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What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza)

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#26Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:04 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was catching up to the man who was running. He didn’t look back, so he wouldn’t know that someone was chasing after him. He figured they were tired from handling the Mole that he had unleashed on them.

The jester would only laugh a bit because this was funny and fun. This was great, but the laugh would bring the man to look behind him. It was too close to him, and he was hoping that it was just the echo. When he looked back, he noticed Iza flying and making his way toward him as he continued laughing. The man turned his head back and pushed forward hoping he would be able to move faster.

Iza would make his way to the man as he looked at him.

“You do know running is useless. You already got caught the moment you shouted out like that. You should learn to be quieter, so you don’t get caught next time. Well, there won’t be a next time though.” He said to the man.

The man tried to swat Iza away, but the jester easily dodged it. He laughed a bit more while following the man.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:58 am

Yijun walked over to the miners as the coast seemed to be clear and he helps them start collecting their stuff from the day as they in their hast had collected far more than they had expected and where glad that they finally got two useful mages to help them as it seemed they were being attacked on purpose to get them to give up the contract and lose more work. The talked as they finished the last of the collecting that they could do and then started to head out of the mines with Yijun following as Yijun knows he doesn't need to worry about the jester as he is higher ranked and he knows the man is not some one to be played with as there was a lot of things going on and he was not sure that he could get to them all but he knows Iza was not going to let the human get away rather he caught the man or not alive was a different story.
(172) (2,777) (Exit)

#28Iza Bicdic 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:42 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza figured they were getting too far ahead, and figured that he would end the chase of cat and mouse. He would also be waiting for everybody at the exit of the mine. He would push forward, soaring through the sky and he would return next to the man. He looked over at him with a smile on his face. The man looked at Iza and when he tried to attack Iza, the jester would swat him away along with his Stand hitting him. The man would be sent flying to the wall and when he hit the ground, Iza would look at him. He was unconscious, which was a good thing.

He grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and started dragging him on the floor. He was human after all, so he didn’t care how he treated him. The man was also a scumbag as well, so this felt right to do. He waited for everybody to make it out of the mine, and soon enough they did. He pushed off the wall, kicked the man away from him and when they got paid they would be on their way.


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