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Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:45 pm

Elise would show up in the main city of Illingrad to observe what all and all was the going on and happenings of the place. While see if this place served any form of other interest to her in the future, She assumed the answer to that was no. But it was at least interesting to walk around in.

It was a nice break from the many thoughts of the world around her. But Illingrad at night seemed almost vastly different then during the day. It almost seemed. More depressing at night, Like a lingering sense of peace was there. But the cold steel walls of buildings and the thicker darker night around them made it almost uncomfortable.

Elise however was far more different, Always out during the night use to the dark and seemingly perfect comfortable in it's seemingly to her, trivial matters and worries, Elise seemed to smoke a cigarette casually looking around.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:43 pm

Carmina had come to this country to see what the place held in store or kept hidden from the world as she was not use to being here as this place frankly gave her the creeps as there was something that was very off putting about this place but she didn't have the words to describe it to put it to words as she kind of didn't feel like this place was a very good place and that was something that she would have to either get use to for now or make her way away from this place. Her companion was following from a safe distance in case she might end up in need of help but he was how she had gotten to this place in the first place.

Carmina saw someone walking around the city as well this late at night and she walked up to the woman and spoke. "Are you new here too or are you someone that lives here?" Carmina watched the woman with wonder on what she might say or do as Carmina was not looking for a fight of any kind or any trouble just trying to see what there was to see at night here as she had came in late and was probably going to have to camp out for the night as it looked like every where was closed for the night as far as she could tell.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Yesterday at 2:31 pm

It was interesting how you meet strangers in the night and you end up meeting some one who speaks in Fiorian, But Elise for once was not in a horrible mood and wanted to answer in Fiore compared to answering in minstrel."A, Visitor on business."Elise answered with her slightly accented fiorian, her minstrel accent was some what lessen but she had not really tried to get rid it."I just only work and out during the night."Elise figured she would explain that while she was casually smoking away and walking.

She seemed to almost sound like she was thinking about a few things. At least she did not mind Carmina being here.But Elise's smoking habit was going to be most likely be very apparent as one she had in her mouth while Carmina had just greeted her, Was gone so she flicked it on the ground and pulled out another one and lit it up and casually smoked another one.


Contemplation.(Open/Social.) Empty Today at 3:36 pm

Carmina tapped her finger on her chin. "So you are a night owl? And you also smoke. What do you do for work?" Carmina guessed that she should ask as the other woman said something about working at night and that made her wonder about what the woman does that she would be doing it at night. Carmina was a woman of swapping values sometimes as she needed to learn to adapt or she might end up getting beaten up or worse left for dead somewhere that others can't find or help her and she needed to learn to use her powers and soon so she can make the most of the fights and hard work that she puts in. Carmina make sure to stay up wind of the woman so the smoke doesn't fly into her face as she didn't smoke nor did she want to start smoking now so she wanted to make sure that it stayed out of her face and her not breath it in if she could help it in any form.

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