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Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits]

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Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:09 am


Mishiko, wearing a kimono that wrapped around her tall goddess-like form, it had colors of black, pink, and blue and designs of butterflies and flowers with some ocean waves. Up the right leg of the kimono was a dragon that people could swear was gazing into the looker's eyes. Her long black-brown hair trailed behind slowly as she walked forward looking to see where Yuurei was. What if he changed his mind at the last second? Ohta appeared out of nowhere beside Mishiko as he could feel her turmoil. "Do not worry, I doubt he'd miss out on a chance to spend time with you on purpose," Ohta spoke wisely, a little sarcastic in his tone, but it was due to him trying to lighten things.

"Ohta, how are the children? Is Ryujin taking care of them well?", she asked softly, a little anxious about leaving them out longer. Ohta's tired golden eyes gaze towards Mishiko, "They are well. I doubt Ryujin would risk having the vermilion child being hurt, as well as the others." Ohta spoke discreetly to make sure details were not given to the children in public. Mishiko nods and sits on a bench as she watches people dance around the fire pit as music goes off. Mishiko didn't want to do anything without Yuurei's company as she wanted to experience this together rather this was a 'date' or as friends.


Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:57 am


Yuurei’s look:

Renji’s Look:

Yuurei had decided to join Mishiko in the festival that was happening within Joya. Still, one thing he had to do was change his clothes. He had gone a looked for something that he could wear. He figured he would show his real self to her here, so his wings would be under what he was wearing. It took a bit, but he had found what he wanted to wear. He loved the style of it and he found it comfortable. Still, he hoped that she didn’t think she was bailing on him.

Renji didn’t want to walk around, but he didn’t want to be in his Exceed form, so he decided to become a human, but smaller. He looked the same, but younger and with tattoos still. He was on Yuurei’s shoulder as he didn’t weigh much as he was still the same weight as a cat.

“I hope I’m not late.” He said out loud as he was walking to the meet-up location.

Renji was on the lookout to see if he could see them from where he was.

“Nah, you aren’t late, but she might think you bailed on her.” He said to Yuurei.

The Seraphim shook his head as his face had gotten faster as he was approaching the area. He did bring her lilies though with the tint of cyan that he loved so much. It was soon that Renji would spot Ohta and Mishiko sitting on a bench. They were there waiting for Yuurei. Renji would tug the man’s hair and point in the direction.

When he saw this he would approach them from behind and he would stretch his arm out so the bouquet of lilies was next to her.

“Sorry for the wait, I had to change, and I wanted to get you this.” He said to her from behind.



Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:08 am


Her eyes gazed around, feeling awkward as she saw Ohta's expression be calmer than she felt inside. She watched as couples would pass by and while she was married to two gods, gods did not do typical mortal activities like holding hands, or romantic gestures as it was a power trip and she knew that this would be different. Mishiko saw the smiles, people freely expressing their emotions unlike herself. Was she in the old times where status meant hiding how one truly felt which equaled power? Hiding weakness? Her eyes half closed as she was stuck in the slog that was her mind. Ohta cleared his throat as his eyes cornered towards Yuurei and Renji. Mishiko stood up and turned, her eyes sparkling from the lights as they looked hopeful and smiles sweet and yet small when she saw Yuurei there.

The flowers were beautiful to her eyes as they were snowflakes mixed with beautiful ocean water as she took them gently, their fingers grazing against each other. "T-thank you, Yuurei. They're beautiful and you look great.", her giggle reached his ears alone as it was soft, quiet. Mishiko slowly moved around so they were standing next to each other, offering her arm. "Shall we go?", she wondered where he'd want to go first. Mishiko for once wanted someone else to lead.

Ohta gazed towards Renji, "Shall we leave the two alone?" He asked and arched his brow, taking the hint by Mishiko's demeanor that she wanted to try being alone alongside Yuurei. "Perhaps we'll find something amusing," he sarcastically spoke and smirked.


Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:07 am


Yuurei would watch her take her flowers and then thank him for it. He stood tall listening to her words and he blushed a bit as she complimented him on his look. Still, her smile had brought him joy to see and it would bring him to smile. That was what he wanted to see from her and he was glad to see it. It was then she had offered her arm to him and he wouldn’t hesitate as he locked in with hers.

“You always look beautiful.” He said staring at her for a bit as he was giving himself a few seconds of enjoyment before they walked off.

As he walked with her he could see that there were many others enjoying this festival with each other. It seemed like this was a good time for them to have fun, and get to know each other even more.

“This is a perfect chance for us to enjoy our time together and get to know each other better. It was also nice seeing you smile, I hope to see more of it. So, what do you like to do first?” He moved with her and if she didn’t have an idea, he saw a game that they could have fun together playing.

Renji stood behind Ohta as he heard his words. He was fine with that, and he was glad that he suggested that. He wanted to kind of pull Ohta back so that Yuurei and Mishiko could enjoy their time together.

“Do you drink? I have been trying to, but I still don’t understand how humans enjoy such a thing. Milk seems just the superior beverage.” He said to him as he wondered what his input was in that.



Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:27 pm


At his compliment, she gave a small amused smile as she listened to what he had to say. "Oh? Does my smile make you smile?", she asked softly, curious yet teasing as she looked around. The death and war Goddess wondered where to go first with her 'date' as she assumed this was true. She felt Ohta's presence going further and assumed he was now chatting with Renji while her and Yuurei got better acquainted.

"I'd like to get something to drink and perhaps look at the games that are around," she spoke soft before walking with him to where the drinks were being served. She shyly had her arm hooked around his as she felt his muscular hard arm against the softness of her side and chest. Mishiko adjusted her height so she was shorter, not taller than him as she wanted to feel normal, wanted to feel perfect in her mind when it came to human relations despite him no longer being human, but to her he was him. As they went to the drinking area, she watched children roam, and couples laughing together, and then she finally got to the drink stand. "I'll just take a strawberry, mango, berry lemonade. I'll pay for what they want," Mishiko spoke. After getting their drinks, she'd look at the games where people win prizes. "Shall we play some?" Mishiko questioned.

Meanwhile, Ohta heard Renji ask about alcohol. "Ah, I do sometimes. Mishiko's Icebergian friend sometimes tells us about some interesting drinks she finds or has invented during her travels. If milk is your fancy...", he spoke and then saw Mishiko and Yuurei were at the drinking bar, once they left with their drink he went ahead and went behind the counter, making a drink. Once done, he walked to renji and handed him one. "Classic Bushwacker Cocktail it is suppose to be called." It was made out of Kahlua, dark rum, crème de cacao (chocolate liquor), cream of coconut, milk, and ice and topped with a maraschino cherry. It'd taste like chocolate coconut milk - very sweet yet will get someone slowly drunk. Ohta then ordered his own drink, typical wine that looked quite like sunshine with a little purple and blue. Ohta wondered if the feline would like the drink.


Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:00 am


Yuurei saw her smile, and he would indeed smile at her. It was enjoyable to see her smile and her speaking up to see if it was factual was even better.

“It does, so whenever you truly want to smile do so. Especially around me without hesitation.” He was trying to tell her to be true to herself and it was what he enjoyed a lot.

He heard her words and nodded. He was fine with them getting drinks and then playing some games. There were a lot of carnival games at the Joyan festival, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one to enjoy. While they moved to where they got drinks, he could feel something change about her. She was much smaller than she was prior, and it seemed like she wanted to be a bit smaller than he was.

He was okay with her decision, and he was also fine if she stood at her normal height. Still, he was glad that they were able to be together right now. When they got to the stand, she would ask what she wanted, and he would do the same.

“I would like…” He paused as he was going to get water at first, but decided to go for something else.

“Blue raspberry with wild cherry burst please.” He said to them as they were preparing the drink.

It wouldn’t take long, but he would get his drink, and she wanted to play some games.

“Yeah, that is actually a great idea.” He said to Mishiko as they were going to their first game.

They would go to a game where they had to knock down a few things to get the prizes that were available. When they saw that the Shogun was here, the man would let go of the mechanics that would make it harder for people to win.

“Step right up and play. If you knock four of these down, then you will be able to get a prize.” He said to Yuurei and Mishiko.

He would grab the balls that he would be using, and he would launch the first two toward their target. They would hit true as they would fall back, and he looked over to Mishiko.

“Would you like to try?” He asked as he wasn’t going to exclude her from this.

Renji followed Ohta and it seemed like he was going to be making him a drink. This was a first, and soon enough he would get a drink. He would hear what drink it was, and he looked at it wondering what it would taste like. He would drink a bit of it and he would look at it as if it tasted wonderful. This was good and it tasted like it had milk in it with the mix of alcohol.

“Ah, this is better than everything else I’ve tried. Bushwacker Cocktail. I will remember it for the future.” He said to him as he wondered what he would be drinking and then he saw a purple and blue drink in his hand.



Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:31 am


She listened to him as her eyes sided to make sure she watched him. Something within her truly wanted to open up, be herself as the light of her soul was Quillareine who she locked within herself so she could control her emotions. She smiled sweetly as she took a drink of her beverage. The taste was fruity, strong and made her nerves shiver with delight as the pumping of her heart started once it hits. Alcohol was a social thing for her as she didn't do a lot of it like her dear Icebergian friend who was now busy in space or elsewhere, she had no idea at the moment.

"I will learn to loosen up for you, Yuurei.", her voice was more softer, human and sweeter in her natural calm way. She then saw the game Yuurei was walking to and followed, her eyes gazing at the man who was in control of this game and he was anxious and stepped aside to an obvious trick that is done to make money and make it difficult for those that weren't amazing at such games. Personally, she sucked at them and giggled when Yuurei knocked back two, asking if she'd like to try. "Oh no, I think this is definitely your forte, aiming is rather not my strongest suite unlike other things.", she smiled politely while sipping her drink, letting his mind wander.

Her eyes glistened while watching Yuurei play - hopefully, as she wanted something won, but was too inner shy to say anything.

Meanwhile, Ohta gazed down towards Renji with a sharp gaze as if studying them, but in a curious genuine manner, not maliciously. "I'm glad you like it. I'd prefer to help people find things they like instead of making someone drink something they don't like," he spoke and watched Yuurei and Mishiko with his golden eyes that'd look into the souls of others then back at Renji. "Would you like to sit and look around or perhaps find a game of our own?" He arched his brow curiously.


Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:36 pm


Yuurei would smile when he heard her words. He was glad to know that she was doing her best. He understood that she had it rough and that there was a lot that he didn’t know. He wouldn’t push it, but he would be there for her, so she didn’t have to worry about it. Still, they were playing this game, he had looked at her when she refused to play and he laughed a bit at her words.

He understood what she meant, and there was one point where he had actually used a bow to fight with, but now not so much. Still, he didn’t mind her saying no, it was fine and he understood forcing people to do things would make them push away. He nodded as he looked at the two remaining targets that he would aim for.

He would launch the first one and it would hit the target straight on the top. This would cause it to fall back without a problem. He looked over to the man and he nodded as if he was fine with the outcome. Yuurei knew of these tricks from the festivities in Hosenka, and other areas that brought events like carnivals and festivals as well. He would launch the last ball, and it would hit the final target. The target wobbled for a second, before falling to the side.

The man was excited as he looked at the Seraphim and the Shogun.

“Congratulations you won, now you can pick any prize you want here and it is yours.” He said to the two of them.

People who saw this would see that they could win. This was perfect for the man as it would bring people into his games. Yuurei looked over to Mishiko with a smile on his face as he picked up his drink and took a sip of it.

“You can pick whichever you like. It’s a gift from me to you.” He said to her as he wondered what she would pick.

Renji looked at Ohta as he had his new favorite alcoholic beverage in his hand and nodded hearing his words. When he asked a question, he thought about it and figured they could just relax. He was a cat at heart, so doing nothing was better than doing something.

“We can find a place to sit and look around. We can talk and enjoy the drinks we have.” He said to Ohta wondering if he was okay with that.



Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:46 pm


Mishiko calmly gazed at Yuurei before flicking her gaze to the game in which he continued to play. Seeing him get to the top one and then the others was entertaining in the most simplest form. She was wondering what he was going to choose as the guy told them to go ahead and choose something to get as their prize. A small smile formed on her lips while Yuurei told her she could look and pick. Her single step made the game attendee tense as her eyes looked over at the prizes to see which caught her eyes. "That one," She spoke in her soft, ghostly voice that had sweetness to it. The person looked and nodded, went to get it carefully and gave it to Mishiko.

It was a giant white owl with the most light blue eyes with a glowing tint. Suddenly, Mishiko's eyes glistened like gems with innocence as she squeezed it close, her smile forming more natural. "It is... so cute.", she spoke affectionately soft and then her eyes looked at Yuurei. "Let us go and look around more?", she offered, not commanded as she didn't want to be super demanding. She was feeling her old vulnerable self at the moment as she threw her cup away so she could hold her owl with both arms.

Ohta gazed at the two from his soul-like eyes of gold before looking at Renji nodding. He walked forward and found a spot where they could see mostly everything. "Here will do," he spoke in his tone before sitting down and taking a drink. "So, Renji. Do you follow Yuurei without a goal yourself or?" Ohta wished to know more about this house cat who is not a normal house cat, but nonetheless a loyal companion.


Dernière Danse w/Yuurei [CE - High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:07 am


Yuurei waited to see what she would pick. This would allow him to see what she would find cute for the future. He was getting to know her more, and he was enjoying it. It seemed like she was enjoying it as well. When she picked the stuffed animal of her choice, he smiled and nodded to see that she found the owl that she had chosen to be cute. He observed her and noticed how close she placed it on her. She was appreciating this and it seemed like she was enjoying the moment, which made him glad to see.

That was a side that he wanted to see more of and hoped that he would be able to. When she asked if they could go look around more, he would be more than glad to take her around the place.

“Yes, we can continue, we don’t have to stop here. We can enjoy the entirety of this festival, so no worries.” He let her know that this wasn’t enough to tire him out and that they could continue.

He would lead her as she was holding onto the stuffed animal, he didn’t want to grab onto her as if she got in trouble or something. While they walked, people who actually noticed who she was would bow slightly toward her. The Seraphim saw this and he smiled at her as he was glad that she was respected by the people here.

“It’s good to see that the people in Joya respect you. I wondered if that is how it is to be when you’re on top.” He said as he finished drinking everything that he had in his cup.

When he was done he would find a place to throw it away. His eyes gauged her as he was glad to be spending time with her.

“Do you want to watch this show right here? We can rest your feet a bit before we continue our walk around the place?” He would ask her.

If she said yes, they would watch the little storytelling that they would start in a few minutes. Yuurei wondered what it was going to be about, and hoped that it was good.

Renji had followed Ohta and it seemed like he found a place to be. That was good and he would sit down with his drink in his hand. He would drink more of his drink and he looked over to Ohta with a smile on his face.

“I have a plan to start a family of my own. There is someone I love with all my heart. I always have. She has always been the person I wanted to protect more than anything. She’s a tough person, but I can’t help but want to protect her. Still, she is fine being around Kaito, so I have nothing to worry about.” He paused for a second.

“I follow Yuu because he saved me. When I was put in Fiore, I had no idea what was happening. He saved me from probably being sold to some rich snob, so for that, I want to make sure that he gets to do what he wants in life, while I watch his back.” He said to Ohta.

He would look at everything that was around him happy to know that Yuurei might be able to find happiness again.


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