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Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]

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Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:10 pm

Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  TSddMQP

Beneath a benevolent sun, the ocean shimmered, its rhythmic pulse punctuated by playful leaps of marine life. These aquatic companions seemed to escort the unassuming fishing vessel as it traversed the vast blue expanse.

For Tōga, this voyage was a landmark event. He hadn't set foot on his native soil since joining the Rune Knights, an era that felt like a distant memory. The recollections of his early days as a novice private resurfaced, battling alongside his former General, Kon, for their country's liberation from the oppressive reign of the late Shogun. Those initial skirmishes on Chishi Beach seemed a lifetime ago, a time when Tōga was still discovering his path as a warrior and mage. Time and experience had wrought remarkable changes.

Yet, amidst his growth and transformation, one aspect of Tōga's being remained stubbornly unchanged: his debilitating motion sickness. The mesmerizing beauty of the seascape, teeming with life, was lost on the dragon slayer as he grappled with his rebellious stomach. He lay curled on his side, swaying in a futile attempt to maintain equilibrium, his head resting in the comforting lap of his beloved Ursula.

Inviting Ursula on this journey back to Joya had been a romantic gesture. Tōga had envisioned sharing his roots, allowing her to witness the origins of the man she knew today. However, the reality of their voyage was proving less enchanting than he had hoped.

"Oooooooi, everything's spinning," Tōga groaned, his vision a dizzying kaleidoscope of blurred images. Ursula's gentle touch provided some solace, her presence a soothing balm amidst his discomfort. Despite his present misery, a beacon of hope pierced through the nausea-induced haze: the coastline of Joya. As its familiar contours materialized, stirring dormant memories, Tōga felt a surge of anticipation tempered by apprehension.

The landscape of Joya unfurled before them, a tapestry of verdant greenery and rugged terrain, a testament to both natural beauty and the scars of past conflicts. Each vista held a story, a fragment of Tōga's personal history interwoven with the broader narrative of his homeland.

As they neared the harbor, the vibrant arras of port life came into focus. Fishermen repaired their nets on weathered docks, while merchants bartered over the day's catch. The air was a heady blend of salt, fish, and exotic spices, a sensory homecoming that stirred something deep within Tōga. With each passing moment, his excitement grew, momentarily eclipsing his physical distress. This return was more than a nostalgic trip; it was a chance to reconnect with his origins, to share with Ursula the experiences that had shaped him, and perhaps, to uncover new facets of himself.

wc: 472


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 6:54 am


WORDS: ### | Mesh Mommy

“The big, strong fire dragon… Undone by tide and timber~?” It seeming that Toga was in dire straits but the woman who held him on the whole seeming to be in rather a good mood all things considered, while Miss Wilke was far from a salt-blooded sailor she had seemed to adapt to the ride far better than lad whom she now held in her lap, and was certainly now happy to indulge the feeling of dominance which she now held over him.
“It's cute~ And I can't say I hate having you totally at my mercy either~?” Almost feeling a matriarchal quality to the situation as she let him rest upon those soft and somewhat pale thighs which had been unsheathed thanks to bottoms which really emphasized the shortness in a part of shorts, the fingers of the fox seemed to roll through the pink locks of her partner in a tender and affectionate manner as she doted upon him, and as she did so gloated a bit over how he had seemed to become unstuck by so simple a situation.

“Might be something I should try more often, hm~?” The dark dish unable to deny a sense of satisfaction over the situation either and this something which she might just feel a temptation to repeat in slightly less queasy circumstances, while it was certainly true that her boyfriend was far from her master and commander in normal circumstances the ever free spirit which Ursula possessed was always keen to try new things, and found herself inspired a little by their current climbs to indulge a little more experimentation when they got the chance.
“Borrow those cuffs of yours, Mister Lawman~?” Smiling therein and flashing the whites of her teeth through the jet black gloss which now coated her lips, once again did the violet haired vixen show her strong sense of versality as she suggested that they do so by using one of the tools of her typical trade, while as usual she was more than happy to put her money where her mouth was the minx as well thought it might help her man to take his mind off his current plight. After all, she did seem so very good at distracting him from other things, no~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:18 am

Amidst the swirl of motion that tethered him to discomfort, Tōga strained to focus on Ursula's words, each syllable a tantalizing whisper against the backdrop of his own inner turmoil. The purple-haired vixen was weaving her usual dance of charm and allure, her gestures painting pictures in the air, her eyes glinting with a magic all their own. Normally, such an enthralling display would have captivated any man, tethering his attention and will to her every whim and desire. Yet, Tōga found himself wrestling with an all-too-familiar adversary that no warrior could simply defeat through strength or willpower alone: the dreaded motion sickness that plagued dragon slayers.

Ursula’s voice, usually so clear and compelling, seemed to drift in and out of Tōga’s auditory grasp, muffled by the internal cacophony of his condition. The world spun around him, a carousel of sight and sensation that refused to stabilize, making it extraordinarily difficult to anchor himself in the moment.

H-Huh, Ursula-chan?” His voice wavered as he managed to utter, the effort palpable, his features tinged with the flush of struggle. Sweat beaded his forehead, tracing lines of exertion down his face as he fought to remain composed, to stay present in the enchanting presence of his companion.

Did you say s-something?” he attempted to smile, hoping to mask the ache that clawed at his insides, yet the charm he aimed to project was overshadowed by the effort to maintain his composure. His words hung between them, a feeble bridge over the chasm of his disorientation.

Even as he battled the relentless tide of nausea, Tōga's heart clung to the desire to engage fully with Ursula, to respond to her enticements with the warmth and attention they deserved. Yet the dragon slayer's affliction, an ironic twist of his mighty lineage, rendered him momentarily helpless, adrift in a sea of dizzying spins and unsettling lurches.

wc: 335 [807]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:08 pm


WORDS: 360 | Mesh Mommy

“Teeheehee, just thinking aloud, my little lamb~?” The sable siren left to snicker as the lad in her lap seemed to well and truly be detached from the moment thanks to his malady, in truth Ursula needed little in the way of approval for her the kinky little notions she had been conjuring while enjoying the sea air and floored fellow she had travelled with, and as such merely stroking his head gently and soothingly as she assured him that his participation was optional and largely incidental.
“Plotting the next little mischief I might wreak upon you~?” The lupine lass left to hum as she looked toward the stricken form of her lover and dipping forward as she did so, the mischievous minx let loose her words in a throaty purr as she hinted at the designs she had in mind, and then planted her lips upon his cheek to leave and mark and with any luck lift his spirits a little bit as well.

“For now though, looks like your suffering might just be over~? Folk look like they're getting ready to leave…” The violet vixen sighing soon after however when she saw bodies seeming to assemble upon the deck with the expectation of departure however, in all honesty the dark dish felt a mite of disappointment that her chance to have Toga at her mercy was about to expire, despite this she felt at least a note of joy that he might start to feel better once they had disembarked, and in spite of how much fun she had teasing him decided that it was better for him to find his feet back on solid ground.
“Are you going to be okay here while you make the 'lady' fetch our luggage~?” Not that the event wasn't without its burdens of course and principal among them the fact that it seemed that the 'better half' in this coupling would be forced to haul their suitcases off the ship, it seemed that there wasn't much room for chivalry where motion sickness was involved, though this was a fact that she mostly jested about. After all, Miss Wilke was more than used to carrying her own bags, right~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:06 am

As the ship benignly decelerated, its gentle sway gradually replaced by the serene stillness of the Joya ocean, Tōga felt a surge of revitalization course through him. The cessation of the ship's unnatural motion allowed his stomach to settle, the color returning to his face as he still rested in Ursula's lap.

"A-are we... are we here?" he stammered, almost in disbelief, still grappling with the lingering effects of the motion sickness that had plagued him, a common affliction among dragon slayers. If not for the gradual return of his strength, Ursula's reassuring words, and the sight of passengers disembarking towards the docks, the pink-haired mage might have doubted his own senses. He slowly shifted, sitting up beside the purple-haired beauty, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. The dizziness that had clouded his mind began to recede.

"Whoa, that was something else," Tōga admitted sheepishly, a touch embarrassed after spending what felt like an eternity slumped against Ursula. With his color returning and his motion sickness fading, the Joyan native's trademark smile blossomed as he turned to his captivating companion. "I bet that wasn't quite what you signed up for," he chuckled.

"Welcome to Joya," he proclaimed, his gaze sweeping across the sprawling countryside. Mountains, like distant titans, pierced the clouds, their peaks seemingly touching the invisible stars of the morning sky.

The sight of his homeland, unchanged yet somehow different, filled Tōga with a bittersweet nostalgia. The vibrant tapestry of memories - the laughter, the tears, the battles fought and won - washed over him, a poignant reminder of the life he had left behind. Yet, there was also a sense of anticipation, a thrill of homecoming that quickened his pulse. Joya was where he had been forged, where he had taken his first steps towards becoming the man he was today. And now, he was returning, not as a wide-eyed boy, but as a seasoned Rune Knight, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Ya hungry?

wc: 360 [1,167]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:59 pm


WORDS: 400 | Mesh Mommy

“Nope~! But I can't say I hated having my big, strong dragon suddenly all weak as a kitten~?” The dark dish disembarking with her man and wasting little time in throwing him his bag now that he was seeming a bit more himself, though Ursula was glad to see his vigour returning so quickly to him she couldn't help but tease him all the same on account of the amusing turn he had taken while aboard the ship, though wasn't entirely seeming to lie in how endearing she had found the whole experience.
“I may have to plan more journeys for us by water after this~” Certainly enjoying the idea of having him at her mercy again the next time that they took a trip together, though she would be hard pressed to confess such a fact she would ultimately be a liar if she tried to deny she enjoyed doting upon him like that, and looked forward to gaining another chance either through this exploitation of weakness or some other means to indulge it.

“Ahahaha, it's pretty nice looking~? Different… But good?” The lilac lass sighing as she took in the landscape which stretched beyond her and by no means disliking what she saw, Miss Wilke tucked some of her hair behind her ear as she took it all in, and seemed to rather relish the scenery which stretched beyond them. There seeming to be something different not only about the earth and the trees which grew from them but the air itself, Joya smelled like nowhere she had visited before, and that added an air of exotic mystique to the place which she was eager to indulge.

“Whoa, worked up an appetite groaning in my lap, hm~?” Left to snicker however when he spoke of grabbing something to eat, all that she could do was sigh and roll her eyes before sweeping his arm up into her own, and began to march along with him in the direction he seemed to choose. Unable to fail to notice as she did so though the presence of what she presumed was a local staring at her for one reason or another, for a woman of such unusual taste such a fact was nothing new, and so the only natural response she had was to stuck out her studded tongue at them as she carried on unabashed and unashamed of whatever it was which was drawing their attention…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:29 am

"Hahahaha, Ursula-chan! Perhaps our next adventure will be by air!" Tōga jested, playfully negotiating the terms of their future travels. While Ursula likely enjoyed tending to him during his bouts of motion sickness, the dragon slayer himself found the experience far from pleasant. Much like the moon shunned the day, or fire rebelled against water and the absence of air, Tōga endured the universal malady of man-made transit with gritted teeth.

Still, Ursula's presence had been a comforting anchor, and when he could manage to focus amidst the tumultuous storm in his stomach, he relished the sight of her from his unique vantage point.

As the ship eased into its berth, Tōga deftly caught his bag and beamed at Ursula as she disembarked, taking his arm and marveling at the scenic grandeur of his homeland. "Yeah," he replied affectionately, his gaze sweeping across the picturesque docking village, the distant mountains veiled in mist, and the lush greenery that enveloped them as they ventured deeper into the quaint fishing hamlet. "I've journeyed far and wide, but few places compare to this." Joya had welcomed them with a humble yet majestic embrace, and Tōga eagerly anticipated sharing its hidden treasures with his beloved companion.

Oblivious to the curious glances Ursula's attire might be attracting, Tōga simply smiled as they strolled through the village. "Have you ever tried ramen?" he inquired, spotting a small ramen shop adorned with its name in the elegant Joyan script. Without hesitation, he led Ursula to the inviting stall, quickly securing two seats as his eyes roamed over the menu painted on the eastern wall.

"I've missed this!" he declared, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. The familiar aromas and flavors of home promised a comforting respite after their arduous journey. As they awaited their steaming bowls of ramen, Tōga couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He was home, surrounded by the sights, sounds, and tastes that had shaped his childhood. And now, he had the privilege of sharing this experience with Ursula, weaving her into the rich tapestry of his life.

wc: 380 [1,547]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:00 pm


WORDS: 410 | Mesh Mommy

“So, how come you left?” Certainly not hating the misty eyed manner in which her dishy dragon seemed to look about his homeland and sure that she would respond only too similar should she find herself close to that old cottage in which she grew up, all the same Ursula couldn't help but to probe her partner on the reason behind his departure given how fond he appeared to be of the realm which had birthed him, and frankly felt herself a little surprised that this would be the first time she heard the reason for her providence. Damn, she really needed to ask him more about himself, right?
“Could your dragony nose smell some hot, wolf girl ass waiting for you a few borders away~?” Not that she would linger long on the laxness of her apparent interrogation of her would-be husband material however and instead all too quickly the lupine lass seeming to make light of the destiny which had brought them together, there was more than one reason for which she was glad that the lad had opted to drift from his home much like she had, even if that did seem to be a fact one would be hard pressed to get her to admit too readily. I mean, gotta keep him on his toes, right?

“That cup stuff?” Soon after it seeming that she was left to cast her head to one side however as the boy asked her about some foodstuff which she could vaguely recall concocting via the combination of prepacked content and the use of kettle, there was virtually no way that a woman of her station and means hadn't had to subsist on such frugally inclined foodstuff, though frankly it was easy for her to guess that Toga perhaps meant something a little different both from their locale and that which seemed to be tickling at her olfactory sense as well.
“Whoaaa… Something smells good~?” After all a girl with gifts like her a fool if she would fail to notice the flavours of richness and exotic mystery which were presented as they sank into seats in front of an odd little food stand, Miss Wilke could scarcely be judged for licking at her lips as she looked between the boy at her side and the figure beyond them who seemed to be putting together all kinds of things, and felt a surge of excitement as she waited which made her kick her toes a little with anticipation…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:05 am

"Well, that's a bit of a long story," Tōga replied, lost in thought. Ursula's question about why he left Joya, the home he held so dear, hung in the air. "My parents passed away when I was young, and the dragon who raised me eventually left," he explained, a hint of melancholy in his voice. "I didn't have much family left." The world had forgotten about dragons, relegating them to the realm of myth and legend. But Tōga knew better. He understood his destiny as a dragon slayer, and he was determined to prove their existence to a skeptical world.

"So I set out to find a new path," he continued, his eyes sparkling with a hint of wanderlust. "The world is vast, and Joya will always be there. But the opportunity to explore might not always be." He turned to Ursula, his trademark grin spreading across his face. "And there's no one quite like you out there, so I'd say my adventures were worth it."

They reached the ramen shack, and as Tōga perused the menu, Ursula's next question caught him off guard. "Cup stuff?" Tōga tilted his head, momentarily confused by her unusual description. He glanced around, noticing the other patrons sharing his bewilderment. "That must be something else entirely!" he chuckled. "Here in Joya, we eat ramen fresh from a bowl, made to order!" He gestured towards the menu, its extensive selection of characters and symbols hinting at the culinary delights within.

Turning to the server with a charming smile, Tōga placed his order. "I'll have the Shoyu Ramen, please! Ursula-san, what's your favorite kind of protein? They have everything here, even veggie options!"

He watched with amusement as Ursula's eyes darted across the menu, clearly overwhelmed by the choices. It was a delightful reminder of their cultural differences, a testament to the exciting journey of discovery they were embarking on together. Tōga couldn't wait to introduce her to the vibrant tapestry of Joyan cuisine, one delicious bowl of ramen at a time.

wc: 390 [1,938]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:20 pm


WORDS: 430 | Mesh Mommy

“Jeeeez, well… You're in my pack now, dragon boy~?” The mulberry minx feeling no small pang of discomfort when Toga mentioned both the loss of his parents and the subsequent departure of the 'person' who had raised him in their place, the fondness which Miss Wilke had for this fuchsia fool made it hard for her to hear of his hardship and not feel sad, especially in light of her own memories of loneliness and loss.
“Us wolves, we stick together?” For that reason the lupine lass wrapping her fingers around the mitt of her man and squeezing it firmly but reassuringly, it felt important to her to let the lad know that he wasn't alone now and would not ever be now that she had adopted him, because no matter where he went her instinct would be to run him down. Maybe she didn't do labels so readily, but by now, there was no denying that she had found her mate, right?

“Though, what was it like getting raised by a dragon…?” That being said the young woman still seeming to feel a note of intrigue at the idea of her flame breathing friend being nurtured by one of those magnificent beasts known as a dragon, Ursula couldn't help but tilt her head and poke him for an answer on the experience, though none too hard given the grief he had shown. I mean, sounds like those 'wounds' were far from the easiest to bear, eh?

“Ahahaha, not sure they will have that~? Though I suppose it wouldn't be tooooo hard to get some~?” The mention of protein however seeming to draw out the more frolicsome portion of Miss Wilke's character and as such the goth gal flashing a wicked grin to her lover in response to it, she giggled and whispered in his ear as she hinted at something with high content that she had been well known to consume in his company, and as an added little hint to her joke let her fingers tickle their way down his tum and toward parts beyond to tease him.

“They got chicken~?” Ultimately settling back into place however and resting her head on her palm as she made a far more innocent request, when all was said and done that keen sense of smell told her that she was coming here for far more than the meat in her dish and so she went pretty simple with her request, and expected that she would get the savour the whole experience. Besides, it sounded like he had ordered something different anyway, and sharing was caring right~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:50 am


"Pack?" Toga echoed, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He hadn't shared his story to elicit pity. The loss of his parents and the departure of his dragon father had been devastating, but time, the great healer, had mended most of his wounds. Yet, he couldn't deny that a part of him still ached with a sense of longing. Thankfully, Ursula had stepped into that void, filling it with her love and unwavering support.

"Thank you," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "I wouldn't want to belong to any other pack either." The words were simple, but they carried the weight of a thousand unspoken sentiments. In Ursula, Toga had found more than just a partner; he had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood him on a level that transcended words.

The ramen shack, cozy and usually quiet, buzzed with a subtle energy that evening. Its compact space, usually a haven for the unassuming, seemed all the more intimate as Ursula's playfully risqué comment echoed slightly louder than intended. The heads that turned weren't just drawn by the novelty of her words but also by the distinct, dynamic presence she commanded. Tōga, caught in the middle of her verbal jest, felt a rush of warmth flood his cheeks, a stark contrast to the coolness of the evening. His smile was bright, almost all-consuming as he couldn't contain his happiness; still infatuated by the warmth his beautiful conspirator infected him with. Still, like Ursula, sentimentality was always near seduction.

"Oh…" he muttered, processing her insinuation, his face blossoming into a deep shade of red. His heart thumped audibly, resonating with a mix of thrill and mortification over the spicy insinuation that outspiced the upcoming meal.

"Ooh, Ursula-chan! They don’t serve that here!" Tōga chuckled, a nervous laugh betraying his fluster as he playfully rebuffed her allusion. His attempt to lighten the mood was almost desperate as he felt Ursula’s hand wander tantalizingly down his torso and discreetly beneath the table.

"S-she'll take what I'm having, and uh, add chicken, please!" he called out to the server, his voice lifting in a pitch of exaggerated cheerfulness to cover his growing discomfiture. He bowed slightly, maintaining the courtesy ingrained in him by his Joyan heritage, his eyes darting around in a futile attempt to ignore the sensation of Ursula's exploring fingers.

The murmurs around them grew slightly louder, the curiosity and amusement palpable as fellow patrons pieced together the context behind Ursula's words. Tōga, sensing their attention magnetizing towards them, shifted uncomfortably yet clung to his smile. "Don’t mind them," he whispered to Ursula, his voice a mixture of reassurance and slight admonishment. "They're just not used to hearing such free-spirited conversation." His grin was encouraging, aimed at bolstering both their spirits amidst the growing awareness of their audience.

wc: 522 [2,460]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:59 am


WORDS: 440 | Mesh Mommy

“Good, cause I ain't sharing you, hot stuff~” The goth girl giving a little growl as her pink haired partner affirmed his commitment to their little pack, Ursula purred happily and tilted her head as she stole a little taste of those lips for her appetiser, and then grinned at her man as she let him process the emotions that their impromptu declarations seemed to have inspired.

“Teeheehee, wow? They seem kinda stuffy, huh?” All too quickly the pair seeming to fall back into their ribaldries however when Toga tried to excuse the way in which the locals seemed to be reacting to her more expressive nature, Miss Wilke was more amused by their raised brows and contemptuous expressions than anything, and found that this was nothing new for a girl who in one way or another had learned to embrace the differences which separated her from society.

“Are the girls like this too? No wonder you had to find a sexy something from a distant land to keep you amused, eh~?” Still seeming to feel a note of curiosity about the culture here and perhaps suspecting that for all of his good manners that her lover felt almost as stifled by the environment as she might do if given time, the pieces were falling into place as to why he had seemed to go for a girl from more distant shores in order to find romance, and enjoyed the idea of that. After all, it seemed as if he preferred her over something more delicate and demure, right?

“Mmmmmm, smells pretty damn good huh~?” At the very least it seeming that the mesh clad minx was happy however when the figure beyond the counter seemed to bring them their food, though the fragrances which had been kicked up as the cook had set to his task had been good enough they hardly seemed to compare to the finished article, and Ursula couldn't help but drink in the aroma of her dish for a moment and almost found herself drooling at the prospect.
“Though I do have a taste for Joyan stuff, eh~?” Not that she was quite done with her risqué routine however and once more seeming to smirk as she once more alluded to certain topics of conversation which might be better left unsaid in this company, after a moment she glanced down for a sign of something to eat her dish with and found only an odd pair of sticks which puzzled her, and prompted a look of confusion toward her cohort as she waited for him to demonstrate how one set to a dish like this…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:46 am

Tōga's laughter echoed softly in the cozy confines of the ramen shop as he affirmed the exclusivity of his bond with Ursula. "Good, I don’t like being passed around," he joked lightly, a warm smile playing on his lips as he reveled in the comfortable assurance that they were, in essence, two souls entwined by choice—a duo as inseparable as stars in the night sky or the waves on a beach, endlessly returning to each other.

The conversation meandered to his past, particularly to his days in Joya. Ursula's curiosity about his romantic adventures—or the lack thereof—in his homeland sparked another chuckle from him. "Honestly, I never really thought about it," Tōga admitted, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I was so caught up in exploring and honing my strength that I didn't make room for romance. It's funny, the women of Joya are indeed amazing—each a unique picture of grace. But my heart was set on broader horizons." That reflection illuminated the special nature of what he shared with Ursula. It wasn’t merely that she had caught his eye; she had captured his attention in a way that no one in Joya had managed, her spirit resonating with his on a profound level that went beyond mere physical attraction or shared interests. She had managed to become his focus when countless others had merely been part of the backdrop.

As their ramen arrived, steam rising invitingly from the bowls, Tōga’s delight was palpable. "It smells incredible!" he exclaimed, a childlike glee overtaking him as he prepared to dive into the culinary masterpiece before him. The ramen was aN opus of flavors: the savory broth enriched with tender pork, the vegetables lending their subtle textures, and the soft-boiled egg adding a creamy richness that perfectly balanced the dish.

However, Ursula’s playful remark, laced with innuendo, caught him off guard just as he was about to savor his first mouthful. His reaction was instant; a choke of surprise, his cheeks aflame as the underlying meaning of her words sank in. "W-what!?" he stammered, the chopsticks pausing mid-air, his heart racing with a mixture of shock and delight.

Regaining his composure, he shot her a look that mixed feigned indignation with genuine affection. "Can’t say I get enough of that," Tōga responded, his voice a blend of tease and truth. His roguish banter masked a deeper appreciation of their connection, one that was as flavorful and nuanced as the dish they were about to enjoy.

wc: 436 [2,896]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:52 pm


WORDS: 380 | Mesh Mommy

“Teehee, really~? Hmmmm, we might have to meet some of these graceful Joyan women then~?” The brow of the beauty in black lifting as her lover mentioned some manner of respect and reverence in which he held the ladies of the land in which they now found themselves, Ursula couldn't help but feel a note of curiosity growing within her at seeing just how different they were to a girl like herself, and grinned as she hinted that she would be happy to discover this over the course of their little vacation here.
“Stillllll, after our time together, I think you fit better with something a bit wilder~?” The matter however one which seemed a little academic however and if truth be told the temptress guessing that they might suit her tastes a whole lot better than she did that of the lad, the humility with which her honey buns seemed to carry himself and how he had taken to one so provocative as our plum haired pugilist told her that he preferred his women to be a little more feistier than what he was describing, and affirmed such a thought with the mildest degree of gloating as well.

“Ohhhhh, I know~! You should hear this guy… You'd never stop blushing~?” The smirking siren only seeming all the smugger when Toga commented on how he couldn't get enough of her 'tastes', the dark dish was ever daring in her answer and not only confirmed the truth of his apparent sarcasm, but also tilted her head to one of the stuffier souls in the place and teased the topic toward them as well. I mean, the rebel in her meant that she never was one who tended to dance around issues for fear of offence, right?

“How are you…?” Not that she didn't feel a note of envy however as she watched the lad seeming to somehow use the odd little sticks in tandem to puck up the food in their brothy bowl, Miss Wilke furrowed her brow as she attempted to mimic his movements but with only limited success really. Able to snag maybe one noodle at a time in a mostly unsatisfactory manner, the mulberry minx huffed after a moment and pouted, showing her less often seen cutie pie side as a result of her struggles…!


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:02 am

Tōga was all too aware of the curious glances that punctuated the ambient noise of the ramen shack. Here in Joya, a land woven from the threads of tradition and reserve, his uninhibited display of affection with Ursula was not just an anomaly—it was an exhibition. Yet, the gazes that swept over them carried no hint of judgment, merely the shimmer of intrigue and the shadow of unfamiliarity.

It was reminiscent, perhaps, of a fawn's first tentative steps into a meadow, each movement etched with wonder and caution. Tōga recognized this not as an intrusion but as an opportunity—an unspoken dialogue between the old ways and the new connections he brought into this fold. Amid these reflections, Ursula’s struggle with the foreign utensils drew a tender smile from Tōga. It was a reminder of the small journeys they navigated together, each learning curve a shared path.

Here, let me help, Ursula-chan,” Tōga murmured, his voice a blend of warmth and amusement. Sliding closer, he reached around her, his hand guiding hers with a gentle sureness. His fingers were confident and kind as they adjusted the chopsticks in her grasp. “Like this,” he explained, his tone soft yet instructive, ensuring the utensils were aligned just so in her hands.

Now, give it a try,” he encouraged, his arm lingering just a moment longer in their intimate embrace, bridging the gap between teaching and touching.

wc: 256 [3152]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:13 pm


WORDS: 340 | Mesh Mommy

“J-Jeez, choosing a place like this…” The beauty in black usually so bold and yet even the right moment seeming to find her blushing, this one where the lad took control of her hand and helped to feed her was one which turned her cheeks as fantastically fuchsia as the fronds which grew from his head, and made her glance around them far more nervously than any amount of innuendo ever could.
“Was it your way of having me at your mercy like you were at mine~?” One who had gotten so used to surviving on her own that the very notion of being helped and supported so affectionately hit a weak point she barely seemed to register, all that Ursula could do was squirm and grouse about the issue, though deep down enjoyed it far more than she might have ever let on. For all of her wickedness, she liked having someone who could and would take care of her, didn’t she?

“Mmnn~!” At the very least seeming to be satisfied with the result when she was eventually able to lift a reasonable quantity of her meal into her maw and perhaps this showing in the unabashed manner with which Miss Wilke mewled as the honed flavour and richness hit her tongue, those amethyst eyes rolled back into the skull of our lilac lady lead as she drank in the goodness, and immediately seemed to seek more right after it.
“Dammmmnnnnn, that's pretty good!” Lunging for the plate again and attempting to mimic the actions which Toga had shown her to take better command of these odd utensils, while the technique was far from as polished as that of her beloved boy it seemed to suffice as she dipped forward and seemed to half flick more of the goodness into her lips before it dropped back into the bowl, and once she had slurped them down the dark dish could not help but declare the deliciousness for all to hear. Really, low key was not a 'mode' she had available on this vacay, did she~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:27 pm

Tōga couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter echoing lightly through the modest confines of the ramen shack. "Hahaha, I mean, most places in the countryside are just like this!" he explained, his voice infused with a light-hearted amusement. Ursula, ever the epitome of control and independence, seemed to instinctively raise a barrier, even in such a humble and unassuming environment. Her actions, though subtle, did not escape Tōga's observant eyes. It was one of the many things he admired about her—the way she managed to assert her sovereignty, no matter the setting.

"Everything isn't about control, Ursula-chan," he continued, his tone softening, the words drifting between them like an early autumn breeze misplaced in the warmth of summer. His smile broadened, eyes twinkling with a warmth that mirrored the affection in his voice. "Sometimes, it’s about being uncomfortable because that's where we find true freedom," he mused, shifting back slightly to give her space to maneuver her chopsticks without his guidance.

Tōga returned to his own meal but remained acutely aware of Ursula, watching her from the corner of his eye. He noted every fumble and every small victory as she navigated the unfamiliar utensils with a determination that mirrored her spirit. When she finally managed a successful bite, the delight that transformed her features was unmistakable, lighting up her face with the radiant glow of achievement. "Delicious, right!?" Tōga couldn't contain his excitement, his voice booming a little too enthusiastically as he momentarily risked his own bowl in his animated response. He watched her with a mixture of pride and joy, thrilled to see her embracing this new experience.

"Now imagine that, but with like 400 other flavors!" he said, the thought alone enough to make his mouth water anew. He eagerly scooped up another mouthful of his ramen, the rich broth and perfectly cooked noodles giving him flashbacks to the culinary delights Joya had to offer. His enthusiasm was palpable, each word punctuated by his energetic gestures, clearly eager to share even more of his world with Ursula.

wc: 370 [3,522]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:57 pm


WORDS: 370 | Mesh Mommy

“Teeheehee, wow you don't have to lecture me on the value in letting loose, Togey-bear~?” The gothic girl giggling and shaking her head as her pink haired partner refuted the idea that one of them needed to be in control of the other or themselves for that matter, a werewolf like Miss Wilke was only too used to running wild as the phrase goes, and she winked at Toga because of that. I mean honestly, she was a walking bad influence, right?

“Pretty sure I was doing that a bit too much the day we met, no~?” Sighing and feeling reminded of their introduction because of that, while some might have thought that the sour experience therein might have been the reason she seemed to restrain her a bit more than she did before meeting the lad, in truth it was more that she had found a new way to scratch that itch. Sure it had been fun chasing down her desires, but that hardly compared to showing and sharing them with someone she had come to love, no~?

“Whoooaaaa, there's that many different kinds~?” All the same the lilac lass left to gape at his comment about there being such a vast array of flavours for the dish they were eating, Ursula shook her head as she could scarcely imagine just what kind of tastes they might accrue with the right combination of spices and the like, before just about managing to stuff some more of those noodles into her maw with the crude method of mastery she had over her eating implements now.
“Looks like I'm gonna be eating good here, hm~?” Picking up some of the method quickly however and subtly noting how one of the other patrons seemed to overcome the absence of some manner of scooping implement for the soupy body of their dish in a more down to earth fashion, the violet vixen eagerly imitated the act by lifting her own bowl to her lips and drinking down some of the brother, and then flashed a wink to her lover and grinned at the act as well. With so stiff and formal a manner, it seemed downright cheeky to eat things in this way, no~? Like her very own act of rebellion…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:53 am

Oh, I couldn’t forget, hahhaha!” Tōga's eyes lit up, reflecting the jocund spark that seemed to ignite whenever Ursula spoke with her characteristic fervor. Her spirit, untamed and fiercely independent, had drawn him to her from the moment they first collaborated during an investigation into drink spiking at nightclubs. Ursula had transformed from a potential victim into a pivotal ally overnight, her sharp wit and indomitable spirit hinting she might have thrived as a Rune Knight herself.

In the unfolding months, their relationship had deepened substantially, blossoming into a partnership that seamlessly blended adventure with affection. Their adventures ranged from navigating the sinister nightlife of Stella to now exploring the pastoral landscapes of Joya, Tōga's homeland. Each journey revealed new layers to their personalities, strengthening their bond and emphasizing their mutual dependence. Now, back in Joya, Tōga's demeanor was visibly lifted, a buoyant echo of the carefree days of his youth. "Here in Joya, the possibilities are endless," he enthused, gesturing expansively as he described the local cuisine. "You can concoct any ramen you can imagine—mixing various meats, veggies, and uniquely flavored broths!" He polished off his own bowl with a satisfied slurp, savoring the familiar taste of home.

"So, Ursula-chan," Tōga continued, his tone weaving curiosity with a hint of curiosity, "Is there anything you wanna do while we are here? " The question lingered between them, ripe with the possibilities of shared new experiences. Joya's rich drapery of culture and its staggering natural beauty presented innumerable opportunities for discovery.

Tōga was keen to introduce Ursula to the lesser-known treasures of his homeland, to craft memories in the very places that had shaped him. His anticipation was palpable, a keen giveaway to his desire to spend more time with her, in the place he knew the most, and knew him. Their journey together was far from ordinary, it was a continuous exploration of life's vast and unpredictable panorama.

wc: 346 [3,868]

Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  GPIjkMz

Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:43 pm


WORDS: 300 | Mesh Mommy

“Just my boyfriend~?” An opening like the one which Toga had left her something which she simply could not overlook, after putting her bowl back down the black belle tipped her head toward the lad and answered his question in a manner which was as candid as it was nonchalant, at least for a moment. Unable to restrain the way in which her lips would curl afterward given just how discomforting their company had been upon the people in their vicinity, the rebellious raven was not about to admit defeat on such a matter, and as such Miss Wilke merrily flashed him a wicked grin that told him she was gonna get them kicked out of somewhere or die of laughter trying.

“Heeheehee, this felt like more the kind of thing where you wanted to show some stuff off for me~?” Not that she didn't appreciate the lengths to which the lad had gone to bring her to this new venue but ultimately it seeming that Ursula was happy to led him lead for a change, she knew all too well that this was a homecoming and wanted him to indulge the thrill therein as he wanted, and frankly would be found happy so long as he was.
“So, what do you wanna do, Dragon boy~?” For that reason seeming to show a slightly less domineering attitude than usual and leaving the choice of where they would head next in the hands of their 'local contingency', perhaps as she learned of the place a little better then the lilac lass might just feel an impulse to seek out somewhere which intrigued her, but for now she was as thrilled by her company as anything else and wanted to let him have the chance to steer their destiny for a time because of that…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:09 pm



Tōga nearly toppled from his chair as Ursula, with a mischievous gleam in her eye, playfully suggested their next activity might involve something more... intimate. The comment, light-hearted though laden with innuendo, sent a shockwave through Tōga's system, rendering him momentarily speechless. He scrambled awkwardly, attempting to regain both his physical and composure, under the watchful eyes of the small ramen shack's patrons.

The immediate reaction from the nearby locals was a mix of startled glances and hurried shuffling. A couple at the next table, who had been quietly enjoying their meal, exchanged a look of perplexity before hastily paying their bill and departing, clearly discomfited by the risqué exchange. Tōga, cheeks flushed a shade that rivaled the setting sun outside, managed a nervous laugh. "Well… I mean – Oh! You're joking. Hahahaha!" he stammered, trying to brush off the intensity of the moment as he refocused on Ursula. His attempt to redirect the conversation was both a desperate pivot and a genuine attempt to embrace the lighter side of their interaction.

"You know," he ventured, eager to change the subject to something less charged, "I heard there's a festival happening nearby. It’s in celebration of the recent victory in the war. Wanna go check it out?" His suggestion was more than just an escape from their current awkward dining experience; it was an invitation to delve into the cultural heart of Joya.

His gaze lingered on Ursula, admiration and affection evident in his eyes. The warmth returned to his expression, his smile broad and inviting, encapsulating the spontaneous joy he felt whenever he was with her. Despite the occasional embarrassment, Ursula's vibrant spirit was a constant reminder of why he cherished their time together. He wanted to nurture that feeling and allow it to blossom, living on for as long as she’d have him.

wc: 331 [4,199]


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:53 pm


WORDS: 270 | TOTAL: 4140 | Mesh Mommy

“Ahahahaa, this time, at least~?” The gothic girl flashing her fella a little wink once she had watched him go through those cute little stages of embarrassment, though perhaps it was a little lacking for convention for the lad in a boy-girl combo to be the more habitually adorable one, especially when he could prove to be a fire breathing dragon when the situation called for it, ultimately Ursula enjoyed the way in which they seemed to buck tradition. It was a thrill to see him gape at the things she said, and ever more so see that fuchsia colour of his hair bleed into his cheeks when he was flustered, wasn't it?

““Yeah, might as well check it out, huh?” Continuing to address her meal in the meantime and finally seeming to have made some progress with the until now unknown form of food she had been given, once more did she seem to shovel the mix of meat and noodles into her may haphazardly and then slurp down the rich broth which came with it, and was left to wipe her mouth when Toga mentioned the idea of them enjoying the festivities which were kicking up afterward.
“You know me, always down for a party~” As such Miss Wilke seeming no reason to refuse the impulse to check out the event and in fact feeling rather a surge of curiosity to see just how the homeland of her would-be 'husbando' handled a festival, the gothic girl flashed a grin to her lover and set about finishing her meal, feeling eager to see the entertainment which Joya had to offer once they were done…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Under The Summer Skies [ft. Ursula]  Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:14 pm

"Then it's settled!"

With the blush slowly retreating from his cheeks, Tōga settled into a comfortable warmth, the earlier flirtations from Ursula now a fond ember in the afternoon's glow. The dragon slayer leaned back, contentment painting his features as he took in the last of their meal together in the cozy ramen shack. With a practiced motion, he drew from his pockets a handful of jewels, each glinting like tiny stars fallen into his palm. They were more than enough to cover the meal, a silent extension of his gratitude for the shack and their hosts. He laid them out on the worn wooden table with a nod of gratitude to the chef and server who had provided them with such hearty fare.

Turning his attention back to Ursula, Tōga’s eyes twinkled with mirth, his smile broadening as he stood and stretched his limbs, ready for the next adventure. “You know, it might not seem like it, but the people of Joya really know how to celebrate,” he declared, his voice tinged with pride for his homeland.

But first, we ought to dress the part. How about we pick out a kimono for each of us? It’s only right to honor the traditions while we’re here.”

His excitement about sharing this piece of his culture seemed to grow with each word, imbuing his suggestion with an infectious enthusiasm. Reaching out, he offered his hand to Ursula, his gesture a bridge inviting her into the deeper aspects of his world.

Let’s go!

-Thread closed

wc: 274 [4,473]

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