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Breaking the Stalemate

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Breaking the Stalemate  Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 2:45 am


Breaking the Stalemate  B8e7df10

It had been a few days since the odd encounter within the Enøyd tavern, and even more still, since the events within the other realms. The trio got their much needed rest while the Jarls sorted their matters and converged to Eyrrstad, the biggest city of Iceberg but also the home of the High Jarl.

The city was abuzz with conspiracy, most citizens were gossiping about what could have possibly driven all the Jarls to their home. It was not unheard of for them to visit and conduct meetings, but it was hardly a good sign to see them all at once, especially since they’d hosted a meeting just a few months prior.

Sif Åland being the closest Jarl as he resided within the Aegir just north of them by the shore, was the first to arrive. Though he often visited and stayed in the city, and so his presence hardly warranted a stir. Vidar Ovesen of Fjallgard would be the second. As a long time friend with Gunvor Sverresson the High Jarl, his appearance was also a common sight among them. Especially with his charismatic nature and how often he accompanied the shipments of gems, ore, weapons, and armor from the Dwarven city from which he resides. He never missed a moment to show off his new and extravagant platings and pieces, enjoying his reputation as the flashiest among them. The third Jarl to show was Orvar Hagen of the Flodland. And it would be his arrival that began that gossip that stirred the residents. His was a rare face among those in the city, for he never care for crowded places or too much folk. Only coming in times where his presence was important as he was the oldest and most shrewd among them; and his experience paid in kind. So by the time Bo Dahl of the Groenvollr Plains showed up among them, the people already had a feeling that something was wrong. Orvar may have been rare, but Bo was hardly sighted. And with good reason as he managed and protected the farm lands in the south. A duty that was extremely important among them, as it was where most of the food of Iceberg would derive and it was far too easy for things to go wrong. It would be for that reason that Bo hardly ever left his home, save for meetings that required him to be there.

”Do you have an idea of what you are going to say?” Mikhail was matching her pace as they walked up a wide road that lead to the fortress of the High Jarl. He was a well spoken man and knew his sister was capable of the same but he simply worried for her. “Aye, I have the faintest idea yea. But it would not fit me to become stagnant with me words. I’d need to meet ‘em and get a grasp of who they are if I’m to win ‘em over.” Lumikki was anxious sure, but as she saw it, this was but another trial. Another step to prove her worth to not only herself and the Jarls, but to the Gods. Did she have an outcome in mind? Only to warrant her disdain and distrust of technology from Talaz Lagaar, and insist to her people that they should heed her warnings. Of course, with everyday she was growing more wise. One could see it in her actions and preparations. It was now only a matter of unveiling her hand for dealing with the undead forces and hoping that they could take her word.

”You’ll kill it in there, I’m pretty sure Rav. And worst case? Well, we’ll leave no witnesses. Heh.” It was Mùchén’s morbid attempt at humor, but as crude as it was it got a chuckle from her. Her Demonic side was even growing keen from the idea; but Lumikki would have to pull back from those thoughts just as soon as she was beginning to slip in. If she was to do this for her people, it wasn’t going to be through a bloodbath that she’d win them by. She was not going to give into her pride….so the Demoness curbed her growing hunger.

When they stepped toward the active guards watching of the entrance, it was clear that they already knew who expect. Lumikki’s identify only confirmed further by the raven perching atop her should. With a bow and greeting, the guard on the right would gesture inward. Escorting them to the meeting room from which the gathering we headed. And the trio would bear witness to the grandness of the hall they walked down. From all the massive tapestries along the wall, to the mounted horns and heads of prior hunts. Lumikki observed the history hung before her. Marveling at the riches that adorned that pathway in. Mikhail would also give passing glanced at the items within, making note of things to recognize. But it would be Mùchén who cared not for any of it. His eyes never leaving in front of him, or the guard that lead them.

Eventually they’d stop in front of a double doorway toward the end of a long hall. “Lumikki Hrútr arrives,” noted the guard that escorted them to the other. He’d nod and reach for the knob of the door, pulling it back with the assistance of the other. They’d open the doors wide, allow passage to the trio, who promptly step into a room with five men sitting at a long table.
Lumikki with her prior knowledge would easily recognize Vidar from among them, but she’d have to guess at the rest. At least until they properly spoke out their names.

The room they stepped in was far larger than they would have assumed. The stone walls held tapestries depicting old battles and large dragons. The glory depicted, only eventuated by the weapons mounted along the wall. Massive war axes and spears all hung one beneath the other. Lumikki’s eyes wandered, glancing at each and everyone and she was pleased to know that she almost recognized each and every one of them.

”It’s good to see you made it in time to meet us. I hope you found the trip eventful.” it would be Vidar who broke her out of the daze and brought her attention back to the Jarls at the table. His tone was inviting and warm, so was the expression on his face. ”I was just wrapping up the discussion about the material that you handed me before. I figured it could save some time if I was the one to get them all on the same boat, hope you don’t mind.”

”Not at all,” Lumikki began to saunter toward the table. Pulling back a chair and taking a seat at the far end opposite of the High Jarl. Her brother remaining silent, would follow along and simply stand behind her. They wanted to show her support but refrain from getting int the way. ”Rather brilliant actually. Please tell me what ye thought of it.” Crossing her legs and arms, Lumikki got settled as she glanced about the men sitting before her.

”I for one, thought it rather interesting. Defiantly a lot of food for thought. But one could also saaay that a matter like this expects a certain amount of risk. So while I aaam concerned, I’m not quite convinced. At least not yet, not until I get the full story perhaps.” In a gruff but sly voice, Orvar Hagen had answered her. His pale blond hair was pulled back and he wore his best green hunting gear. Leather straps and harnesses were affixed to his tunic, one of which widening at the left side of his chest and from it hung his fur trimmed while cloak. Out of all other Jarls here, he appeared the oldest with eyes as shrewd as a foxes. Those there was a playful tone to his voice, one could hear the underlying skepticism. He was not putting up a front per se to prove hard to convince, but he would not be move from anything unsubstantial and Lumikki knew it. Orvar was the Jarl of the Flodlands, an area within central Iceberg that was prone to flooding. Many of the villages there survived off of huntings. Using the animals caught and killed for meat, furs, and leather. Orvar being the sly and cautious man that he was, lived longer than most hunters had. No one could tell you what it was, but he just had a way of reading animals and people. It was this particular skill that guided him through many of decisions and negotiations. Always assuring his own was kept alive and fed. But it would also be this attribute of his that made him harder to convince, opting to hear out every single detail and intention before thinking over his conclusion and making a choice. As it was, he was moved by the documented evidence provided by the Demoness. And from he could make out for the moment, of lot of the notes were checking out with a lot of the items the High Jarl had presented him; but even if that were the case, he couldn’t simply forego this option without another solution to substitute it. And so if she could not provide him something better, he did not seem the reason to dismiss what they already had.

Orvar Hagen:

A loud and rapturous laughter came from Gunvor Sverresson the High Jarl himself. But like Vidar, he was not malicious but warm. ”As expected of Orvar. So quick to get to the point that he doesn’t even offer his name. Can’t say I blame you friend, this is an important matter. With that being said, greetings Lumikki heir to the Hrútr clan of the five families and Guild Master to the revered Paradise Dawn. You could consider me surprised to hear your dismay of my intentions, what more that you knew of my plans. But I guess nothing gets passed the so call Raven Queen does it?” He’d finish on another hardy laugh, clearly pleased. One could see why he was beloved by many. Even thought Lumikki came with the intention to cease his plans, he still came off as warm and welcoming. A man full of mirth and love but demanded undivided respect and attention. On the way here, Lumikki built him up to be a villain in her head. A monster that would seize victory at all cost, even the at the lives of his people. But it was clear to see that he was so full of life instead. Eager with the desire for amicability. His charm fully washed over her enough to put her at ease to speak with him. Unlike like king of Fiore, the High Jarl is chosen by his peers. So he is always a man of the people, humbled to serve them. And it would be this that she admired as well as his warmth and confidence even in the growing threat come.

Gunvor was a man with an air of power, yet it never bordered onto imposing. His armor, quite suiting of the larger than life impression, was bulky and very layered with metal, plates, and even a few innovations. Taking some liberties of the Talaz Lagaar equipment pilfered from the island. White fur trimmed the collar and ends of his bracers while a lot of intricate leather work held many pieces in place. Gunvor black hair was greying on the sides of his head, all of which was pulled back into a long peppered ponytail.

Gunvor Sverresson:

The last two men at the table were quiet for now. The one with short blond hair watched the interaction in earnest. His face was calm but observantly eager. Too focused to interject but the mention of names woke him out of daze, reminding him of the customs he was forgetting.”—Oh right, Bo Dahl of the Groenvollr Plains. I don’t always do well to remember the pleasantries, sorry about that. I was just thinking about the matter and got lost in my thoughts. Vidar was explaining to me the report you brought, a lot of it was going over my head but it does sound serious. Really Vidar, I’m grateful.” He’d chuckle awkwardly as he glanced at the man in question before returning his gaze to Lumikki at the end of the table.

Out of all the Jarls, one could say he is the least flashy but most grounded. Always considering the present situation and the steps needed to preserve the future. As he handles the farmlands, one could argue is one of the more important locations and responsibilities, he is invested in his work. Always reliable and vigilant. But with his humble origins of a simple farmer, it was easy for him to forget certain pleasantries when conducting himself as his thoughts are often focused at the problem at hand. Bo was not particular oppose to the wishes of the High Jarl for innovation, but he did not like soundless plan for victory. And with the information presented to him about the retrieved technology now painting a fuller story, he was lost wondering what could be a better solution.

Bo Dahl:

This left Lumikki to infer that the last man must have been the fabled Sif Åland of Aegir. Known for being a more quiet presence among the Jarls but no less capable. He was a Sitra, one the most expert sailors in Iceberg who was known to be aided by Runic navigation magic called Njörðr, which he showed the most proficiency in and thus is what garnered him the backing needed to become a Jarl, as well as his expertise in leading his men out in the deathly, treacherous sea. At the age of 28, he stepped into the role and though he didn’t spend a lot of time yet within that position as of yet, his work sailing the seas would build up his prominent reputation.

Sif Åland:

Sif appeared to be the coldest and least inviting out of all of them, but this didn’t bother Lumikki all the much. She was not here to be like, only to debate the future of her people. “Hardly a problem Bo, some of these notes were a little hard to read over. I’ve heard some stories about the island but nothing like this….What more, if what this says is true. Did they really get destroyed by some sort of explosion?” He could not hide the worried expression on his face and Bo would mirror those sentiments.

”Aye, thanks the Alfather I wasn’t there to see it but I used to conduct quest on the island. I belong to a faction there, one of three. The Loyalist ye see were tasked with keeping whatever birthed there forever on the retched island. And from me accounts….the scientists there had opened some sort of tear, something hard to explain but like we have the Nine realms, this one lead to a place they referred to as the Void. And it was this such thing that claimed them in the end, not even the fighting among ‘em. There were reports of the multitudes of people who died, to which I included some in me notes and the reports I’ve left with ye. What more….it didn’t remain there. Somehow this Void has been spreading among the world. One opening by me guild in Fiore and on just under yer very nose within the Oddr mountains. For the time, me team and I have been dispatching them and studying the stones that work as cores for the madness. But I cannot assure I or anyone I know could contain it all just yet. All the more reason to rethink using anything from the infernal island incase its technology infects Iceberg more than need be!” Her words meticulous but passionate. It gave them a lot to think over.

“I do remember hearings whispers from the Omena about it…did any spread the word to you my High Jarl?” Vidar was thinking over the accounts he’s heard in the recent months about the disturbances. So far, the reports were checking out with the accounts he’s noted as well.

Gunvor was also quite contemplative as he was trying to remember what he’s heard. Oddr mountains was far removed from most of the major cities and villages, so they did not have as much of a detailed account for the territory as they did others. What more, it was usually the barbarians who called it home, making investigating such odd occurrences much harder than most other places.

“Yea, I do remember hearing something about it from my hunters…” Orvar was slightly pulling the hairs of his beard with little thought, his focus was on getting more of an understanding of the account. The Flodlands we within central Iceberg and therefor closer than most to eh Oddr mountains in the North-West. “But how do we know it was certain?” Of course he wasn’t convince quite yet, and so the shrewd Jarl was pushing for more.

”Fair point, this is a lot to take in after all.” Lumikki drew a circle with her finger, opening up a portal to her personal abyss. The sight of such gesture was enough to make them somewhat startled. Magic in Iceberg was no as favored here as most other places, but her good reputation kept them calm.

Lumikki reached in, pulling out the remnants of the beasts she collected before. Some of the avians that she collected from her home and some of the ice golems from back in the mountains. She handed such pieces to her brothers so that the may pass them on in her place, leaving them atop the table right in front of the Jarls.

“ Odin’s skjegg….” Bo gasped, but all the Jarls to some degree looked horrified. Their disgust for such creatures was quite apparent. “Alright, but what do you propose then…Gunvor, the same to you.” Orvar didn’t stay dazed long, but he was more eager now for a solution than ever.

“All the things you brought were insightful, yes, but it does not change my stance. I assume you know just what we’re dealing with? Well we are gonna need a weapon to combat it and the stuff we usually use might not be enough…” Gunvor’s face was growing more grim, he did not seem cruel but he displayed a seriousness he didn’t have before. “And besides that, I hope to push forward the might of all of Iceberg…I’m not sure I’d be satisfied letting the account of some foreigners deter me from what could be….maybe they were too weak to handle these things sure, but us Icebergians should be able to pull though just fine.” All the Jarls looked over to him and what he said but only Sif would nod along in agreement. Bo still looked mortified and Orvar wasn’t yet convinced. “But Gunvor….how are you even sure?” Vidar was exasperated, not sure what else to say or if there was anything for him to interject with. Gunvor has been a long time good friend of his, a person he felt close to and could put his trust in. But with all those years they’ve spent, he also knows just how far Gunvor’s passions could push him. Especially when it came to ushering new prosperity and growth for the people. Gunvor was the biggest fan of life, change, and the wonders that came of it. He would not easily change his mind from the plans he harbor for the future now but Vidar could only wonder if that will become the point of tension for all of them. The technology from Talaz Lagaar was coming with a bigger price tag than they bargained for. It no longer seemed like the miracle it was when it first washed onto their shore and Vidar was no longer buying it.

“You mean to doubt me brother….you wound me but I am indeed sure! These could be the very tools to promote our ascension. Just think what the Dwarves could do with it when they get the chance to learn it? What threat could ever face us then?!” Gunvor was indeed letting his passions run wild as he was so sure that this was the answer. As if it were the push his people needs.

But Lumikki wasn’t having it. ”I would very much prefer ye not get me people meddled in that nonsense. Or the rest of Iceberg for that matter. I’m sure ya know the fate of those that stray to far from the Gods, and it is the reason we’re fighting now. The foe we face is Stigr Kjarr, and it would do us no favor to follow his bloody path as well…” Lumikki aggressively pushed back in her seat and moved the circle that made her portal. With both hands she widened it and ushered something ghastly from out of her abyss. The Draugr they had caught before had now stumbled out and fell onto the floor. With clumsy movement struggled to pick its body up but it was still moving. That was until Lumikki stomped down on the head with full force to pick it down for longer, before using the chill of her new magic to further lock it in place and bind it to the spot beneath her. “And I know all to well the enemy we fight today, along with the reason for yer desire to pursue something more dangerous than we’ve use before. But I assure ye, it won’t do us the blessing ye think it would.”

Bo pushed himself back in his seat, almost falling over while Vidar brought his palm to his face. Sif would only look onto Gunvor to see what he’d think of it and Orvar was the only one to look at the thing unphased. “So that’s the things we’d be fighting….It’s really worse than I thought, but you seem to have it locked in place. How is that?” He crossed his arms and looked back to the Demoness who’d leave the creature frozen onto the floor as she took to her seat again.

”Let’s just say I took the quest to find another solution rather seriously. Enough so that I took me to the other realms…” Lumikki pulled out some of the seeds she held onto from her trip to Jötunheimr and placed them onto the table. ”I was told the story of the undead King by Sága herself, I drank the waters of Mimir to be granted the wisdom needed, and crossed Jötunheimr and Niflheim Freon which I was granted the magic and key I needed.” Lumikki rummaged through the pocket of her white cloak until she found the coin she was gifted and placed it onto the table. But unlike how it was before, it almost gave off a divine glow and the Valknut upon it almost looked as though it moved. The Jarls gasped from her tale and trinkets. All had fell silent, even Orvar who was at a loss of what to say.

”You prove that you use magic, how are we to know this isn’t but a trick?” It was Sif words that finally cut through the darkness, a man who was so silent before was now piercing with his words. “That is a fair point..How do your magical tricks prove to be better than the weapons I plan to use? Or are you simply trying to hold us back? Who is to tell.”

Lumikki did her best to hold her temper, her hands clutched the other so tightly that her nails broke through the skin. She did well to hold her tongue until she could calm herself and gather the words, but they lacked a lot of the warmth they harbored before. ”Do you forget what the Alfather hung himself Nine days for? Or his beloved wife who showed him the spells he knows? Do ye think the Gods work their wonders with weapons alone? Or think they would condone those forsaken tools ye wish to bolster? I could assure ye this is a mistake, one I could stake me very life on. The desire for power could be very poisonous, I would know, but if ye want to make the sacrifices to gain yer desire, ye’d better do it wisely….High Jarl, I know the love ye have for yer people is true, but this wish to push them in some new age would doom them to the same fate Stigr Kjarr brought upon his own. We cannot carelessly do away with traditions or implement new weapons for war simply because by doing so we’d become stronger. I was there….I’ve seen them with me own eyes…I did me best to save and heal them. Fought for their medicine and supplies. Gunvor they were a broken people! With no Gods of their own. With no one to fight for them, they were all dying, sick, and weak. That is what this technology does! It promised ye comforts and unbridled powers while getting ye acclimated to sickness and weakness. And now we still suffer the affect of their Void creation! Do ye know how the kingdom of Harrogath fell Jarls? They foregone the Gods by decree of their king. Insulting them in the process. Then they started a war to claim more land from the Udgard Wilds, which at the time were the home of Giants and Jötnar, whom cursed their land with forever scorching cold. And as the people fell one by one, not even Hel would take them and grant them rest. Forever do they wander Midgarð for the choice of their king!” Lumikki rose from her chair once more, far to passionate to sit down. She was so annoyed that all this needed to be said.

“You would have me believe the Gods are on your side? Why would they pick and Heiress of Dwarves over me?” Gunvor was still skeptical, though somewhat deflated. He was not an arrogant man but he didn’t like feeling like a fool either. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it that way ol—” Vidar tried to sooth his friend only to be caught by surprise from what was happening in his very eyes. shadows of the room all pulled toward Lumikki, clinging onto her skin and pulling away to reveal her true form. One that took them all by surprise.

Her pale white hair was contrasted by her skin that was the shade of night. Her blue tattoos an ice blue that almost glimmered in the light. And her six wings all folded by apparent to all who gazed upon her. With hands that looked as though they were made of ice. ”They mean ye no disrespect, nor do I High Jarl. But I have closer ties and that is all. Me family hails from the Jötnar and the Primordial Frost. A trait I now harbor with the entirely of me blood. I am no hero chosen by the Gods to intact a quest, but a bridge of sorts to help align. So I plead again, do not commence that plan of yers and give me a chance for mine instead.” She was at her limits, her passions were running wild and she was on the cusp of desperation.

“I believe her…and I think I would rather back her up than you right now Gunvor. No hard feelings, but this technology isn’t looking good. And if what she said is true, it’ll be my hunters necks down the line if we can get the work done.” Orvar made his peace, finally now that he settled on this thoughts.

“Sorry Gunvor, I’ll have to second that….If what she said about Hel not taking them is true then that means no weapon we’ve got will put him down for good. I can’t afford to lose my men or farmers on something that won’t word. And I don’t have the time spare either. Lumikki’ I’ll have to go with you.” Bo, who seemed so at a loss for words until now, finally spoke his mind clearly and calmly. He was satisfied with his choice, even if it meant upsetting the High Jarl.

“Gunvor, I know we’ve gone way back, but…I’m with them. Ever since I’ve begun reading these reports, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. And I don’t want to see Iceberg poisoned or dying to the undead.” Vidar would also put his vote on the Demoness, but he was on her side all along. He just needed more time to see if the others would think the same.

“Gunvor…what now?” It was not that Sif could not think for himself, he was just not good with such matters. He idolized Gunvor like an older brother and usually followed his lead unless he was back within the waters Aegir where he felt at home.

Defeated, Gunvor balled his fist before slamming them onto the table. If three of his Jarls spoke against him then it meant he was on his own. “Lumikki had her demonstration, then I think it only fair if I got to have a little one of my own. Lumikki, you said you’d stake your life on it, am I correct?” She’d nod as her response. “Good, good, it’s good to see you have a warrior spirit. You’d need it if you win. See, here’s my condition to dropping the technology. I want to test it against your magic and go all out. If I win, then we will continue as planned, but if you win…..then I’ll let you lead the forces as the new High Jarl. What do you say? I think it’s worth a shot. It’s the last chance I have to prove my point, I think you owe me that.” All the Jarls at he table were taken aback, Lumikki too was taken by surprise but she’d recovery fast as she agreed to the terms presented. “Very well, give me thirty minutes to prepare, in the mean time would you bring her to the court yard.”

───  ─── ─── ─── ───∘°❉°∘ ─── ─── ─── ─── ───

Time passed by until finally the High Jarl emerged unto the courtyard with a metallic suit for Talaz Lagaar equipped. It looked imposing indeed, as much as it looked foreign and bazaar. The other Jarls never seeing any of the technology at play were also surprised by the sight of it. Only Lumikki seemed unimpressed as she saw things like this before.

“I thank you for your patience! Now, are you ready for our duel Lumikki?” His voice was somewhat muffled in the suit, sounding more fractured and robot than its usual tone. But his lively demeanor was not lost in the mix of it.

Suited Gunvor:

As he mentioned that, Lumikki would form a suit of her own. Drawing the rune Ize on her chest to activate her spell. A lavender magical circle manifested behind her head, resembling a demonic crest or halo before settling on the image of a runic crescent that lingered. Armor, black as obsidian, would adorn her compact frame. It left no skin bare as it hungrily consumed her. Wings would grow from many points: the helm, knee plates, and boots. While runic etches would carve its way atop the surface of bigger plates, calling to the powers of protection and overcoming battle, before fluttering out into feathery flourishes. Her helm covered much of her head, and a band of darkness would overlay above her eyes, leaving only her nose and mouth for others to see. The back of the suit had four holes intending to free her wings should she need to, and from her waist down hung a black fabric like skirt that sat atop a plate of ice, to which to big black wings adorned her hips and provided more protection from the sides. Plating with ice crystals and many shades of blue and purple adorned her neck and chest. It was almost like gazing upon a Valkyrie and the Jarls would this as such too as they gasped at her new appearance. More and more, Lumikki was becoming seen amid those of other realms.

the armor:

“Who would of thought I’d be fighting a Valkyrie to prove a point, but I can’t say I’d ever find a better opponent to risk it all to. I guess this means your ready?” Gunvor chuckled, though he felt defeated before, it would seem it didn’t rid him of his good spirits. Nor his passions seemed to dim either. Lumikki would nod in agreement and Gunvor would act upon the first move. Dashing towards Lumikki faster than he ever could before with the aid of the suit, a feat he was hoping would illuminate his points. But Lumikki didn’t flinch nor falter. With her wings dug into the earth beneath her, she braced for his hit and even though it pushed her a great distance away, it did nothing to her armor. “Impressive, I guess I somewhat underestimated the power of your magic!” Yet Gunvor didn’t relent as he went for his next strike.

”I’ve fought many battles, some with monsters that would make ye shutter. Me previous Guild Master being the most prominent one…” Lumikki retorted, only to be struck again. Though it did not send her flying nearly as much as the one last time. And now she was done giving hits away for free. Her wings pulled back so that they no longer latched upon the ground and it was now time for Lumikki to show off her speed and dexterity. Her silent movements going much faster than Gunvor could muster, or even match in his suit. She ran circles around him that he couldn’t catch up with, sending back talons to tear apart the platings of his cybernetic suit.

Gunvor was not done with though, he’d bid his time and try to learn the timing of her rotations. When he thought that he had her, he’d lunge toward her with on of his axes, only she was even quicker and ran atop him instead. The Demoness didn’t even break her stride but she did twist around to fast him, her wings cutting into the air so she’d come to a hall. Lumikki mustering the bulk of her new malice would now concentrate her frost upon him. The frigid embrace now becoming cumbersome to his suit and sapping its strength. Gunvor could hardly move, now trying to use his own raw strength to move his limbs but they would not heed to his desires and yet Lumikki kept pressing on. Her sheer cold was imposing, choking the life out of the man and forcing him onto his knees. She had no doubts that he possessed great power, but it was the suit that he wore that held him back. Ridding him of his natural talents in place of its superhuman capacity. And Lumikki would cut away every advantage that it had before summon shards of ice to rise from the ground and pierce into the armor.

Lumikki, with great care and skill, avoided his flesh. Stopping at the perfect timings to undo his plates but not him. And soon enough the suit would fall apart and onto the ground. Reveling the defeated man inside who would soon after, crumble onto the ground.

“How could….I really thought…….this could be the future…” Gunvor was finally defeated, his last ploy was over and now he had to face the reality. He poured all his heart into this, but it would seem it was a one-sided desire. Lumikki approached him all the same, her armor peeling away too like black fallen snow and she’d embrace the man. ”Ye aren’t foolish for yer desires….I could see what it is that ye wanted…but know that there is stills ways for ya to help Iceberg grow. I will take yer title as High Jarl but ye will still be the Jarl of Eyrrstad and a part of me counsel. I mean, I don’t think I could ever live up to the amount of love and fondness ye’ve garnered here and no one knows this city better than ye. I may be more aware about the matters of the world but yer eye and understanding for the port of this city is what keeps it thriving. Really, I thank ye Gunvor for the love and passion ye pour in everything ye do. So just let me face the threat that is coming for our people. Let me send the call of the raven so that me allies answer the call?”


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Curtain Call
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