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What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ)

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What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:05 am

Yijun had been hired to help protect a group of miners that were looking to go deep into the mines and min out an area that was known to have monster in it. Yijun figured that it would be easy for him to do this as he needed to get back to training and making jewels as he was going to need a lot as his fight verses drakkon had shown him he needed to invest in some protective wear to keep himself from attacks. Yijun made his way to the mine where he was to meet with the miners that he would be protecting but the closer it came to time to do it Yijun could feel a bubble of fear about having to fight in close quarters in the mine but he also had his magic which he would use to help him to fight back the monsters that would come his way and the miners way.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:05 am

Yijun finally came into view of the miners and he wondered if he was really okay with doing this and he would just have to steel his resolve and don’t let the fear of his last loss to cloud his mind he needed to believe in his fighting spirit and fight until he fell rather it be at the hand of a stronger foe or a twist of fate that handed him a bad hand he was going to take it on and not look back. The miners started doing down the line giving their names and then Yijun gave his name back to them. The team was five miners and then Yijun who was to work with them and keep them safe from the monsters that might come toward them as they mine and make noise. Yijun gave them his word that he would keep them safe from the monsters that might come to confront them.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:05 am

Yijun then took the lead of the group having his spear appear from a tattoo on his arm as he wanted to make sure that he has the weapon ready in case they were to come across anything that might be resistant to magic so he had something physical that he could use to make the most of what he was going to do. He followed the tunnels that the miners told him to take and to not let them fall too far behind him. Yijun looked at the width of the tunnel and he knows that he will not be able to get the full length of his swing with his spear if it was to come down to it at least not with accuracy. He would have to make sure that he found a way to get the full motion of his swing in a bigger room that would not cause him to let any creature get past him toward the miners once they reach the spot.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:05 am

The miners seemed to be growing more nervous the deeper they went as the lanterns down this tunnel seemed older and the support beams and cross beams like this was not a route that was often taken or cared about and Yijun as well was making mental notes of the tunnel and how careful he will need to be if they end up fighting in these cramped through ways. They finally reach the spot where the miners are to start their digging but first they refreshed the lanterns and set up a few fresh ones so they could better see while they mined in the place as they were not wanting to get attacked in the dark either even though the daemon man seemed unbothered by the darkness the human miners were not thrilled by the darkness and they then got to work at mining making noise that might attract some creatures from deeper in the mine.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:06 am

Yijun kept himself ready for if anything came running to what is probably akin to a dinner bell for them letting them know that their were fresh prey down here in the deeper parts of the mines for them to come and try to take a piece of. Yijun was not left waiting long as some bat like creatures came flying up the tunnel and toward the miners that were making noise and Yijun slashed them out of the air and kept at it as a few more came flying into the room and he makes sure they are dead so there was no suddenly something that seemed dead just popped by up to life and got a good piece of a miner and make Yijun look incompetent at his job of protecting them. Yijun returns to his place in the room and once again waits to see what will come next for the miners who seem relived that the man had been able to handle the beasts before they got to them.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:06 am

The miners return to their work, keeping a sharp eye out for things that would have more value for them to sell and make their team a good amount of jewels even after paying the daemon man for his services as it looked they were coming around even for the mans services payment now the rest was for the profit of their digging team and the hard work that they all were putting in to make their dreams of being the best team of miners and hopefully get hired to dig for big names that will pay them big jewels for their hard work and the time spent to get the jobs done for their boss. Yijun looked as the miners kept striking and Yijun saw a reflection off of something and he moved swiftly in and swung his weapon hitting something that was naked to the normal persons eye.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:06 am

The creature was invisible probably something that kept it safe from predators that live in the cave. The creature turned at Yijun and tried to attack and Yijun spun his spear in his palm and blocked the attack and then used the blunt end of the shaft of his spear to hurt the creature as Yijun can't see it to tell if it is armored or not as the blade end had seemed to not have caused it to bleed at all but he knows that he had made contact with the creature with the blade. Yijun focused his magic and hit the creature with a blast of his bane magic which made the creature make a sound of pain. It seemed to Yijun that the creature had a hard shell of some sort and was resistant to physical blows so he would have to use magic for this fight.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:06 am

Yijun took measured steps as he could kind of tell which way the creature was facing and Yijun had to roll out of the way of some kind of poison spray attack that the creature had. Yijun used the chance that the spraying attack from the creature made to fire an attack down the creatures throat as if it was using a spraying attack that means that it had to have something there that was opening in some form so it was the perfect time to attack and get to the creature before it got to him. The creature seemed to have choked on the attack that had gotten into it's mouth and it dropped and a very ugly looking creature that looked nearly deformed was unveiled to them and the miners made sure their masks were on tight so not to risk the exposer from the poisons still in the air.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:07 am

Yijun took a drink from a water bottle that was attached to his belt as he was starting to feel hot and he hoped that didn't mean that a stronger fire based creature is coming, as a walking open flame could cause a good amount of issues for the miner especially with all the dust in the air that could combust and then they all end up in a world of hurt so Yijun got closer to the entrance to the deeper parts of the mine his weapon ready and his feet and form set for a fight if it were to come running in and make a strong rush on the miners as most of the creatures seemed to be, being attracted by the noise of the mining that filled the mine and echoed. Yijun knows that they are mostly just protecting their turf or their young but he had a job to do so he was going to do it and not complain.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:07 am

Yijun looked back for a moment at the miners who seemed to have found a motherlode and were racking in the extra high end materials for profit and he kind of wondered if they were going to give him a bonus for taking such good care of them but he realized that didn't matter now as the mission was still going on and he needed to focus and make sure that they make it out alive as a few mole like creatures were the next to come running into the room with the miners in it making a squeaking noise and they some how dodged Yijun as he attacked at them and Yijun wondered if maybe they were something more than just normal over grown rats that dig. Yijun changed how he was attacking them by jumping first before he attacked them, Yijun's attacks land and that made Yijun understand they were dodging his attacks through the vibrations he was making on the ground.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:07 am

Yijun was surprised to see that they had this sense but as they are moles he should have known that they were going to have something similar to that as they would travel underground and attack things that were above the ground and he didn't take having to do this to them with any pride but the job is to protect the miners who were still hard at work not even looking back at him as they had faith in him as they needed and depended on him to make the right moves and keep them safe even if the want was there to look back they knew they needed to make the most of this and collect the most that they could as this was for their future this was their time to show up. Yijun had finished off the second one of the giant beasts that had come for the team of miners and then wolves come as well.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:07 am

Yijun was surprised as he didn't think he would see wolves down here but it seemed that their fur was coated in what appeared to be metal and then he threw a spell at them it seemed to bounce right off and then Yijun realized they were coated in a magic stones dust which weakened magic attacks on them. This protection mission had be come something far more than a simple fight beasts mission some of these creatures were probably rare or in some way special leaving him feeling bad for this but he knows that he had to do it and make sure these humans survive to see their rewards on their hard work and not just cause he was going to get paid but because he has a name to carry. His faction was growing and he was going to make sure that he didn't just get a black mark on the name of his shogun.


What's Mine is Mine (Solo A-Rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:07 am

The miners had pretty much collected as much as they could and then they turn to Yijun who was just then finishing off the wolves and once he is done they tell him that they have all they can take and it was time to walk back and Yijun agreed and he let them go first while he brought up the rear to keep them safe if anything else were to come for them before they had returned to the safer part of the mines but nothing more had seemed to have come for them so that was a lucky break for them Yijun helped them to get out and start toward their base of operations so they could pay him and give him a bit of a bonus for keeping them safe Yijun tried to refuse but they insisted that he took it and he ended up accepting then heading off to go and get cleaned up and maybe get some food.
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