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Case eXodeus 3

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 Case eXodeus 3 Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:14 pm




Lumikki of Iceberg


"My eyes are open."




    All the ravens were still stirred. Screeching in the skies above and circling about, until many wandered toward the area of their master. A means of both care and protection, but also by her would be the safest place now. Between the crackle of make-shift lightning, and the unrest of the birds. The peaceful and serene moment was shattered. More so for Lumikki than any other, as she could hear ever word uttered by her ravens in their distress.

”I hunts us!” They chanted, ”It hunts our Revna too!” they would utter on. ”It killed from us. It took from us!” Their anger and fear were bubbling all at one, erupting in their frustrations and paranoia.

Lumikki could hardly stand it, the quacking of their words, almost being struck, and news of her birds murdered was enough to make her pulsate with a demonic aura. It was wafting even in her hidden form, bringing attention to the fact that she was not what she seemed.

”Tell me exactly what the woman told you about the case…I could only make out so much in the distance but I need to be sure. Me birds speak of losing some of their own, and what more ye confirm the creature wants me life?” Lumikki could hardly drop down, in an explosion of feathers she’d re-emerge as the human version of herself…mostly that is as there were blemishes in her appearance. There were patches of skin that gave to the icy parts of her demonic form, and splotches of black skin. She was disheveled and disgruntled. It even showed in her walk as all steps lacked her usual flighty grace. Lumikki in an attempt to save fave, summoned herself a cloak of shadow, one that could hard her face in darkness and make her harder to notice.






"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."



 Case eXodeus 3 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

 Case eXodeus 3 Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:51 pm

Zeno held up the stone emblem given to him by the Rune Knight officer to Lumikki. “She made a carbon copy of the emblem that Raoul clawed off the freak of nature who dared to attack you. She has to hold onto the original since it counts towards evidence for the case.” He looked down at the stone, tracing the engraved pattern with his fingers as he wondered what it could mean. Nothing he had read or studied showed symbols like this to his knowledge. “Do you have any ideas what these symbols are or what they translate to, my lady Lumi?” Placing the stone in her palms, he then changed his attention to Raoul and the Rune Knight officer who were making their way to the mana car they drove to the scene.

“As to what she said, an unknown serial killer or group calling themselves eXodeus has been conducting ritualistic crimes for a while now. The ritual involves sacrificing different species, including dark ones. They were prideful enough to leave chalk drawings around to represent the sacrificed victims, but nobody knows the motive.”

Zeno sighed as he was frustrated by this eXodeus person or group for not only targeting Lumi but hurting Raoul. Hunters of races were familiar territory to Zeno as he was made to do so during his early training days as a fae but now things hit close to home. The hunter has now become the prey.

WC 242


 Case eXodeus 3 Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:05 pm



Lumikki of Iceberg


"One is an Omen, Eight for a wish"


Lumikki looked over to the stone in his hand. She had caught a glimpse of it before but was too annoyed to pay any mind to it. Instead, she focused on forcing a calm but it was apparent that it was not coming easy to her in the moment.

With clutched fists, the frost mage took deep breaths. Each one counted and calculated. When she felt less annoyed, enough that she could speak, the Demoness pulled back while raising her hand. Pulling back her fingers revealed a chunk of black ice with a marking just like the one in Zeno’s palm. The circle and lines mimicking the replica given to them. Like Zeno, she ran her finger along the grooves as if it were a meditation. The fixation of the feeling of the mark helped channel the excess frustrations into something outside of herself. And though it did not cure her of her fury, it would serve its role well enough.

”Did they mention more of the older cases to ya Zeno? Anywhere to find out more information? Rune Knights or not, we are the guild of the Warden of the North. They owe it to us to deliver whatever reports they hold in our territory as they got a higher power to deal with. Granted it ain’t I, but I know where to send the raven if need be. Finally there was color in her voice, thought Zeno would not be able to see past her veil and perceive her horrific expression. It suited her well to be smothered in darkness, and if she could take on another form to walk this earth, she would in a heartbeat. Too many people know who she was and that was dangerous for a creature of her status and alignment.

The pair were a fair many blocks away from the church now and were making their way through the roads of the market. There were vendors every which was trying to peddle their goods but for the most part the two ignored them. ”What brings ya to an Illumin country Zeno? I can’t figure they like yer ilk anymore than they like mine. Fairies were the ones told by stories to have driven their gilded pigeons back to their own realm. They have me thanks for that, but I understand if ye would rather spit on their like all the same. Topless fools they are, yammering on their virtues while their own priest whispers rituals and ruin behind closed doors. I looked into it meself some time ago, and didn’t gain any blessings for it. Bless must it be to be a darn Seraphim among the masses, but don’t think me jealous, I much rather the fate I have now. Me wings are far truther than those gilded peacocks would have ye know!”

The Stone:



"Pity those who hold the gaze of me flock."

 Case eXodeus 3 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

 Case eXodeus 3 Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:08 pm

“That was all she disclosed to me during our little chat. With how they have been working on trying to catch this criminal for some time now, I would assume they have plenty more information and evidence at their headquarters. It may be best to go there directly and use your status as guild master to squeeze whatever they know out of them. After all, you are a ‘target’ it seems, and so how can they reject you.” Zeno grinned, seeing how overtaken Lumi was by the events of the situations that had just transpired. This bustling rage she had flowing was worrying, but seeing how much it impacted her made him think how invested she would be. ‘They must pay at all cost, whoever this eXodeus is’ Zeno thought to himself, remembering the state Raoul was in, the corpses, and now Lumi. Things were so messy and distasteful that they must be rectified.

“She seemed on her toes and elusive, only telling me what needed to be known to have a general idea of what we were dealing with in this case. But after this I'm sure her tune will change.” Zeno paused from speaking after noticing a decrease in temperatures near his midsection. Shifting his attention towards the direction of the coldness, he would find Lumi holding an obsidian yet clear-like structure with the same symbol on the stone he was holding engraved on it. Her fingers were outlining its shape as in a repetitive movement.

“Going to the nearest Rune Knight outpost would be the best option for now.”[ Zeno said softly as he saw Lumi turn and start walking ahead. Following her, Zeno turned and saw the Rune knights in the area gathering everything and started to head up. Another group of mages showed up to handle the fallen tree. They soon would fall out of Zeno’s sight as he and Lumi continued to walk onward.

As they were walking, Lumi asked him an interesting question while also expressing her thoughts and feelings on the matter of the religious figures and the seraphin. It made Zeno chuckle seeing her get so worked up, but he could understand her distaste towards such beings. The deception and manipulative power they have over others reminded him of the fairies who invaded his home way back when.

“As to why I came here, well, I was forced to come to the north to learn how things functioned here and interweave myself into society. Primarily to build up my reputation and status as a means to prove my worth to one called ‘Mother’ and report back my findings, but I often delay that process because it is a hassle” Zeno shrugs his shoulders, then places his hands behind his head as he continues walking side by side with Lumi.

“To be honest with you, I was born a human and got changed into a fae against my will. So I have very limited knowledge about being a fae, even more so a fairy. Most of my knowledge comes from books I read at my old home and the stories of the fairy elders in the deep green. Learning my own body through experiences and testing out what I'm capable of has been enough for me for now, but I yearn for a better understanding of myself. So, seeing these priests worship a divine entity like Illumin and praising it, is so far beneath me, I cannot even grasp the thought of attempting it” Zeno laughed to himself and shook his head.

“Many of the religious views that circulate around Orchida fall flat to me like raindrops. I have only come to believe in what I can interact with and alter or visually see myself for it to matter. I cannot trust much now. I certainly won't waste what little I have on something like religion”. The fae falls silent, leaving only the ambient sound of the people in the bustling town to be heard for the moment.

“I seek to become a full-fledged fairy, but things are going a tad bit slow with my research on that process. I hope fate is kind enough to guide me gracefully to the next stage without too much trouble.” Zeno paused abruptly to look around. There was a lot of life surrounding them, but there was an oddity looming. A presence that disturbs the natural form of mana, pollution of some sort. Zeno could not pinpoint it, but he stayed alert. “I wish I understood more about this whole Illumin thing, but it all sounds like people grasping at hopes rather than an actual being of power” Zeno scoffed, waving his hand, gesturing his annoyance.

“I went to a church before to listen to a few sermons about this Illumin, but it's never stuck with me and nobody has detected my real form, so I haven't had any problems so far here in Orchida…”

The presence grew closer, as if it was encircling them and slowly closing in, but nothing strange could be visually seen in the surrounding area. Just the normal town folk going about their mundane lives.

“Beware Lumi, something is off around here. I can see black particles disappearing and reappearing constantly as if something is moving really fast. We are close to the Rune Knights outpost, so let's handle this quickly”

Zeno walks ahead of Lumi, looking around, seeing the particles surrounding the outpost.

“The main source of it comes from inside our friendly neighborhood, Rune Knights Den”

Zeno looks back at Lumi before walking into the building.

Wc 933

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