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Sorath, Tsutomu [Done]

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Sorath, Tsutomu [Done] Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:08 pm



Name: Sorath, Tsutomu

Age: October 6th, X781

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desiertian

Class: Adventurer

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Anterior thigh region.

Face: OC


Height: 5’9”

Weight: 153 lbs.

Hair: Very dark shade of blue.

Eyes: Ruby-red eyes.

Overall: Tsutomu has a round face and almond-shaped, ruby-red eyes that catch the light beautifully. His eyelashes are long and meticulously maintained, resembling delicate brushstrokes that add a dramatic flair to his look. His eyebrows are softly angled, thick, and wide from top to bottom, giving them a feathery, natural appearance. With its slight point and compact size, his nose fits his face perfectly, accentuating his distinctive features and harmonizing his overall appearance. Tsutomu’s dreadlocks are a striking, deep blue shade resembling rolled-up paper or twig-like formations. The ends of the dreadlocks are jagged and irregular, adding a rugged, textured look to the otherwise sleek color.

Tsutomu stands at five foot nine with a lean, athletic build. His broad shoulders give him a commanding presence, while his muscular arms and well-defined legs highlight his physical fitness and strength. His overall physique combines agility with an impressive muscularity, reflecting his strength and athleticism.

Extra: He is wearing a silver hoop earring in his left ear.


Personality: From a young age, Tsutomu learned to respect everyone, whether human or animal. He understood that kindness and contributing to society were vital, and neglecting these values would only tarnish his character and reveal his true self. He also realized that crying wasn't a sign of weakness but a testament to his strength and resilience. Compassion and helping your neighbor are admirable, but never be the fool who lets others take advantage of your kindness. Despite his strong values, Tsutomu never imposes his morals or beliefs on others. He believes everyone should live as they see fit and respects that, just as he chooses to live.

Tsutomu has a bad habit of bearing the weight of difficult situations and suffering silently. This habit stems from his mistrust of others and his desire not to burden them. At times, his inner turmoil becomes painfully apparent to those around him, as it often appears like a million different things are on his mind. More often than not, Tsutomu remains his usual quiet self and doesn't pay much attention to others.

Although he doesn't trust most people, he never has trouble making new friends. Many have said that his personality makes him easy to talk to, and it seems he has a way of attracting others. If Tsutomu were to trust someone enough to call them a friend, he would be fiercely loyal and do anything for them. He particularly values people who share similar interests.

  • Meat: Tsutomu loves the taste of most meats and couldn’t imagine his life without it. Bacon, in particular, is his favorite.
  • Sandboarding: Nothing compares to the thrill of sandboarding down and across the vast dunes of Desierto.

  • Ignorance: Tsutomu isn’t fond of close-minded people who let ignorance dictate their every decision.
  • Attention: Tsutomu is still deciding about attention. He likes receiving attention from certain people, like friends but prefers to avoid it from strangers. While he enjoys being the center of attention or in the spotlight occasionally, he doesn't actively seek it out. Above all, he dislikes being thrust into publicly heated situations or having his personal affairs become the main topic of discussion.

  • Indifferent: At the moment, nothing truly motivates Tsutomu. However, it warms his heart to know that he has his mother's unwavering support, no matter what path he chooses in life.

  • Death: As a child, he feared not making it through another day in this world. Even now, as an adult, that fear still lingers, though it no longer weighs as heavily on his mind.
  • Failure: Tsutomu has an intense fear of failure and often takes on unrealistic goals set by others. He works tirelessly to avoid disappointing them, striving to meet their expectations.


Strength: 13

Speed: 31

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 31

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: N/A

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: N/A


History: Tsutomu took his first breath at an oasis in Desierto, a moment his mother often recalled as the most special day of her life. After many miscarriages and stillbirths, she could hardly believe she was finally holding her baby, fearing another loss at every turn. Yet, as she looked into his innocent eyes, she felt a joy she never thought possible, seeing him as nothing short of a miracle. Amid such difficult times, his presence brought light to her life and everyone around her. For that reason, she named her son Tsutomu, meaning "to endeavor, try, strive, make an effort," believing that he had fought just as hard as she did to stay alive.

As he grew older, Tsutomu came to appreciate his mother's authoritative parenting style, finding comfort in its structure and guidance. She had clear expectations for her son, believing he could achieve anything he set his mind to. She never raised her voice, preferring to open the floor to honest conversations when tensions arose. Disciplinary actions felt less like punishments and more like opportunities for learning and growth. Most importantly, she stepped up to fill the role of an absent father, teaching Tsutomu everything a father should have had he been part of his life.

At fifteen, Tsutomu has journeyed to his father's homeland of Fiore, resolved to find the man and inform him of his mother's declining health. Though he has no name or face to guide him, he knows the task will be challenging and time-consuming. Nonetheless, he is ready to face the difficulties, willing to do anything for his mother—even if it means confronting the loathsome man who is his father.

For reasons beyond Tsutomu's understanding, his mother still loves the man who hurt her. In her time of need, Tsutomu feels that hearing from him might somehow ease her pain and suffering, as he cannot bear to see her in such distress.

Discord: M

Reference: N/A


Sorath, Tsutomu [Done] Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:42 am



Sorath, Tsutomu [Done] GPIjkMz

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