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A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi]

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A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:32 pm

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] G9XndCS

Tick . . .

Tick . . .

Tick . . .

The chamber resonated with the relentless ticking of the grand clock, its hands performing an intricate ballet across the face, each moment a fleeting breath before the impending storm of combat. Time, that capricious maestro, could stretch seconds into agonizing eternities or compress lifetimes into fleeting blinks.

Tōga stood on the cusp of the extraordinary, his heart thrumming with a maelstrom of emotions. The Arena was familiar territory, its sands stained with both his triumphs and setbacks. Yet, today's battle resonated with a unique intensity. The air itself crackled with anticipation, for his adversary was no ordinary combatant.

Memories of his formative journey flooded back, tracing the path from Joya's embrace to the sprawling expanse of Earthland. As a nascent mage and Rune Knight, he had embarked on a quest for self-discovery, and fate had intervened in the form of Lumikki.

The very name evoked images of frost and shadow, a being of unparalleled power that still commanded his awe. She had become his guiding light, his confidante, and his family in all but blood.

Their initial encounter had highlighted the vast chasm between their abilities, a gulf that remained even after his significant growth. Yet, instead of daunting him, this disparity fueled his determination. The alluring challenge beckoned, a siren song resonating within his very essence.

The muffled roar of the crowd filtered through the stone walls, a distant rumble heralding the approaching tempest. A surprising calmness washed over Tōga. "Finally," he mused with a faint smile, "I get to see Lumi-chan in action." He rose, his movements practiced and efficient as he gathered his weapons.

With each step towards the arena, the clamor of the crowd intensified, culminating in a crescendo as the massive stone doors swung open. Tōga emerged into a maelstrom of sound, a tidal wave of anticipation and adrenaline threatening to engulf him. He strode forward, the pink-haired mage at the eye of a human hurricane.

The battlefield unfurled before him, a circular expanse of unforgiving terrain devoid of refuge. This was a stage for legends, where magic would paint the air with hues of both wonder and terror.

Tōga planted his feet, a beacon of tranquility amidst the chaos. He awaited the arrival of his opponent, the Ice Giant of the North, whose very presence could blanket the world in perpetual winter. He, a living ember of dragonfire, would serve as the ultimate test of her might.

Victory was a possibility, but not his sole objective. Tōga craved the clash itself, the transcendent moments found only in the crucible of combat against a worthy foe. Win or lose, he would emerge transformed, tempered by the glacial might of a demon and the inferno of his own resolve.

As the crowd's fervor reached its zenith, a smile spread across Tōga's face. This was the essence of life – to teeter on the precipice of triumph and defeat, to shatter personal boundaries, and to uncover the depths of one's being. The impending battle pulsed with boundless potential, and Tōga embraced it with open arms.

a song of fire & ice

wc: 562
Combat Log:


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:46 pm


It was clear skies when Lumikki made her way back to Seven riding atop of Asger's back. The North of Fiore, where Lumikki perpetually resides, was hardly a distance away from the country she was reentering now. It almost served as her second home, a thought she found to be bittersweet. As it was where she would often find her lover, but now Yuurei as well, it seems. The allure of Seven must have laid upon them so thickly. Of course, how could it not? The country celebrated fights like no other, only opposed in that aspect by her very own Icebergian lands. And the serenade of metal clashing or the thundering sound of swinging fists were just as enamoring as the sirens' songs that reverberate within the seas nearby. Lumikki was not so enchanted. Why would she be? The promise of violence and warriors here felt hollow as they paled of that from her motherland. But these were just the bitter thoughts of a begrudged Demon, as she didn't enjoy losing all that was hers to this hollowed land. What more, or also bordered along her very own, both Iceberg and Fiore sitting right beside it?

Yet she did not make this trip for any of the aforementioned. No, as odds would have it, it would be another who calls her back to the arena. One who was not per se one of her very own within Paradise Dawn, though close with her all the same. It was Tōga now who called for her; and, per usual, Lumikki rides out to meet the offer. Understanding that with the title, status, and power that she owns, fighting those who sought her out was part of the package.

Lumikki always knew this moment would come. She just never gave it too much thought. The ravenous Demoness always craved power and presence, so it is not surprising for her to see it in another person. And here it came. Now it was time for the converging of Niflheim and Muspelheim to happen once more.

With all the times that Lumikki sauntered into the arena, those that work in the front and organizing the fights grew fond of her well by now. Recognizing the little raven as she entered and pointing her to her room. "Thanks mate," she'd answer with a brief nod. Her good friend didn't seem to work the counter today, so Lumikki kept on and walked towards her temporary room.

After a half hour or so of listening to the thunderous roar of the crowd while furthering her reading. A person that adores to watch the combatants rip the other to shred. A knock could be heard on her door. It was time, time to step back in to the pit of the ring and Lumikki would make her way over.

With appearance here many times over, her introduction was hardly needed, but it was a practice still observed. The booming voice of the announcer built up the scene to the crowd. Preparing the audience for the new clash to unfold. Leaving one to wonder which would win. Was it Ice or Fire?

Lumikki stepping into the light of the ring at last would join in playing up the crowd. Something she seldom did. Mostly ever only focused on the person right across from her, she figured it was time to play a new game. Blowing kisses and twirling around, her long braided white hair would lag behind her. Her Twilight Veil twisting around her legs. She wore her Snow Monarch Concealment snug around her next, and Kal 'El cape with a feathered clasp on her shoulders.

"Greetings Tōga, first me Uncle, then Yuurei and me. Yer really clashing with all the big names of Paradise Dawn, but it's quite amusing that ye've managed to save me for last. Should we get this start lad?" Lumikki cooed for she was happy and giddy to see him again. What more that he will finally she a fraction of her potential? With the swipe of her hand, Lumikki pulled her Abyssal Spine from its overlapping dimension. It appeared as if she pulled it out of thin air. With both hands grasping her staff, Lumikki curtsied slightly toward signaling she was ready to begin.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:53 pm


A hush fell over the arena, the anticipation so thick it could almost be tasted. Then, with a groan of ancient mechanisms, the opposing gates creaked open. A breeze whispered across the floor, swirling dust motes into ethereal dances as a shaft of light pierced the gloom. Emerging from the brilliance was a figure of legend, and the crowd erupted.

Lumikki, the Ice Queen, stepped forth, her snowy hair a stark contrast to her honey skin. The circular amphitheater transformed into a maelstrom of cheers and whistles, spectators leaping to their feet in a unified roar of excitement.

Even Tōga, her adversary, couldn't help but grin, adding his own voice to the thunderous welcome. "Oooooi! Lumi-channnn!" he bellowed, waving enthusiastically, his infectious energy rippling through the stands. Whispers of Lumikki's prowess had spread far and wide, making her a shining star in the Arena of Champions. While she might not yet hold the mythical status of the undefeated Yuurei, her icy reputation ironically made her the hottest topic of conversation.

Tōga's eyes scanned his opponent, noting both familiar and unfamiliar elements in her attire and weaponry. Some were reassuringly recognizable, others intriguingly enigmatic. Despite their long-standing friendship, Lumikki's combat abilities remained a mystery to him, igniting a thrill of anticipation. Today's battle promised a tantalizing blend of the known and the unknown.

As Lumikki conjured a weapon from the very essence of darkness, Tōga couldn't help but admire her skill. "Oooi, nice trick!" he called out, his hand instinctively reaching for Rengoku's Kimetsu as Zangetsu remained a reassuring presence on his back.

Lumikki's invitation to commence the duel was met with enthusiastic agreement. "Yeah! Let's get this show on the road!" Tōga exclaimed, his body already coiling like a spring. In a blur of motion, he closed the distance between them, halting just fifteen meters from his opponent.

Rengoku flared to life in his grip, its tiger-striped steel ignited in a fiery tempest. Orange and red hues danced along its length like living flames as Tōga unleashed his opening strike. The fire coalesced before the awestruck crowd, transforming into a magnificent dragon, its jaws agape, ready to engulf Lumikki in a searing embrace1.

The arena held its breath as the fiery beast lunged forward. This was more than an attack; it was a declaration of intent, a dragon's challenge to a demon. Tōga's eyes sparkled with fierce joy, reveling in the spectacle he had conjured. He had vowed to start this duel with a bang, and he had certainly delivered.

The dragon's roar echoed through the arena, its heat washing over the farthest spectators. A wave of awe swept through the crowd as the fiery spectacle set the stage for an epic clash of elements – fire and ice locked in an eternal dance of destruction and rebirth. The dragon, a living embodiment of Tōga's fighting spirit, charged forward, but there was no fear in the dragon slayer's heart. Only exhilaration and an intense curiosity to witness how his old friend and formidable foe would respond to this blazing challenge.

wc: 531 [1,093]
Combat Log:


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:40 am


Tōga wasted no time, like his elemental essence to its core. While Lumikki was fine with stillness, one could realize that in his hyper nature, Tōga could not hold back any longer, much like the fire that he was. His feet began pounding the floor, kicking the dirt up from the ground and causing a cloud of dust to obscure behind him, hardly giving the words any time to leave his lips. The boy rushed her down within a slight moment, only waiting until what Lumikki could assume had to be fifteen meters to channel his strike. It first manifested in the warping air as waves from the heat were now distorting the surrounding space. Pointing away from him as he was their source. Then it was a myriad of small sparks bursting from around him, flourishing like blooming flowers amid the dried out air. Until finally they would all connect, feeding themselves into the other. With each cluster, small exploding fireworks envelop his slight frame. Surging forward and swirling into the likeness of a dragon. One that would proceed him and lunge toward the Demoness. Who, while watching, did not leave herself carelessly open. The moment Tōga kicked off the ground, Lumikki was tracing the rune Isa on her chest. Activating a spell of her own.

A lavender magical circle manifested behind her head, resembling a demonic crest or halo before settling on the image of a runic crescent that lingered. Armor, black as obsidian, would adorn her compact frame. It left no skin bare as it hungrily consumed her. Wings would grow from many points: the helm, knee plates, and boots. While runic etches would carve its way atop the surface of bigger plates, calling to the powers of protection and overcoming battle, before fluttering out into feathery flourishes. Her helm covered much of her head, and a band of darkness would overlay above her eyes, leaving only her nose and mouth for others to see. The back of the suit had four holes intending to free her wings should she need to, and from her waist down hung a black fabric like skirt that sat atop a plate of ice, to which to big black wings adorned her hips and provided more protection from the sides. Plating with ice crystals and many shades of blue and purple adorned her neck and chest. It was almost like gazing upon a Valkyrie.

the armor:

Meanwhile, the serpentine inferno dragon pouring through Tōga was coiling and extending itself through the air as it slithered toward her. Its visage almost coming to life with its exaggerated features until it started opening its maw like an unfolding fan and threatening to consume her. Amid his flames rushing her down, Lumikki's wings unfurled from behind her back, sliding from out of the holes left open in her plating. And swiftly she'd kick off into the sky, her ascent faster than most usually observed. As she rose, the remnants of his flames danced upon her. His magic reacting with her armor. It was beautiful. His flames clung to her mana infused spell, igniting the obsidian like frost until hues of reds, oranges, and purples shown. The embers were showing through the darkness woven into the frost and bring out all the colors within.

In the chill of her spell, Lumikki barely felt the hunger of the flames. They simply brushed against her as she flew up to twenty-five meters into the air. The cool winds granting sweet relief to the blistering heat from below where even the ground now remained scorched. Just like Tōga was quick to get to work, Lumikki began to move with the same ferocity. Swaying in a dance with her weapon in hand. In one sway, she'd conjure a large lavender circle beneath him. It lingered for a moment before fading away, but the chill it brought did no such thing. It stayed hanging in the air undercutting of of the Dragon Slayer's sweltering presence and slowing him down significantly in the process. Just as he wished to hinder with his flames, Lumikki staggered him with her frigid tundra like winds.

With the next shift in her dance and the swing of her staff, another circle appeared again just below him. What looked like a moving shadow would paint the ground before shards of jagged ice sprouted upward. At first they were in clusters until they bloomed in the likeness of lotus flowers. Each petal looked dainty, but sharp. In their beauty, one could wonder how it could become an attack, but not long after they opened and blossomed, her flowers would simultaneously erupt and shatter around the man below. The flying ice like daggers threatening to impale him.

Lumikki knew in a way that she was being harsh. But she knew he wouldn't accept her babying. The lad below was a warrior, and he wanted a taste of her power. As a Demon of honor, she humored him.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:42 am


The arena pulsed with an energy that transcended mere spectacle. What the crowd perceived as a battle was, in truth, a primordial dance of elemental forces. On one side stood Lumikki, the demoness of frost, her very presence a whisper of eternal winter. Opposing her was Tōga, the dragon slayer whose ambition burned as bright as the flames he commanded, a living promise of endless summer. These titans clashed not just for the entertainment of mortals, but in a display of nature's fundamental dichotomy. As Tōga's fiery dragon roared across the arena, a smile played across his lips. This opening gambit was more than an attack; it was an invitation to dance. The simplicity of the technique belied its true purpose – creating a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, allowing Tōga to assess and react with lightning precision.

Lumikki's response was as swift as it was breathtaking. Frost crystallized around her form, weaving an intricate lattice of obsidian ice that shimmered like living chainmail. This armor, coupled with the sudden unfurling of magnificent icy wings, propelled her skyward. The dragon's flames licked at her defenses, but the mana-draining properties of Rengoku found little purchase against her newfound protection.

The demon of speed ascended rapidly, her form becoming a glittering speck against the arena's vaulted ceiling. At the zenith of her climb, perhaps 25 meters above the ground, Lumikki's arms swept outward in a graceful, yet ominous gesture. Tōga's instincts screamed a warning as a vast magic circle bloomed beneath his feet, its intricate patterns promising winter's wrath.

A sudden chill swept over the dragon slayer, raising gooseflesh and setting every nerve on edge. "Tch!" The sound escaped his lips as he scanned his surroundings, acutely aware that this was merely the prelude to Lumikki's true assault.

The demoness's final incantation unleashed a spectacle of terrifying beauty. Ice erupted from the ground in a blossoming lotus, its petals unfurling with deadly grace. Each crystalline surface gleamed with an unnatural hunger, promising to drain the very life essence of anything caught within its embrace.

But where Lumikki sought her prey, she found only empty air. In that crucial instant, Tōga had slipped the bonds of reality itself. Through the mystical power of his Kamui's eye, he retreated to a pocket dimension of his own making. Though still burdened by Lumikki's speed-dampening spell, he had evaded the lethal grasp of her ice lotus1.

The reprieve was brief but crucial. Space itself seemed to hiccup, twisting and warping as Tōga re-emerged at his original position. Yet the man who returned was transformed in ways that sent a collective gasp through the arena. Gone was the flawless, lightly tanned skin. In its place, a tapestry of red and black scale-like protrusions adorned his visible flesh2. His eyes, always a striking feature, now bore a sharpened, serpentine quality that spoke of ancient, predatory instincts awakened. The very air around him shimmered with heat, a palpable aura of power that made the atmosphere waver like a mirage.

In the brief moment of his dimensional sojourn, Tōga had tapped into the wellspring of his draconic rubric. Dragon Force surged through his veins, elevating him to a state that blurred the line between man and mythical beast. As he stood there, radiating power and purpose, it was clear to all that the battle had entered a new, more intense phase.

The crowd, already enthralled, now sat in stunned silence. They had witnessed ice and fire clash in ways that defied imagination, only to be followed by a transformation that spoke of legends coming to life. The air crackled with anticipation, heavy with the promise of even greater marvels to come.

Lumikki unleashed her power, a fierce display of aggression that was a silent tribute to her opponent. Tōga, in turn, would not disrespect her with anything less than an equally ferocious response.

With a burst of energy, he launched himself into the air, his birdman cape carrying him twenty meters skyward3. He soared above the earth, escaping the potential grasp of the spell's movement-stifling force. Mid-flight, he opened his jaws wide, unleashing a torrent of unyielding, all-consuming fire4. A hellish inferno erupted from his mouth, streaking towards Lumikki as he ascended.

The dragon slayer painted the sky with flames, hoping to engulf Lumikki in their fiery embrace. The dragon slayer's ascent transformed the arena into a breathtaking spectacle. The sky became a canvas for his fiery artistry, the air crackling with the heat of his relentless assault. Lumikki, the Ice Queen, found herself at the epicenter of this fiery tempest, her icy powers challenged by the dragon slayer's inferno.

The crowd watched in rapt attention as the two forces collided, a symphony of destruction and creation unfolding before their eyes. The heat of the flames clashed with the chill of Lumikki's magic, creating a vortex of swirling energy that threatened to consume the entire arena.

wc: 831 [1,924]
Combat Log:


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:48 pm


The shattering of her blossoms were hitting a crescendo. Bursting about all at once and sending shards throughout. Lumikki gazed with glee to see how the Slayer could manage, and vexingly his answer was to slip away. Like some form of here and there magic, he was now gone; but it would only last enough to avoid the damage of her spell. Just as fast as Tōga left, he returned to this realm. Unbothered and unphased by the explosion of her spell.

”Ye have yer tricks!” Lumikki exclaimed. Indeed he would, as now his form was shifting in shape, with features akin to a dragon flourishing within him now. It was almost ferocious by nature if Lumikki hadn’t met with a real dragon before. So though it was fascinating to witness a Dragon Slayer at the peak in their form, it would always pale to the real thing. A sentiment she understood being a Daemon for a time. The hunger to become your own beast what but an immeasurable desire in her mind. One that only recently had gotten quenched. Though that still begs to wonder, will he find the same relief one day? She’d smirk while giving it thought, meanwhile, Tōga was rising rapidly enough to meet her.

With a suck of her teeth from the dismay, he was moving faster than she’d like and with her World’s eye, she could gleam why. Curious and curiouser, but Dragons like their hoards indeed… Tōga would prove that fact as she darted for her while sucking air into his chest. She’d wait for a moment more to be sure what was his plan, and the moment he bellowed out his flames Lumikki quickly barrel rolled out the way. With a cackle slipping from her lips, she begin her rotation. Slow at first until she was rapidly circling around him. All the while, rolling in her flight to trigger the casting of spells.

With the first swish of her of her staff, eight circles would surround the two. Rotating rapidly before slowing down to lock into place. They hovered just as high up as Lumikki was in the sky and from them, eight black branch-like structures would come about. They almost appeared like trees within themselves, but Lumikki saw them as branches of Yggdrasil. Brought into manifestations to aid her in moving gracefully.

Lumikki quickly veered toward the branch next in her path, using it as a point to kick and change direction without losing her momentum. With it was the chance to cross from right above him and in another twirl, she’d pour mana into her staff for another spell. A lavender magical circle manifests around her. Blooming a black ice lotus with petals that would pull away and shoot for the target all once like an ice shard almost reminiscent of a glacial spear. And it struck shot down like it was thrown from a Valkyrie herself.

Lumikki landed on the second branch right across, crouching on the trunk and bracing herself to kick off again. And in moment, she’d zoom over again, doing her second twirl to cast another spell. A large magical circle would spawn once again below him. Flickering before summoning a storm. Tōga was now at risk of being within the embrace of an impending blizzard, threatening to swallow him whole.
”The skies are mine Dragon Slayer, and it would be me chill to win within me domain. Go ahead and scorch the earth, but the up above shall only know me icy winds.” Black snow stirred just beneath her, while Lumikki kept kicking off until she took off into her rotation again. Circling the dragon just beneath her and waiting to see how he endures.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:51 am


The evening sky became a canvas of contrasting hues, as Tōga's infernal flames chased Lumikki's icy elegance. The demoness, a graceful dancer in the air, weaved and pirouetted through the onslaught, the black fire scorching the twilight air but never quite catching her. Tōga, his eyes locked on his agile foe, was captivated by her staff, a pulsating beacon of arcane energy. In response, A surge of mana, mirroring smog materializes, Tōga activates his Bone Ring, purging the icy venom from his veins and invigorating his movement, and inadvertently, quelling his ailments1.

The air around them grew colder, a sharp contrast to the warmth radiating from Tōga. From the center of Lumikki’s magical display, branches sprouted forth from a lavender circle—these were not mere extensions of ice but strategic platforms. They spider-webbed through the air, creating a labyrinth of icy paths that Lumikki exploited skillfully, darting from one to another with supernatural agility, setting up her next attack.

"Nice, Lumi-chan!" Tōga called out, admiration tinged with challenge in his voice as he observed the expanding lavender sphere that encapsulated her. This floral array wasn't just for show; it was a prelude to her counterstrike. From the blooming lotus at its heart, sharp petals burst forth, slicing through the air towards him.

Quick to defend, Tōga conjured a fiery barrier—a demonic visage ablaze with anger—that clashed with the incoming icy shards2, annihilating them upon impact. Yet, his fiery guardian was as fleeting as it was fierce, dissipating after its protective duty was negated.

Lumikki was not done. As Tōga's fiery shield vanished, she clasped her hands to her chest. From the shadows of her majestic wings, a torrent of black ice surged forth, a blizzard darker than the deepest winter night. It struck him squarely, bypassing his defenses with chilling precision. A familiar pain lanced through him—reminiscent yet strangely empowering. Brone was capable of something similar. So they were truly family.

"Arghhh!" he cried out, not in defeat but in exhilaration. The pain was a clarion call to his warrior spirit. As the onslaught of cold bit into his flesh, his Extinctas blood responded, thriving on the brink of destruction. The more he was tested, the brighter his inner fire burned.

The sky is for dragons, too!” he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield as he charged forward, his aura flaring with renewed vigor. Closing the distance between them rapidly, he aimed a sweeping slash with Rengoku’s Kimetsu toward Lumikki, intending not just to strike but to overwhelm, his blade alight with a silver glow as it cleaved through the chill air towards her.3

Keeping the quarters close was a priority, but he knew to never let his guard down. His approach was calculated and depending on Lumikki’s reaction, he’d have one queued.

wc: 492 [2,416]
Combat Log:


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 1:44 am


Lumikki already circling above just between her branches, would observe Tōga as he took the brunt of her playful offense. From the corner of her eye she had notice him fidgeting with his finger, only for his speed to be renewed once more. It was not something she would suffer for much long as she begin her new onslaught of mischief.

Clutching tightly to her staff, Lumikki fed it mana like drops of water trickling into a well. Swinging her weapon up and throwing it down to unleash her next spell. Much like before, it a massive lavender circle would flicker just underneath. Only it would not quite do what he expected. The freezing frost now creeping along his skin and armor, ignored what ever heat he may have exerted. Instead wrapping along his frame like black flowers and vines while sapping him of whatever strength he could have.

As Lumikki was still five meters above an in constant movement, thought Tōga tried to slash him with his sword, he would sadly still fall short. And with her keen and sharp eyes, Lumikki would see to it that her spell lands true. The shine to her purple eyes radiating before she began to weave her next spell. With quick and mindful movement, she’d dance again as she kicked of her branches and soared through the air.

Lumikki would spin her staff to trigger the first spell and follow the movement with another to rapidly cast the next. The first circle shown from bellow. Manifesting and hovering in the air just beneath the dragon slayer. The next would be a cluster just bellow Lumikki.

Black rotating shards of ice clusters in the likeness of flowers much like the spell Lumikki cast before now spun below him before clashing with the other and shattering. Their shards spitting in every direction. While just above him, multiple lavender circles shimmered while ushering black frost weapons what constructed swiftly and all in perfect likeness of the legendary weapons they entailed.

So as Tōga had a threat from right below, he also had one from up above. And Lumikki, the nibble bird that she was stayed moving about.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:58 am


Lumikki, a predator of the skies, danced on currents of air, never deigning to touch the ground until her prey lay exhausted or lifeless. Tōga had never encountered a foe who favored such elusive tactics, preferring to strike from afar. It clashed with his own combat style, a visceral symphony of swords and fire that demanded close proximity, intimacy, and finality. Yet, to dismiss her approach as cowardice would be a grave miscalculation. It was, in fact, a shrewd strategy.

This became increasingly apparent as Lumikki's spinning staff conjured another magic circle, from which a black, frosty mist seeped like a chilling morning shower. Tōga dove into the heart of it, still relentlessly pursuing the demoness of frost and darkness. As he did, a subtle change occurred.

"Hmmm, something feels off," Tōga mused, sensing a slight resistance as Rengoku's Kimetsu tugged at his arm. His long experience with the weapon made him keenly aware of even the most minute variations. Lumikki's previous spell had evidently affected his mobility, and now, perhaps, his strength. The extent of the impact remained uncertain, but thankfully, the innate protection of his bone ring mitigated any significant harm.

Instinctively, as the strength-draining spell took hold, Tōga reached out with his free hand, his Kamui eye blazing to life. He did not aim for Lumikki's current position, but rather, for the trajectory she was following1. The space in a wide area (16m radius) around her warped and contorted, before collapsing upon itself in a sudden implosion. Activating his eye once more, Tōga targeted Lumikki's staff, as well as the platforms in the vicinity, intent on removing it from the battlefield. She had wielded it with remarkable effectiveness, and his keen observation from the onset of their duel had revealed its strategic advantage. Tōga knew he could no longer afford to circumvent this obstacle.

He lacked the time to halt her second incantation as a magic circle materialized beneath him. Yet, like Lumikki, Tōga was a creature of perpetual motion, never one to remain stationary. As he ascended, he reasoned, he could evade its grasp by rising above its effective range. The circle expanded outwards, but fortunately, its reach seemed to have a vertical limit.

Tōga aimed to intercept her continued casting, hoping to break her spell sequence and create an opening for a counterattack. He trusted that the confusion or surprise caused by his space-manipulating spell would provide a brief window of opportunity. Rengoku hummed with renewed energy, and another pillar of fire coalesced into a roaring dragon as Tōga swung his katana2, his aim guided by an intuitive understanding of Lumikki's fluid movements.

Even if his spell missed its mark, his free hand pulsed with fire, a tiny ember rapidly igniting. He had allowed Lumikki too many chances to seize the initiative. Now, he needed the space to respond to her actions, to feel the singe of reactivity as he prepared for his next move3.

wc: 491 [2,907]
Combat Log:


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:30 pm


”Cheeky, cheeky Dragon. I suppose ye want me to take this more seriously too?” Lumikki said seconds after her Abyss Spine was ripped out of her hands. She knew she could get it back, it was already in between realms and never all that far from her but she decided to have more fun instead. An act of spite for his callous act.

The bellowing flames would betray their master, alerting of just what was to come. His stance much like how it was on ground when he attacked before giving the words time to settle out his mouth. It would appear he believed that he got her, check in point as she flew about. Least with a straight forward move like that, it was what she inferred.

Before the charge of his move was complete and Tōga shot forward like a rocket, Lumikki pulled her wings back to increase her drag. Stepping in the air, a lavender magical circle simmered beneath her feet and a chilling wind carried her up another ten meters. Cutting into her flight path before he did. ”I entertained this enough lad. This should end….” Lumikki exclaimed, her hand ushering for the opening of her personal abyss, and from it she pulled a gold toned harp. Its dainty appearance quickly warping in her grasp, shifting to a black frost casing with winged accents. With her four wings out stretched, Lumikki began plucking her strings in a medley of melodies. Mashing them together so he could never tell them apart. Tōga wouldn’t notice the harrowing effects of her melancholy tune before it already sunk in, meshed with fluttery notes and followed by another moral drainer of a song. Lumikki would keep weaving the notes and tones, never ceasing. While fluttering into a new path. She didn’t circle like she did before as after with his trick, she wanted to be ready to pivot in any direction.

With a golden gleaming eye, a simmer deeper than a fire gem. Lumikki locked her sights on her friend. And with quick fingers she summoned one melodious tune with another. Two lavender circles formed beside her, one after the other. The first sending a surge of lightning that crackled, and eventually the other would bring forth a black and long arrow. With a head and tail ever shifting until they settled form just before it began slight. Headed with a hounds likeness and a tail that was a spiral of serpents, it shot toward toga perfectly sound. Seeking him like it was his only mission.
After a moments delay, strumming some different songs, they last she’d play was a light tone one. Conjuring another circle the send forth her beloved flower reformed into a spear and shooting forth. But Lumikki would never stop playing her songs for a moment, only waiting for the next moment to strum more spells.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:37 am


Lumikki's absence from the Abyss Spine presented Tōga with the perfect opportunity. In the ensuing chaos, he unleashed Rengoku's Kimetsu, its white-hot flames carving through the air in an attempt to engulf the icy demoness. Lumikki, however, deftly evaded the attack, soaring ten meters higher to escape the fiery maw. Undeterred, Tōga continued his pursuit. The frontal assault was never meant to be a direct hit, but rather a cunning feint, a prelude to his true offensive. As Lumikki, seemingly unfazed by Tōga's initial attack, began the gesture to summon a golden trumpet from the abyss to replace her lost relic, Tōga's counterstrike was already in motion.

The small orb in his hand exploded, transforming into a massive sphere of torrid energy. This miniature sun, black at its core and outlined in crimson, hurtled towards Lumikki and the surrounding platforms1. The timing was impeccable, coinciding with the manifestation of her new harp and the beginning of rhythmic plucking of its strings. Tōga reasoned that if Lumikki's subsequent spells followed her established pattern, they would be accompanied by another evasive maneuver. He mirrored her movements, anticipating her next location and targeting it with his relentless assault. Even if she dodged the non-scaled sun, its impact on the nearby platforms would trigger a devastating explosion, engulfing a 16-meter radius in a fiery inferno.

Regardless of how Lumikki was affected, the man was sure she would continue on with her ploy. Tōga could feel his power waning in response to the harp's melodic vibrations. However, thanks to his inherent resilience and the protective aura of his bone rings, the spell's effects were significantly mitigated.

Undeterred, Tōga continued his relentless offensive. Fire churned within his jaws and weapons, ready to be unleashed. Another Dragon's Roar erupted2, a torrent of swirling flames directed at Lumikki's anticipated position. Tōga wondered how many platforms remained for her to utilize for her evasive maneuvers after the spatial implosion and fiery detonation.

As Lumikki's onslaught intensified, Rengoku's Kimetsu hummed with fiery intent. Tōga, prioritizing his own safety, enveloped himself in a protective sphere of flames3. The initial impact from the icy temptress's barrage was deflected, but her relentless assault continued. Despite his defenses, Tōga felt the biting chill of her frost vices as they pierced his fiery shield. "Arghh!" he cried out, the searing call a testament to Lumikki's numinous and indescribable power.

His fiery shell shattered, and embers fell apart or froze entirely, revealing a suspended Tōga, slowly lowering towards the ground.

G-good one.. L-lumi-chan,” he struggled to speak.

wc: 432 [3,339]
Combat Log:


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:33 am


The orb within his fingers sweltered with a heat so intense that it seared the air around it. Warping Lumikki’s perception of the space surrounding the Dragon Slayer as images curled duh to the dancing heat waves. He clutched it in his hand, letting it intensify further, feeding it mana until it was concentrated and dense. The small orb swelling in size until it took up half the size of its owner before being sent her direction with a decisive strike.

Lumikki amid casting all her spells could not manage further. Her fingers plucking the strings so that she may conclude the song and trigger the magic. The Demoness was forced to take the brunt of the blast, first in initial arrival then followed by its explosion. It seared at her skin, slipping pas her very armor. The Demoness had just enough frigid aura to fight off the scorching wave that would singe her hair and ignite her skin, but not much else.

By the time of his next attack, infernal flames spewing from his maw, Lumikki was concluding the last notes for her last spell. She barely had enough time to pluck the last strings before being struck by the next onslaught, but she would just manage and barrel out of the way. From there she’d observe the course of her magic, hoping it would strike true.

With a wave of fire, Tōga walled off the first of her spells from approaching. In the crackles of imitation lighting would evaporate at the touch of the flames. But so too would the fire cool enough that it lost the heat to last, leaving Tõga open for the next succeeding strikes. Both of which had struck him and took a bit of the air from his flight as he began to skirt down from the loss of momentum.

”Could say the same for ye lad.” Lumikki dropped the harp back into her Abyss and reached out for her other staff. It was tucked within what ever realm Tōga had whisked it, but by its very nature her Abyss Spine occupied many realms at once, one being always by her very own. Of course this was not free, his foreign influence was keeping it tucked away. His grasp was firmly on her staff as much as her own, and so she would need to exert some of her power to pull it back to its rightful master.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:00 pm

The crowd erupted in a deafening roar of applause, a thunderous ovation that reverberated through the arena as the battle reached its crescendo. Descending from the sky, the dragon slayer touched down with a gentle thud, his legs collapsing beneath him as he fell back onto the dusty floor. He lay sprawled, arms and legs outstretched, his gaze fixed on the sky above.

The first light of dawn painted the heavens in hues of orange and pink, a breathtaking spectacle from his low vantage point. "I landed a hit, didn't I?" Toga gasped, his words punctuated by ragged breaths. Exhaustion and pain clung to him, making speech an arduous task. Yet, even in his weakened state, his signature grin remained as radiant as the rising sun.

"Next time, I'll land two!" he declared, a flicker of playful defiance in his eyes, though a wince betrayed the discomfort wracking his body. Lumikki may have emerged victorious, but Toga did not feel defeated. As his scales and magnetic aura faded into the ether, the man simply stayed on the ground, slowly slipping into unconsciousness, though not without smiling first.

wc: 206 [3,545]
Lumikki is the Winner ! !

Last edited by Toga on Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total


A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:14 pm


Lumikki watched on as the Dragon Slayer descended. The speed of his fall still halved by the last remnants of mana in his cape suspending him in the air while he was dragged down. And as he touched the ground, his knees buckled bad enough he fell onto his back.

”Aye ye did lad, and I don’t care for the lick of yer flames but it was a worthy trade for the bite I’ve given you. Now rest…” Lumikki dropped the Abyss Spine into the in between, its rightful home if not by her side. She’d descend promptly from there there, landing just beside him.

”That’s what I’m worried about…eventually I could fall. Perhaps I’m not the Demon I thought I was, and yer making me privy to it…” Lumikki waved her hand over him, working her magic to begin his healing before the medics came. And when they took Tōga into their care, the Demoness would slip away.

Curtain Call

A Song of Fire & Ice [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

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