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[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM>

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[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM> Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:25 am




Age:July 29th X672 |100 years



Ethnicity, Father:Sinsese/Tuō dé

Ethnicity, Mother:Sinsese/Luó shā

Rank: C-rank

Guild:Shinigami Convocation

Tattoo:Behind Right Ear

Face:Lucemon- Digimon  





Eyes:Light Blue

Overall:The Nephilim Dogmael is known for his childlike appearance. He stands at 5 feet and 7 inches. Along his body are several purple lines, and he wears his traditional white garment. He also has several cosmetic golden bracelets, each with several werid marking imprints on them. He had some on his wrists and on his ankles. The purple lines along his body are truly werid markings and symbols from an unknown tongue. Dogmael considers himself beautiful and calm in most situations. While in his angelic form, he often displays his traditional white wings. However, it is said he has the potential to ascend to higher status if he survives.

Extra:Purple tattoos across his body and fake golden jewelry.


Personality:•Dogmael's face usually presents the face of an emotionless child. The observer said he has been shown to have a very quick, often polite temper and sadistic tendencies. He takes a great deal of pleasure from the idea of finally being able to punish an individual that crosses him. He is merciless when dealing with those who cross him.
Dogmael is an extremely mysterious figure. He never smiles and rarely speaks. He has quite an intense glare and does not seem to have a problem using his skills to intimidate people into submission. Enoch can be a very cold, callous, and dispassionate figure, and he is rather aloof and brooding. Despite this, he is not particularly violent and will only fight when provoked or when the situation conflicts with his cause or objective.
Dogmael's cold demeanor allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard. Dogmael is highly perceptive, cunning, and analytical. Though usually a laid-back, optimistic, jovial, humble, and eccentric man, Dogmael can show a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it. However, as an angelic being, he tends to keep all his actions in good faith until humanity proves otherwise.

•Master Manipulator: Dogmael has proven himself very crafty and a cunning Nephilim . He can manipulate others around him in different ways for a variety of purposes. For years, he can convince everyone around him he is a kind-hearted child with the best intentions for his race all while performing horrific good actions. He has a great talent for analyzing and observing everything in his presence, allowing him to understand a person's pattern of thinking and better manipulate them. He can formulate well thought out plans several steps ahead of others, some of which have a long term in mind.

•Master Tactician: Dogmael is a highly perceptive fighter, almost immediately determining an opponent's attack patterns and weaknesses. He is a crafty tactician, effectively using his abilities to confuse his opponents. He can normally discern the motives and abilities of his opponents, and effectively uses his knowledge to end the battle in his favor. He is also very fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified.

[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM> L4rrOAF

  • illumin:Dogmael likes the members of the church because they support the Nephilim race purpose.
  • Shinigami Convocation:Using his gulid to hide his true identity.  Until he is strong enough to support himself.

  • Demons: Because normal born enemies in some cases. In this case Dogmael dislike them because he hates sin.

  • Evil:Dogmael has werid understanding of good and bad. Therefore he allows his guild laws to determine the punishment.

  • Captain:Dogmael wish to be individual who reach Captaincy or Higher  within his guild .

  • Death:He enjoys his life so who can blame him about not wanting to die.

  • Losing his grace: To be unable to connect to other celestial beings.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 1

Speed: 10

Constitution: 40




Angel Summoning:

Magic Element:Light

Magic Enhancement:N/A

Magic Description:Angel Summoning Magic is a strange and dangerous magic. It allows you to summon divine beings from another plane of existence by the use of golden coins. Each of these creatures is magnificent with their holy powers. They ask from you, not your mana but your life's essence. The longer you have these champions by your side, the greater risk you place your own body.


Dogmael was born in Joya adopt by Todd Longz, and Rosa Longz both citizens of Joya continent. Dogmael true real parents are unknown . However learning as he mature that more meets the eye eventually reveal his unqiue abilities to his family. 
The maximum the opportunity and place there son into The Shinigami Convocation exams to test his abilities. At a young age he was known as prodigy. he's familiar with most language and able to maximize the use of his magical abilities.
Unfortunately he spend his time as member of Shinigami Convocation as lowly Test Recruit. Due to keeping his true identity classified and to properly be able to master his abilities. His parents weren't officially Joya citizens but pledge there ledge to the organization and submit to there ideology. They mold there son into what they believe was righteous but Dogmael knew how evil he truly was and always seek to help the weak.
He pride himself helping the homeless and sick and poor. He hate that the strong rob from the weak, and weak rob from the weak. His parents taught there son to be kind and nice but gave him an example to him that the world wouldn't take heed.
Education was provide work and daily skills assignments. Eventually he enroll into Shinigami Convocation at the young age of 15 his magical power reveal at an young age but shield until he could decide for himself .
He set off to train as Shinigami Convocation test recruit staying low under the higher ups. Understanding he could do more as lowly grunt than from position of Captaincy. However his parent and teach taught him to become strong and to train to master. So he kept his head down and humble himself carefully selecting who he gives his intentions to. He kept to himself and been fair to all even the tall, and the short over the years many people died. But he kept his head down learning the ways of the mortals and watch them shed tears.
 He himself only weep in the inside and his principles of honor and honesty kept him out of trouble. But now he seek to be more than a grunt to ascend and to stop as much evil he can before he leaves.


Last edited by Enoch Vi Britanina on Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:25 pm; edited 2 times in total


[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM> Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:34 am


[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM> D4SNFptEvent New Year New Me

I want to keep my exp, Jewels, Rank, and Stats change please.


[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM> Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:38 pm


You're approved.

[Done]Dogmael <NYWNM> GPIjkMz

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