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mindless mine

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mindless mine Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:59 pm


Lumikki was a girl raised by Dwarves and with that, much of their culture and traits shone through her. Much of the grit and craftiness. Much of the drinking and loyalty. Of course, it would not but be a perfect transfer. Nothing could be an immaculate one for one especially when no blood is shared. And this would show most in Lumikki's lack for earthly affinity and her dislike towards being found deep underground.

There was a time as a Daemon that she was able to entertain it. Brush her hands along the cold stone walls and bask it the deep darkness that only being in underground caverns could provide. Still, it would not prove a perfect transfer, still she did not love it as much as you could assume her Uncle Brone just might. It would not be for lack of trying, what bird would enjoy being caged by wall? it was all the underground felt like to her now. One big dirt cage.


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mindless mine Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:08 pm


So it would be time since she had been here last. To the point where she could hardly remember what that mission was. All she could recall was the small group of thieves that claimed a miner's life and perhaps their frozen corpses were still intact far below. Of course that is, if the creatures of the deep did not consume them.

What another memory that was, Lumikki reminisced, the towering beasts she spotted deep below fighting among the other. For food? For territory? Lumikki never got to know, as she did not spend more time within the depths than needed for her mission.

Much like she will be doing now for the task she took on now. It was a simple rescue mission, albeit simple for her. There was a case it seemed with twenty miners below getting trapped in a room. The walls, from what sources said, had collapsed for reasons outside of their doing. If perhaps the doing of more massive creatures, of course, the possibility for competition was not moot either.


mindless mine Img_0811

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mindless mine Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:19 pm


Lumikki entered the mines on the supervisor's request after being given a map with the location of the sealed room. Due to the danger, she choose to do it all alone. It would spare her the worry of having to do such a task with someone else and make sure that the remain safe the whole time.

From there, it just felt like pure quietness for while. Nothing stirring amid the stone and nothing of note for a long time. With out a torch to case away the light that could illuminated the walls, there were no interesting shadows to perceived. Nothing but the crags and cracks among the walls.

In her boredom along the walk Lumikki got to singing. At first she was humming a little tune but in time she would make out words as she sang out some old songs she had learned long ago. Her eerie but soft voice bouncing of the cave walls making her tune somewhat echo in an ethereal way. Paired with her Demonic voice the sound of tundra winds and it was down right haunting as it was beautiful.

Lumikki kept on singing for quite some time as it kept her occupied on her walk over. The trip not being long per se but still a ways off from the entrance she first walked through, as the miners are at the end stages of their work from clearing out the stone for ore.


mindless mine Img_0811

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mindless mine Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:32 pm


Thirty minutes or so, Lumikki had just about made it to where the mark on her map was. She could hear the muffles of men still somewhat in panic and it assured her where to wander next. "Are ye in there lads?!" She would call out, trying to be heard through the thick wall of stone but receiving no answer. Not like she very well needed them to respond to her.

Lumikki carefully inspected the wall, looking it over to be sure how to take it apart with care. If she was careless, she could cause the cavern to cave in further but that would put not only herself but the clients in harm. So she took her time feeling it out to be sure and when she felt fine with the task, Lumikki would bring the darkness around her to life.

The gaps that the darkness slipped through, Lumikki could nearly feel herself. Slightly pushing at the stone around it, just to see how far she could go. From there she would pull away the smaller pieces. Lightly and carefully, she would take them down. Until there grew a fine pile beside her.


mindless mine Img_0811

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mindless mine Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:47 pm


While the Demoness worked away, the sounds from within were of a mixed reception. As id some wanted her help and some did not. There were a stir of some within that pleaded for her to go away while another handful simple called out for help. Not like their words all too much matter, she was already here for the job. And with enough time, all the stones blocking them would peel away.

It would take a bit got their light to touch her, most of the men were huddled on the opposite wall scared and confused. Eventually Lumikki approached so that she too could be bathed by the light. Her human for was elegant and sweet. More approachable then the monsters they could of thought he to be.

"Oh...was that singing your doing ma'am?" One of the men off to the side had asked. Lumikki tilted her head confused but ultimately nodded her answer. It was enough to make them feel a sense of relief as they no longer felt petrified in place.

"You the whole time you were doing that, we could not figure if you were some sort of demon or ghost. Here to claim us all because we really did die in this place. But in the end, well, we are just really happy to see you is all. I guess this means you are here to see us out right?"

"That I am, do lets get to it. I am not so keen of the underground." Lumikki as turning around to make her way once more.


+50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

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