So getting back into motion is a good thing is anything. Speaking with the chief he would began to tell Ghost stories of this rare herb or a flower of some sort. He would let him know only the best of the best could ever retain it. This put a smile on his face as he looked on and agreed to take such a misson. This will not be easy if anything it will be quite hard. However Ghost is and will be ready for this misson. A lone mage who is searching for a way to defeat the dragon slayers. He has his work cut out for him but he is prepared.
Kohana is a wise young lady and she is to be a watchful eye for Ghost. This was too make sure he truly did the deed. But was this to watch over him or was this a misson? That truly confused him but it was what it was. As he took his last sip of tea he would be on his way. He had to go to the top of the mountain which shouldn't be hard. It was more of a mind game if anything one had to learn to endure such nature.
Soon enough he would be off to the ringers as he made his way out of the chief home. It would he a little walk as he looked on tonthe bottom of the mountain. Ghost would realize that it was not so hot down here. But he did have his Grace to thank him for that. The power of Sub-Zero was something he truly loved and cherished. But was he worthy of such power only time would time.