not.

She flew her way to the top and poured down her dark frost in a blizzard within the opening. Slowing and hardening the magma rapidly and stopping the flow for the moment. She figured it would take more ice and more cold for longer before most of the lava would subside within is freshly made mountain but there was only so much she would want to pour and for so long if she had company.

"That's an impressive start lil Miss, but why'd you stop. Wouldn't you need to cool the top some more else the red hot would keep pouring?"

"Aye, but that would be boring and we have company approaching. I'm wondering if he'll humor me with more motivation." She grew a mischievous grin as she spoke, waiting keenly for her to join her.

She landed to the side and wait for her friend to come, figuring he would give her to motivation to keep summoning the blizzards needed to quell the flames.

"He's just about up here my Frayja. What do you want to do?" She looked toward the direction her friend would rise from.

"It wouldn't be much of an honorable act to strike for him now, and I'm still a Daemon of honor. Ima wait till he gets up here and ask him if he wants ta entertain me as I keep the volcano cool. Least then I figure he'd keep me standing long enough ta do it, instead of striking me down as fast as the Bod Ceann Heartless Angel...."

She was indeed still quite very mad about that fight and encounter. Though one could also say it greatly motivated her to fight on and get stronger. It was akin to the flames that would keep her moving. Sure enough, she was now seeing Kaito poking his head at the top of her mountain. Tolerating her chill as she thought he would.


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:45 am


Kaito had reached the peak and he looked down into the volcano and he wonders why people were telling him to stay away from it as it doesn't look like it was a threat at all so he wondered if they were scared it would spill over but there was no lava moving in it so he guessed that they were all just being worry warts about it and that he was fine to be here but it is dull as he had come expecting some excitement from this place as people had been causing a scene about it. He turned to start walking back down the mountain as nothing of interest was here for him to be doing or dealing with. He began to wonder about why the place seemed cold and not hot and the issues with a volcano being cold and if that would cause problems else where on the island as to what knows that there are probably underground veins that might be going crazy or leaking and spreading it under ground and that might cause other issues, like building up and then exploding out in a random place on the island.

He rubbed his chin and then he spoke out loud to himself. "Who would be foolish enough to froze a volcano instead of only cool it, messing with nature is a fools errand that will only back fire." Kaito sighed and he wonders if will end up coming across the person that had caused this to happen and if they really understood that what they did was dangerous to nature, but they might not know that unlike Kaito was raised by elves so he learned a lot nature and things that happen in it from cause and effect of doing something, he just hopes who ever did this was not doing so knowing of the effects it could cause. He feels like someone is watching him and he is unsure how he feels about this being somethings entertainment so he stays on guard.


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:42 pm


When Lumikki realized he was taking too long, she began to feel really frustrated. Where did he go?

" looks to me like he's leaving. Perhaps you should just figure out how you'll keep the hot flow down yourself. " Lonu alerted her so she could stop waiting longer than needed.

"It's for the best, you're here to handle this....volcano! A fight with anyone just might distract you from the mission. I would recommend you just let it go." Trygve always enjoyed the moments that he could provide his counsel. Hoping the chaotic Daemon would consider his words and forget all about this fight.

"I for one like the option where there are fewer people. Though I know there's not much that can be done about it." Alune Lumikki's white raven landed on her shoulder. The bird didn't very much care to see if the man would come back like Lonu. Though she is enjoying this adventure thus far.

"Oh, looks like the man changed his mind. He's coming back. Think he's even muttering to himself. Does he often do that?" Lonu took the moment to fly back and take the Daemon's other shoulder. Leaving Trygve to be on his lonesome. The lone bird ruffles his feathers in frustration but chooses to keep his beak shut so as to cause a fuss. He didn't want to cause himself to be more embarrassed than needed.

Lumikki sighed as Kaito left threw her off. She walked to the other side of her "mountain" top and stomped her heel in frustration. Breaking the cap that was cooled off by frost. She observed the lava flow down and toward the waters, observing the bright orange glow ooze and fall. Whenever more threatened to pour than she was okay with, she would refreeze the edges to fortify her opening. She sat back and waited if the man would actually come back. And why would he even be walking when he had jumping and here or there magic?

"What is that stuff anyways? It's oddly hotter than I thought it would be?" Alune was a very young raven and so very curious.

Lumikki was also keeping the heat at bay with her aura, though it was still quite hot indeed. She was strong enough to use frost to cool it but not strong enough to snuff the heat entirely.

"It's lava me love, it pours out the earth to make more ground. Though when it risks people's lives and homes, sometimes mages are called to help lessen the damage. If I wasn't here, the village nearby would have been destroyed. I'm letting some pour to the side part cause I want to watch and I got the time, but also figured there was no reason to keep the top fully frozen if the man to the side was leaving. I don't get to see me counter often, so I wanted to see the intensity of its power."


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:25 pm


Kaito had kept walking while in his thoughts before hearing something moving and hissing to being cooled wondered if who had caused this was on the other side of this place. He sighed then he swung his arm his gear appearing on himself and he headed for the top of the volcano where he wonders if he will find the person that had caused this issue and he can clearly see who it was that had been doing this and it was Brone's niece. "Do you know how dangerous what you are doing is?" He sounds stern with her and he taps his foot on the place he is standing and he has a feeling that she is just going to ignore him because other wise she would have probably came up to him before but she probably heard what he said and felt ashamed in herself for the thoughtless actions that she had been doing.

"You need to stop before you cause the underground magma chambers to back up and it ends up causing a new volcano or a magma pocket to fissure the ground and hurt someone or something." He knows he is one to lecture anyone about the safeties of using their magic to stop natural disasters but he was just going to try and not be stupid but he knows that she might not take well to being told off or that she was doing the wrong thing so he rested his hand on his swords handle and he hopes that that she doesn't decide to take action but he is ready to fight her if she does turn to fight him as this will be a learning moment for her.

Kaito's spread:


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:05 pm


Lumikki already annoyed at this point just had it, and seeing the sword sent her further. "So ye want to smite me now?!"

Her darkness enveloped her rapidly, brandishing her wings and talons. "I'm not the child ya bullied last time!" Though she was losing her sense, she didn't lose all of it in regard to what she cared for. "Lonu, Trygve, fly away and take Alune with ya. I will not suffer getting ya caught in me magic..." The birds wasted no time flying away as they understood the dangers. Though as she would have thought Alune was be fussy to part and leave the Daemon alone.

Lumikki flew up into the sky for a max of her fifteen meters before pulling out her harp and playing her song. She let the music hang in the air for a moment before pulling her arm back. A multitude of magical circles would flash just around her. Black frost weapons rapidly formed in quick succession before she threw her arm down and the weapons would follow. Cutting into the air as they'd dart for him.

Before she could give it any rest she beat her wings in one hard rapid go to conjust up her storm below. Another lavender circle would flash just below him as the air would rapidly freeze and thrash with snow.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:48 am


Kaito was confused for why she said he wanted to smite her but maybe he had said something that she misunderstood. Bully like a child? Kaito is completely confused now, he knows he kind of scolded her like a child but he doesn't remember bullying her like one so that was an odd thing to hear the woman say. "When did I say anything about smiting you? I don't recall bullying you, I do remember holding back so that I didn't instantly beat you, but that was out of respect of respect for you." He watched as she had shooed away her birds and he wondered why that was, but he guessed he wasn't going to have to find out soon enough. So he started running as he was not going to be a sitting duck for her to just attack when she felt like it but then he heard the sound of the harp.

Kaito felt himself slow slightly but he wasn't going to stop and he guessed that harp must be what had caused his weakened feelings but he knows that in time it will pass as he was not one to be held back. He has too many big issues that he has to fight to allow himself to be weakened for too long. He sees her cast her first spell and he doesn't stop and keeps running even with himself being limited he was still fast, her spells were cool looking, but the problem with it is it is too flashy and eye catching so it is easier to dodge then most spells would be as she was smart to debuff him. But he still had more then enough in reserve to run out of the limits of it’s range as it hit the ground the icy dark weapons seemed to gleam like crystals behind him. Kaito points his finger at her in the sky never stopping and a fires a beam of arcane dimensional dragon energy from his finger at her in the sky before she had casted her next spell. If Lumikki still casted her final spell, Kaito had kept running as he was not sure why the woman had a bad idea of him for some reason but he was going to dispel it as he wasn’t aiming to smite her he was just scolding her for doing something dangerous and a bit stupid if he was honest. "Do we really have to fight ?" he had kept moving as he doesn’t want to stop yet as he was not going to take her lightly, as she asked him not to do so it seemed.

Kaito's spread:


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Wed Sep 27, 2023 4:25 pm


Hardly a moment after the Daemon took off from the ground this man took off running. It was a lot like last time and it was already pissing her off. She bared her fangs and sucked her teeth out of annoyance. ”Should of known ye’d take off running….I’ll have to figure a way to stop that one of these days….”

She flinged all her spells for nothing. The man ran out of all of them, making them all pointless. And after the last encounter for a fight she had with him, she would refuse to run after him either. She was not in the mood to play such games nor be made a fool again.

As she was casting her next spell, Kaito would point up in the sky. ”Hmpt,” Lumikki would grumble. She stopped all that she was doing for her cast and lunged too the left instead. Just getting out of the way of his spell before it struck her. Seems he has way more bite in him this time, she would think to herself. At least that would make for a much more interesting fight than the boring one she had before….

“Heh, if me songs so useless on ya, then I’ll just choose to go all out instead….” She tucked her harp away and pulled out her Abyss Spine instead. The fridge cold the the handle shot up her palms and arms. But what was painful to most was only pleasing to her. She spun her staff in her giddy mood to let loose. Twirling in the air until she settling on her next spell.

She looked down to see where he looked like he was running to, pointing that way when she stopped the melodic twirl in her movement. A lavender magical circle would flash before a surge would shot through. Frost and darkness in the likeness of lightning. Much like his brother’s is he bothers to notice it. It shot out and broke off into many branches, all heading for where he was running.

She took a moment to see what he would next after her attack. Figuring it to be much of the same as she has already seen. She swung her staff down and multiple lavender magical circles formed. A plethora of black frost talons would descend to the area he’d be. A stomping down at once.

”Ye run like ye can’t face me. But I know well the damage ya could do.” She wouldn’t shout this, she would barely put anything in her voice as she uttered this. It was hard to decern if she was really upset about this, or just said about how it made her feel in comparison. ”Oh great Kaito, second only to Yuurei….” Was he like Yuurei too? Was he as cruel in how he fought like the Angel she had back home? Hard to say as she didn’t have much reason in her at the moment.


Plight of a Raven:

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:28 pm


"I think you will come to realize that will be harder than most people you come across to stop my movement." He believed in himself and the hard work that he had put in with his training and dangerous quests that he had taken on as there was a lot that he had faced and far too many scrapes with death for him to really think about letting his guard down around anyone that he would come to face as there was nothing that he could do if he were to trust the wrong person and make the wrong move so Kaito always found himself a bit of an outsider when it came to those things. As he had dodged her spells he could tell that the woman had been working hard, he wondered if she was going to pass him up soon and leave him clear in her dust as there was no point in her holding back it seemed.

Her debuff stopped and Kaito felt all of his power return and his speed increased and he nearly lost his balance at the leap in speed that he had just regained but her words worried him as he saw her staff changed to a new one and he wondered how she now had a staff now instead of the harp she had been carrying and used to debuff him with. He did not like the look of the new staff that the woman had just shown off to him. He kept running but he had a feeling he was going to be cutting it close to dodging this attack and he knows that he has back up measures that would protect him from damage but he knows that there was only so much that he could do in the heat of this as he was not not yet ready to take her out of the fight yet as she had just started to make this more interesting and he was not going to spoil that run and he run into the first spell as she h ad aimed well with her attack but sadly enough for her his armors spell activated and ate her spell.

Kaito had to admit that he was proud of her for the good timing and her place meant and he kept running as he could see that she was firing off another of the attacks and once again Kaito was with in the effected area as it was far bigger than Kaito was expecting it to be and to be honest that Kaito could have probably avoided the spells but there was no real fun in that and his armor's protective spell once again kept him safe and he had pointed toward her, him self to try and give her an AoE of his making in return his AoE spell would strike at her from above her. A hole in the dimension opened and a dazzling dimensional High-dragon energy blast would burst forth from the portal down at her. Kaito wondered if that would hit and he hoped that he had not over done it but he knows that she is probably not so weak as to just die in one attack anyways.

"Don't let your uncle hear you calling me second to Yuurei he might get jealous and come for me." His voice was a bit jokey as he doesn't think Brone would be that worried about hearing that but he needs to be careful. Kaito would keep running as he wanted to make sure of if his attack had hit or not before he moved on to the next step of the plan and he was not going to really get too cocky as this woman seemed to have some real bite to herself. He was going to have to be careful as she seemed to have been able to predict his beam attack spell before it had really got started so that means she had some kind of trick to her and that was going to be a bit of a pain to deal with but he would make sure that he doesn't let himself get ahead of himself as this was a fight and rather it is practice or not this fight has meaning.
(718) (1,975)

Kaito's spread:


The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 6:13 pm


The battle went on much like she would have expected. The mage below out running and side-stepped most of her blows. Even when her magic finally managed to touch him, it was like they practically slid off his spells of protection. She watched from the height that she was. Her fury rose like the heat of the volcano still blazing through. It threatened to blow over like he said. Her ice was no longer being maintained as she was not focusing on it anymore. Her concentration was long brokering by the squabble she was having.

The heat added to the headache she was getting. Boiling over on her flesh and her thoughts. It was bad enough that this island was already hotter than she liked. She now also flew above one of the more hotter places to be. This battle was also hardly giving her a moment to spare, let alone the amount of magic it was taking. She could not afford a stray spell to cool herself off and this added to her displeasure of it all.

Lumikki would look off to the side for the moment. Figuring her opponent would continue to dash until otherwise. She was not wrong and so she looked to the sea where she would rather be. It would be cooler there than where she was right now. Lumikki's sight was good enough to still see the ebb and flow of the waves. She got lost in the mesmerizing sight as she kept her foe running in just the corner of her eye. She'd note all the ships she saw on the water bobbing around as their passengers were handling the sails and pulling in their nets.

Nets, Lumi would wonder, as she was beginning to get lost in the thought. Wondering just what it would be like to get caught in one. It was not often one could easily catch a bird, but as she figured those of the waters, a net would be the means to catch those of the air as well.

She speaks like she is a real bird, but it would be hard to tell if was caught. At least as a raven, she figured...

So lost in thought that she did not notice the circle that was opening above. Nor did she pay mind anymore to the man pointing at her from below. She almost felt lost in her trace, the thoughts running thick like waking from a fresh day dream. The muted colors of the greys also did nothing to alert her of the spell incoming. Although it was on her to be mindful and watch on. This was the battle she was facing after all. She just could not help from the sensation of letting her mind wander.

Perhaps it was not entirely on her that she had strayed. It was notable that the heat of her battle field was quickly getting to her. The stray fumes of sulfur were pushing through the fresh-forming gaps of her magic and the magma was eating away the oxygen in the air quite rapidly once more. Heat rises, as they say, it was hard to say to whom had it worse now. Those who were beside the gapping hole rising from the earth, or those above with its heat waves were sure to go, rising like the flames one would expect of the deepest and hottest infernos.

The beam escaped the portal placed by the Dragon Slayer blow. Its energy rained on the Daemon who could no longer focus, and hit her for a shock. The pain was more than she was used to. Her already haggard flight was burdened more so by the impending pain. Lumikki cringed from the freshly made wounds, the damage inflicted was more than she could actually bear.

Her wings weakened, sending her closer to the earth. She tried to hold to her altitude, but the pain was proving more than she could naturally handle. And the further she would drop the harder it was to hold her form, he transformation slipping as she was dropping down and recoiling from the pain.

A loud thump echoed as she fell on top of what was left of her frost magic, sealing the volcano from the start of all the conflict. Its hold here was strong enough to keep her stable as she continued to recoil from the blast.

Her transformation was fading away like smoke escaping a flame. Leaving her without wings and from as she curled on the floor at a loss.


Curtain Call

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

The heat is rising ? (Lumikki) Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:24 pm


Kaito after casting the spell and it activating to hit her he sped forward as he knows that there was no point to hold back as she was not a child but an equal to him and others and he needed to make sure that he didn't treat her any different than he would anyone as and there was a firm and settled end to this fight and Kaito hoped that Brone will forgive him for what he was about to do to his niece but he needed to make sure that this woman and him get this fight over before some island god or giant comes up from the ground and attempts to smite them for messing with the volcano. Kaito is not going to hold back on this next strike to her to end this fight. Kaito while moving forward looked up and he saw something was wrong with the woman as she had suddenly fell out of the sky and to the ice that was below with a loud sound as she hit it and before she had Kaito's heart had skipped a beat as he thought she was going into the volcano to die and he wondered what had happened as he had not really gotten a good piece of her as far as he could tell for how his spell had come from but he was also at a strange angle to look at it from. But from how it looked to him the woman had maybe lost her wits or maybe she seemed to have lost her will to keep fighting or her mana run out and cause that? Kaito knows that he went too far with the spell or so he guessed and had pushed her too hard and now he was going to get his ass kicked by Brone later for him not holding back enough. This was just one thing that added to the pile of other things that he has done to screw up with yuurei and brone as of late.

Kaito knows he was going to make sure that she was still breathing and not dead as she had taken a bad fall to the ice below. Kaito made sure not to break the ice as he crossed it and cause her to fall into the volcano that was under the ice as he was not sure how stable the ice was still going to be as it was made of her magic and she was now laying on the ice in what looked like the fetal position to him from where he was standing. Kaito got close to her and he lifted her up in his arms slowly so he wasn't adding to much weight to the ice too fast and cause it to split and he got her into his arms and he slowly walked off of the ice with her as he was going to take her some where to get looked at and made sure that she was cared for as he doesn't want to be the one that killed the niece of the shield of dawn and have that stain his name. He took her into the city to get her looked at and cared for and headed away figuring she wouldn't wish to see him once she had woken up.
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