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Herald of the Frostguard

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Herald of the Frostguard Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:42 pm


Name: Herald of the Frostguard

Difficulty: Moderate

Participants: Just Lumikki.

Story: Long ago after the Great War between Demons and Seraphim, a great clash that touched and corrupted humans forever, there were two sides. Both with the desire to cling to the power of the ancient ones, taking from them all they could gleam was of value.

Sadly as the struggle waned, it would be the Seraphim that lingered, and in that time the Illumin church would come to be. A so called beacon for the righteous people, but only fools would see it that way. The accursed Seraphim only pursued one thing, and that was “order”; a mission programmed into them from their very maker. And in the plight to see it through, they would see their likeness shared among the humans if it meant erasing all the humanity within them. The so called peace was but a farce for complacency, but the governed men wouldn’t suffer any influence that would cost them their touch of grace. So they condemn all that were far gone from their savior’s light.

Abyssal touched, outcasts, foregone mages of a past era, tossed into an oblivion long forgotten and stoked in the occult and mysticism. The mutterings of the dark world whispering with every passing night, forever marking the outliers with their horrific knowledge and promises of power. Those that opposed the Illumin and the light in their philosophies and beliefs were seen as heretics, but those that pursued more and chose to gaze further into the darkness, we simply called the Abyss Watchers.

When the Illumin church shown a bright and radiate light among all of Earthland, strangling all beneath the shine with its brilliant power, the darkest of shadows would stretch from beneath, occupying all the hidden paths and passageways with its pitch black presence. Now with the coming of a Demon in the flesh, at last after all these years, those of the underground cults rise to claim their piece of the coming power. In the race of influences, it would seem that the The Valr Frostguard would bite not only first, but the hardest. Claiming the budding Demoness and hoisting her up as their patron; but not without first subjecting her to a series of tests that prove she is the Demon she claims to be.

Lumikki, who first starts the story lost and confuse by the the weird dreams and visions that plague her, it is then that she finds herself whisked away by those of the occult with hopes to prove the truth of their prophecy. That Lumikki is the Harbinger seen in the visions of the storms.

Rewards: Base rewards and custom ticket

Objective: The objective is for The Valr Frostguard to find and recruit Lumikki after they put her through trials and rituals to prove that she is the Demon in question.

Lore Impact: One of the long and hidden cults tucked within Iceberg now make an appearance as they emerge for the sake of claiming the Demoness as theirs. It will be one of many that come from the shadows in an attempt to gain influence, power, or bring down the Illumin regime. Beginning Lumikki’s turbulent experience among those that walk along the Abyss and watch from the shadows.

Word count:11,000

Herald of the Frostguard Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Herald of the Frostguard Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:34 am


Herald of the Frostguard Img_8416

Herald of the Frostguard Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Herald of the Frostguard Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:50 pm


Hello @Lumikki -- SL Quest approved to go!

Herald of the Frostguard GPIjkMz

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