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Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.)

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Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:20 pm

Harrison had taken his time to adjust and get use to the land of Seven, He over all was adjust well even if he had not changed that much. He had still looked and dressed entirely the same, just studied in a few other things magic related at this time.

What did he do? He spend a long time studying how to keep himself at a reasonable temperature after all he was hot here and needed to keep himself at a good level.

Now he was back outside some where, that in which he would merely make a simple arcane ball and let it float in front of him, Then merely pulling out a note pad and a pencil he started to prepare to take notes again. He had been doing the same thing all over again just unsure if the results would be the same, expecting it to be the same, but wanting it to be different.

#2Tamás Horvath 

Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:15 am

Tamás Horvath
Its been perhaps 3 months since he got to have a breath of fresh air. He was mostly cooped up in his guild hall for 3 months doing boring administrative guild master work that to be honest he could dump on an assistant or something. Maybe he can look into that

Anywho now he was not doing paperwork or staying indoors, he was outside, fresh air, travelling, feeling the heat of the Sun melting him. Good stuff all good stuff.

Now he was in Seven, it was a country that was on his mind and wanted to visit. As much as he'd like to be casual and have a touristy visit of pleasure. It is just ingrained in his bones and DNA that he must work. So he took a simple quest that takes place in Seven, just as an excuse to go there and then rest. It just works.

Now as he had free time, he would explore. As he did tho he'd see a certain person, scribbling something down. He wondered what was that all about


Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:26 pm

The weather was not entirely ideal to study what he normally looked into but suppose there was not better time then ever. Maybe he needed to learn and figure out how to have arcane magic take on heat, but not become fire. for it to contain the element of light to take on it's properties in some way to reflect the light, to maybe as well heat up the arcane base as well thus making a new reaction of magic.

It was a wonderful thing to note, So Harrison prepared himself the more for such a thing, he left the arcane ball to float. Clapped his hands and made a magical top part of a desk and left it floating there. Then started placing papers in order, to make sure it was all perfect much like he was making sure it was all in places he wanted them too.

#4Tamás Horvath 

Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:46 am

Tamás Horvath
He approached the man and the arcane sphere. It was clear the man was a researcher, but what was he researching? Pure arcane energy? How to gain arcane synergy? Or something involving magic energy or mana? Well, he didnt know. One way to find out

"Greetings. What are you researching over there?"
he asked. He was blunt but respectful and polite. He wasnt good at being indirect or whatever was the opposite of blunt. But hey, he was trying. Hopefully he wasnt interrupting the guy TOO much or hopefully he didnt jumpscare him, because that would be unpleasant. He did try to approach in a way that wouldnt leave a rude or negative first impression.
But since he was here, he might as well ask instead of just rudely stare in the distance.
Perhaps he learns something from this or maybe he somehow helps the guy in his endeavours. Whatever they may be


Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:24 am

It was a good question to ask him, Lucky enough Harrison was good at multitasking. Even if it seemed Harrison was not really paying much attention while he was setting up.

But some one was asking him a question and suppose he would answer him."Hello good sir, I do hope my studies are not bothering you in the slightest."Harrison mentioned before really explaining anything to him. He seemed to make sure to write down a few other things. But Harrison's writing is neat and clean. Continuing his showing that he was a serious man about all of the things he did.

Then after after he recorded what he wanted too he would explain"I am studying the various properties of magic. It's inner and outer workings. How in it's basic arcane form how it learned to change elements. To see how far it can go.Even...what can be done beyond it's current structure." Harrison answer his question.

Then walked over to that floating Arcane Ball, pressed the index finger and thumb of his right hand against it to see if it had heated up or not and observed it more, So far it seems it had not.

#6Tamás Horvath 

Test Number...Whatever I'll Remember Later.(open social.) Empty Yesterday at 11:16 am

Tamás Horvath
The person politely and formally greeted him, which was appreciated. The man even said that he hoped that the magical experiment did not bother him "It does not bother me" for now. But maybe he should try to relax and not be as business oriented, but gosh was it hard.

Next up, the man explained what he was doing, what this experiment does or is trying to do
"So, are you like trying to discover a new element?" . How in it's basic arcane form how it learned to change elements. To see how far it can go. It is certainly what those words made him think. If that was what he was doing, it was certainly fascinating, even though he was out of his element here, pun intended.
For now he'd curiously observe, albeit from a small distance since he was engaged in a conversation. Granted maybe he should leave the guy be?

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