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Rose des Ténèbres - Chapter 1: the blood-stained flower

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Rose des Ténèbres - Chapter 1: the blood-stained flower Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:29 pm


A lost love, torn by the inevitable silence and lack of an answer... As one seeks to protect, another seeks to forget, and yet they are inevitably bound by the red string of fate.

Name: Rose des Ténèbres - Chapter 1: the blood-stained flower

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Lothwen, Nasira

It all began with a mysterious chain of disappearances within Baska. Rumors that tore open an ancient wound of the heart in Nasira when reports suggested that the disappearances happened alongside the sightings of a young green-haired elven maiden.

With Nasira deciding to follow this lead she soon becomes accompanied by a mysterious little wisp guiding her way, yet the trail of the rumors soon lead to a far more ominous tale: A cult has been using Nasira's long-lost lover Lothwen's body as part of a vile ritual. However, when Nasira finally succeeds in vanquishing the wicked cult something catches her attention: a magical flower blossoming amidst the soil nearby, and a familiar voice calling out to her.

  • With the aid of the mysterious whisp Nasira has to uncover the truth behind the sudden disappearances that been plaguing Baska and the rumored sightings of her thought to have disappeared lover Lothwen.
  • Discovering that the green-haired elf that was once her lover is now nothing more than a puppet reanimated by cursed necromancy, attempt to figure out a way to stop her!
  • Once the corpse is defeated the trail will lead to a nearby crypt where a cult of necromancers have been hiding, show them no mercy!
  • With the vile mages dealt with a mysterious flower can be found blossoming at a nearby patch of earth. However, from it a familiar voice resounds, and as the whisp floats toward it a familiar form takes place from the whisp.
  • Revealing to have been Lothwen's soul all along, it will be up for Nasira to decide the fate of the elf. She could possess the flower and obtain its power to return to the world of the living at Nasira's side, or pass on into the afterlife if that is the outcome Nasira desires.

Word Count:
  • - Complete the equivalent of 7 A-rank quests.

Personal Lore Consequences:
  • Having discovered Lothwen's fate Nasira has an opportunity to either bring the elf back to life through forbidden magic, or force her soul to pass on into the afterlife.

Notes: Nasira is B-rank, Lothwen will be C-rank once her shop purchase is handled, so within the +2 ranks limit.


Rose des Ténèbres - Chapter 1: the blood-stained flower Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:28 pm

This Storyline is approved to start.

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