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Ansuz Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:39 pm


Exhausted and emotionally drained, the trio stumbled their way toward a village that was between them and Eyrrstad, the city in which the High Jarl resides and where their meeting was scheduled to be held.

They mostly moved in silence, recanting small things to the other with hopes to pass the time but none were quite energetic enough to maintain a long winded stream of words. Besides  Mùchén, this suited them fine as Lumikki and Mikhail enjoyed their quiet. But not Mùchén who felt the anxious need to hear voices or anything at all. As a gesture to sooth, when her brother ran out of things to say, she’d sing old songs to fill the silence. An act that oddly didn’t drain her but sustain instead. Adding a sense of life back into her step and some color in her cheeks.

Eventually, the trio would stumble into one of the smaller villages within Flodland Valleys where they decided to spend the night. Stumbling upon the streets until they wandered to the nearest inn. Lumikki, being a local to the land, did much of the talking. Assuring that the innkeeper didn’t overcharge them for the pay, the three would settle into their separate rooms as they took a moment to gather themselves. But after rolling around in her bed for some time, despite taking a nice long bath, Lumikki couldn’t stay inside any longer. So she decided to take a moment to wander the streets at night.

The air was cool and crisp, a chill hovered but not overbearingly so. Not like it would bother the frost Demon all too much, but there was charm in it all the same. The sky above was clear, the black of night shone through with its myriad of dazzling stars. But nothing was as beautiful as the gleaming moon, almost full in all her glory save the sliver of a crescent yet to show. Yet she never seemed diminished in any of her phases. Lumikki took glances up above while tumbling along the streets for a tavern to entertain her. And after hearing the bustling of voices that caught and drew her attention, she would saunter over toward one by the name of Enøyd.

There was nothing to note about this place, it was some simple, worn in tavern. Only a few patrons resided inside for the night, along with a bartender well into his forties'. He would note her in passing, his eyes sharp but inviting as he nodded her way and pulled to the counter. Two tables were occupied by groups of rowdy hunters goading about their successful hunts or lack of. While there sat a cloaked man at a table off to the side, all alone and a few steps from the entrance. Lumikki hardly paid him any mind, barely noticed him at all. It was the others that caught her attention and even that was fleeting, as her focus honed onto the counter of the bar.

She’d sit with a heavy sigh, surveying the selection before simply deciding on the strongest ale they’ve got. Normally a sweet tooth, she was not in the mood to be picky or particular. Only intoxicated if she could manage that. The bartender, seeing her woes, gave her the kindest of pours and slid her the mug. At first Lumikki would just stare at it, before finally picking it up and inhaling a third of the contents inside. Only to lower her cup with little regard and slump atop the counter.

”Aren’t ya troubled. Have any time to spare for a stranger? You look like you could do with a little company, and I have a desire to share a word or two. Well…that is if you don’t mind of course?” The odd old man slid his cup toward the bartender who refilled it with whatever was inside before and he’d return to his table expecting her to come. Lumikki, still in a sort of stupor, decided she had nothing to lose and time to waste. Clearly being left with her thoughts wasn’t what she wanted right now and it would be for that reason that she found herself here.

”Well then, ye have me attention Bodach. What tales do the wise have to tell?” Lumikki stumbled to the direction of his lone table after ordering another drink to take along. She was not drunk by any means but there was a sway in her step due to fatigue and so she’d lug herself over and drop into her seat, somewhat spilling a little of the ale carried in her right hand. ”Oh you see me wise do you? I haven’t even begun girl.” There was a subtle smile on his lips that was easy to miss behind his long, thick white and unruly beard with two breads made with locks on both ends. Now that Lumikki could finally see him, as she only half paid attention before, she could better notice his appearance. He was a mix of kept and unruly, his figure swallowed up by a deep blue cloak save for his face that can still be seen. His white hair was mostly tied back nice and neat but a few strands had fallen free. He could pass for his seventies, perhaps even eighties, but the most peculiar thing about the old man was how he was missing his right eye. It was somewhat humorous the Demoness thought to herself, given the name of the tavern translated to one-eyed. Though she’d kept those musings to herself and took another deep sip of her touched ale before finally muttering her reply.

”What could I say, ye have that air about ye. A feeling like yer brimming with stories and life learned advice. But let me not be the fool and clear the way for the elder to speak.” There was a cheeky tone to her voice that was meant to be inviting as oppose to offensive. And sure enough the old man would find her amusing as well. ”The youth have a tendency to be like charging boars, so sure of themselves and the paths they’re trotting. It’s been a while since I’ve met someone so eager for a little advice. Maybe I’ve stumbled onto and older time?” He took a generous sip of his drink, enough for a tad of it trickled down his beard. He didn’t lower the cup again until half of it was gone.

”Lost souls, the lot of ‘em. Even I could tell. They’re so eager to prove themselves ye’d think their goal simply was a race for Valhalla, granted it wouldn’t work like that. Can’t say I haven’t found meself in a few tight skirmishes though, I could admit that. But tis the lot I drew with the occupation I have and really, wouldn’t have it any other way.” Lumikki swirled the little of her ale in the mug as she spoke, almost like she was starting to zone out. Here gaze would follow its flow as if it were hypnotic. And as Lumikki observed the man before, it would be his turn to study her now. From how she spoke to how she dressed, he’d make a note of it.

”Dwarven dialect is that? How are those old stones doing? It’s been an age since I’ve meet one myself but I can sure say I’m still the of the biggest admirers of their work. I own a few pieces from them actually and they still serve me well. But that’s to be expected by their work isn’t it…Oh, and what might that occupation be, now that you’ve brought it up lass. Someone with a frame like yours—well you’ve caught my curiosity.” His voice shifted in tones, from reminiscing to a deep intrigue, it was surprisingly melodious. He was what anyone would assume a man his age’ll carry themselves like and Lumikki would humor him.

”Nothing of note I assure ya, just work within a guild and handle some tasks. But the Dwarves I could attest to ye, are thriving, I live among me clan out in Fjallgard. Raised me no less, so that explains the tongue. But ye struck me fancy, what did me kin have made for ye?” Her eyes were aglow with wonder, while leaning forward to meet her mug rather than bringing it to her lips and playfully taking a sip from her filled to the top drink.

The man, stroking his beard as he observed her childishness, gave her a bewildered look, going as far as to lean back with a raised brow before buckling with a small chuckle himself. He’d take another sip of ale, wetting his gullet before attempting another word and Lumikki would follow suit and do the same.

”Humble girl aren’t you. You’d be surprised how rare that’s become. Sure we live for glory and the like, but arrogance favors no man yet so many tumble into it like some hidden challenge toward victory. But I’m sure you’ve have seen you share of depths, isn’t that so Lumikki of the Hrútr clan.” Lumikki’s eyes widened and with a gasp she pulled back and turned away. The sound of sucking her teeth was her only answer to his words, but he’d continue with no intention to halt his inquiry now. “Just a ring and a weapon really, I got them so long ago now but they still look like the day I got it. But then again..none really surpass the quality of Dwarven craftsmanship does it? It’s why we favor it so.” The man took another sip, his eyes still reading over her reaction with a smirk on his face, but he wasn’t smug so much as entertained.

”Oh don’t get so bashful now, your reputation proceeds you girl! You’ll have to get used to the attention at some point, but it is nice meeting you in person, yes. All the stories don’t quite do you justice. They paint you cold or cunning but they lack much of your charm. Should have known. I for one hear a lot of stories but they usually are only as good as the people who tell them. Which is why I listen to my brother’s tales with a grain of salt. But you’re alright lass, I can see why he took a liking to you. He probably sees a bit of himself!” With a hardy chuckle that was strong enough to make him throw his head back, the man slammed his hand down and enjoyed his laugh. For whatever reason, it was clear he was enjoying himself and Lumikki was unaware of the joke.

In another defeated sigh, Lumikki took a heavy sip of ale. “No need for the long face girl, you should be delighted. One of after the other, doors are opening for you. I could see it now.” He’d grab her by the shoulder and give her a slight enthusiastic shake and she’d have to rush to put her cup down.

The man give one more laugh before pulling back and becoming more serious. “Truthfully, I didn’t think I’d care for you. I was undecided, but I can see the potential. You see, I have to good friends, we go far back but they can be sentimental. But I can see the glint in your eye,” He would raise his mug in her direction, bringing attention to her face before taking another swig and slamming the cup down. Then waving over to the bartender for another. “Takes a while to fully settle in doesn’t it? But I can see the light growing in your eyes, and the price you paid to garner it.”

The bartender approached with two mugs in hand, placing them atop a the table and taking the old. And the man would waste little time pulling his toward him. ”Cheer up girl! Takes a lot to impress me.”

”Aye is that so stranger? Can’t imagine how that’ll do me any good.” Most of her bashfulness washed away as she followed his lead and fully indulged in her drink. This time, not stopping until it was done in one go. She’d exhale with enough satisfaction to brighten her mood, but there was still agitation in her eyes from this conversation. ”Well….yer well versed alright but you know far more than one should. You’d give even me keen sight a run of its jewels…Why is that? And how much do ye know?” Then Lumikki’s face shifted back to a surprised and worried expression. Her gaze looking all about him. She didn’t until that moment that her World’s eye had nothing of note about him. Only meaning, as far as she could deduce, was that there was something about him. Yet she couldn’t even begin to figure what that was.

Her defensiveness bought out another bout of laughter, ”Odd being on this end, isn’t it? Can’t say I blame the Raven Queen’s disdain for lacking knowledge. It’s funny to say girl, but we have a lot alike. I almost look forward to meeting with you again, but you still have a long ways to go before that. A few more battles maybe? Perhaps after you’ve paid more? Hmpt, maybe I’ll ask my wife later to get the answer for that eh?”
The man finished the last of his drink and began to raise from his seat. Fishing for something in his pocket, he’d pull out coin and placed it before her.”For my appreciation of humoring an old man—Oh, and before I go. True sacrifice child, can never come from a place of pride. It is only accomplished by an earnest act of true devotion. But if one is careless in their endeavors to pursue their passions, foregoing everything dear with hopes to seize their goal, they become both reckless and self destructive. No longer aware that they sacrificed the very thing they had wanted.” Lumikki didn’t know what to say so she would simply nod along. His words were indeed profound, digging itself deep within her consciousness.

And what more, there was something about him that she could not yet put her finger on. Whether there was power hidden within him, or this sense of an ominous essence, she could not tell. And when he picked up his long, wooden staff that went unnoticed, she’d feel another wave of it again. The man would pass by the counter, to what she’d assume was to pay for his drinks. But her eyes would follow him until he left through the doors, almost daring her to follow him. Lumikki fought the urge, instead deciding to look down at the trinket he gifted her. And upon the metal surface was an Valknut etched in fine details. The space within the three triangles hollowed. Lumikki gasped, almost dropping the drink in hand as she slumps back in her seat to look at the doorway again.

”….I might…have to ask Huginn or Muninn about this….” She’d tuck the coin into her pocket, grateful for the protective amulet that it was and appreciative that she’d be watched over in this time of conflict. If he wanted to see her again then she was keen to earn that chance. Hoping that by one day doing so would grant her some answers she lacked.

Lumikki finished the last of her drink, drawing the rune Ansuz on the table before rising.


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