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Chief's Heirloom [Solo]

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#1Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Thu May 16, 2024 1:29 pm

Salem E.

“Ho ho ho ho ho~” A peal of laughter rang out loudly on the beach Salem found himself resting on. It was not his which is why he sat up to check it out. He had started taking Luluhawa as his own personal safe haven. Salem heard the sound of that laugh before and knew it was someone important on the island getting his attention.

“Sorry, to bother you while you were loungin youngin. I heard you were an accomplished mage. I wanted to ask if you could do me a favor.” He shook his head in affirmative, a smirk gracing his face. He was nowhere near considered young by human standards. It was just cute how they often chalked him up to being so. They glanced at his looks and used that as the litmus test to judge how old he was. “Great. I lost a very valuable heirloom in Aina forest. If you can get it for me I will make sure you get a decent reward.”

WC: 169

#2Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 8:27 pm

Salem E.

“Sure. I will be ecstatic to pick up the heirloom for you, I mean explore the forest a bit and grab it in passing.” Salem was not the type to lie. He had an easier time doing the quests in the area because he enjoyed being in Luluhawa so much. The place reminded him of himself in the early years.

Salem made his way over to Aina Forest. The warm sands of the beach gave way to gravel, then the green shades of grass that made the entrance to the verdant forest. The smell of the forest entered his nose and Salem had to take a moment to enjoy it. It was a great place to be Salem always Taking a less traveled path Salem made his way deeper into the forest. He walked for about twenty minutes when someone was able to catch his eye.

“Hey Mahoe! What are you doing here? Normally you are on the beach. How is the surf life treating you?”

WC:166 TWC: 335

#3Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:08 pm

Salem E.

Salem was making small talk with the island native. He really did not care about the man. It just never hurts to be on the friendly side of the people. Until you were strong enough to disregard them. Salem has seen how annoying humanity could be when they started to swarm.

“No man. I am in a ton of trouble. I brought the family heirloom out to bring me luck. I was in the middle of battle and now I have lost it. If I do not find it I will get my butt handed to me.” The fae had to stop and think for a moment. He for a very brief second thought the human meant literally. Like they have removable butts for a second. Those human phrases were hard to keep track of.

“I know. I think your grandad is already aware. I was sent out here to find the family heirloom as well.”

WC:156    TWC: 491

#4Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:08 pm

Salem E.

The fact that the man had a little panic in his eyes at Salem’s admission, only helped to sell the urgency of the matter. “Well. We can look and try our best to find it. Do you have any details about what you were fighting and where we can find it? Chances are it should not be that far from the battle.”

It took the Kahuna a minute to tell the full story. It really came down to the point that he was fighting a beast that was rumored to be a mana beast. Salem was glad he accepted the duty to help. Fighting dangerous beasts and such were right in line with the mission of the guild.

“We come across the beast again. I am sure I can help you fight it on equal grounds.” The Fairy Godfather was a paragon of healing and defense. He can pretty much turn anyone into a long time fighter, or at least protect them. That is why Salem was always wanted for escort missions.

WC:172    TWC: 663

#5Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:24 pm

Salem E.

One thing Salem was not the best at was tracking. He normally brought his tracking werewolf with him. That man would pass as a decent Rune Knight companion. A stroke of luck that between the two of them they were able to track the boar down to a small cave. It was built into a mountain on the edge of the forest. Salem was able to manipulate the forest to make their trek easier. Mahoe did the rest of the tracking work needed.

“I have been meaning to ask. What is the family heirloom supposed to look like?”

Salem asked the question as a giant bore walked out the cave. It was green with an earthy scent. Just a glance and a thought had him feeling like he could taste the meat. Salem felt like the big pig would be such a good thing to eat. Not wanting to wait Salem used his staff and cast a protection spell on Mahoe.

WC:161    TWC: 824

#6Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:41 pm

Salem E.

“The heirloom is in its mouth.” Salem was too taken from the looks of the boar to see that it was carrying a totem-like object. If it was the heirloom then it would be what needed saving.

Looking at his fighting partner, Salem took note of how bad he looked. He cast a healing spell to give the warrior a lot more strength. The spell had the unfortunate chance of seeing the spell. It pawed at the ground after dropping the totem. Then it charged at them like it wanted to ripe them apart.

The staff of restraint was waved along the ground. A magic circle appeared in the air that made a curtain of water. It looked soft and was pretty but the boar ran into it all full throttle, making Salem chuckle. He heard that beasts like the overgrown dinner plate had a tendency of doing it. He just never had a chance to prove it.

“Step in to attack while it is slightly stunned.”

Maho stepped out and used a spear. He stabbed at the creature making it squeal in pain. It managed to turn and hit Maho. A hit that would have hurt if it was not for the protection spell on him.

WC:207    TWC: 1,031

#7Salem E. 

Chief's Heirloom [Solo]    Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:58 pm

Salem E.

Salem was not nervous as he faced the boar. If Maho was able to fight it then he did not view it as an animal to be worried about. The boar and the spear man faced off fiercely. The boar that should have had the biggest advantage found that most of what it could do was unneeded. Even when it would damage the spear man, he would simply be healed by Salem. The boar did try to attack the far, but Salem simply took to the skies for a moment, riding his staff. It did not look like it could do anything to him. It was only a matter of time till Maho won.

They picked up their totem and made their way back to the village. They also made sure to grab the large animal that was to become the next meal. The place they took it too was Maho’s family home. The meat was cooked to perfection and the Kahuna even gave Salem some jewels as pocket money. The Fairy Godfather made his way back to his hotel after a satisfying day.

WC:184    TWC: 1,215

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