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The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]

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The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 1:26 pm

The sun-drenched shores of Luluhawa Island had been a sanctuary of bliss for Tōga, a slice of paradise where time seemed to slow and worries melted away like morning mist. His days had been filled with the warmth of Ursula's embrace, the laughter of newfound friends, and the comforting familiarity of old acquaintances. Each moment had been a brushstroke in a masterpiece of tranquility, painting his recent memories in hues of contentment and joy.

Yet, beneath the veneer of relaxation, a restlessness stirred in Tōga's warrior heart. The dragon slayer, ever cognizant of the fragility of peace, knew that true strength was forged in the crucible of constant challenge. While his magical prowess had burgeoned, reaching new heights with each passing day, he felt an imbalance in his martial skills. His swordsmanship, once a source of pride, now lagged the meteoric rise of his arcane abilities.

This realization spawned a new philosophy within Tōga, a mature approach to his training that acknowledged the importance of holistic growth. No longer content to rely solely on his innate magical talents, he resolved to hone every facet of his combat prowess.
As dawn's first light kissed the island's lush landscape, Tōga slipped from the cocoon of his hotel room, leaving behind the soft rhythms of Ursula's slumbering breaths. With the stealth of a predator, he navigated the waking streets of the island, his path leading him away from the gentle caress of ocean breezes and towards the looming presence of the island's ancient volcano.

The terrain shifted beneath his feet, transitioning from soft sand to rugged volcanic rock. Each step took him further from the idyllic beaches and closer to a crucible of his own making. The air grew thicker, charged with the latent energy of the slumbering giant that dominated the island's skyline.

Tōga's gear was sparse, a deliberate choice that spoke volumes about his intentions. Gone were the trappings of a vacationer; in their place, the essentials of a warrior preparing for battle. His trusted blades, Zangetsu and Rengoku's Kimetsu, hung at his sides, their weight a comforting reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

As he ascended the volcanic slopes, Tōga's mind sharpened, focusing on the day's objectives. He envisioned grueling katas performed on precarious ledges, testing both his swordsmanship and his balance. He pictured himself weaving through imaginary foes, his blades singing through the air in complex patterns that would push his limits of speed and precision.

The volcano's presence loomed larger with each step, its silent majesty a fitting backdrop for Tōga's solitary training. Here, far from the prying eyes of tourists and locals alike, he could unleash the full extent of his abilities without fear of collateral damage or unwanted attention.

As he reached a suitable clearing, Tōga paused, taking in the panoramic view of the island below. The juxtaposition was stark – behind him, the raw, primal energy of the volcano; before him, the serene beauty of Luluhawa stretching out to the horizon. It was a poignant reminder of the duality within himself: the peaceful soul who reveled in moments of tranquility, and the warrior who thrived in the heat of battle.

With a deep breath, Tōga centered himself, drawing upon the inner wellspring of his draconic power. The air around him shimmered with latent energy as he unsheathed his blades, their gleaming surfaces catching the early morning light. As he began his first kata, the rhythmic sound of steel cutting through air broke the morning stillness.

wc: 607


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:22 am

Power....what is Power exactly? Power is simple good and evil well that's what people think Power is. Ghost has only recently been bestowed with Power. At least for the time being that is. But what can one do or say that can grant them Power. They can say anything or even do it. But at what price is this Power gonna cost him? The answer to that is everything. Ghost would be walking along side the side road of the great mountain. Rayne his exceed would be on his back. They been walking for quite sometime.

It's been so long since well since he even been home. Home whatever that was to him. But for now he was looking for what they call power. Ghost had his trusted sword with him and now he was in search for this thing called power. The mountain was a high top place and he was not fond of it. As he spoke the sun was starting to come up and then Ghost would say to Rayne. "You know I need to fight more amd more dragon slayers. I need to find a way to beat them to hurt them without being a dragon slayer myself. But until then I need to keep looking for a way out of all this mess."

Ghost head was all over the place but he needed time to think and that's something that he did not have. He wasted alot of time as is and needed to move things along. As he looked on as he would make it to the top of the mountain. "Finally it's time to meditate for a bit."



The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:34 am

Ahi Mountain exuded a dormant power, a slumbering giant cloaked in the guise of tranquility. The volcano, though inactive, hummed with a latent energy that suggested a fiery temperament lurking just beneath its serene exterior—a stark reminder of nature's quiet dominance and the potential ferocity it could unleash at a moment's notice.

Tōga found a certain allure in this juxtaposition of peace and latent power, which is why he had chosen this very spot for his training. Armed with Zangetsu and Rengoku's Kimetsu, he sliced through the still air with precision and grace. Each swing of Zangetsu, a meteorite cleaver, tore an audible swoosh through the atmosphere, while Kimetsu, a tiger-striped katana, sang a softer tune, its blade cutting with meticulous accuracy. He moved fluidly, a dance of blades in the open air, honing his skills in an imagined duel against an unseen foe.

His routine was a rhythmic meditation until a foreign scent wafted through the air, catching him off guard. His nose twitched, and curiosity piqued, he scanned the surroundings. A figure with snow-white hair, standing some distance away on the same volcanic slopes, caught his attention.

"Ooooi!" Tōga called out, his voice echoing against the rugged landscape as he broke from his martial trance. He strode towards the newcomer, enthusiasm in his step, drawn to the shared purpose of their presence on this mighty mountain.

"Nice weapon you have there! You training too?" Tōga inquired with genuine interest, nodding towards the stranger's large katana, a mirror to his own armaments in spirit if not in form.

"I’m Tōga!" he introduced himself with an open, friendly grin, extending a hand in greeting while his eyes sparkled with the camaraderie of shared steel and solitude.

WC: 310 [917]


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:09 am

Ghost was neon deep in his mind training as his exceed played else where. As stated before he was simply trying to get an understanding of what was going on. "This world seems to be moving a bit faster if anything. But Kaito became so powerful while I slept it's ridiculous. But if my frost power can carry me far away then I will be ok." Soon as he said that out loud. The area of two meters around him would start to become colder and colder. This was a testament to Ghost Frost Magic. A Magic so cold that it can instantly freeze even lava and fire would not be able to light up most times.

Minding his own business he would soon hear a voice. But this voice was not like anyone's he ever heard. It was different it was new and it sure was not Rayne's his exceed voice. As he opened his eyes he would even wonder how this person he snuck up on him. As he looked around Rayne was no where to be found. Soon a voice would say that thier name was Toga and then gave a wonderment of words towards his katana. "Toga you say, well then Toga I am uninterested so please go away now." He voice although not disrespectful it was calm and direct. "By the way this is a normal blade you see I've yet to find one that suits me." As he said that Ghost would scan the newcomer down and then notice he too had a blade and wonder did that weapon have any magical properties to it then again it was just a thought? Soon he would close his eyes yet again as he started tongo back into deep thinking. It would be wise to leave him be at this point.



The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:00 pm

The biting chill that enveloped the mountain's summit was a stark contrast to the fiery heart of the dormant volcano beneath. An ordinary individual might have found themselves overwhelmed by the sudden drop in temperature, their body struggling to adapt to the icy grip of the environment. But Tōga was no ordinary individual. As an evolved Fire Dragon Slayer, he was a living furnace, his internal heat radiating outward, warming his core against the cold that tried to penetrate his defenses. His breath misted in the air with each exhale, a visible testament to the cold, yet quickly dissipated as the warmth from his core took over.

"You're pretty direct, huh?" Tōga chuckled, his voice warm and carrying a light-hearted tone as he addressed the snow-haired stranger's blunt and somewhat brusque remark. Typically, Tōga might not have taken such a forward attitude in stride, but he believed in giving everyone the benefit of the doubt upon a first encounter. After all, first impressions could be misleading, and everyone had the potential to reveal deeper layers beyond their initial facade.

"A normal sword might seem plain, but it's really about the person who wields it," Tōga responded, his stance relaxed and open, creating a stark contrast to the more rigid posture of the newcomer. Despite his own arsenal consisting of two magically enhanced swords, Tōga respected the simplicity and potential of any blade, depending on its wielder.

"If you're out here, all the way on this peak, you must be looking to sharpen your skills, right?" Tōga ventured a guess, his tone suggesting both curiosity and a hint of camaraderie. It wasn't uncommon for warriors to seek solitude in such challenging environments to train and grow stronger.

"How about a spar then?" he offered, stepping back slightly to give them both room, his eyes twinkling with the thrill of a potential challenge. "It could be a good way to test ourselves, see what we're each made of. What do you say?" Tōga's invitation was open, an opportunity for both to learn from each other through the art of combat, under the watchful eye of the ancient, silent volcano.

wc: 393 [1,310]


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 1:55 pm

"A....Spar? Interesting to say the least. But I do not know how to how do you say spar." Ghost looked on at this guy and could tell he was no rookie at crossing Swords or even mortal combat. Something about him stuck him if anything he knew one when you saw one. "You couldn't happen to be a dragon slayer were you? Could you too change into a dragon?" Ghost asked this question because he truly wanted to know.

As he looked on he would see that the man took a battle stance better yet gain distance. Ghost did not even give a clear answer. "It looks like the only way to make you go away is to test power. But I warn you I've only just woken back up. Rather I am a shadow of my former self or even stronger. We will find out on this day." As he said that he would stand up and then give a bow.

As he pulled out his sword from his back stealth. Surely but slowly he would brace himself. "Not many people could get close to me especially when my ice is frosting. That means your stronger then you look." Soon he would point his sword at Toga as he had a blank stare on his face.
He would dash at him using his light speed using his sword with only one hand. He would Slash down at him aiming to cut him on his chest.
The battle has just begun but truth be told Ghost was rusty and this was much needed."

WC 264
Ghost used a basic melee Slash
Speed is at 75 stat points atm.


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:19 am


As Tōga positioned himself 15 meters from the enigmatic, snow-haired swordsman, he couldn't help but wear a broad smile, brimming with the anticipation of a robust spar. His stance, open and ready, subtly invited the challenge, though he was careful not to impose. He understood the dance of combat well—offer and acceptance were part of its rhythm. If the stranger declined, Tōga would respect that choice. After all, the essence of a true challenge lay in mutual consent, not coercion.

"I'm a Dragon Slayer," Tōga announced without a hint of bravado, simply stating a fact as he sensed the curiosity in the stranger's gaze. "What about you? What's your name?" His voice carried a mix of friendliness and an earnest desire for mutual respect. Revealing the nature of his magic was not just about transparency but also an invitation for the other to share something of himself.

The invitation to spar seemed to be tacitly accepted as the white-haired man unsheathed his great katana with a flourish that matched his cryptic words. In an instant, he charged, his approach straightforward yet imbued with a clear intent to test Tōga's defenses. The Dragon Slayer was prepared; as the great katana sliced through the air towards him, he raised Zangetsu in a swift, fluid motion, intercepting the blade with a resounding clang of metal against metal.

"Nice strike!" Tōga commended, his voice carrying genuine appreciation for the other's skill. Using the momentum of their clashing blades, he pushed forward, aiming to disrupt the man's balance. As he gained leverage, Tōga's blade recoiled, swinging horizontally in a controlled arc towards the man's chest. He was careful to use the blunt side of Zangetsu, ensuring the spar remained non-lethal yet challenging.

Tōga's eyes sparkled with the thrill of the exchange, eagerly watching how the stranger would counter. Each moment in this dance of blades was a learning opportunity, a chance to refine his art further. The open skies above and the rugged terrain around them served as the perfect backdrop for a battle not just of physical prowess but of spirit and resolve.

wc: 374[1,684]
Combat Log:


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:42 am

What do you know he was a dragon slayer it was just his luck. It was like the heavens was raining them down if anything. As he looked on he would engage with him blow for blow with thier blades. It seems this guy was not all talk but still something was off. With each hit of thier blades he could tell something was different with his sword. Ghost could tell this guy was on a different level.

Not just anybody could dodge his blows or even go toe to toe with his sword. Soon he would see an attack come at him. As he felt it in a way not by any supernatural means but by the way of the sword. This guy was pulling his punches and this made Ghost smile just a bit. As he quickly unleashed his sword to move up he would be able to parry the incoming attack away.

Soon he would dash back a good three meters as he pointed his sword at him.
"So your name is Tōga huh and a dragon slayer at that. Well I know two that can turn into a dragon can you do the same. I too am not human I was blessed with the abilities of the heaven. Unfortunately I had to give up my powers and my name. I can't even remember my name if I even had one." Soon he would start to channel his mana as the air would start to get cold around himself and the top of the volcanic area.

"Not many people can even be around me let alone move by me. They all seem to just freeze over and that is why I come to the hottest places I can find." Soon he would close his eyes just as open them he would now have activated his first form of his grace. As his eyes took on a golden color and his skin started to literally glow somewhat."OK let's see what you got, I struck first and now it's your turn." As he said that he would start to wave his sword.

Soon he would halt it close to his chest yet far enough to stop a rush. Ghost would look on as his mana would light up about. "I will let you in on my magic which you eath bound soups call Magic my Grace is called Sub-Zero."




The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:13 pm


As Tōga witnessed his strike skilfully parried, a spark of respect flickered within him. The great katana of his enigmatic opponent met Zangetsu head-on, steel clashing with steel in a fleeting symphony of combat. While impressive, a thought nagged at Tōga—how long could the nameless warrior's blade withstand such punishment? After all, his own strikes were restrained only in magic, not might.

The encounter took an unexpected turn, igniting the adventurer's spirit within Tōga. His eyes widened in delight as mana burst forth from his opponent, encircling the man in a faint luminescence that evoked the image of a solar halo. "That’s cool, whatever your name is," Tōga called out, his voice a mix of admiration and curiosity, hopeful that this display might coax a name from the mysterious swordsman.

With resolve, Tōga readied himself, positioning both Zangetsu and Rengoku’s Kimetsu at the ready. He launched forward, his right foot propelling him with a burst of speed towards the luminous figure before him. Zangetsu, gripped firmly in his hand, arced through the air in a wide, horizontal swing aimed directly at the torso of the radiant adversary1. Almost seamlessly, he followed with Rengoku’s Kimetsu, targeting a swift, precise strike towards the arm that wielded the great katana2.

Yet, as the battle unfolded, an unsettling sensation began to creep upon Tōga. Something was amiss—subtle, yet undeniable. His senses, usually so reliable, whispered of unseen forces at play. Could this unexpected feeling be tied to his opponent’s enigmatic transformation?

This should be interesting!” Tōga declared, his voice ringing with a mix of challenge and excitement. He observed keenly as his dual assaults raced towards their target, each movement sharpening his focus. Here, in the heart of battle, every swing, every block, and every parry unraveled more of the mystery that shrouded his formidable foe. With each passing second, the arena seemed to shrink, focusing all attention on the clash of titans before it. The volcano’s silent roar faded to a distant echo, the world narrowing down to the razor's edge of their blades. Tōga's heart raced, not with fear, but with the exhilarating realization that this duel would test him like few others had.

As the swords moved in deadly dance, Tōga's thoughts briefly flicked back to the resilience of his opponent’s weapon. It held firm against his relentless offense, evidence to its craftsmanship or perhaps to some hidden magic yet to be revealed. Either way, Tōga knew this confrontation would leave its mark upon them both, a story of steel and spirit that would echo in the annals of the arena long after the last blow was struck.

wc: 461 [2,145]
Combat Log:


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:18 pm

This guy was crazy if anything and that was a problem. Not just anyone could survive his bloom mode. As he ready himself but for a quick moment he would notice that his blade had a crack in the middle. Ghost would realize that the foe blades were the cause of such a thing. This was not good if anything how could he continue to fight at this rate right if anything. True he just discovered his grace but this was a dragon he was facing after all. Soon just like the wind Toga would come at him.

He would try to defend the best he could as he quickly ready himself. With a simple dash he would come at him. Taking his blade he would quickly try to block the blade coming at his chest woth his top speed he nearly was late but he was able to do just that . But it was clear who sword was superior. As soon as he did that the next one would crash at his right arm. As it made contact with Ghost sword arm. This was bad as he nearly made a powerful hit on him.

Ghost would quickly grab onto the blade that just took his sword arm. As he held on to it the only thing keeping him from bleeding is his bloom form. But that was about to run out. As Ghost looked on he would Dash backwards another three meters. Ghost looked on he would be breaking heavily but quickly would catch his break as he looked at his sword. He would realize that one more clash and it will break.

"Damn it all I've taken another defeat by the hands of this Dragon Slayer." Looking on at him Ghost would then say to him." Tell me what kind of Dragon Slayer are you exactly?" It was a question that held bold when he asked him. Because by knowing this he can learn alot from this guy. "Tell me what kind of swords are those and where did you get them from?" As Ghost said that he would stand by up to take a defensive stance. Looking on he would start to analyze the man before himself and would wonder why in the world was there so many dragon slayers. "I too know of a place where dragons roam and the leader is a former member of Fairy Tail."




The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:15 am


Even in his empowered state, Tōga clearly outmatched the wintry warrior atop the dormant Ahi Mountain. The volcano, once a fiery behemoth, now stood as a silent witness to their intense, albeit brief, clash. Tōga pressed his advantage, his weapons striking with aggressive precision. Though he held back from inflicting serious harm, evident in his use of the blunt side of his blades, he understood that withholding his full strength would be a disservice to both of them.

With each resounding impact of Zangetsu against the great katana, Tōga noticed the subtle cracks forming on his opponent's weapon. The sheer force of their clash revealed the superior blade, though it remained unclear whether this advantage stemmed from the weapons themselves or the skill of their wielders. After all, a weapon was only as potent as its user. As the white-haired swordsman retreated, Tōga hoisted Zangetsu over his shoulder, Kimetsu still held at his side. "You've asked a lot of questions," he observed, "yet you've yet to reveal your name. It's difficult to spar with someone when I don't know what to call them!" This was the third time Tōga had inquired about his opponent's identity.

"I'm the Inferno Dragon Slayer," Tōga replied casually, "think of it as a fire dragon slayer, but a bit more stylish." He continued, "These swords were forged in my homeland, Joya. One is a family heirloom, the other I found on my travels. They're like extensions of myself." Though aware he was divulging more than necessary, especially to an adversary, Tōga believed a touch of honesty in battle never hurt.

The mention of a land teeming with dragons piqued Tōga's interest. His ongoing quest to find his adoptive father remained a driving force in his life, and any lead was worth pursuing. "What do you mean?" he inquired, curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

But before the conversation could delve deeper, the white-haired swordsman posed a question, "Shall we continue?"

The unspoken challenge hung in the air, a silent invitation to resume their exhilarating dance of steel. Tōga's grin widened, his fighting spirit rekindled. He was ready to delve further into this enigmatic encounter, to test his skills against this worthy opponent, and to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath his icy exterior. He couldn’t tell if the battle was nearing it’s end, but Tōga eagerly awaited the next chapter in this thrilling clash.

wc: 415 [2,560]
Combat Log:


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:07 pm

He looked on at the man as he steady implied that he did not know his name. As he looked on he would simply shake his head with a sorta grinning smile but with a hint of sadness with it. "I...I've lost my memory to be honest." He would say with sadness in his voice yet he remain calm trying to hide it. " I can't remember much these last past nine decades. As a matter of fact I've just remembered how to use my Grace. However I am extremely weak compared to my glory days."

He would make that odd statement as in he remember he used to fight but for who and why and where he could not. All I remember is how I was chasing after something or one and then Bam a great big flash and here I am just wondering around. When I first came too I was blind and could not talk all I could do is hear and feel. Ten years later I regain my sight ten years after that my voice. Ten years after that I've gained enough strenght to sit on my own and move around the bed. Ten years after that I've gained enough might to stand on my own."

One would think he was playing but he truly meant every word he was saying. Soon he would take his left risk and flick it around. " But so far I've only just now been able to fight but I am a far cry from my glory days. The sad part about it all is I can remember everything but who I am and I can't even remember who was friend and who was foe."

As he pointed at with his sword he would drop it. "Just call me Ghost that's what people call me I guess." As he looked on he would give a smile to the Dragon Slayer that was the Inferno user. "As a reward for winning this daul I'll help you out some but I don't know if it will do you any justice. Go to a place known as the Dragon Order within the land Pergrande and talk to its Leader. She is the most powerful Dragon I've ever seen even more so then you. But please do not take offense to that she was a dear friend of mines back when we both was in fairy tail. Her name is Ryuko and she is the be all see all of that place. I say this because all Dragon slayers of first generations are special. Go to her as she may be able to help you along your journey."

As he said that he would give a smile as he looked at his blade. The last time it broke it was because of that crazy old knight Ryuko pulled out on him. " I can't go on even if I tried my blade will break and I've not the fund to repaired I've only just now returned to action."


Ghost yields
Ghost explain his side story.


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:18 am


Tōga's brow furrowed in a mixture of empathy and curiosity. Despite emerging victorious from their sparring match, the weight of Ghost's story overshadowed any sense of triumph.

"Whoa! You look barely twenty, yet you're telling me you're decades old?!" Tōga's voice brimmed with astonishment as his mind struggled to comprehend the revelation. A flicker of sadness danced in his eyes, intertwined with an intense fascination. "I guess I've only encountered one other person of your race, Yuurei, so I'm still learning. But I'm sorry you endured such hardship." The world was no longer as straightforward as it once seemed. With each new encounter, Tōga's understanding of life, death, and even the concept of age shifted and expanded. He himself, having inherited the powers of the Transcendents, could potentially live for centuries. Perhaps Ghost's longevity wasn't so extraordinary after all.

"Ryuko-san!" Tōga's face brightened with recognition. "I know her! I didn't realize she had founded her own guild. That's a valuable lead, thank you." He bowed respectfully, then glanced at Ghost's battered weapon, a stark reminder of their recent clash.

"If you need Jewels," Tōga offered, "I have many connections on the island. I can help you secure some quests to earn extra funds for repairs or even a new weapon." Sheathing his own blades, he stepped forward and extended his hand.

"What do you say?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting. The invitation was more than just a gesture of goodwill; it was an acknowledgment of the shared experience they had just forged in the crucible of combat. Tōga understood the allure of the path Ghost had chosen, the pursuit of power, identity, and the desire to test one's limits and discover themselves. He had walked a similar path himself, driven by the insatiable curiosity and thirst for adventure that burned within his soul.

wc: 351  [2,911]


The Ghost of Ahi Mountain [Ft. Ghost]  Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:25 am

Ghost would look up at the young Toga clearing he was something else. He reminded him of someone from his past but it that was then. Ghost would look on as he was gald he was familiar with his old friend as she truly been a life saver for him. Unlike that dimension Dragon Slayer. Ghost would look on and see that Toga held out his hand. Soon he would accept the hand of his sparring partner.

As he stood up he would dust himself after taking his hand. "Thank you truly could only do so much for so long." Soon he would look at his sword and then hear what Toga had to say.  
"You would do that for me hahaha thanks a million that could help. Me and Rayne could use it mainly for her as I've only need gear but she needs the everyday life." Just as he said that if Toga listened on he should hear someone screaming out Joyyyyy-Booyyyy sama." A light green exceed would run out from behind the boulder.

"I was so scared because the mean guy attacked us." She would cry out not realizing he was closer to Ghost distance wise then he was before. Only for her to look around and see him. Her heart skipped a beat as she fainted in a comedy fashion. As Ghost looked on he would catch her and then give a smile. "This little beauty is Rayne I guess you can say I found her no wait she found me one day and I wasn't so lonely." Ghost would say as he started to laugh a bit.

As he looked on he would then say to him. "Well if you don't mind I'll love to get to doing those jobs right now I really can't wait any longer."
Rayne was sleep in Ghost arms and this is normal for him. But one thing is for sure and that meeting this guy could be a good thing. Ghost had a lot on his mind and needed to clear it out. But for now he will tag along and see what this new adventure has to offer him if anything .



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