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What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza)

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What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:52 pm

Yijun had gotten a mission to help handle a monster in side of the mines as back up to help Iza who he had not seen for awhile. Yijun was not going to back down from this as he was going to help to fight this beast alongside his faction mate as he was looking to not end up on the bad side of getting lazy from all he had done and the beatings he had taken as of late but he needed to make sure that he was not holding his faction mate back and he had his mining gear on so that he wouldn't stand out when the beast was to come after the miners so he might be able to get in an attack of opportunity on it and not fully just get swatted away from the start of the fight and he needed to make sure that he kept himself on the good side of the jester as he doesn't want to end up pissing off his faction mate for being useless. Yijun was heading for the meeting point with the miners where he was to meet with the jester of the faction but he had a bad feeling about this quest.

#2Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:47 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had gotten a job request to be done in the North. He was to work with Yijun. It was quite some time since the two of them had not seen each other. He wondered how much the young man had grown since their last encounter. He figured a lot, and he would find out soon enough. Sylph was with him right now as she was on his shoulder and looking all over the place. She was wondering if she had been to the North, but she wasn’t too sure. It was a bit different from the other places in this country. She wasn’t sure what it was, but could it have been peace?

The two of them had made their way to the meeting place. It was for the best, so the two of them didn’t get lost and couldn’t find each other. When he got there, he would see that there would be a bunch of miners around the area, but he was standing there waiting for Yijun to show up.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:25 am

Yijun saw Iza and he hurried over to the man. "Well looks there you still live." he looked to the miners who seem to have realized that they were the two that were going to be helping them in the mines today. The team leader of the mining group walked forward, he was a very tall muscular man that looked like he could eat granite for breakfast and shit pure uncut diamonds.

The big man spoke "You two must be the mages that are going to hold off the monster that plagues our dig site in the mines. The creature is hugged and it’s skin is hard as iron or maybe steel. It can spit rocks from it’s mouth and this creature has already claimed a few mages lives as well as some of my team because the mages that took it on underestimated it, don’t add to that number." the man walked back to the group of miners and with a simple hand sign they followed him.

Yijun guessed he would have to worry about catching up with Yijun later as it seemed the mining team was not going to be held up while they were standing around shooting the shit and Yijun followed the team of miners, Yijun hoping that his spear will be enough to help take on this creature what ever it is as he was not looking to have an early grave and he is not fully sure if Iza would be able to save him if he was to get in too deep of trouble.
(261) (467)

#4Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:43 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza’s ear twitched a bit when he heard someone speak. It was coming from a certain direction and it was going to his direction. When he looked over, he would see that it was Yijun. He laughed a bit to hear his words as he watched him close the distance between them.

“Ya I went back home fa a bit, but now I returned to Joya not ta long ago.” He said there was a lot going on in Pergrande.

There was a new guild that appeared there, a dragon woman who looked like she was going to try and become the leader of the country. He didn’t care for it, and honestly, he figured he would outlive this person in the long run. He would watch it through the ages as someone else would take the reign.

He looked over to the person that approached them and he looked at him. He was big but not taller than him. Still, he was wider and it looked like he was stronger than Iza. When he spoke he took everything in and it seemed like they were handling a beast. It was then they would follow the miners into the mine, which they were going to protect them.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:51 am

Yijun knows that he needs to keep up as he knows that the Jester in front of him was going to be a captain in no time and he needed to make sure that he can make it soon after him but Yijun was also unsure what spirit might pick him as it's holder so he was going to need to make sure that he kept his mind open and not cause himself to end up with one that he can not get along with. He followed behind Iza as he was a lower rank than the other man and he was going to be working as back up and make it work the best that he can. He needed to make sure that he held the line and didn't fail but in the end it was mostly just Yijun getting into his own head as he was a fighter and a daemon but he had still not yet found his niche though he loved learning so the faction that had accepted him was the place for him. The tunnels were tight until they entered a chamber where it opened up quite a bit, so this would be the place that they would be fighting the beast.
(207) (674)

#6Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:56 am

Iza Bicdic
The group of miners had looked at the two. These guys weren’t from around here, so how could they trust them? They were probably going to be another statistic, in the death of that monster. Iza would just look at the group as they were inside of the mine as they were moving through the place. They had set up lights around the cave at the beginning before this monster woke up and all of this happened to them.

They were all tensed up and on guard. It was as if they were getting near the monster as they moved. The leader of the group looked at the two of them and he had a stern look on his face.

“Please don’t underestimate this monster. It isn’t weak.” He told them again reassuring them they got the message.

Iza was fine with that as he was glad that he had been given the information beforehand. He would use his summons to take care of it all. They would do just fine with this mess.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:33 pm

Once the miners had begun their digging the beast awakens and come from the next room over ready to chase the miners out of the caves once again but this time Yijun was standing there ready and his spear in hand as he was ready for what ever this creature might have to throw at them, he will make sure that his spear and his warrior spirit holds up under the pressure that this beast might give off and this was something that he was going to have to make sure that he works with the lead on this mission Iza. Yijun throws out some debuffs to hit the beast to slow the beast and stop it from healing itself. Yijun hoped that this will help the jester do what they do and he will be careful not to catch the other man's summons in the null spell his spear has if it comes to defending the miners and themselves.
(160) (834)

#8Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:29 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was waiting for something to happen. If there was a beast around here, there must have been a way that it knew there were people here. It was then that the miners would get to their specific locations, and they would start mining. While this was happening, something would make the cave quake a bit. The jester would ground himself so he didn’t fall, but he would have a smile on his face as he could tell where this creature was coming from.

“It hasn’t shown itself, but we know its comin.” He said this to Yijun as he would summon his stand.

Once he did that, his Stand Magic would create a magic circle, and it would create his strongest Summoning without a problem. He looked over in the direction as Sylph was wondering if she should fuse with Iza.

“Do you want to fuse Iza?” She asked him wondering what he would say.

“Yea, but in a bit when it shows up.” He said to her, letting her know the cue to activate it all.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:28 pm

He looked at the darkness and then the creature sprung up from the ground at them and Yijun spun his spear knowing away the rocks that the giant mole like creature had just flung at them. Yijun stepped back a bit and he swung his spear to send out an attack at it while watching out from where the man's stand was. The miners started digging harder as they had no faith in the two mages to keep the beast busy while they dug to get their money worth before they fled when the mages ended up dying and they need to not get caught so they can feed their families though they had their thoughts they were being set up by an enemy mining team but they had no real proof of this so they couldn't say anything against them. "I will do my best not to accidently null your summon." He knows that he will need to be careful not to get in the way of the other man and his spells.
(176) (1,010)

#10Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 6:46 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would see the attack from the mole beast appearing and making their way at them. This was fantastic, and he could only chuckle a bit as it seemed like this was the trouble. He watched Yijun protect himself from the attack and did his best to make sure that nobody else would get hurt. He looked at the beast as it was doing its best to wreak havoc here. When he saw a boulder coming his way, his champion would get in front of it and it would cut it down.

Iza and Sylph would start fusing as she saw the beast and remembered what he had said. A green wing would come out from his left side and the floating green bracelet would also show up on his left side. The half-crown also appeared on his left side as Sylph and Iza had become one being. He got into a stance as the mole wasn’t happy with them. He heard Yijun’s words and he nodded as he remembered the man could do that.

“We will try not to be in your way then.” They said to Yijun as they were ready to fight.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:53 am

Yujin was surprised to see the man fuse with the small companion that he kept with him. When the creature was hit by the man's summon, Yijun swore he saw a brand on the creature like it was owned. Yijun wasn't positive about it but as he went in and smacked away rocks and ranged attacks the creature was throwing toward the miners who were still working hard and fast as they fully expect to see the mages fall soon to the creature thought they had nearly lasted the longest so far against it. The lead miner had looked back and saw that they were both fighting it and protecting them which was a change from the usual mages that just dodged the attacks and let them keep flying at the miners without a warning and the man went back to digging as he smiled as he thought this was interesting.

Yijun made sure to weave in attacks with the jester which seemed more like they were now on a team and not just two random members of the same faction working together. "It's weak spits are the sides of it's neck and it's underbelly." Yijun said out loud to the jester so he knows where to attack the mole monster at.
(214) (1,224)

#12Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:09 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was getting ready to attack, but before he could he would hear Yijun’s words. It seemed like he had some weak spots that he had mentioned. That was good to hear, and he would make use of that information right now. The jester would hover into the air as he looked at the creature and his summon would make a signal to the champion. It moved to the mole’s right and Iza would move to the creature’s left. The champion would make it to its destination first and it would attempt to attack the creature. It had gotten its attention which was good. It would clash with Iza’s champion, allowing the elf to get to his blindside.

When he got there he would swing his dagger cutting the side of the mole’s neck. The creature would roar from the pain it felt and spin around to attack everyone near him.

The Shinigami would avoid this as he flapped his one wing to gain distance as he looked at him.

“He really didn’t like getting hit on his neck like you said Yijun.” They said to him as they were waiting for the next attack.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:12 am

Yijun spoke out with a confident voice and he bounces on his feet as he runs in to get in a few attacks as well. "I haven't been slacking in my division as I am sure you have not been slacking either in yours. I am just using what I know to use so we can take this down." Yijun was not wasting a step as he had analyzed everything about the creature and he gets around the creatures attack to it's back side. He sees the brand on the creature and he knows he was right this is a trained monster and it was from a different company. Yijun took a mental note of the brands design to show it to the miners they are working with after to see if they knew it so they could get paid and at least have a clue why they were being attacked by this monster. Yijun knows that there are many reasons for such dirty under handed tricks but Yijun was not happy about that the miners were being attacked like this.

Yijun got himself back in front of the creature slashing it and getting out of Iza's way so they didn't get in the others cross fire. "Just be careful I think it is trained, so it is not some random wild beast." Yijun made sure that the Jester knew that this wasn't some random attack.
(240) (1,464)

#14Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:39 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard his words and it seemed like he was doing well on his own. The jester didn’t want to tell him that he was slacking off. He was in a sense, but it was not something he would say. it would seem though that Yijun was analyzing the creature. There was something that seemed to have caught the daemon’s attention. He wasn’t sure what it was, so he would leave it at that. He would go to work but looked at his stand when he heard Yijun’s words.

The champion would move away from the beast, and the Stand would create a magic circle. This would bring forth a bunch of knives to fall on him and the Mole. He had angled it in a way that it wouldn’t touch Yijun. The knives would both Iza and the Mole as he protected his stand from the damage. The mole would feel it, but Iza was immune to wind magic right now.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:44 am

Yijun is doing what he can as he keeps the attacks that are coming from the beast toward the miners from making it. The beast seemed to be over whelmed but it seemed to curl up into a defensive position and hardening it's skin so the knives don't hurt it as bad as if it wasn't curled up in a defensive position. Yijun was not sure what he should do here as it seemed that the creature had covered it's weak spots in the hardened skin now so it was going to be a harder nut to crack than before but this would by them time to regroup and recover as it gave them time to breathe he was also not sure if the creature had a damage save up and then outwardly use that they could be needlessly feeding into that might risk the miners lives if it was to go off so he spoke. "Be careful I am not getting weak spots on it any more but I am also not fully sure what it can do and if it might not be baiting to be attacked to unleash a counter attack."
(196) (1,660)

#16Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:58 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would suck his teeth when he saw what the mole had done just now. It seemed like it was protecting itself, which didn’t like. Still, it just proved that he was trained and a strong opponent to fight. Still, he moved back from it as he wasn’t sure what it would do now. He looked around the creature trying to figure out what to do with this thing.

His eyes looked over to Yijun as he had spoken and when he was done, he thought about what was said. It would make sense it was baiting them out, so he decided to use something that would hopefully bring him out of hiding. His Stand would signal his champion to rush at it and unleash a barrage of attacks on the Mole. Once it came out of that stance they would continue fighting. Iza was ready to defend them all with a defense spell if he had to.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:06 am

When the man threw his champion into the creature the strikes it made rebounded onto the champion like it was coated in a reflective material but right after it had reflected those attacks it went on the attack again aiming for the champion summon of the jester and Yijun was surprised and wondered if they might be able to not kill it and take it for testing as that was seemingly a rare skill he would think and maybe it could be used for making armors or something as well. "Attempt not to kill it." Yijun said that out to the jester as this thing might be worth more alive than dead. The miners behind him were confused by hearing the man say that and thought maybe the mine air finally got to the daemon one of the two, either way the miners worked harder and fast as they were not sure how long they had till them taking easy on the monster might come to bite them in the ass and kill them.
(176) (1,836)

#18Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:20 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza noticed that his champion had attacked, but now it was being attacked. He figured that would be the case, and he had been waiting for that. When he was going in for an attack of his own, he heard Yijun’s words. He was asking him not to kill it; this caused him to look at the man and scratch the back of his head. He was an assassin, his whole thing was to kill, but he was asked not to. It conflicted with what he was capable of doing.

He slowed down with what he was doing, his champion had been hit by the attack and was pushed away. The stand ordered the champion to move away from it and he looked at Yijun.

“I don’t think I can attack it without killin it. So, ya would have ta do it. I will keep it distracted while ya figure that out ya self.” He said to Yijun as he pushed forward to keep the monster distracted.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:43 am

Yijun looked at the man and he laughed. "That is why I said attempt, if you kill it I can still take the remains to run tests on and if it was trained it might not be one of a kind unless we are dealing with deep black market stuff here." He figures even if it is killed he can still do tests on the remains and maybe be able to find more of them as it seemed it didn't belong to these mines but was put here by someone. He did a slash with his spear releasing another attack at the giant mole like beast and it didn't like the pain and screeched releasing a soundwave attack and Yijun did another swing and nullified the wind spell that was that screech from doing actual damage but the miners had found themselves partially deafened a bit but they kept working hard and fast as they mages keep at the monster.
(162) (1,998)

#20Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:56 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard the screech that had come from the beast, and he shook his head. He was not happy with what had happened, but at least he wasn’t harmed. It seemed like his partner was canceling out the creature’s spell, which was good. He would have protected everyone with a defense spell, but that was another way of handling things.

The jester moved his head from side to side as he figured that he would do his best then. He rushed towards the Mole as his champion had done the same thing. He would smack the moles on the side of his dagger and his champion would be used as a distraction. It was taking quite the beating and he knew it wouldn’t be able to handle it much longer. The creature would be hit by Iza and his Stand though, and it would roar again. This time it would use another attack around itself.

Iza would create his defense spell to stop the attack from hitting any of them as it took the damage without a problem.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:12 am

Yijun had gotten lucky with how fast he reacted but he knew his team mate could have handled it but he was also not trying to be dead weight in the team so she was going to do his best not to cause Iza to over exert him self if he could help it as he watched the creature rear back again and aim for another attack after the one that had just hit the man's shield which seemed to have weathered it well which wasn't a surprised to Yijun as the other man was his senior by quite a few years so he needed to learn from him and better himself if he can actually knuckle down and be able to do such a thing. "Just kill it as it's attacks might have been blocked by you but the walls of the cave as well have been harmed."

Yijun had realized that the wall on that side and toward the exit had cracked and their was a risk that they were going to get caved in on and that was not something he thinks they can just ignore and survive unless they do a lot of quick thinking and planning.
(203) (2,201)

#22Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:28 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun’s words, and he looked at the walls around them. It seemed like things were getting dicey, but he wasn’t going to kill it. He was going to do his best to keep it alive. His partner wanted to keep it alive for studies, and therefore he would do just that. It was a hard task for him to do, but he was hoping to rise to the occasion.

“Alrighty, I see things are getting scary. This thing is a worthy foe, but we got this. The thing is now we got to worry about a stupid cave-in.” They said upset.

It was then Iza would summon his second champion next to the Mole. When he did the Stand would signal them to attack but make sure that it was not lethal. The four of them would approach the mole at the same time.

They would all attack it at the same time as it was confused with the number of people attacking him at the same time. They would all hit, but would it be enough to knock it out?



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:56 am

Yijun heard the man and he wondered why it was so important now that they kept it alive to him Had Yijun struck a cord with the other man or was there a reason that he would want such a thing to exist. Yijun wondered if this thing could give be captured or not but he guessed he did have a few of the factions sample collection things he can use that he carried on himself and he watched and waited seeing the creature fall but not die. Yijun walked over to the creature and pulled out on of the collection things the creature seeming to disappear into the collector just Yijun to look into later he would just need to remember to feed it later. After he did he heard a voice of a man from deeper in the mine yelling about it being his creature and that Yijun had no right to take it.

"That sounded like a confession to me what about you Iza?" The miners looked back and the leader of the mining group looked back and instantly knew the man that was standing there was their biggest opponent that was stealing contracts from them as of late but he had just admitted that monster was his, so he was trying to run them off to get this one as well.
(227) (2,428)

#24Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:01 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had landed a blow on the creature from many directions and it seemed to work. He would take a pause as he looked at the Mole. It stood still for a second and then it fell to the ground. He looked at it as he wondered if he was able to keep this thing alive or not. He didn’t want to check as he didn’t want to get hurt. Animals could play possum and he wasn’t sure if this one was doing just that. He looked over to Yijun and he watched him get to work, and it was then he could tell that this thing was out cold.

“We actually did it that is good to know we didn’t kill it.” They said as their ear twitched when they heard someone screaming.

He looked over to Yijun and he nodded as it seemed like the person causing this mayhem was nearby. When they spotted who he was, he would see him run away, which would bring Iza to zoom past everyone as he was catching up to the man.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:37 pm

Yijun sighed as it seems they always run like they think it will save them from getting caught for what they did but there was no way they could just let the man that admitted to causing this to get away and live to attack more people. Yijun stayed back in case there were more men in waiting to attack the miners who had seemed to have calmed down and they kept working and Yijun wondered if they had some kind of blood war going on with these people or something as he didn't think of anything else that would make them think that they could kill miners and mages for this and think that it would never come back on them if some one was to leak it and them have to explain themselves but this was something else as he knows Iza was going to catch the one that admitted it so stupidly right to them cause Yijun was taking the creature to be examined and tested on as there was much yet to do.
(177) (2,605)

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