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Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:13 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been thriving in the arena a bit. Yes, there were times he would lose, but there were quite a few times he won. He was glad about one thing though, he wasn’t fighting against Yuurei. He didn’t bump into him any of the times he was here, which was good. He figured he was lucky, but the Seraphim didn’t want to fight him. He was the champion here, but that was beside the point. He was wondering who he was fighting today. The Devourer had been making good strides with learning how to use his blade.

He hoped that today was another victory for him today, but it all depended on who his opponent was. There were twice when he fought people who had defense spells, and it was over for him. He just couldn’t penetrate through it, which sucked for him. Still, if who he fought today didn’t have something like that then there was a big chance he was winning.

Drakkon was waiting in front of the gate. It was his turn for the day, and he couldn’t wait. He felt like training his legs every day would soon allow him to reach a new speed. He was hoping to be faster than Kaito soon, or at least his speed. The announcer had gotten to the center of the arena, with her microphone in her hand. It was then that the crowd would quiet down before she started speaking.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we have ourselves a match today. On this side, we have someone who has been doing his best to win, but we have yet to see what he could fully do. It will interesting what kind of show he will give us today. Let’s bring out Go D. Drakkon.” She said on the microphone and the crowd started cheering.

It was then the gates would start mechanically being pulled upward. He would wait as he would put his bandana on his head and he stared in front of him waiting for it to be fully open. When it did he would walk into the arena without a problem as the people wondered if the person he fought today would be able to kill him. They saw Kaito put a hole through him, but he lived through that, so they wondered what else he could take.

Drakkon would get to the center of the arena and he would pull out his Yamato. Once he had it gripped in his hand he would get into a stance and wait to see who his opponent would be.



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Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:35 am

Yijun had signed up as he knows he needed some battle experience if he wanted to move up the ladder of his faction and not get left behind them all. He was going to show that he could fight with is Naginata even if he might still be young and weak in a fight he needed to prove that this weapon had made the right choice in picking him to use and own it. Yijun moved closer to his gate and he took a big breath as he had to do this and he hoped his weapon gave him some reach on his opponent to make him have a bit of an advantage vs them but he knows that he wanted to do this just his Naginata and himself he was not going to use his own magic unless he had been fully pressed into fighting with it to save himself from a death blow but he doubted they allowed death blows though he had heard that Kaito of Fairy Tail had gone over board and blew a hole through someone and the arena wall behind them so he knows that their might still be some people that don't hold back.

Yijun heard the announcer woman start talking her thing about the combatants and welcoming the crowd to the fight then she announced the name of the person he would be fighting and Yijun laughed a bit as it seemed once again this man and him would meet this time it was a fight in the arena.  “And on this side we have a first time participant! He is still mostly unknown in the fighting world but lets all give him a warm welcome Yijun Aguta!” Yijun hearing his name walked closer to the gate as it opened up for him so he could walk out and as he walked closer toward Drakkon he summoned his Naginata to his hand and then he looked to Drakkon and spoke. "Long time no see friend." Yijun knows that his spear will have an advantage over this guy, as he was a dragon slayer but will that end up mattering or tipping the scales in his favor Yijun has no idea but it is at least something that he can work with. Yijun set him self in a ready stance making sure he had a good grip on his Naginata as he was probably going to need it if he was not going to get disarmed by the other man.

Yijun Spread:

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:16 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was waiting to hear it, and he laughed when he heard his name. That was funny, he would be fighting against a man he met a while ago. He was a good person, but that weapon he had with him was interesting. He figured today would be the day, he would be able to see it work against him. If it had the power to slay dragons and dragon slayers alike, then it would be a dangerous weapon indeed.

Still, he knew to be on guard, he never saw this guy in action. They had split in the spa house when they cleared it out. He didn’t know the abilities of what he or the spear could do. Still, today was the day he was going to find out.

When he heard Yijun speak to him, he bowed slightly at him as he was happy to see him.

“It’s nice to see you are still alive and kicking. I guess we will have that fight after all.” He said as he saw the spear in his hand.

It was indeed his weapon of choice, and he would have to be careful with it. He felt danger coming from that blade one that he was going to find out in about a second. It was then the announcer would announce the fight to begin. Drakkon figured the faster he knew what the spear could truly do the better. He moved a bit around Yijun at first wondering what was going to happen, but seeing him with that spear made him intrigued.

The Devourer would push off the ground and straight toward him to begin the fight. He knew the reach of the spear was greater than his reach with the katana, but he had something to make up for it. He would extend his right arm, making it look like it was breaking as it had become longer. It sprouted extending the length of the arm by two meters. He had attempted to slash Yijun on his left arm with a horizontal slash. His eyes constantly looked between Yijun and his spear. He didn’t want to accidentally stab himself with that weapon.

“It seems like you’re trying to master your weapon as well?” He asked him curious to hear what he had to say about that.


Combat Log:

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Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:47 am

He heard the man speak to him about being happy to see him being still alive and kicking, had the other man expected him to have walked off and died that was a weird thought to have but he was going to have to not let his guard down as he knows from the announcer that this man had been fighting her for a bit and he needed to make sure that he kept that in mind. He sees the dragon slayer shifting and starting to come for him and Yijun readied his spear and himself as he guessed that was the end of the pleasantries from the other man. Yijun saw the arm the man was holding the sword in had shifted oddly and Yijun moved lunging to his back and left around three meters as he was expecting a spell to fly from the sword but ended up seeing the man's arm explode forward toward where he was standing. It seemed the dragon slayer had a few tricks up his sleeve Yijun thought to himself.

"Yeah I wish to better master this weapon and show it that I was the right pick to be trusted with it." Yijun had realized that he had not lunged as far as he had wanted to away from the other man and he felt a chill on his body that was making him a bit slower to move but he was going to have to over come this, not showing any kind of concern and Yijun started to run seeing if he could run it off and as he does he slashes down with Hiroto Raitoburingā’s Naginata toward Drakkon unleashing a 16m diameter blade of arcane. Yijun figures that attack will only mildly slow him down but he needed to make sure that he is ready next time he used that arm as now he had seen it. Yijun is not sure if he could but he was going to do his best to counter the next time and clash with that sword of his that seemed to hunger for Yijun's flesh.
(350) (766)

Yijun Spread:

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 12:31 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was close, but the man had dodged the attack. He had a smile on his face as he figured that he would use more force behind his attack next time. His arm had come back to him in its normal form as he wondered what Yijun was going to do. He heard his words as he had dodged his attack and his eyes followed the man. It seemed like his abilities were taking into effect. He could see he was moving a bit sluggish, which was a good thing. It was a bit after he saw the man running as if he was trying to get away from Drakkon.

He found it interesting, but it seemed like this guy wanted to fight in a middle-range battle for the time being. He was walking in the direction Yijun was running from and while this had happened an attack had been launched in his direction. An arcane attack slash was coming straight to him he saw it had come from the man’s spear. He sensed the danger coming and he decided to dodge the attack. It was a scary that had come straight for him he ran out of the way, being able to with how fast he was.

In return for making him run, Drakkon had started giving chase now to Yijun. He wasn’t going to chase after him, but dodging that attack had brought him to pick up his feet. It was why he was closing the gap between them now. His eyes focused on Yijun, but he had a smile on his face. This was fun, he was enjoying it and that spear really brought chills down his spine. He didn’t want to use any of his spells just yet, actually, he wanted to get close to Yijun and cut him up a bit.

He would be next to Yijun at this point as he figured he would attack a bit harder this time around.

“I see, so we’re both trying to master our respective weapons. I have a weapon I can’t use because it wants me to prove I’m the right one to wield it.” He said to Yijun as he had a purple sheathe on his side that he could not use still.

It was then he was attempting to swing his blade at Yijun. He was on Yijun’s left side and he tried to cut him in the arm again. He wondered what this man would do this time around. Drakkon dodged the last attack, but would he be able to dodge the next one? He would have to wait and find out as the battle raged on with both of them running.


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Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:56 pm

Yijun had looked back and he saw that the other man had dodged the attack, Yijun sighed a bit as he had fully expected that to happen as he knew he held no candle to the other man as a fighter. Yijun was going to have to come up with some kind of plan of attack here as he was not going to be able to keep dodging the other man and the aura that weapon gave off seemed like it was not going to only settle for wounding him if it was to make contact with him. Yijun seeing the man was coming toward him straight out of dodging the attack that he had sent the man's way, Yijun had changed his grip on the spear in his hands as the man thinks that Drakkon is about to come up and take a great swing at him which meant that Yijun was going to have to block or attack the other man at a closer range than he would normally be able to do with his spear. Yijun readied himself as the man closed in on him on his left side. He would use his training from the faction about attacking a weak point of the enemy and he scanned the mans sword and body so he can do the best of what he can.

As the other man came up on his left for his attack, Yijun quickly shifted his weight with the weapon in his hands and on the heel of his foot and swung his spear to attempt to meet with the other man's attack Yijun just hoped that it would be enough to attack like this as at this range of attack Yijun could be just parrying one attack to end up receiving another now that his guard was open at such close range. Yijun attempted to jump back from the man hoping that this might give him enough range to not just get slashed once the mans sword would come down if he had met blades with the man or if he had not gotten baited to swing and the mans swing came after his own and he had been slashed so fast that his body hadn't been able to feel it yet. Yijun would ready himself to make another attack if the man was to run in on him here again.

Yijun wondered if Drakkon was going to run at him or not all Yijun knows if that arm comes flying at him again he was not sure he would be able to dodge it, as the man had already seen how he would dodge it so it would be a mind game on if the other man would read his movement and attack the right way or if Yijun could trick him with a feint and then strike the arm when the man moved to strike him. Yijun thinks that this is a gamble but he has to do something or this fight is going to be over for him in just a few more strikes.
(514) (1,280)

Yijun Spread:

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched as he tried to hit Yijun. He wondered what he would do at this point and he would find out. His eyes did notice that his weapon was held differently from earlier, which meant what exactly? Well, he found out as he watched him swing his blade to be met with his. That was smart, it wasn’t running away, but clashing as their weapons hit against one another. There was damage that had been done, but to of their weapons. He could see this as he stopped the momentum of his sword going fully down with the clash of Yijun’s Spear.

The Son of Chaos has a huge smile on his face. He was excited, this was fun, and he could feel that he was getting stronger. Still, what made it more exciting was the fear that he had of this spear. He wasn’t sure what it could do, but it was indeed making him nervous.

He saw the man was making his move, and he was smart to do so. It also meant that Drakkon would be doing one too. Yes, he was going for it as the man was moving away from him to gain distance, the Devourer would indeed attack right away. He would stretch his arm using Hassasn’s Curse. This brought the arm that was gripping the katana to extend, looking like it was breaking to reach its new length.

It was heading toward Yijun with the blade in his hand as he was trying to cut him. This time though he was aiming for behind him. It would cause him to have to turn his back on him if he were to block the attack. That was what he was hoping for, so he could hit him with a surprise attack of his own afterward. Still, he wasn’t sure what the man would do yet, but this was entertaining though. This time though, Drakkon had used more of his strength to attack Yijun. Yes, the game Drakkon was playing was simple, every time he missed he swung a little harder.

He was able to tell how much pain Yijun could take before falling out, but he was going to find out today. Then there were his spells. He didn’t use them, but maybe he could catch the man off guard with one in a few seconds?

“You got good movements. I can’t wait to see what else you can do with that. If only you had the powers of a Dragon Slayer as well, this would have been better.” He said as he knew if he did he would have tried to consume it like the others.


Combat Log:

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Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:32 am

Yijun saw that the man was not even phased but what he had just done by shorting his grip on his spear to make the swing shorter so he could deal with the close ranged attack. Weapon's like his had a lot of uses and can be used in many different ways and as the man had just barely landed on his feet a meter away from the dragon slayer, he could see that the dragon slayer wasn't going to waste a moment, then it happened the man's arm fired forward at him but had seemed to have missed him and Yijun swung the blade of his weapon up toward the dragon slayers out stretched arm in hopes that he could hurt him and punish the man's misplaced strike that had not hit him and then he felt it a sharp pain that had struck him in his arm from behind because Yijun had moved to attack the dragon slayers arm so Yijun had moved to the blow ended up hitting him in the arm. The attack was a feint from the Dragon slayer to get him to let his guard down and it had worked but had he also hit the other man's arm doing damage he had no time to look as his spear slipped from the hand of his injured arm causing the weapon to fall from his hand but the weapon didn't hit the ground as he returned the weapon to his tattoo on his arm.

Yijun started running holding his arm, He had made a mistake and had left his guard down allowing the man to get the upper hand on him and causing him to lose the use of his arm which also stopped him from wielding his weapon any farther during this right. Yijun needed to think of some way to survive as he had let himself get confident and it in the end costed him this fight but he couldn't just give up he has to think of how he was going to take a stand here and get his focus back but without his weapon in his hand the other man had this fight fully in the bag then Yijun remembered that he could use his transformation here and fly and buy himself some time and he allowed the voice of darkness take over his body to help him here and to hopefully save him as the wings appeared on his back and his body changed his forehead growing horns and his body cloaked in the darkness of his own sins for being born a Daemon.

Yijun took to the sky with his wings hoping that his will let him have the time to thing but with that man and his stretching arm Yijun doesn't believe that he had that much time to think as soon he is going to have to be dodging strikes in the air but he doesn't know how long his mana can contain this look and power up of his body. "I don't think the fortunes or blessings of a dragon would ever be given to me, I am a monster of sin." Yijun was still holding his arm as he readied himself for the next strike that was going to come his way in the air.
(553) (1,833)

Yijun Spread:

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 10:51 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched as he could see that Yijun had attacked him. It seemed like he didn’t expect him to do what he did and honestly, he was fine with what had happened next. The thrust of that spear would hit him and he would feel it hit him right on his cursed arm. He would feel the impact, the blow strong with this man. He hit hard, just as he could hit, if not a bit harder. Still, the blow was protected by his kimono, but the impact could be felt, which caused him to grip harder on his katana.

It was then he would hit Yijun and he noticed the man had lost his grip on his weapon. He had hit him too hard it seemed. The Devourer didn’t know that this would happen, but what happened next was interesting. He saw the spear disappear, which brought him to look at Yijun. That tattoo of his had something to do with it, which was a good thing. it meant that nobody could take it from him, which was what he was hoping for.

You see, that was a dangerous weapon, which concerned Drakkon. He couldn’t have anybody with it, but if this man had it, then he might not have been a threat. He confirmed that he wouldn’t lose the weapon so easily. Drakkon retracted his arm back to its normal size as he watched the young man run away from him. It seemed like he was planning something again, wasn’t he? The Son of Chaos wondered what he would do now, that he had been hurt.

When Drakkonw was about to make his move, he would see it. His opponent had transformed and it seemed like there was another Daemon in this world. It seemed like demons enjoyed giving their power to Daemons more than anything, but at what cost? When he saw him fly into the air, Drakkon would suck his teeth because he didn’t have the ability for an aerial battle. Well he did, but he wasn’t going to use his magic for this.

Still, his transformation was interesting, and it brought Drakkon to wonder what he was planning on doing next. He heard his words and brought him to laugh a bit.

“Never count your blessings on that. It could happen to anybody you just have to work on it and do your research. Still, I like the way you look Yijun. It shows the real you or what’s truly a part of you.” Drakkon said to him.

He was looking up at Yijun and he was thinking about what he could do. His arm wasn’t long enough to be able to hit Yijun. At the moment he could only reach up to 3 meters with the blade in his hand. This man was higher than that, so he was going to have to do something he didn’t want to do.

“Alright then.” He said in a volume that only he could hear.

He was focused on this battle, and it was one that he had enjoyed. It was time to do something and see what would be the results behind it. It was then he was channeling the dimensional cutting power that Yamato had. This was perfect, and he had to catch him off guard somehow. With him channeling the power of the blade, he would find himself appearing as if he was moving around and cutting in multiple areas in a sixteen-meter radius and cutting everything in his path in that area.

It would reach Yijun though, which is what he wanted attempting to deal damage to him and ignoring anything that might have weakened the blow. When he was finished he had appeared as he never left his spot, which he didn’t leave from wondering what Yijun would do.


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Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:19 am

Yijun heard what the other man had said to him about not counting his blessings about things maybe just happening but then he heard something that made his blood boil telling Yijun that he looked better this way as a monster that pissed Yijun off as he hated what him being a monster had caused for him, people suffered, his own mother killed for it, him being in the monks care got them looked in a bad light he was a walking issue for every one around him the nagging voice in the back of his head telling him to just go after the other man and take what he wanted from him, maybe make the dragon slayer eat his own sword for daring to talk to him like that. Yijun didn't use this form really at all unless he had to, to survive as the power it gave his body was still nearly maddening to him as he wanted to reject this part of himself but he knows that he needs it nearly as much as it needed him.

Yijun would keep moving in the sky with his wings as he knew that he couldn't really afford to stop and wanting to keep to his honor of not using his own magic spells in this fight he had to find an opening to exploit to get in on the other man and hit him. Yijun knows as long as that man has that sword it was a death wish to get close to him but he didn't have any other options. Yijun was going to wait till the man moved to do something and then dive down in on the man and hope that his daemon form would give him enough of a boost to make a dent on the man as there was not a lot else he could do right now having lost the use of his weapon at this moment. That is when Yijun had seen the man take a different stance with his sword and Yijun knew that he was about to get attacked with a weapon spell and he really wished he had his spear right now but he knows that even with it that an attack from the weapon would have probably just cleaved through what ever he could have done here but he could have at least tried to do something instead of being unable to attempt to protect himself.

Yijun pushed his form as hard as he could in a feeble attempt to lunge away from the weapons spell that was heading his way but it was all for nothing as the slashes tore through the air all around him leaving him no where that he could go to find protection from the slashes of the sword that had surrounded him, in a wave of repeated slashes Yijun had put his arms in front of his head and neck as well as his other arm covering his chest as his wings also closed around his body for other spots where the vital points of his body that needed to be protected from these slashes that had just completely riddled his body and Yijun in his daemon form had started to fall heading for a crash course for the arena floor as his daemon form had started to melt away as Yijun was defeated as the hunter sword had completely ruined him with the extra damage that those slashes had done to his body leaving him nothing but a bloody mess of a failure that he was to every one around him and showed he was not meant to have the spear a hero use to hold to fight dragons in a time of need.

Yijun's form had fully turned back to his base human looking form with deep wounds from what the sword had done to him as it hit the ground with a loud thud and Yijun didn't get up from the ground just a broken body that was laying there. The fight was called over and staff rushed into the arena and got Yijun out of the fighting arena.
(690) (2,523) (Exit)

#11Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon Slayer Versus Dragon Slayer Slayer (Yijun) Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:13 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had looked at Yijun, it seemed like he had hit a nerve with the young man. He wasn’t sure what it was, but his expression had changed. That wasn’t good for this man as he was losing sight of the fight it seemed. When he had attacked, Drakkon had landed his hit and soon enough it seemed like it was enough to take Yijun down. He watched the man revert to his normal form, which meant one thing. He was going to crash into the ground. That wouldn’t be good, and he wouldn’t allow it. He understood this was a fight, but it wasn’t to the death.

As he would fall to the ground, Drakkon had moved in the direction of where he was falling. While he had moved to the destination of the arena, he had sheathed his blade as well as he would catch Yijun without a problem. He wouldn’t slam into the ground but fall into his hand. It was then he would put him on the floor and the staff would call it before taking Yijun. Drakkon would raise his arm as he were the victor, and the crowd would cheer.

The Dragon Slayer had another win under his belt, so now it was time to rest up before he decided to do anything else in the arena or anywhere in Seven.


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