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A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy]

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 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:15 am

This was the worse kind of job for Ittindi, no doubt it was one that would lead to fame and fortune. He was trying to learn how they got sand out of their houses in Luluhawa island when he received a message from HQ. There apparently was a possible danger of a coup occurring in the country and they were asking nearby high-level Rune Knights to investigate. Apparently Colonel Tōga was in the area as well. Ittindi assumed they’d meet at the outskirts of Aina forest. Walking to the nearest garrison ready to flash his tongue apparently they were already notified of his by his eccentric appearance he’d be on island. Ittindi’s habit of wearing a tuxedo with a top hat had spread over the Rune Knights and the ones who weren’t aware were often given his description with a couple lines about how serious this message was.

He told the private to deliver his instructions to Colonel Tōga gave a couple salutes then headed off himself. He hadn’t been to Luluhawa island more than 3 times in his life, a shame that his first visit to the forest would be under such dire circumstance. Still, it would be nice to see Colonel Tōga had apparently been declared his Young Master’s rival so in a way Ittindi was linked to all of them. The stone pillars of friends around him were tall, but not insurmountable. He’d crack the Colonel Tōga’s the same as his Young Masters.

It was as he was heading out that one of the privates would tell him that actually Colonel Tōga was with the island’s chiefs daughter Kohana Wailani and that’s where he should go. Ittindi would mumble about not needing a guide to scout while moving towards the Chief’s hut in this village. The people seemed friendly enough waving at Ittindi and he didn’t see any jeer’s or mocking as he passed. The weather and background seemed to always be cinematic, as Ittindi would randomly pause to just take in the sights.  As a result he’d arrive at the hut of Kohana in 15 to 20 minutes, just in time for her to begin speaking about the current situation they found themselves in.

”Thank you for coming Rune Knights, my people are under attack from the evil Herman Schwarz. He has a mercenary camp out in the forest and I need proof so I contacted the council for help…….”

It was as Ittindi had surmised from the report thought they didn’t mention a culprit behind it. It was possible that this Kohana was taking a stab in the dark about the culprit. Probably someone with he motive but necessarily proof. He wanted to see what Colonel Tōga thought of the situation. After she finished speaking he’d walk over to his companion. With the eager smile of someone prodding a friend he’d give him a very strong salute while speaking loud enough that Kohana could overhear.

”Greetings Colonel, permission to speak?”

WC: 495


 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:45 pm

Luluhawa Island, a sun-kissed paradise, typically served as Tōga's personal sanctuary, a haven where the pink-haired dragon slayer could momentarily shed the mantle of Rune Knight Colonel. In the wake of recent turmoil within the organization, such escapes had become increasingly rare, akin to precious pearls hidden within the turquoise depths surrounding the island. Most days, Tōga basked in the island's tranquil embrace, his solitary hours spent on pristine shores, the warm grains of sand sifting between his toes as the rhythmic lullaby of waves washed away the burdens of command. This idyllic existence stood in stark contrast to the rigid formality of Era or the breakneck pace of quests that often pulled him away from his tropical Eden.

Yet, the life of a Rune Knight demanded constant vigilance, where the call of duty could shatter even the most serene moments. With a sigh, Tōga reluctantly traded his plans for sun-drenched leisure for the serious task of investigating a potential uprising. He swiftly gathered his essentials and set out for the Village Chief's dwelling, where Kohana, the Chief's daughter and Tōga's appointed informant, awaited.

The familiar sight of Kohana evoked memories of Tōga's early days on Luluhawa, when he was a fledgling private navigating his first assignments. Their shared history eased them into comfortable conversation as they awaited the arrival of their third team member.

Ittindi's entrance was heralded by Tōga's booming greeting, "Oooooi, Ittindi-san!" His arm waved with customary enthusiasm, amusement and bewilderment mingling as he observed his fellow knight's attire.

"Always in a suit," Tōga chuckled, "even on a scorcher like this!" The contrast between them was striking. While Ittindi, ever the butler, cut a dapper figure in his tailored ensemble, Tōga had embraced the island's laid-back vibe, sporting nothing more than swim trunks and a casual white tee. His armor and cherished sword, Zangetsu, lay discarded, evidence to his temporary reprieve from official duties.

Ittindi's curt response, "Stop talkin' to me like that! And sure, speak," only widened Tōga's grin. The suited knight's composure seemed at odds with the sweltering tropical heat.

As the trio convened to discuss the matter at hand, Tōga marveled at the unexpected twists his life had taken. Here he was, a high-ranking officer in an elite magical force, barefoot and sandy, delving into matters of state security. The incongruity was almost humorous, yet it perfectly encapsulated the unique challenges of balancing duty with the allure of island life.

wc: 451


 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:56 pm

Colonel Tōga would remark that it was odd to see him in a full suit in a tropical island paradise, but in a less hostile way than other Rune Knights. Ittindi always appreciated that about the colonel, his kindness was why they ended up having similar friends. Colonel Tōga had changed out the typical suits of the Rune Knights to the local populace’s wear. Truly a sacrifice that Ittindi wasn’t willing to make, all to build camaraderie with the citizens.

”If they’re in the forest lets go do a quick reconnaissance before we start any planning.  With how fast we both are it’s unlikely we will get caught even if discovered. That way we’ll be able to draw up more accurate plans on how to take down this group.”

Ittindi didn’t favor doing scouting work, but if he waited for others to do it then he’d be stuck on this island for weeks. While Colonel Tōga preferred that, Ittindi would be able to solve this case quickly and get straight to his vacation. Or at least solve parts of it through the day and partake in sights at night and early in the morning.  Either way he didn’t plan on letting something like a coup attempt ruin his vacation.

Once they finished up their conversation in the hut, Ittindi would check that Kohana was satisfied and then they’d head out to the forest. There wasn’t anything like that first glimpse of a wall of trees, it hit still pinged a phantom pain of his old nature affinity. Naki would always sigh louder than usual whenever Ittindi felt that way, he understood that it hurt their feelings that they weren’t enough. That’s when Ittindi would hear the brushes near them rustling, luckily his senses hadn’t been alerted so whatever it was wasn’t a danger. Ittindi would be ready to summon his Naginata just in case, not to mention whatever Colonel Tōga was doing.

It turned out to be some boy named Keanu Mahoe as he introduced himself in a jumble of words to him and Colonel Tōga. Up ahead the shade of the forest almost seemed to be swallowing people whole and it was his and Colonel Tōga’s turn.  Before they can leave Keanu speaks up again more clear this time.

”I can lead you there misters, you helped me so let me help you.”

Ittindi didn’t really understand what they saved him from, but  would look over apathetically at Colonel Tōga on the final decision.

WC: 415/910


 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:23 pm

In the thickening tension of the meeting room, where every word seemed to hang heavy with significance, Tōga remained acutely tuned to the discourse unfolding around him. The gravity of the situation weighed on him; the island's tranquility was pierced by looming threats, casting long shadows over its sunlit tranquility. As a Rune Knight, Tōga understood the delicate balance between duty and the lighter moments of life, and it was time to anchor himself firmly in the role of protector.

Indeed, Ittindi-san,” Tōga responded, his voice carrying a determined undertone as he addressed his fellow Knight with a grin that belied the seriousness of their task. “Together, we should thoroughly investigate the outskirts of the island. There’s bound to be clues or leads there.” His usual light-hearted demeanor was tempered by the urgency of their mission, reflecting his readiness to transition from the leisure of the beach to the responsibilities his title demanded.

We’d be grateful for your guidance, Keanu-san!” Tōga added enthusiastically as a young local, who had stepped forward with claims of knowing critical locations, nodded solemnly in response. The youth’s readiness to assist bolstered Tōga’s resolve; it was a reminder of the community’s trust in the Rune Knights, a trust he was keen not to betray.

"Lead on, I’m sure we can handle whatever is happening out there. Ittindi is pretty strong if I do say so msyself, haha!” Tōga continued, the cheer in his voice now edged with the steel of resolve. As they prepared to follow the young guide, Tōga glanced at Ittindi, sharing a look of mutual understanding.

wc: 284 [735/1000]


 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:40 pm

Ittindi had a feeling what Colonel Tōga would say when the boy happened upon them, but the soul crushing confirmation still took Ittindi by surprise. Even worse he gave him that look, and not the one that indicated someone wanted to do a deep cleaning of the estate. Responsibility came in a variety of packages, Colonel Tōga’s shown through in situation like this, Ittindi’s was preferably one where you didn’t even know he existed. The same goal all the same, as they walked down Colonel Tōga’s path on an island that he loved, Ittindi could see it in the way the town’s people looked at him and vice versa.

”I can’t tell you guys how many times I’ve taken people here you’re going to love it.”

The kid would say, almost shouting, Ittindi was surprised that he didn’t have more noise discipline. Something that most boys would fail even when they are trapped in a war for their very existence.  Luckily as he took them through vines and forest they’d hear the camp long before Ittindi could worry about their noise. To be this brazen, Ittindi wondered what gave the men such confidence.  A question he’d rather not have the answer too, as they cleared through another bush the camp of the mercenaries was directly in front of them. The boy had taken them to the flank of the camp. You could see in the center the leadership camps, as well as on the outskirts various small bands of troops split up into small divisions.

Ittindi was surprised by the sheer scale of the invading force, if it had been any lower ranked Rune Knights this whole island likely would have been couped before Era was even aware. The reality of just how easy it was to topple a government laid bare in front of their eyes. He’d look over at Colonel Tōga and make hand signals just to be safe.

Larger camp than I expected, I’m ready to head back when you are.

Simple messages weren’t very hard to convey in signals, though Ittindi wondered if Colonel Tōga thoughts were like his. With how many there were here, they’d have to result killing to make sure this attempt was thwarted. If Colonel Tōga was against that, it meant that Ittindi would have even more problems to work with.

WC: 389/Quest WC complete


 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 6:59 am

As the trio breached the verdant barrier of Aina Forest, their eyes met the unsettling sight beyond—a congregation of mercenaries scattered across the clearing. The rumors, dark whispers of a gathering storm on Luluhawa Island, had crystallized into harsh reality. Toga, his expression set in resolute determination, took a deep breath, preparing to shatter the uneasy silence that blanketed the forest edge.

OOOOOOOOOI!” His voice thundered, a clarion call that sliced through the air like a blade. It was as if the heavens themselves had lent him their voice, his shout echoing like the roar following a cataclysmic lightning strike. Instantly, every head in the clearing turned, eyes wide as they fixed on the source of the disruption—the pink-haired knight who had dared to challenge them.

You aren’t doing this here, not on Luluhawa Island! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Toga's declaration was more than words; it was a war cry, unleashing the primal fury of his powers. Fire erupted from him, a brilliant, scorching aura that heralded the dawn of retribution. With the ferocity of a tempest, he charged from the treeline, his form a blur of motion as he dove into the heart of the mercenary throng. Embers swirled and flames danced around him, a maelstrom of heat and light that consumed everything in its path. The dragon slayer moved with a precision and power that belied his vibrant appearance, each strike cleaving through the ranks of the mercenaries with the inevitability of fate itself. They scattered before him, unable to withstand the inferno he wielded so effortlessly.

In moments, it became clear that the mercenaries were outmatched, their numbers dwindling rapidly under Toga's relentless assault. If Keanu and Ittindi chose to join the fray, it seemed doubtful there would be any foes left for them to engage. Toga was a force unto himself, a tempest that left only ash and chaos in his wake.

wc: 332 [1000+]


 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:04 am

Ittindi had a couple questions about how the Rune Knights had ended up letting so many schemes go unanswered. Seeing Colonel’s Tōga’s reaction Ittindi finally understood, the officers of the Rune Knights were a major part of the problem. This man with no knowledge of troop numbers, if this was the only camp, was the leader here? How many patrols were out of the base right now? He would attack not knowing the answer to any of these questions and inevitably give up both their element of surprise and give them knowledge of Rune Knights on the island. How many troops would they even be able to muster on such short notice. Best case scenario the mercenaries go into hiding, worse case scenario they instigate their plans early. While Colonel Tōga and Ittindi could take on any force they couldn’t be multiple places at once, how many would die in that bloodshed that could have been avoided by proper planning.  Ittindi would turn to the child getting down on a knee and talking in his sterner voice.

”Run back to the village, if you see anyone on the way unfamiliar just run back towards us and scream our names out. GO NOW!”

Colonel Tōga’s fiery rampage spread through the entire camp, and the screams were short. Ittindi didn’t have much chance scouting through the smoke and blaze of the battlefield, he wouldn’t be able to verify if all the mercenaries were taken out or not. He probably wouldn’t even have an accurate body count, though it was possible that Colonel Tōga’s flames weren’t at a level to melt through bone.  As the flames subsided and Colonel Tōga finished up Ittindi would walk across the charred battlefield.

” Colonel Tōga, in the future we need to scout and gather intelligence. We have no idea what we’ve even accomplished today. What are we going to report that we wiped out a band of X people? Did we even hurt their command structure? You might have just hurt the people of Luluhawa Island more this way, I’m not ok with risking the lives of innocents for some emotional gratification. We’re supposed to be held to a higher standard, it’s one thing to not care about rank, another to risk the citizens who employ us through their hard-earned labor. Remember that next time you feel a little angry, if I wanted to be in a childish organization I would have stayed in a guild. ”

Ittindi would say to Colonel Tōga harshly before turning his back to walk off. It was obvious what the Rune Knights needed and Ittindi had been so busy with his butler duties that he had neglected his duties as a major soon to be Colonel. He’d take over the Ministry of Communication and fix the children’s mistake from the dark.  It just meant he needed more strength; he couldn’t rely solely on others.  As he walked back to the chief’s hut expecting to see Colonel Tōga there or along the way.



 A coup a day keeps corruption away. [Toga & Ittindi I Spy] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:21 am

The unexpected torrent of rebuke from Ittindi left Tōga momentarily stunned, his eyes wide with confusion as he processed the butler's uncharacteristically sharp tone. The air, still tinged with the acrid scent of scorched earth and smoldering embers, seemed to crackle with the tension of the moment.

You alright? I didn’t kill anyone, and we can easily investigate the mercenaries once they recover and are awake,” Tōga gestured towards the array of defeated bodies that littered the battlefield, each one a testament to his restraint. Though the flames had licked and charred, no life had been extinguished under his watch—a fact he found some solace in, despite the heated accusations. Luluhawa had been a place the dragon slayer had protected more than he could count and knew the inner workings just as well as anyone. His actions were brash, but they surely put no one in danger, especially since the mercenaries would know he was involved.

Ittindi, typically the epitome of composure and reticence, had transformed before Tōga's eyes. His words, laden with arrogance and impatience, sliced through the post-battle calm like a knife. Such a drastic departure from the butler's usual demeanor was disconcerting, and for a moment, Tōga pondered the catalyst for such a change. Ittindi’s rank and role in the Rune Knights often demanded a degree of decorum that seemed wholly abandoned now. As Ittindi turned to leave, issuing a terse command for Keanu to follow, Tōga was left to contemplate the scene alone. The silence that settled was punctuated only by the distant crackle of residual fires and the soft groans of the incapacitated mercenaries.

Maybe I’ve been a little too lenient with my fellow knights…” Tōga mused aloud, the words floating away with the smoke. This wasn’t a matter of wounded pride or bruised ego; he felt no need to assert his rank or power. Yet, the incident underscored a potentially growing disconnect within the ranks—a lack of respect or understanding that could undermine the unity and effectiveness of the Rune Knights.

wc: Mission Complete ! !

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